Sunday, May 9, 2021

Hardwood (Four Bears Construction #3)

My careful (reckless--with abandon, of course) perusal of the recommendations my Kindle app provided with me, I stumbled upon K.M. Neuhold's Four Bears Construction series. The third book is titled "Hardwood".

["I’ve spent forty-four years of my life telling the world I’m a carpet man. Is it too late to admit to myself and everyone else that deep down I’m really all about the Hardwood?

It took me over thirty-five years to admit to myself that I’m gay, another seven to find the courage to say it out loud to anyone else, and exactly thirty seconds to develop a massive crush on my daughter’s music teacher. It’s really not my fault, have you even seen those cute bowties he wears?

After everything it’s taken to get here, am I going to work up the nerve to come out to my ex-wife and my best friends? Am I ready to shake up my comfortable, simple life and take a chance on Watson? Or am I going to throw a wrench in my own chance for happily ever after?"]

It took me a while to get through this book. Not because it wasn't interesting or anything, but life, ya know? 

Either way, it was really cute and fun. And must like another book in the series (book 1, I think?), I felt like if they talked, it could have been much, much shorter. But what do I know. Then again, Ev was in the closet for decades, and it's not exactly easy to come out after that long (or at all sometimes).

Check out the short story at the end of the book, too! #ChristmasButtPlug

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