Thursday, August 31, 2023

Goodbye, August!

August was also long as hell. Like why are all of these months so damn long? They take forever to get through. For. Ev. Er. And then, all of a sudden, we're on month nine and where has 2023 gone? 

2023 Resolutions:

     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it

     (2) Don't stop reading

     (3) Make something (e.g. a memories)

     (4) Share love of books/writing

     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) *Crickets*

(2) Books read this month: 43 (might get one more in there before midnight though).

(3) August Memories: My coworker had her baby (we also had a baby shower). My friends and I had a random weeknight dinner with tacos and ice cream. Lots of books read. A few new good shows started (and finished). Planning a few good things for the future.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 46.

(5) Yet another not sick month, btu we're getting closer to cold and flu season, so yay for that. Mental health had it's days. Hating my body had it's days. More willing to try when it's not so damn hot and humid all the time.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting September reads?

Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyeaugust #helloseptember #hello2023 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Nicky (Fallen Gargoyles #1)

Attempting to get to my backlog of favorite authors and their newest releases... Here's Willow Thomas's "Nicky." It's the first novel in her latest series, Fallen Gargoyles.

["Falling in love with my stepbrother wasn’t on my bingo card for this year.

My parents lying to me for years isn’t really that shocking. So when they tell me that my actual father is a biker, I decide to track him down. All I’ve ever wanted is a loving family.
The night before I’m meant to meet up with him, I head to a bar to blow off some steam and meet a guy who rocks my world. We agree to one night. No names. No numbers. Perfect.
Except I can’t stop thinking about him.
When I meet my dad’s family and spot a familiar confident smile, I realise that the hot guy from the bar is my stepbrother.
Do I choose the family I’ve always wanted or the man who makes me feel things no one else has?

My time is taken up with running my tattoo shop and helping vulnerable people as a member of the Fallen Gargoyles MC. I have great friends, and a wonderful family, but I want more. I want a man by my side.
While on a job for the MC, I stop off in a bar and meet a man that captivates me straight away. He says no names, but I decide to get it out of him in the morning.
Except he leaves before I wake.
It may have been one night, but I vow to find him.
When my mom’s husband introduces his son and he turns out to be my mystery man, I’m ecstatic. I will give him time to get used to being a part of a loving family, but make no mistake...
I will be making him mine."]

This novella was relatively angst-free, which was phenomenal (considering I have some dark romances lined up in my future--then again, it's Willow, and she doesn't mess with a lot of angst). Willow does do a lot of sweetness and fluff, though (so much yes there). She also excels at the steam and the spice. 

Their chemistry was immediate. Their connection was undeniable. Their situation was...a smidge sticky at first (well, at second), but then they quickly figured it out. 

This is actually one of many new series on the horizon (from multiple authors) featuring a biker gang, and I'm all here for it. ;) 

You should go read this (and if you're wondering if you remember Nicky from somewhere, you do; he's Max's best friend (the main character is "Knocked For Six," part of Willow's Caught Off Guard series)).

#nicky #echo #fallengargoyles #fallengargoylesseries #knockedforsix #caughtoffguard #caughtoffguardseries #willowthomas #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Stepbrother Dearest (Crimson Club #1)

Attempting to get to my backlog of favorite authors and their newest releases... Here's Willow Dixon's "Stepbrother Dearest." It's the first novel in her latest series, Crimson Club.

["Of all the people who could have seen me when I was at my most vulnerable, it had to be him.

Caleb. My stepbrother and the golden child of our messed up blended family. We barely know each other, but for some reason he takes care of me when an incident at the club leaves me helpless and alone.

He hates me as much as I hate him, but something about his bossy attitude and unflappable calm soothes me. I don’t want to want him, but no one has ever made me feel the way he does.

Hooking up with my enemy is stupid as f*ck. So is breaking my rules for him. I know this, but whatever is between us will eventually burn out and I can go back to my solitary life and forget all about how amazing it feels to let someone else take control."]

Quick connections here: Gray is bio-brothers with Eli from “NHIE Wanted My Brothers Roommate.” Grays coworker, Kai, is from “NHIE Submitted To My Enemy.” Gary’s other coworkers (so many fun new people and opportunities for trouble (and love)) will be featured in this new series (which I cannot. wait. for).

Also, took me foooooorever to relapse the messiness of their unique self either relationship, so I’ll help you out (the book might have stated as such but I also might have skimmed over for): Grays bio-dad divorced his bio-mom and married Caleb’s bio-mom (after other drama); Grays boo-mom is happily remarried with kiddos do their own. All in all, pretty damn toxic up in there (hence the trigger warnings).

