Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Goodbye, February!

February was soooo freaking long (for being the shortest month of the year). The weather was up and down and all everywhere, which didn't help regulate any sort of mental health or health health or well, anything.


2023 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a memories)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) *Sigh* Still nothing.

(2) Books read this month: 26 (might get one more in there before midnight though). 

(3) I'm changing this one a bit. Making something can also be memories or dreams. Therefore, I'm going to start counting those from now on too. In February, I went to the symphony, dinner with my friends a few times, a concert with my aunt. I got a few new tattoos, tried a few new foods.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 15.

(5) Well, February start off strong with a bunch of salads and exercising... Then I got bored and lazy. I got a cold or two this month, so I'd like to blame those, but..I was feeling lazy and stressed and I just ended up eating a lot of my feelings. A few not-so-great mental days. Could have been better, but also could have been worse...

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting March reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyefebruary #hellomarch #hello2023 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Prince of Lies

I wanted to start this the day it came out, but sometimes I need an angst-free romance (or an angst-filled mystery...which doesn't help the anxiety at. all.). Either way, here I am, starting Lucy Lennox's brand new novel "Prince of Lies" a little later than I had originally tended (but better late than never).

["Rowe Prince is a lying liar who windmills into my life in full color, claiming to be Sterling Chase, a quirky, eccentric billionaire… and founder of the company I created.

Two can play at the lying game, though, and I’m not about to let some burrito-delivering, floppy-haired virgin from Indiana best me at a game I was born to play.

So I do him one better and pretend to be Sterling Chase’s new assistant. I’ll teach him a lesson that will hopefully wind us both up in bed… with nothing but the truth between us.

But it turns out his shameless lies are enchanting… unintentionally hilarious… and make it all too easy to forget the truth…

Until I learn that this cutie’s intent is to defraud the company I’ve spent years building. I have to choose: risk the company or say goodbye to the man I’m falling for. A guy who just might be…

The Prince of Lies"]

Except there wasn't nearly as much angst as I thought, because Rowe can't lie for shit. 

I mean, there's still the whole secret-identity thing (among a few other bits of juicy drama), but it was almost like a Cinderella story...if the prince knew Cinderella was just a poor girl in a magic dress ("did I want the business deal or the fairy tale"--fucking hell, now I'm crying).

This book was soooooo goooooood D: I want the rest of the series right now (or like, yesterday).

#princeoflies #lucylennox #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, February 27, 2023

Dirty Steal (Dirty Players #2)

Not sure why it took me soooo long to read the second book in Lauren Blakely and K.D. Casey's Dirty Players series as it is. Espeically considering that it was a novella and took me a hour... Here's "Dirty Steal."

["One bed, two players, and another chance in this steamy standalone sports romance…

After how this season has gone so far — don’t ask — the last thing I need is a distraction.

Like, say, my spring training one-night stand showing up in my dugout. If it’s not annoying enough that the hot new shortstop with the heart-stopping smile has been traded to my team, the golden guy now needs a place to stay.

When one of my big-mouthed teammates suggests the new star player shack up in my spare room, I’ve got myself a helluva problem — and it’s getting bigger with my eager, interested, and too-sexy teammate sharing my kitchen, my shower…and then, late one night, my bed.

But before I know it, all these late nights together are making me want things I just can’t have with my teammate.

And if I’m not careful, he’ll be stealing my heart too…"]

This book was terribly cute! It was practically love at first sight (or love after lust at first sight). They both had the same thoughts of "why'd I go/why'd he leave" to "damn I want more" to "I shouldn't be feeling this much this fast" to "damn I messed up" to "I really like to" (spoiler. alert.).

It was fluffy and steamy and they just...clicked. 

#dirtyslide #dirtysteal #dirtyplayers #dirtyplayersseries #laurenblakely #kdcasey #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone

Not reeeaaally sure where I stumbled across this book, but it's title caught my attention right away. "Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone." W o w. What a title. (by Benjamin Stevenson)

["Everyone in my family has killed someone. Some of us, the high achievers, have killed more than once. I'm not trying to be dramatic, but it is the truth. Some of us are good, others are bad, and some just unfortunate.

I'm Ernest Cunningham. Call me Ern or Ernie. I wish I'd killed whoever decided our family reunion should be at a ski resort, but it's a little more complicated than that.

