Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Nailed (Four Bear Construction #2)

My careful (reckless--with abandon, of course) perusal of the recommendations my Kindle app provided with me, I stumbled upon K.M. Neuhold's Four Bears Construction series. The second book is titled "Nailed".

["My new neighbor is a total tool.

He hated me from the second he laid eyes on me, and I don’t have the first clue why… But, if he wants to hate me, I’m happy to give him a few reasons: mowing the lawn at dawn on the weekend, leaving garbage cans in front of his driveway, renting a petting zoo for my backyard...making a list of ways to drive him crazy is half the fun.

He deserves it with the way he’s driving me crazy right back without even trying— walking around without a shirt on, sweaty rippling muscles on full display, well-worn denim jeans perfectly molded to his...well, you get the idea.

My point is, if he wants a war, I’ll give him one."]

I haven't read the entire series yet, but I can guarentee you, this will be my favorite book. I laughed out loud (so many literal LOLs) the entire time. And when I wasn't, I was smiling like a fool (and there was one moment or two where I was holding my breath (spoiler alert, a doggo was injured in the making of this novel, but spoiler alert part two, he's going to be okay).

Like LOVED this book and these two. One smiling, joking, glass-always-half-full idiot. Meets a grumpy asshole idiot. And then they hate each other for a while. Which leads to hate sex. Which leads to less-hate (then zero-hate) sex. Which leads to a happily ever after with a barn and lots of doggos (spoiler alert part three)

Check out the short story at the end of the book, too! #BabyGoats

#caulky #nailed #hardwood #screwed #stud #kmneuhold #fourbearsconstruction #fourbearsconstructionseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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