Friday, November 25, 2022

Scattered Showers

Another one that's a little late...better now than never I suppose. Here's Rainbow Rowell's "Scattered Showers." Some of these stories have been published before (Midnights, Kindred Spirits, If The Fates Allow, The Prince and The Troll, Mixed Messages) but many are brand new and never-before-seen (Winter Songs For Summer, The Snow Ball, Snow For Christmas, and In Waiting).

["Rainbow Rowell has won fans all over the world by writing about love and life in a way that feels true.

In her first collection, she gives us nine beautifully crafted love stories. Girl meets boy camping outside a movie theater. Best friends debate the merits of high school dances. A prince romances a troll. A girl romances an imaginary boy. And Simon Snow himself returns for a holiday adventure.

It’s a feast of irresistible characters, hilarious dialogue, and masterful storytelling—in short, everything you’d expect from a Rainbow Rowell book."]

Lots to talk about and so little time/space to type/gush. :( 

I don't want to share a least favorite story, mostly because I didn't have one, but my favorite one was definitely "Snow For Christmas" (then again, it is Snowbaz, and I'm pretty damn biased when it comes to them).

Definitely worth the read. I read several of these before, in various forms and formats, but it was nice to reread them as well as discover Rainbow's newest stories.

And just LOOK at these books! They're so beautiful! The dark edition and the light edition are very Baz/Simon. The rainbow is very...Rainbow. The raindrops on the inside of the "traditional" edition and the rainbow edges on the Waterstones edition?! Gah!! The Bookworm edition (the "traditional" edition from Rainbow's local independently-owned bookstorm) even has one of those fancy ribbon bookmarks! I splurged (treat yo'self) and got two signed copies. ;) Why the hell not, you know? Because I purchased from The Bookworm, I was gifted a super-special, super-limited-edition au Snowbaz short story (which will be gushed about in a post here very, very soon).

#scatteredshowers #rainbowrowell #midnights #kindredspirits #wintersongsforsummer #thesnowball #ifthefatesallow #theprinceandthetroll #mixedmessages #snowforchristmas #inwaiting #shortstory #shortstorycollection #autographededition #waterstonesedition #thebookworm #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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