Monday, September 26, 2022

Hot Ink (Heathens Ink #0.5)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The first available book to read in the Heathens series is the official prequel, titled "Hot Ink" (the unofficial prequel is titled "Broken Shards," and I can't find it anywhere--which could be a good thing, because I'm told its filled with ugly crying and does NOT have a happy ending).

["Meet the men of Heathens Ink. Madden, Adam, Royal, and Gage: Inked skin, damaged psyche’s, and a whole lot of dirty."]

Each man gets their own story and their own happily ever after. This book was only about 10 pages long, but it was a fun and unique introduction to each character, their personalities, and their dreams as well as their struggles.

And this is so I don't get confused myself: Madden is unlucky in love, and its no secret; Adam is secretly bi, and his brother lost his battle with mental illness; Gage was secretly in love with Adam's brother; and Royal is secretly in love with his best friend.

Bring. On. The. Binge. Y'all.

#brokenshards #hotink #rescueme #goingcommando #fromashes #shatteredpieces #unraveled #inkedinvegas #uncomplicated #flashme #unexpected #heathensinkshortsandbonusscenes #heathensink #inked #heathensinkseries #inkedseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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