Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Frat Wars: King of Thieves (Frat Wars series #1)

A new series from none other than Saxon James: Frat Wars. The first novel came out just the other day, and here I am, binge-reading it. This one's called "King of Thieves"

["We’re basically Romeo and Juliet. But dudes. And without all the dying.


Being VP of Sigma Beta Psi is wild. I get all the benefits of being in charge with hardly any of the responsibility.

Parties, pranks, and frat politics—college life has never been sweeter.

Until I meet Bailey Prince.

He has the face of a goddamn angel. I don’t know where he came from or why I’m so obsessed.

But I do know he’s a Kappa.

And our houses have a rivalry that’s written into legend.


At Rho Kappa Tau, I’m a legacy.

It’s a lot of pressure, but I’ve always been responsible, never had that rebellious need to rock the boat, and I like it that way.

But after a party at Sigma—the jock frat—I meet Chad Doomsen, and for the first time in my life I want to step outside my square.

Our houses have always had a rivalry, but some of the guys seem to hate Chad specifically, and I don’t know why.

He’s surprisingly sweet and kind. At least to me.

I need to stay away. A relationship with Chad would be betraying the very legacy that brought me here.

But I can’t help myself. And it seems, neither can he."]

I love, love, love Romeo/Juliet stories. I love the forbidden romances. I love the rivalries. And what I love about this book, Chad (and Bailey) broke the molds. They weren't the stereotypes that I thought they would be (that all of their friends assumed they were--because that's who they're supposed to be and who the frat is and how they ended up presenting themselves to the world because social norms).

They were so damn cute together. And Chad was just my absolute favorite. Even his name is frat as fuck (which, is like a thing to him, seeing/doing/believing in things that are "frat as fuck"--or sometimes just "frat"). He was so sweet and confused and head-over-heels before they even probably spoke. It was beautiful.

I really liked the story and the characters, like I've already said. But, I don't know, the first half of the novel felt like a really top-quality second/third draft. Some of the conversations didn't flow right, some of the sex jokes were just too much, the characterization seemed to flip-flop a bit, and some scenes seemed completely unnecessary. It got sooooo, so much better as the novel progressed, and I feel horrible for saying this, because Saxon's other books are phenomenal; maybe this one was just rushed too quickly through production.

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