Have I killed someone? Yes. I have.
Who was it?
Let's get started."]

This book is told in a very honest and blunt but funny point of view. It plays on the tropes of other popular murder mysteries as well as certain genre cliches. It starts with the membership oath of the Detective Club and the 10 Commandments of Detective Fiction. Ernie even tells you he's a reliable narrator, but he can only know so much being both a person and the "author" of the book. It's just all very quirky and fun.

Okay, so fun is an odd adjective, because it is a murder mystery, and there are a lot of murders (Ernie even tells you which chapters they're in during the prologue in case you just want to skip to those).

And there’s so many spoilers! But they’re mentioned quickly and buried in the thick of other details so you totally forget about them until well after they become relevant again.

This book almost reminds me of a Benoit Blanc or Hercule Poirot movie. So. Good! Though a little slow in the beginnings. Still, a major recommend. ((Also, just saw it’s going to be made into a series so gahhhh!!))

I should also point out that this is not a family or killers (spoiler alert of my own). I assumed they were all murderers and criminals, but they’re just..average people with terrible luck.

#everyoneinmyfamilyhaskilledsomeone #benjaminstevenson #ernestcunningham #ernestcunninghamseries #thriller #murdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, February 24, 2023

Tempting (Reckless Love #2)

Not sure how I skipped an entire series by Saxon James. At. All. Let's remedy that. Here's the second and final book to Saxon's "Reckless Love" series, titled "Tempting."

(Also, was anyone going to tell me I spend two years spelling Saxon's name wrong?)

["After living a life at the top of the NFL, being taken out before my time, with a stupid injury, is a hard pill to swallow. And I’m willing to do anything in my power to get back in.
Only when I attend the wedding of my good friend and ex-teammate, I come face to face with the man I’ve been secretly pining after all these years. The only problem? Liam’s my friend’s ex, and after being a dirty little secret for too long, he’s sworn himself off football players.
No matter how hard I try, I can’t get him out of my head, so I propose the dumbest of all dumb ideas: a baby bi bucket list.
The more he helps me work through it, the more time we spend together, and the more I try to win him over. He’s hell bent against another football player, but I’m retired now. I can feel him slipping, and if he does, I’m faced with an impossible choice.
Ask him to be another secret.
Or tell my friend I’ve shacked up with his ex.
And while I thought violating brocode was going to be my biggest problem, I didn’t expect to get the call.
Another shot at the big time. A second chance at the NFL.
Everything I’d been hoping for. Except Liam.
Because if I take it, I’ll lose any chance of having him for good."]

"Tempting" was previous published as "Calling Your Bluff" and part of a series previous titled Love's A Gamble (let's go with that being the reason I missed this book/series...). Liam is Taryn's ex, and Zan is Taryn's best friend (Taryn is from book one).

This book had all of the fluff and the sweetness! There was so much hypothetical dates and cheesy pet names and gaining trust. They didn’t listen to what other people said, only what their hearts said. Oh yeah, and all of that steamy goodness!! 

#denial #risky #tempting #recklesslove #recklessloveseries #saxonjames #goodtimesandtanlines #betonme #callingyourbluff #lovesagamble #lovesagambleseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Risky (Reckless Love #1)

Not sure how I skipped an entire series by Saxon James. At. All. Let's remedy that. Here's the first official book to Saxon's "Reckless Love" series, titled "Risky."

(Also, was anyone going to tell me I spend two years spelling Saxon's name wrong?)

["My life in the NFL is a dream. Paid to play ball, to hang out with my team, to travel all across the country. I have everything I ever hoped for.
Except the guts to come out.
When my boyfriend gets tired of hiding in the closet and walks out on me, I make an easy decision: no more dating until I’m through with football. These are the best years of my career, and there’s no telling when retirement will hit. Head down. Focus. No regrets.
And then I wake up from a drunken night out with the team to find a new number in my phone. A Friend.
He doesn’t know who I am and I don’t know who he is, and having someone to talk to anonymously is freeing. He’s funny and a total flirt. The first name on my phone when I wake and the last person I speak to before I fall asleep at night.
He’s also the man I’m falling for.
I want to meet him, but that means revealing who I am, and as much as I want to trust him, it’s still risky. Risky he’ll out me. Risky someone will see us together.
I promised myself no more dating for this reason.
But he makes me want to take the risk."]