ANYway, this book only took me as long to read as it did because I was mature and choose sleep, ;) But it was so fucking good, that it was a close ass call. SO. FUCKING. GOOD. I cannot (cannnnnnot) wait for the rest of the series. Read all of Willows books; now; you won’t regret it.

Trigger Warnings: childhood domestic abuse, parental neglect, emotional abuse, homophobia, asshole parents, and more

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Monday, August 28, 2023

The Last Girls Standing

Okay, so since when did the fabulous author of "Hot Dog Girl" write a thriller filled with gaslighting, manipulation, and murder?! Apparently two weeks ago. Here's Jennifer Dugan's "The Last Girls Standing."

["Sloan and Cherry. Cherry and Sloan. They met only a few days before masked men with machetes attacked the summer camp where they worked, a massacre that left the rest of their fellow counselors dead. Now, months later, the two are inseparable, their traumatic experience bonding them in ways no one else can understand.

But as new evidence comes to light and Sloan learns more about the motives behind the ritual killing that brought them together, she begins to suspect that her girlfriend may be more than just a survivor—she may actually have been a part of it. Cherry tries to reassure her, but Sloan only becomes more distraught. Is this gaslighting or reality? Is Cherry a victim or a perpetrator? Is Sloan confused, or is she seeing things clearly for the very first time? Against all odds, Sloan survived that hot summer night. But will she survive what comes next?"]

I literally...I have no words. 

Half the time, i believed Sloan. Then I believed Cherry. Then Sloan. Then no one. Then Cherry. Then Sloan. Then, just when I thought I knew what was happening? I was wrong. Then!?! When I thought, shit-Jennifer-wouldn't-do-THAT-would-she? ...She did. She really fucking did. I'm just... I'm not sure I'm okay.

This was a twisted tale of grief and trauma and PTSD and mental illness and trauma-bonding and hypnosis and found family and lack-of-family and shit...lots of fucked up stuff. Either way, you need to read this.

#thelastgirlsstanding #hotdoggirl #jenniferdugan #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Bonded By Death

Yes, I have problems. But at least this Facebook-ad-inspired read is a thriller/mystery? Here's Jared A. Rogers's "Bonded By Death."

["Slicing up dead bodies is one thing, but befriending the person responsible for creating them is another. Dr. Warren Gates has taken over as the King County Medical Examiner as the hunt for a dangerous serial killer begins and at each crime scene, the murders are as much gruesome as they are bizarre. Along with an unrecognizable branding, the victims are left with no fingers or toes. The professional precision in which the mutilations occur immediately grabs Warren's interest, but what he doesn't know, is that he's about to be more involved than examining the leftovers

Warren's life is turned upside down when the killer reveals himself in a desire to become friends. However, the relationship also comes with a unique offer, if Warren can figure out the reason for the murders, the killer promises to stop. With the cops, his wife, and the killer themself breathing down his neck the game is more dangerous than it seems. Is it genuine? Is it a sick joke? The bigger question is, how many bodies will pile up in Warren's lab before he finds out?"]

You meet a loooot of people, all slightly suspicious, before the killer reveals himself/herself by taunting/bonding/wanting to be best friends with Warren. Which was very cool and kept me on my toes (and upped the suspicion). Though, Warren doubted him/her multiple times before he believed him/her (I mean, I can't say for sure, but I would likely believe someone if they told me their were a serial killer--though, the wanting to be best friends part would take some convincing). 

Not sure I loved Warren (which adds a layer of unreliable narrator--or something to that effect). Really didn't like his wife. Kinda did love the killer though (fight me).

I liked how the chapters had the day of the week attached to it, helping us follow in the timeline of the murders and the mystery. And the countdown Warren had to answering "why."

Speaking of "why"...just when you think you know what's going on, you realize you really, really don't (which I looooooove about thrillers/murder mysteries--there should be a certain amount of information a typical reader can gather and deduce, but we should also be shocked to fuck and back).

#bondedbydeath #jaredarogers #thriller #murdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Other Lola

I was recently invited to read an ARC version of Ripley Jones's upcoming novel "The Other Lola" via her publishing/marketing team as well as through NetGalley. It's the sequel to her novel "Missing Clarissa."

["The sequel to Ripley Jones's unforgettable YA thriller Missing Clarissa , The Other Lola is about what happens when the people you love the most are the people you can trust the least.

