Saturday, July 15, 2023

Up In Flames

"Up In Flames" by Eden Finley and Saxon James is teeeccchhhnically a stand-alone novel. But it's in the same universe and the same town as their latest Puckboys novel ("Foolish Puckboy") as well as Saxon's "The Husband Hoax."

When it’s your job as groomsman to tell the groom his wedding isn’t happening, the smartest thing to do is get it over and done with and then tell the guests to leave.
Yeah, well, I never said I was smart.
I might … accidentally, maybe on purpose, suggest to Remy that the best form of revenge is to have a party anyway. I mean, he’s already got catering, a DJ, and guests, so what better time to throw a petty party?
My loser high school friend never deserved him anyway. If I’d had the chance, I would have locked Remy down years ago.
Only, when the party leads to a drunken kiss, going on their honeymoon, and sharing their marital bed, I have to say, I’m not entirely sad that their wedding went up in flames."]

Gabe (from "Foolish Puckboy") didn't understand why Sanden was so cold with Remy and why he was upset about Remy's engagement (especially since Remy wasn't even technically his friend in the relationship), but Aleks did. I mean, everyone else did, too. I was upset that Sanden and Remy's story never got resolved in FP...until I saw that they were getting their own novel. Cue fangirl squeals. 

They were literally perfect for each other. Sure, it was fast and messy (Eman continuing to be a massive dick didn’t help. at. all.).

But the mature as fuck decision to put mental health first? Yeah, I sobbed like a baby for 30+ minutes and hated the world for a while, but it was the right and smart decision, even if I go into a mental health down-spiral myself.

Trigger Warnings: emotional manipulation, emotional abuse, domestic abuse recovery, off-page death of a child, fire department situations, and more

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