Monday, September 5, 2022

Snow Job (Valentine's Inc Snowed In #5)

Yet another deviation from my TBR piles, but again, this series (Snowed In) is linked to the Valentine's Inc series, much like the Cruises series. The fifth book in this series is titled "Snow Job," and it's by Beth Bolden. 

["There’s nobody Micah hates more than his ex-stepbrother, Jake. And nobody he wants quite as desperately. For nine long years, Micah has begrudgingly tried to move on. How could they ever be together when Jake never spends more than a handful of days in the same country, and never more than one night with the same person?

When his job sends Micah to a remote mountain cabin on snowy Mount Hood, a misunderstanding strands Jake there at the same time. Was it actually coincidence or in fact premeditated? Either way, Micah will need to put his resentment—and his longing—aside for long enough to survive the elements that might be conspiring to kill them.

As the snow levels rise, and their situation grows more dire, Micah and Jake might finally be forced to use the heat between them to survive."]

This book was sooooooo damn good! They clashed so perfectly. I loved how Micah had the first chapter and got to gush/vent/ramble to himself about this feelings for Jake. It was a perfect opening for how their relationship developed. 

I most certainly full-on bawled in the living room during several parts of this book, because it did get hella angsty, but wow, it was so fucking cute! It was fluffy and sweet and spicy and fight-y. It was glorious. So. Damn. Good.

Definitely adding Beth to my needs-to-binge-soon list.

#snowjob #bethbolden

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