Thursday, July 1, 2021

Harry Potter World 2021

This past weekend, I once again had the pleasure of visiting Harry Potter World. My third time. It's still just as magical. It still wasn't enough. You still notice new details and still wonder at the creativity and designs. You still want to like Butterbeer (unfortunately, I don't--I don't like cream soda or butterscotch, so, yeah). You still take way to many pictures (like waaaay too many--a total of ~100 this time around).

I got another cute scarf (my new one is a Marauders' Map--my first was a Death Eater one). Another chocolate frog (so far, I have Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Dumbledore trading cards). And another wand (my second one is Sirius--my first one was Draco).

I thought about rereading the series before I went, but I ran out of time. And then I thought about just re-watching the movies instead, but we all know that the books are better (and I just kind of forgot--the weekend came faster than I was prepared for). 

And okay, let's be real here. Headcanons and Fanfiction (certain ones) are better. Way better. In //my// Harry Potter world, certain people didn't die (Sirius, Remus, Fred, etc) and certain people got redemption arcs (Draco, Regulus, etc) and certain people got called out on their behavior (the Durlsey's, Dumbledore, etc), and certain relationships happened/didn't happen (god, all of the gay ships, y'all). And the best part of headcanons and fanfiction? There's inclusivity of certain alienated groups (trans individuals, queer individuals, the entire fucking house of Slytherin, etc)!

Have you ever been to Harry Potter world? What's your favorite part?

Also!! What's your favorite part of the way //you// look at //your// Harry Potter world? What's your best headcanon/ship?

#harrypotter #harrypotterworld #universal #dracomalfoy #siriusblack #remuslupin #drarry #wolfstar #maraudersmap #deatheater #scarf #wands #chocolatefrogs #magic #butterbeer #jkrowling #jkrowlingsuckssometimes #sodoesdumbledore #transrights #queerrights #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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