Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Matched By My Rival: Bonus Scene

A "Matched By My Rival" Bonus Scene by D.J. Jamison from the Thrust Into Love series, courtesy of #BookFunnel. Must (well, in theory--you do you though, boo) read the full novel beforehand (which has been reviewed in my last post--full blurb included).

["Author's Note: 'This scene was originally written to be included when Parker draws Simon into his dorm room for the first time. For the sake of story pacing, I opted to leave it out and let the tension build between them instead. But as the saying goes, no dirty deed should go to waste..or something to that effect. ;) '"]

A little extra love from Parker and Simon. A very quick and very, very cute read. Cute, but hot as hell, too. ;)

What would I do without amazing websites like Book Funnel. As long as you included your email (which, frankly, you get even more bonus content that way anyway, so no real hardship there), you get tons of free short stories from a tooooooooon of authors. I've mentioned it before in several posts, but if you've never looked it up before, I'd check it out. I've never full-on browsed their website, but a lot of my favorite authors have stuff on there from time to time (and all the time), whether I'm notified via email or at the end of a good book via an imbedded link. Either way, totally worth it.

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