Monday, September 26, 2022

Rescue Me (Heathens Ink #1)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The first full-lengthen book to read in the Heathens series "Rescue Me," and it's Madden's book (the unlucky in love one).

["I’ll save you as many times as I have to, even if it means saving you from yourself.

My heart pounds erratically as the crowd swells around us, panic thick in the air. This can’t be how I die, not here, not tonight. Through the throng of bodies, I can see him...Thane. Of all the ways I thought tonight would end, this wasn’t even on my list. Pain lances through me and I can tell by the look in his eyes that whatever just happened, it’s bad. My hand reaches for my leg and I find it sticky and wet with my own blood.

Whatever happens, I know Thane will save me.

Screams, and blood, and tragedy haunt my dreams. I'm alive and I owe it all to the gorgeous former marine who refused to leave me for dead. But how can I start a new relationship when I'm not even sure who I am anymore?"]

This book was sooooooo so goood!! Like damn, so fucking good. They just meshed and worked and wanted the same things. 

Yes, Madden was dark and twisty and a little broken and bruised and pushed Thane away. And yes, Thane was a little too supportive and hero-complex-y. But they made it work, because they cared enough, and even though it was hard, they cared.

Please be mindful of the triggers below!!

Trigger Warnings: mass shooting, near death experiences, drug usage, overdosing, attempted suicide, PTSD, homophobia, etc 

#hotink #rescueme #goingcommando #fromashes #shatteredpieces #unraveled #inkedinvegas #uncomplicated #flashme #unexpected #heathensinkshortsandbonusscenes #heathensink #inked #heathensinkseries #inkedseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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