In the months after Cam and Blair broke their small hometown’s legendary missing-girl story and catapulted to accidental fame, they vowed never to do it again. No more mysteries, no more podcasts, and no more sticking their heads where they don’t belong.

Until Mattie Brosillard, a freshman at their high school, shows up on their doorstep, begging Cam and Blair for help. Mattie's sister Lola disappeared mysteriously five years ago. No trace of her was ever found. Now, she's back--but Mattie is convinced the girl who returned is an impostor. Nobody believes Mattie's wild story--not Mattie's brother, not Mattie's mother, and not even Cam and Blair. But something is definitely wrong in the Brosillard family. And Blair has her own reasons for wanting to know what really happened to Lola while she was gone.

With Cam and Blair still struggling with the aftermath of their first mystery—and with new secrets swirling between them—the stakes are higher than ever in this can’t-miss sequel to Missing Clarissa."]

This mystery took me a while to get through. Partially because it's been a while since I read something where you need to pay 100% attention to. Partially because it was heavy (anxiety, depression, loss, ptsd, and more). Partially because I didn't get hooked until late. 

But when I did get hook? Holy. Hell. 

The POV went back and forth (like the last book) between Blair and Cam, but it also featured Mattie a few times. And once or twice, Lola/"Lola."
The first Lola/"Lola" POV totally supported Mattie's suspicions, but then it was quickly lost in the story and the drama and all of the evidence that goes against Mattie's theory. Did I know at any point which what I thought, without a doubt, if Lola was Lola or "Lola?" Nope. Not once.
That was, obviously, the main mystery, but all of the side stories and other lies really helped support the magnitude of the situation as well as distract you with other details to pull your attention away from Lola/"Lola." It was a brilliant choice on Ripley's part. 

Check out this book when it comes out 12 March 2024!

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Friday, August 25, 2023

Advice From A Blob: How To Find Peace In This Messy, Beautiful, Chaotic Existence

"Advice From A Blob: How To Find Peace In This Messy, Beautiful, Chaotic Existence" by Lennnie (the blob).

["From social media sensation Lennnie, a full-color, illustrated self-care book filled with all-new insights to boost our mental health—wisdom to help us combat the negativity and hate, find acceptance and peace, and embrace the miracle of ourselves and the wonder of life itself. 

“Hello humans, my name’s Lennnie, I’m a little Blob that was sent by the book Gods to come check on you. So, let’s get into it shall we? It really is a chaotic tornado sh*tstorm of debauchery out there . . . but I promise you’re gonna be okay. Really Truly Absolutely Positively Fine. Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.”

As Lennnie reminds us, no matter where we are in life, we’ve got this. "]

This book has 130 full-color illustrations of advice, support, and wisdom from a cute purple blob with anime eyes when it's feeling big things. It deals with things like rock bottom, regret, loss, failing, confusion, being lost, finding yourself, found family, existentialism, and so much more!

It made a perfect addition to my night of relaxation, pampering, calmness, and letting life flow. Now I need to find my lavender lotion (so much purple in this book---oddly, just painted my nails purple, too). 

Random Target Find for the win. ;)

#advicefromablob #howtofindpeaceinthismessybeautifulchaoticexistence #advicefromablob howtofindpeaceinthismessybeautifulchaoticexistence #lennnie #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Little Boy Blu (Little Big Hearts #1)

When I go through and binge-read authors, sometimes I read their entire backlist; sometimes I just read the books that interest me (again, not suuuuuper into paranormal, not much into historical, only just getting into dark romance, hard pass on distopian). Annnyway, we're not going through to binge-read Wendy Rathbone's works (some of them). Here's "Little Boy Blu" (the first book in her Little Big Hearts series).

["I am one of the youngest defense attorneys at my firm. I have to believe in my clients even if they’re guilty sociopathic jerks. If they are truly innocent, I grieve hard if I can’t win their case. When I go home, I just want to relax. How I accomplish that is my deepest secret.

It comforts me every evening to enter into my “little” space, to go back to the days I had no worries except what crayon to use to color a dragon’s head, or if I want macaroni and cheese or dino-nuggets for dinner. Wrapping myself in soft flannel onesie jammies with feet and hugging my teddy while I watch cartoons gives me pleasurable warm fuzzies all over.

I know there are daddies out in the world who might enjoy a boy like me. But I feel self-conscious about my habits and routines. I’m way too shy to go out and meet anyone. And what if I’m found out by a client or co-worker? My career would end.

