Monday, May 2, 2022

Professor Platonic (a Forever Wilde story)

Lucy Lennox was one of the many authors who contributed to "Nightingale: A Charity Anthology In Support of Ukraine" with her short story "Professor Platonic." Goodreads isn't exactly up to date on which series this story falls into, but Lucy did say that Jack (one of the protagonists) is a cousin of the Wilde family (from the series "Forever Wilde"). The follow blurb comes directly from today's email update:

["My short story is about a grad student (one of the Wilde cousins!) and his least favorite professor. It starts when Jack puts an ad online for a platonic night of cuddling. And the absolute worst person shows up to spend the night with him..."]

Obviously, because its Lucy's and it's a Wilde, I skipped right to this story in the anthology, but I'm sure to go back (eventually) and read the rest of the book. 100% of the royalties will be donated to relief and human rights organizations working in Ukraine. Nightingale is only available fora. limited time, buy it now!

These two were soooo dammed cute!! They both had similar desires and struggles in the beginning, got together in a totally cheesy, only-happens-in-Hallmar-movies-and-romance-books kinda way, and had similar desires and triumphs in the end.

Lucy Lennox never, ever fails to make something both incredibly sweet and incredibly steamy, whether it’s a full length novel or a short sorry, and this piece was even further proof of that, with a little Wilde fun (pun totally intended ;) ).

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