Saturday, July 15, 2023

There's a Beach In My Bedroom

I bought "There's A Beach In My Bedroom" purely out of nepotism, because it was cowritten by Kevin and Danielle Jonas (illustrated by Courtney Dawson). Obviously, I was going to buy it; obviously.

["Bella loves the beach.

She loves the flip and flop slap of her feet on the sand.

She loves the crash, crash, crash of the ocean waves. 

And she loves the gentle shush, shush of the beach umbrella in the breeze.

But a rainstorm hits and Bella’s perfect family beach day is ruined. 

This day is a rainy, awful mess!

But maybe a little imagination, and a loving family, can show Bella that a beach day at home can be its own special kind of fun."] 

It's about the joy of imagination and the power of family. It's resilient as fuck without being outright about it. It's colorful and bright. It's supportive and wonderful. And so, so cute!

Nepotism aside, I would tooooootally recommend this book to anyone with kiddos, anyone who works with kiddos, or anyone who likes to read picture books.

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