But when I go to interview my new client, Makson Ferridyn, my world turns upside-down. The youngest son of a former crime family, Maks is not really a criminal since he was too young to participate at the height of the family’s activities, but his name comes with a bad reputation. I shouldn’t notice him. Or care. He’s just another job.

Then, right after his hearing, I fumble with my phone in my pocket and out drops a candy pacie ring pop. Maks leans over and picks it up. “Is this yours?” he asks.

I could lie. Or I could tell the truth. Either way, there is no going back from this moment."]

This story was very, very sweet!! It was also very informative; if you don’t know much about the daddy/boy kink/lifestyle (different things) or even the little kink/lifestyle (again, different brings), this book is a good way to learn! It was all open communication and consent and figuring out how one person’s needs and wants can fit with someone else’s needs and wants. 

Plus love at first sight!! What more could you want!?!

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Tuesday, August 22, 2023

My Brothers & Me

When I go through and binge-read authors, sometimes I read their entire backlist; sometimes I just read the books that interest me (again, not suuuuuper into paranormal, not much into historical, only just getting into dark romance, hard pass on distopian). Annnyway, we're not going through to binge-read Wendy Rathbone's works (some of them). Here's "My Brothers & Me" (a taboo read--available via #Smashwords).

["How long must I hear my brothers having sex in the bedroom next to mine before I go absolutely mad?

My name is Tristan and I’m the tortured younger brother of incestuous twins. It’s not like I don’t get it. It’s a twin-thing, right? But night after night those infuriatingly sexy sounds—it’s getting to be too much. Plus, I feel totally left out, damn them!

There is some reprieve when they go off to college, but the first summer they return, everything starts up again, hotter and heavier. I’d hoped they’d outgrown their playful antics. But no. They’re randier than ever. And I’m curiouser and curiouser.

I come up with a plan. I’m a good little spy and I decide to film them with the TV camera in their room and using their own laptops. Boy do I get a surprise. Their loving and care for each other floors me.

From there, everything goes sideways and weird but don’t worry, we all have a happily ever after."]

Not entirely sure how I feel about this one. Of course the steam was hot as hell, duh. ;) But some of it seemed a little force, a little too porn-y. The feelings were new and interesting and unique; I liked how she approached that aspect of the novella.

#mybrothersandme #wendyrathbone #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Surprised By Fate (Fair Falls Fated #1)

Two birds meet your one stone. I'm on a crossing-authors-off-my-to-binge-list kick right now (bird one: R.S. McKenzie) and oddly on an omega-verse kick (bird two: Fair Falls Fated series). Stone: "Surprised By Fate."

After being unfairly fired from my job, I head to my family's vacation house where the quiet seclusion will give me time to figure out my next move. Fate has other plans when a snowstorm lands me—in need of care—on the doorstep of a sweet and sexy alpha. One touch from him and I know nothing will ever be the same. With the storm raging outside, another storm starts raging inside me. My heat has come early.

Catching a snow-covered omega wasn't on my agenda for the evening, but as soon as I touch him, I know he must be my fated mate. I always thought fated mates were a myth, but something about this man is making my body and heart go haywire. Does he feel it too?"]

This book was so fucking cute!!!! From the snow storm to the ice cream to the fluff and the sweetness. It was all just so...*squeals*... They were insta-in-love and fated mates for a reason. They fell for each other so quickly for a reason. They made their lives together so easily and so happily because it was meant to be. Not saying it wasn't easy, but they worked together to get over the bumps and bruises. 

#surprisedbyfate #unexpectedfate #fairfallsfated #fairfallsfatedseries #rsmckenzie #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, August 21, 2023

Trusting Quin (Tales Reimagined #2)

More reimagined fairytales. But gay!! :D R.S. McKenzie is currently working on a whole series of them (series named: Tales Reimagined). The second book is a Robin Hood retelling, and it's titled "Trusting Quin"

I knew from the moment I met him, one night would never be enough. He was the Daddy of my dreams—equal parts sweet and stern, 100% hot as hell. The intensity when we came together was like nothing I’d ever felt before. It was never meant to be more than one night, and he’d always be the one that got away. 

Weeks after the business trip where I spent an amazing night with a gorgeous boy, I receive a phone call in the middle of the night. My sweet boy is in trouble and needs my help. He comes to me trembling and tearful, and I’ll do anything in my power to help him. And I mean anything. Whoever hurt my boy will wish they'd never been born."]

Very I'd-burn-the-world-down-for-you and murder-boyfriends, and listen, I'm fucking. here. for. it. 