"Risky" was previous published as "Bet On Me" and part of a series previous titled Love's A Gamble (let's go with that being the reason I missed this book/series...). Elliott is Rainer's (prologue book) best friend.

This book!!!! D: I was smiling and laughing like a right idiot the entire time! Okay, not the entire time; there was a lot of sobbing and not-breathing. They were so sweet and perfect for each other and it was easy! Okay, so it was far from easy, for soooooo many reasons, but holy. shit. This book!! These men!! The love!! D: 

#denial #risky #tempting #recklesslove #recklessloveseries #saxonjames #goodtimesandtanlines #betonme #callingyourbluff #lovesagamble #lovesagambleseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Denial (Reckless Love #0.5)

Not sure how I skipped an entire series by Saxon James. At. All. Let's remedy that. Here's the prequel to Saxon's "Reckless Love" series, titled "Denial."

(Also, was anyone going to tell me I spend two years spelling Saxon's name wrong?)

["After an argument with my best friend sets my fight or flight mode into overdrive, I activate my three-step program for abandoning all of life’s responsibilities.
First, book a one-way trip to a tropical island.
Second, consume as much alcohol as my body will allow.
Third, stick my head in the sand until everything blows over.
Completely mature and totally foolproof.
Until I meet Colton. He isn’t part of my three-step program or even my five year plan. Tall, gorgeous, and a diving instructor to boot. He flirts non-stop, acts interested in everything I have to say, and when I give in–and damn do I give in–the man takes me to the stars.
But the worst part about running away from life’s problems, is that there comes a time where you have to run back.
There’s only so long I can ignore my responsibilities.
But when Colton asks me to stay, how do I walk away?"]

"Denial" was previous published as "Good Time and Tan Lines" and part of a series previous titled Love's A Gamble (let's go with that being the reason I missed this book/series...).

This novella was sooooo cute!! It was short and sweet and steamy. I kinda wanted a little bit more of them falling in love or a chapter between the last one and the epilogue, but it was beautiful! A great introduction to the series!!

#denial #risky #tempting #recklesslove #recklessloveseries #saxonjames #goodtimesandtanlines #betonme #callingyourbluff #lovesagamble #lovesagambleseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, February 20, 2023

Tell Me What Really Happened

I found "Tell Me What Really Happened" by Chelsea Sedoti on NetGalley a few days after screenshotting it from another book blog, and I thought "why the hell not."

["There are stories about the woods around Salvation Creek, about the people who have gone missing. Now their friend is one of them. A riveting, fast-paced YA mystery told entirely through first person police interviews of four teens over the course of a few hours.

It was all her idea. They would get away from their parents and spend the weekend camping. Down by Salvation Creek, the five of them would make smores, steal kisses, share secrets.

But sometime around midnight, she vanished.

Now the four friends who came back are under suspicion―and they each have a very different story to tell about what happened in the woods.

The clock is ticking. What are they hiding? Who is lying? Dark truths must come to light if their friend is to be found..."]

This book was SOO creative. It's told solely in the form of police interviews. Each chapter is a new question, and each of the characters answer the question and bounce off of each other's answers (even though they're in separate interrogation rooms). It was fun and quirky and an easy read (and a quick one).

The characters are like the detention in "The Breakfast Club," all a little different and quirky and sus. Also, not going to lie, didn't really like a few of them (unreliable narrators always make reading--especially thrillers/mysteries--all the more interesting).

I just...I'm not sure how I feel about the ending. It's (obviously) a twist, and one no one will see coming, but holy fuck. Holy. Fuck. Like, it nailed the shock factor, FOR SURE. But am I satisfied? Maybe I need to sit on this for a while.

Purchase your copy of "Tell Me What Really Happened" on April 4, 2023.

#tellmewhatreallyhappened #chelseasedoti #netgalley #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Short Stack 2

HERE are all of the short stories and bonus chapters I've ben looking for a few weeks ago (okay, months ago, I got a little behind on things) when I was binge-reading through all of Lily Morton's book! She collected all of them off of her websites to edit them together into one collection: "Short Stack 2."

["What happens after the happy ending?

Drawn together for the first time, this is a collection of Lily’s short stories about some of the much-loved men from her books. Follow them through wet and windy marriage proposals, surprise workplace visits, and a very entertaining ghost tour.

