Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Secret (Love In O'Leary #3)

Another author to obsess over = Another series to binge read. This time with May Archer and her Love In O'Leary series. The this book in this series is titled "The Secret"

Constantine Ross is a cocky, provoking little...yeah.
And I swear, I'd think that even if his family's business wasn't my biggest competition.
It's time someone taught the man a lesson or two about life.
At least that's what I tell myself when I offer him a job.
Call it my good deed for the year... maybe the century.

But now he's in my shop.
In my space.
In my every damn thought.
In. My. Bed.

And how the hell am I supposed to resist him?

I'll be the first to admit I've royally screwed up, but what can I say?
I was a stupid teen who lost his dad and spiraled out of control.
Almost a decade later, I'm still trying to make amends.
The last thing I need is my family's arch-nemesis wading into my life like he's got all the answers.
Except... I really need money, and the arrogant jerk offered me a job.

I can deal with Micah's attitude.
My attraction to him? That's different.
He's my boss, not my boyfriend.
And he's way too old for me.
But God, he's gorgeous.

I don't want to want him...
But I can't turn away."]

Almost #RomeoAndJuliet types of hatred. Except its far from love at first sight. Then again, it's not really hate at first sight either. Lust at first sight, though? That's a thing, right? ;)

Also, you know that person/character that you just want to wrap up in a blanket and protect from the world? That's Con. Except, you'll also want to put duct tape over his (pretty) mouth, because it gets him in trouble more often than not. As does his soft heart and guilt-ridden anxiety. 

It's a damn good thing that Micah is (hesitantly) willing to step up and take one for the team (by shoving Con against the wall and telling him to stop talking, among other things--but details are spoilers, my dears).


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