Sunday, September 11, 2022

Nox/Lumos Tattoo

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light."

And that's the thing, we can't have light without the darkness. We can't truly appreciate happiness without the sadness, the depression. There are no daydreams without nightmares. There are no rainbows without rain. 

I've always been fascinated by the spells from the Harry Potter universe, how they's so intricate yet simple, how they're derived from Latin, how each one get it's own wand movement.

My best friend and I decided, almost on a whim, to get matching tattoos. It started as a conversation about lumos and different lumos tattoos. We joked about it, and then practically at the same time, we both said "wait, are you serious about this, because I am?" After a yes-I'm-sure conversation, we decided that she would get lumos, and I would get nox.

Nox is dark and twisty and a little badass. It's a little Slytherin, Black Lake, and Malfoy Manor combined. It's sneaking out of the castle to play Quidditch, it's practicing Defense Against The Dark Arts, it's going to bed really late after finishing a good book. It's late night runs to the kitchens, avoiding Mrs. Norris, and hiding the empty pumpkin juice bottles under your bed. It's the library's Restricted Section and Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder and...magic. It's the darkness, the nightmares, and the rain before the light, the daydreams, and the rainbows. 

Thank you for all of that, Suzi (not to mention the years of friendship and late night conversations and Draco Malfoy redemption rants--here's to years more). <3 :*

#hogwarts #harrypotter #philosophersstone #chamberofsecrets #prisonerofazkaban #gobletoffire #orderofthephoenix #halfbloodprince #deathlyhallows #jkrowling #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks 

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