Friday, November 25, 2022

If The Fates Allow

Okay, so I gotta say, I wrote this post a year ago in preparation for reading this beautiful short story, but like never actually got to it until I read it in "Scattered Showers." Anyway, I figured it deserved it's own post anyway, like I originally intended.

Rainbow Rowell gave us an early Christmas present with "If The Fates Allow."

["Social distancing came easily to Reagan. Maybe a little too easily. She’s always liked people better from afar. But Reagan doesn’t want her grandpa to be alone for Christmas this year—he’s already spent too much time on his own in 2020. So she heads back to her hometown with a dish of holiday Jell-O salad, hoping they can have a little normalcy. Hoping it will be safe…

She isn’t expecting to run into the boy next door. Mason is all grown up now. He’s considerate. He’s funny. He doesn’t mind how prickly Reagan is—he maybe even likes it. And it makes Reagan feel like her defenses are falling. She needs her defenses, doesn’t she? In a time when six feet is close enough, how long can they keep their distance? "]

A very, very cute covid romance. What's more romantic than talking about your vaccination status? ;) 

Also, I've never really liked jell-O salad, but now I kinda want to try it again..

#ifthefatesallow #rainbowrowell #fangirl #scatteredshowers #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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