Monday, March 6, 2023


I've been addicted to author fan pages on facebook lately. They have so many relatable means to the genre and their books. They also have toooons of recommendations for new books/series/authors. Between that and Facebook's algorithm giving me even more recommendations, I'm swamped with new books to read. I told myself I would wait until I read most of (most of---not all of, gotta be realistic here) before I started anything new-new...but here we are. ;)

Here's Tal Bauer's "Gravity."

["C’est cela l’amour, et tu es mon rêve...

Hockey is my life. This game pulled me from my tiny Quebec hometown all the way to the NHL, and now? I’m the number one player in the league. Team capitaine for the Montréal Étoiles. I’m shattering records and packing arenas every night, and I’ve promised my team: we’re going to win the Stanley Cup this year.
But I’m keeping big secrets. I'm thinking dangerous thoughts, and dreaming about impossible things. Like how a man’s lips might taste, or how his body might feel in my arms.
I can’t go there. I’ve got to focus. Team. Hockey. Cup. What my heart wants doesn’t matter.
So why am I falling head over heels at the NHL's All-Star Weekend?
I can’t do this. I can’t fall for Hunter Lacey. He’s a hockey player. We’re both in the NHL. He’s on a different team. And, oh yeah, he’s straight.

I’m a middle-of-the-road, nothing-special hockey player. Good enough to be drafted into the NHL, and I’ve been on the roster for the past two years, but I’ll never make the Hall of Fame. I’m just trying to keep my head up and get through each day, until this wild ride comes to an end.
Deep thinking isn’t really my thing. Look inside myself? Lotta beer and burgers there.
I never thought I’d be invited to the All-Star Weekend, but here I am. And there’s my hero: Bryce Michel, league superstar.
Saying hello to Bryce turns into hours spent together on the ice, and then an invite to dinner, and then days at each other's side. I’m in heaven. He’s my hero, and this is the coolest—
Then Bryce’s lips land on mine, and the world turns upside down.

This book was heart-breaking and soul-renewing and earth-shattering and hope-resurrecting. It made me hold my breath, giggle, sob, and smile like an idiot. It much. It was poetry and French lessons and the psychology of hockey and the meaning of family. It was falling in love all over again with this genre, and I couldn't be happier. 

I will most definitely be adding Tal to my author-binge list

#gravity #talbauer #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

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