Monday, May 9, 2022

Love Always, Wild (For Him series #1)

I stumbled across this series (For Him by A.M. Johnson) after an email recommendation came my way from Saxon James. The first book is titled “Love Always, Wild.”

[“ Wilder,

When I left that night, I had every intention of coming back to you. To us. But no matter how hard I wish for what I want, there are some things in life that aren't meant to be. I don't expect you to understand. You've already moved on, living your life. But mine ended that night, nine years ago, and I still can't let you go. Not sure I ever will. I regret so many things, but hurting you, I'll never forgive myself. I'm sorry for… everything.




If only you could've seen it like I did, the way you were when you thought the world wasn't watching. How you'd change when I looked at you, when it was just us.

But most of all… I wish you could've seen how much it hurt me when you disappeared. Regrets are for cowards. It has always been my belief you should chase after the things you want with actions, not words. There is no such thing as never meant to be.

So this apology… not accepted…

Love always, Wild“]

This book was veeeeerrrrrrry emotional. Very. The homophobia was heavy as hell, internalized homophobia even stronger. Then there was the pressure from their past and the heartbreak, the pressure of it just repeating itself, the pressure to come out (to enjoy and revel in true love) or to stay in the closet (to keep family in your life).

But they were super cute!! They were kinda dancing around each other a while, but Wild’s best friend was so supportive as well as calling them on their bullshit. Plus there was a of LoTR fantalk, including a cat named Gandalf. 

Mind the trigger warnings please!!

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, internalized homophobia, religious/regional homophobia, alcohol abuse, drunk driving, death/dying, not so great coming out stories, etc. 

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