Sunday, October 2, 2022

Heathens Ink Shorts and Bonus Scenes

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's finish the Heathens Ink and Inked series with: "Heathens Ink Short and Bonus Scenes" (by K.M. Neuhold).

["Love, Pain, and Ink. The men of Heathens Ink Tattoo Studio have a lot to work through, but they always do it together.
❤ Madden and Thane's first date night after their babies are born
❤ When Owen became a Heathen
❤ Nox enters a tattoo competition
❤ Gage and Beck's little man is born!
❤ Wyatt gets his first tattoo
❤ Out of Focus- the short story of Liam's graduation from high school. You won't want to miss this special moment!
❤ Dear Cupid- Royal and his men are ready for Valentine's day, and it's going to be a steamy one!"]

This was the perfect ending to the Heathens Ink and Inked series. It was all (mostly) happy additions and fluffy moments. Of course, there was also a bit of angst and a lot of steam.

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