And listen, if you traffic humans, you deserve to be murdered, kay. But don't worry, Quin made suuuuuuure that these assholes got what they deserved. After all, they went after his Red (well Qiun would have murdered them for being assholes and trafficers).

Poor, sweet, sweet Red. He deserved so much more than his asshole family and a horrible "date." Of course, he got all of that and more with Quin, so he's not really complaining. ;)

I'm not sure exactly how accurately and creatively this followed Little Red Riding Hood, because I only know the cute nursery rhyme version (the Beauty and the Beast was fuck. ing. phe. nom. en. al.), but it was still really fun! If you enjoy revenge plots and protective Daddies and possessive boys and sweetness and fluff and steam and sex and guitars. 

I can't wait for the next book to come out!

Trigger Warnings: panic attacks, sex work, references to sex trafficking, graphic violence, murder, and more.

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Taming Savage (Tales Reimagined #1)

More reimagined fairytales. But gay!! :D R.S. McKenzie is currently working on a whole series of them (series named: Tales Reimagined). The first book is a Beauty and The Beast retelling, and it's titled "Taming Savage."

After the death of our parents, I was taken in by my brother, who has been taking care of me more out of obligation than love. When he doesn’t come home from a job—if burglary can be considered a job—I discover he’s been taken by a beast of a man with soulless eyes. Even with his scars he’s hot as hell, but his cold eyes chill me to the bone. My brother is the only family I have, so I do the only thing I can to make sure my brother is free: I offer myself to the beast for a year instead. When I find out who he is, I fear I may be in over my head.

The first word that comes to mind when I see Abel? Beautiful. The second? Untouchable. He’s much too beautiful for the likes of me, with my shifting moods and damaged body. What if I spend this year trying to win him over–mind, body, heart, and soul? It would be possible if my enemies weren’t a constant threat. If I were a regular guy, I could have someone like Abel. I have these scars because of who I am; these scars that scare everyone away. Could a beauty like Abel ever see beyond the beast to the man underneath?"]

Beauty and the Beast....if it was gay porn. Plus add some mafia in there. And mutual trauma. And a found family. And a puppy. And did I mention the porn? There's a lot of steam. A loooooot of steam. Filthy, dirty, glorious smut. 

Plus a lot of fluff and sweetness and love and protectiveness and possessiveness and caring. So much caring. Bone-deep, seeing-the-true-you, doing-whatever-it-takes-to-make-you-happy caring. 

Also, some near-death experiences and stalking and threats and violence (check the trigger warnings below).

100% recommend!

Trigger Warnings: discussion of past parental, asshole brothers, off-page animal death, torture, violence, murder, kidnapping, sale of drugs and weapons, and more.

#tamingsavage #trustingquin #treasuringmichael #talesreimagined #talesreimaginedseries #rsmckenzie  #beautyandthebeast #littleredridinghood #cinderella #beautyandthebeastretelling #littleredridinghoodretelling #cinderellaretelling #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Savage Rivals

Annnnd, here's to finishing off Becca Steele's MM books. This one is "Savage Rivals." It figures Asher and Levi (mentioned in her LSU series--it's also connected to her Alstone High series).

["Asher Henderson.
Captain of the Highnam Academy football team, and the bane of my existence.
As Alstone High’s team captain, I’ve been pitted against him from the beginning, but our conflict isn’t only reserved for the pitch.
Everyone knows we’re enemies. From our first encounter, our rivalry has been escalating, spiralling out of control.

Until one night when everything between us changed.
He pushed me too far, and we crossed a line that should never have been crossed.
Now, I can’t get him out of my head.
Can we ever be more than rivals, or are there too many obstacles in our way?

One thing I know for sure.
Things between us will never be the same again."]

I read so many enemies-to-lovers lately, but this one was special. It was all hate, hate, hate, until it was lust and like and love all Romeo and Juliet style. Very, very good! 

#savagerivals #beccasteele #lsu #lsuseries #alstonehigh #alstonehighseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Cross The Line (Alstone High #1.5)

Annnnd, here's to finishing off Becca Steele's MM books. This one is "Cross The Line." It's in her Alstone High series, and it figures Kian and Preston (mentioned in her LSU series).

["Leaving everything behind to move to England was difficult enough, but when I catch the attention of Alstone High’s bad boy for all the wrong reasons, things go from bad to worse.

He resents my position as the soccer team’s MVP, and that isn't even the worst part.

He’s figured out my secret.

He knows I want him, and he hates me for it.

