Monday, September 5, 2022

Snowflake Kisses (Valentine's Inc Snowed In #6)

Yet another deviation from my TBR piles, but again, this series (Snowed In) is linked to the Valentine's Inc series, much like the Cruises series. The sixth book in this series is titled "Snowflake Kisses," and it's by Jacki James. 

["Frankie Taylor is a pastry chef in need of a fresh start, and Cap Roberts is a coffee shop owner in need of a pastry chef. Should be a perfect fit.

But the delicious pastries he bakes aren't the only thing about Frankie that makes Cap's mouth water, and as a newly single father, Cap can’t afford to risk not only his heart, but his daughter's as well. Especially since they don't know if Frankie will stay in River Gorge.

With the help of a few meddling friends, one determined little girl, and a few snowflake kisses, the two men will discover a love that is worth the risk."]

This book was fabulous. There wasn't a lot of angst or drama at all, and the drama that was there was entertaining as hell.

Their relationship was natural and developed so. It was easy and fun and they just went with it, letting their feelings guide them (Annie helped, too ;) ). Very cute overall and worth the read.

#snowflakelisses #jackijames

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