It includes stories previously written for her website, newsletter, and readers’ group, along with four brand new and exclusive short stories—Gertie and the Glitch, A Red Ribbon, When Will Met Jem, and Sun Cove."]

I'll list all of the couples included as well as their original novel/novella for your convenience. Okay, for mine. I know I'll be going back to reread the blurbs so I can fully remember which couple is from what book and what antics they had gotten into. ;)

  • Jesse and Zeb from "Best Man" (Close Proximity #1)
  • Charlie and Misha from "Charlie Sunshine" (Close Proximity #2)
  • Max and Felix from "After Felix" (Close Proximity #3)
  • Matt and John from "The Summer of Us" (which I actually never read yet...)
  • Arlo and Jack from "Merry Measure"
  • Mags and Laurie from "Beautifully Unexpected" (which I actually never read yet either...)
  • Mal and Cadan from "Spring Strings"
  • Wren and Mateo from "The Cuckoo's Call" 
  • Barnaby and Cosmo from "On A Midnight Clear"
  • Will and Jem from "The Sceptic" (which I actually never read yet either...yikes, this is a pattern)
  • Simeon and Ziggy from "The Stopping Place"

It's all of the happily ever afters with all of the awkward moments and winning over family and proposals gone wrong and fluff that'll force you to get a root canal. It's a little bit of steam--and a promise of more (more love, more life, more steam).

My favorite: "Of Maps and Valentine's" / "Brighton Rock" / "The Lion Tamers" (I seriously can't decide)

My least favorite (but not hated): I skipped the stories about Matt/John, Mags/Laurie, and Will/Jem until I get around to reading their books, so I technically can't say those were my least favorite stories in this collection, but I'm going to anyway (I WILL get to them eventually).

Favorite couple: Mal and Cadan (almost always them)

#shortstack #shortstacktwo #bestman #charliesunshine #afterfelix #thesummerofus #merrymeasure #beautifullyunexpected #springstrings #thecuckooscall #onamidnightclear #thesceptic #thestoppingplace #closeproximity #closeproximityseries #lilymorton #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, February 13, 2023

Murder She Wrote: By The Time You Read This I'll Be Gone

"Murder She Wrote" has always been one of my favorite shows. Stephanie Kuehn's book "Murder She Wrote: By The Time You Read This I'll Be Gone", a spin-off of said show, instantly had me hooked (by the title alone, let alone the description...and the contents). 

[""Killers walk among us. Statistically, at least one of them knows your name…"

Beatrice Fletcher is obsessed with unsolved murders in her small town of Cabot Cove, Maine like her great-aunt Jessica, the famous mystery writer. But when her best friend Jackson goes missing, this time the mystery is personal.

Then Jackson fails to show up for a late night meet-up, and instead, Bea stumbles upon three students from the elite Broadmoor Academy: overly-friendly and slightly vicious Leisl, her aloof twin brother, Leif, and Carlos, who knows more about, well, everything than he’s letting on. They’re worldly, secretive, and big on playing games like tenace, the hush-hush Broadmoor tradition where anything or anyone can be a clue to future fame and fortune, and players will stop at nothing -- including murder -- to get ahead.

If Bea wants to find Jackson, she too must join the game and play to win. Everyone in Cabot Cove has secrets, and it’s up to Bea to ferret them out before it’s too late in this thrilling modern update of the classic television show.

I think Stephanie put it best when she said that Jessica Fletcher showed her at a young age that women can be "brilliant, successful, clever, and kind, and that it is far more thrilling to watch a woman solve a murder than be a victim of one." Jessica was a force (as was Angela Lansbury--who passed less than a week after this book came out). She was a teacher before retiring and wrote novels and solved crimes after her husband died, all at a much later age in life, showing that anything is possible at any time. She's just...a role model in so many ways.

And this book only continued on her legacy.

Bea was fabulous and steadfast in her passions and her efforts to protect her friend. It was fabulous and confusing and now I need the next book!

#murdershewrote #bythetimeyoureadthisillbegone #murdershewrotebythetimeyoureadthisillbegone #stephaniekuehn #jessicafletcher #murdershewroteseries #cabotcove #angelalansbury #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Giles Ashby Needs A Nanny (Nannies of New York #2)

Here goes the second book in K. Sterling's "Nannies of New York" series. It's titled "Giles Ashby Needs A Nanny."

