Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Note (Love In O'Leary #2.5)

Another author to obsess over = Another series to binge read. This time with May Archer and her Love In O'Leary series. The next book in this series (2.5) is titled "The Note"

["I was one of the lucky ones.

I found my soulmate back in high school, when my next door neighbor wrote me a love note that changed my life -- a love note that promised me "always."

But apparently "always" ain't all it's cracked up to be, because here I am, a mere eight years later, planning my soulmate's dream wedding -- the most romantic Valentine's Day wedding in O'Leary's history.

The only problem? He's not marrying me."]

Kind of like a queer version of #TheWeddingPlanner. But also not...

GAHHHH!!! This novella was soooo fucking cute! I mean, honestly! Like the angst and the pining! And then the fluff!! Holy. Shit.

It's almost not in the O'Leary universe, but also is (they're not from O'Leary, but the wedding is taking place there so...). 

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