Monday, July 5, 2021

Any Way The Wind Blows: the night before

"Any Way The Wind Blows" ...the night before...

I can't fucking wait!!! Will I stay up until midnight? Fucking probably! Will I even sleep tonight? Probably fucking not. (notice the lack of exclamation--it's exciting to finally fucking have this, but also like, sleep).

I bought all of the editions. All of them. Even the Kindle one (so I can get it at midnight and start it, and not have to wait until the usps/ups/fedex/etc brings one of my copies--so not repeating the wait/angst from WS).

I've had this image as my phone's wallpaper since the morning Rainbow announced the sequel/finale (to precise, that was October 4, 2019).
But we've been waiting for this even longer (Wayward Son was published on September 24, 2019 -- Carry On was published on October 6, 2015 -- but Fangirl was published way back on September 10, 2013). 

We deserve this y'all. All of the fluff and the hugs. All of the angst and the trauma (come on, we know they're be a hell of a lot of both of those--but hopefully we get at least a semi-happy ending (I'm hoping for full-force-happy ending, but let's aim high but have low expectations, just in case)).

Good luck, and when in doubt, (keep calm and) carry on (though, the title was inspired by Queen, so, there's that (carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters--there, fixed it)).

#anywaythewindblows #waywardson #carryon #fangirl #rainbowrowell #magicath #carryonsimon #simonsnow #snowbaz #bazpitch #tyrannusbasiltongrimmpitch #dragons #watford #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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