["Sometimes, a simple field trip to the planetarium can be an act of bravery. In Giles Ashby’s case, it could also be a second chance with his lifelong crush.

Unbearably awkward and strangled by his anxiety disorder, Giles used surly snarls and abrupt remarks to keep everyone at a distance. As a result and surprising no one, he finds himself divorced and overwhelmed by the demands of parenting nine-year-old Milo —a shy, awkward clone of his father. Not wanting Milo to struggle through life the way he has, Giles enlists the help of Reid Marshall’s new nanny agency.

Of all the nannies in Manhattan… Reid had to send Giles’s childhood crush, Riley Fitzgerald. Still smitten and as flustered as he was in middle school, Giles bungles every encounter with the “new” nanny. But sweet, clever, outgoing Riley is exactly what Milo needs.

Riley thinks he knows what he’s getting into when he accepts a position working for his childhood nemesis, but Milo steals his heart the moment they meet. And “Giles the Jerk” isn’t as bad as Riley remembers. Or maybe Giles was never really all that bad… Riley finds himself swooning as Giles faces his fears in order to help Milo survive the fourth grade and win the science fair.

But can Riley really trust his heart, when all his past relationships have been cursed? Could this time be any different?"]

This book was SO good! It was fluffy and sweet. It was filled with sexual tension and steam. It was understanding and honest (and the descriptions of anxiety and people-ing were so fucking accurate, it hurt). There were a few points that it dragged or could have moved faster, but overall, it was fabulous! I will definitely be adding K. Sterling to me Authors To Look Into List.

#thelastnannyinmanhattan #gilesashbyneedsananny #thehandynanny #ksterling #nanniesofnewyork #nanniesofnewyorkseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The Last Nanny in Manhattan (Nannies of New York #1)

I stumbled across this book the other day when I opened Amazon. It was just staring at me. The cover was okay, and the title was interesting, but the blurb! The blurb hooked me. "The Last Nanny In Manhattan" by K. Sterling is the first book in the Nannies of New York series.

["Walker Cameron III might be one of the most feared men in Manhattan, but he’s no match for his six-year-old triplets. After exhausting all other options, Finley Marshall is the grumpy widower's last hope.

Luckily for the Camerons, Fin is a master of chaos and can calm even the most beastly of children. But Fin soon learns that the girls aren’t the problem; it’s their father. Still grieving and easily overwhelmed, Walker leaves the servants to cope with his little hellions. Fin wants to prove he’s the best nanny in the city and that his older brother, Reid, should start his own agency. Is Fin willing to risk life and limb to do it, though?

Afraid to lose the most competent caregiver to ever cross his threshold, Walker agrees to an unusual set of terms. He’ll give the girls more of his time and practice better parenting with Fin as his guide. But Walker finds himself with a new and unexpected problem. For the first time in years, he’s having very improper thoughts and can’t stop thinking about Fin. Can he keep his feelings to himself or will Walker fall for the last nanny in Manhattan willing to take on the cursed Camerons?"]

I loooooved the premise of this book. It was intriguing and new and a spin on the female-nanny trope that overtook Hallmark a few years ago.

I just..(I hate slightly negative reviews, so forgive me). Fin and his friends descriped him as being XYZ, but he...wasn't. Same goes for Walker; his reputation and how he sees himself is ABC, but he wasn't. I do that sometimes with my own characters, because it's hard to make them mean or make mistakes pre-character-growth. 

And it just...the romance was slow and then wham, it was fast. And sex was...I get that they were going slow and being utterly consensual and respecting their positions and pasts, but damn. 

And a lot of the things that held that back kept coming up, almost word for word. 

I wanted to love this book sooooo bad, but there were a lot of things that almost made me not finish it. 

I'm still going to give the second (and maybe third) book a try, because why the hell not?! Again, the concept of this series is fun and new and totally captivating. And a lot of GoodReads reviewers said that they were surprised they didn't like this book, because they normally loooooove K. Sterling's things (plus, I believe in second chances, and not dismissing someone based one one instance).

