Sunday, October 2, 2022

Unexpected (Inked #3)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The third book to read in the Inked series "Unexpected."

["Kyle needed a place to stay, he never thought it would turn into so much more.

So, your gorgeous boss, Maverick, and his yummy husband, Ari, are letting you stay with them while you get back on your feet? Here are a few simple tips:
Don’t call his husband Daddy. I know it’ll be difficult, but seriously, don’t.
Don’t leave a pair of red, lacy panties in their bed.
If you hear interesting noises from their bedroom in the middle of the night, don’t peek in. Don’t.
And most importantly, don’t fall in love.
Follow these tips and everything should go as expected."]

Kyle was one of the teenagers that Madden (from book one of Heathens Ink--"Rescue Me") helped at the Rainbow House, in case you were wondering why his name seemed familiar (he was also Liam's best friend in the sixth Heathens book "Flash Me"). ;)

I've been wanting to read this book for soooooo long (okay, so I week--but after binging this entire series in that week, it seemed much, much longer), and it was soooooo worth it! The levels of mutual pining!? Plus the angst!?!? D: 

There was so much fluff and sweet as cotton candy stuff that equally meshed with the hot as fuck steam!? God, this book was so damn good!!

#hotink #rescueme #goingcommando #fromashes #shatteredpieces #unraveled #inkedinvegas #uncomplicated #flashme #unexpected #heathensinkshortsandbonusscenes #heathensink #inked #heathensinkseries #inkedseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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