Thursday, June 30, 2022

Tapped By My Roommate (Thrust Into Love series #3)

I don't know how I missed the Thrust Into Love series when I binged D.J. Jamison's books a few months ago. Literally, don't know. But it came up in an email I got recently through D.J. (and #BookFunnel) promoting Pride Month, so here we are. The third book is titled "Tapped By My Roommate."

["Ethan Greene: Shy geek, newly bi-curious, and...propositioning his gay roommate?

I have a passion for a lot of things: wildlife biology, Godzilla, bowties...
But when it comes to people, I'm more timid.
Which is why I'm stuck with a toxic ex-girlfriend who's holding my lizard hostage.

I need to face her--and save my dignity.
But a little backup won't hurt, right?

My roommate is the perfect wingman.
Rhett is assertive and charismatic. The kind of guy people respect.
And when he meets my toxic ex, he's also the kind of guy to get protective.

I take comfort in his strength, even as I envy it.
But when he kisses me, things get awkward.

Frustrated by the tension between us, I turn to a hookup app for answers.
I don't mean to proposition my roommate. Really.
It's just a weird fluke--a mortifying one.

But Rhett has a proposition of his own.
He wants to help me explore my curiosity.
But he's a bartender who practically flirts for a living, and I'm in way over my head.

It could all end in heartbreak.
Unless I find the courage I've been seeking my whole life.

Can I be bold enough to ask Rhett Hayes to be mine?"]

These two are idiots. They were half in love with each other before the Thrust app (kinda like Grindr but with more queer options) but just didn't know it. Their neighbor knew it, I knew it, but they were oblivious. It was fucking adorable. Oh, spoiler alert. ;)

It was soooooo fucking sweet! So damn sweet. There was a hell of a lot of steam too, don't get me wrong, but Rhett was so sweet and Ethan was so sweet, and it was just perfect.

Rhett has a hero complex, and Ethan wants to become his own hero. They helped each other grow in more ways than Ethan's trying-to-be-innocent-but-not-so-innocent sex checklist. ;))

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