#thelastnannyinmanhattan #gilesashbyneedsananny #thehandynanny #ksterling #nanniesofnewyork #nanniesofnewyorkseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, February 6, 2023

The Vase

May Archer's "The Vase" first appeared in the 2019 edition of the Heart2Heart Anthology. She recently re-released it on her website as one of her freebies (if you are a member of her newsletter/fanclub--available through #BookFunnel). 

["Enjoy this short enemies to lover romance set in a familiar town in Vermont..."]

That familiar town? Little Pippin Hollow; the setting of the Sunday Brothers series. So, yeah. This one will automatically be a hit (besides the fact that it's written my May).

This book was sooooooo freaking sweet! Like, imagining these two big, tall, muscle-y men helping this sweet old lady while she naps on her couch, tip-toe-ing around the building sexual tension and that feeling of utter rightness, how they're lives are projecting to just...click. It was sooooo fucking good!!

#thevase #mayarcher #heart2heart #heart2heartanthology #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Kill Joy

On a whim, I decided to request a ARC of Holly Jackson's "Kill Joy" from Netgalley. Low and behold, I was rewarded with my very own advanced reader's copy! For those of you living under a rock, "Kill Joy" is the prequel to the Good Girls Guide To Murder series; it debuts on February 28, 2023.

["Pippa Fitz-Amobi is not in the mood for her friend’s murder mystery party. Especially one that involves 1920’s fancy dress and pretending that their town, Little Kilton, is an island called Joy. But when the game begins, Pip finds herself drawn into the make-believe world of intrigue, deception and murder.

But as Pip plays detective, teasing out the identity of the killer clue-by-clue, the murder of the fictional Reginald Remy isn’t the only case on her mind …"]

This book was sooooo good! It hinted at the original series in many ways. Obvious ones: talking about the case and how Andie Bell was supposedly murdered by her boyfriend, Sal Singh before he killed himself. Less obvious ones: the outcome of the murder mystery and how it's not as it seems and how Pippa saw it even if no one else did (and the outcome of that murder mystery?!?! Holy. Shit.).

This book is a novella, it's about 120 pages long, and it's a great read on a cold morning (and an excuse to stay under a blanket with some cocoa for a couple of hours). You neeeeeed to pre-order this book NOW!

#netgalley #killjoy #asgoodasdead #agoodgirlsguidetomurder #goodgirlbadblood #hollyjackson #agoodgirlsguidetomurderseries #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Rainbow Revolutionaries: Fifty LGBTQ+ People Who Made History

One of the other books I purchased recently was "Rainbow Revolutionaries: Fifty LGBTQ+ People Who Made History." It was written by Sarah Prager and illustrated by Sarah Papworth. It's "technically" a children's book, but it was fascinating and fun and informative.

["This groundbreaking, pop-culture-infused LGBTQ+ illustrated biography collection takes readers on an eye-opening journey through the lives of fifty influential queer figures who have made a mark on every century of human existence.
Rainbow Revolutionaries brings to life the vibrant histories of fifty pioneering LGBTQ+ people from around the world. Through Sarah Prager’s (Queer, There, and Everywhere) short, engaging bios, and Sarah Papworth’s bold, dynamic art, readers can delve into the lives of Wen of Han, a Chinese emperor who loved his boyfriend as much as his people, Martine Rothblatt, a trans woman who’s helping engineer the robots of tomorrow, and so many more!

This book is a celebration of the many ways these heroes have made a difference and will inspire young readers to make a difference, too. Featuring an introduction, map, timeline, and glossary, this must-have biography collection is the perfect read during Pride month and all year round."]

There are about 100 pages in total, not including the glossary and key-words dictionary as well as several pages dedicated to symbols and flags. Each individual had a full page bio as well as a full page illustrated portrait (and then fun borders that were themed to them, their life, and how they shaped history). There's also a map of the world that tells you were each Rainbow Revolutionary is from (or where they made history).

It was also gorgeous. And honest. Perfect for children and adults alike! 

#rainbowrevolutionaries #rainbowrevolutionariesfiftylgbtqpeoplewhomadehistory #fiftylgbtqpeoplewhomadehistory #sarahprager #sarahpapwroth #books #lgbtbooks #childrensbooks #childrenslgbtbooks #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Goodbye, February

February was eons long. I'm not even kidding. It took FOREVER--and yet, it's the shortest month of the year. But we did have false s...