Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Stealing The Show

Lucy Lennox was one of the many authors who contributed to #ProlificWorks's "Your Book Boyfriend's Boyfriend" promotion (which I posted about but didn't advertise the romance group title, my bad) with her short story, "Stealing The Show" (which, as far as I can tell, isn't (yet?) part of a series).

["The kiss was different every night. When the curtain goes up, the silent war between Jem and Dawson ends just long enough for their characters to wow the audience with a passionate embrace. As soon as they take their bows, the two Broadway actors go their separate ways. But one night, everything changes. The audience catches wind of the chemistry between them and the crowds go wild. Show management books them into a media blitz where the two of them have to present a united front and spend even more long hours together. When they have time to talk, the reasons for their war begin to unravel and the chemistry between them sparks hot enough to leap off the stage and into their real lives."]

A little bit of angst plus a lot of communication? Check. A little bit of steam and a lot of fluff? Check. ;)

This piece was sooooooooo cute!! I pretty much smiled like a fool and squealed like a fangirl the entire time. A. Must. Read.

And okay, so it was (loosely) connected to Lucy’s..entire works’ universe. The short story ended with a summer show in Aster Valley (hosted by Finn from “Hot As Heller”, from her Aster Valley series). It also mentioned Jude from “Jumping Jude”, her Made Marian series. So a win-win-win situation, really. ;)

#stealingtheshow #kissinghimwasjustanact #astervalley #astervalleyseries #mademarian #mademarianseries #hotasheller #jumpingjude #lucylennox #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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