Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Hijacked (Licking Thicket: Horn of Glory #1)

Speaking of small towns, I almost really missed the small, southern town of Licking Thicket (and their accidentally-sexually-titled traditions and gossip mill and busy bodies). May Archer and Lucy Lennox teamed up once again to bring us a new, spin-off series called Licking Thicket: Horn of Glory. The series starts with "Hijacked."

["Renowned cardiologist Carter Rogers is used to having things under control. His life, his prestigious reputation, his career, his future.

Things he can’t control this time around:
• His meddling grandfather
• His annoying gamer cousin
• Buggy South American jungles
• Being the meat in a feuding cartel sandwich
• Getting kidnapped by a monologuing drug lord
•Falling for the very hot, very mouthy ex-soldier from his past

In short, Carter’s peaceful, well-planned life has been… hijacked."]

Cheesy use of the title (used in the blurb), but gotta say, I'm not opposed to cheesy, especially when its next to romance. And this is all of the above. Hijacked off the path he assumed his life would take him. Hijacked by some cartels and a drug lord. Hijacked by looooooove* (*said in a totally obnoxious tone).

FUCK! Everything about these books are amazing. Everything about this book is amazing. The pacing, the characters, the plot (ahhhh the plot), the romance, the cheese factor, the heat factor, the dialogue, the slow and heavy way they fell in love (and doesn't being kidnapped just really set the right kind of mood for that kind of shit).

And the monologuing drug lord.

And and FUCK the nicknames and terms of endearment. I'm a fucking sucker for both, and well, Riggs (the very hot, very mouthy ex-soldier) is very good at both. ;)

I can't gush too much more about this book without giving too, too much guess I'll (mostly) stop now...

I did have to have my translation app open a few times, just to help me get a few words (okay, so a lot of words) when they were in South America (I took French, okay? -- not Spanish).

Trigger Warnings (not that I really think you need them, but just to be safe--even though they're mostly all mentioned in the blurb above): kidnapping, blackmail, drugs, drug smuggling, guns, violence, treats of violence/death/etc, lying, health-related issues that come with having a doctor as a narrator/MC, etc

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