Sunday, March 5, 2023

Meet Me In The Blue (Hemlock Harbor #1)

Why read books I've saved up on my TBR list when I can read a book that came out yesterday? Here's A.M. Johnson's "Meet Me In The Blue," the first book in her latest series Hemlock Harbor.

["Meet me… in the place where the sun kisses the horizon and sinks into blue shades of you and me.
Meet me there… where everything was always perfect. You and me and the damp grass at dawn and the gray dirt in the late evening rain.
Meet me where we were ourselves and not these two people who can’t even say I love you.
Meet me there and maybe we’ll remember…
We’ll remember the us we were before them, before miles, before lost hours, and you’ll ask what color the sky is, and I’ll say blue like your eyes.
And you’ll smile, and I’ll forget I ever missed you.

Luka and Rook have been best friends since they were nine years old.
Five years ago, Luka threw it all away.
When his dad’s health takes a turn for the worst, Luka must come home to say his goodbyes and mend the bridges he burned all those years ago. But coming home is harder than he imagined, and after reuniting with his family, there’s only one person he needs.
His best friend.
The one man he pushed away, the one man, no matter how hard he tried to forget, he can't stop himself from loving.
Even if loving him means breaking his heart all over again."]

This book was fillllled with nostalgia. Between the childhood flashbacks to reconnecting to falling back in love to the loss of Luka's father. The entire book, all of the prose and description and looooove, was pure poetry. 

And sadness. I cried. a. lot. I mean, there was (obviously) a happily ever after, but the build up and cancer and the fighting-you-own-fears things was terrifying and thrilling and incredibly sad. 

But their love? Fucking hell. Their love. It was obvious and transcendent and glorious and easy (and not so easy). It was scraped knees and clubhouses, it was broken hearts and broken promises, it was reacquainting and refalling. It was sunshine and puppy kisses and being yourself and saying what you mean. It was shades of blue (all of the different shades of happiness and sadness in one color, making it's own story--I can do poetry too).

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