But I can see right through Kian Courtland, and I’ve figured something out. Something that he won’t even admit to himself.

His secret?

He wants me, too."]

I looooove nicknames, especially personalized ones and sassy ones. My Golden Boy? My Delinquent? Yeah, I'm done. Dead.

These two...didn't have it easy at first. But they didn't hold onto their rivalry well. They caved to the feelings (the lust and the like) pretty damn fast. No complaining though. ;) There was still some angst and drama and shit, but they worked it out together.  

There's also a delicious bonus scene available via #BookFunnel

#crosstheline #beccasteele #alstonehigh #alstonehighseries #lsu #lsuseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sweat Connection (Hot Under The Collar #1)

Here's Katherine McIntrye's "Sweat Connection." It's the first book in her new Hot Under The Collar series (yes, another random book I found on a random add on a random social media app--fight me).

["One disaster bi single dad. One sexy plumber on a house call. One hot-as-hell romance….

If I was a hot mess before becoming a single dad, my life’s pretty much an on-fire garbage can now.
Okay, maybe that’s a tad melodramatic—my bestie/baby momma/ex-girlfriend is still awesome, currently in the throuple of her dreams. And my kiddo Sammy’s amazing, albeit exhausting. I’m the one who’s too intense and rambling, too obsessed with random trivia, too liable to set dinner on fire. Essentially, too much for any relationship.
However, when a hottie plumber drops by to fix our toilet—thanks, Sammy—and gives me his number? My luck might just be turning around.

After my dad moved to a retirement community, he left me with the big, old house I grew up in and a whole lot of loneliness.
I thought by now I’d be settled down, but no one’s looking for the guy who likes long hikes with his dog, stargazing, and fixing shit around the house. They want fun, entertaining, flashy—not me.
Except when I give Rhys my private line for an emergency house call, I show up for the job to discover it’s a date. It seems like I might’ve met the one man on earth who’s just as interested as I am—if only we can find the guts to admit it."]

This novella was super cuuute! They had an instant connection. Love at first sight. Lust at first sight. Struck stupid at first sight. Planning futures by the first date. 

It was all just so cute and fluffy and protective and possessive and hot as hell. As soft and sweet as they were, they were also steamy as fucking everything. So. Damn. Hot.

It could have been shorter if they talked about that they were, what they wanted, and what the future looked like. But where's the fun in that. ;)

#sweatconnection #hotconduit #jointpenetration #katherinemcintyre #hotunderthecollar #hotunderthecollarseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Conventry Carol

Santa smut and...cannibalism? Why the hell not? I've read worse. ;) Here's Ashlyn Drewek's "The Conventry Carol."

["Instead of eggnog and peppermint lattes, Caspar Payne prefers to drown his hatred of the most obnoxious holiday ever with whiskey. Except, alcohol and sadness can be a deadly combination and when he finds himself teetering on the edge of a bridge on Christmas Eve, the last thing he expects is a hot AF guardian angel in a Santa coat.

To make matters worse, the mysterious stranger claims he’s the son of Santa—as in the Santa Claus. Caspar isn’t inclined to believe him until a cannibal hitman shows up with every intention of collecting Caspar’s soul.

If they can make it to January, it’ll be a Christmas miracle."]

Well, it's not Santa smut. Because Santa (in this story) is a fucking asshole. Like, live ruining, hitman hiring, grounding an adult child asshole. 

Annnnnyway...Caspar is the main and only reasons for the trigger warnings below. He's lonely and alone (they're different things--if you know, you know) and feeling sorry for himself and hating life and hating people and hating Christmas. Nick is the only bright and happy thing in his life (until he abandons him, too--spoiler alert). 

Nick has never felt seen. Not by his father (fucking Santa Clause himself), not by his mother, and not by his brothers. But Caspar, he understands Caspar on a visceral level. So when Caspar tries to kill himself, of course he steps in, even if it leads to more drama, more harassment, more treats from his father. Nick would do anything for Caspar. 

This story is a semi-dark romance. It's dark and twisty (and not in the fun ways). The trigger warnings need to be taken seriously. The suicide attempts and depressive thoughts are on-page and descriptive as hell. 

Trigger Warnings: suicidal ideations and attempts, alcohol use, and more.

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Saturday, August 19, 2023

Briar & Bramble

I'm not going to ever say no to a stepbrothers romance. Especially after just reading (and loooooving) a book by Ashlyn Drewek. Here's "Briar & Bramble” (available via #BookFunnel after signing up for her newsletter).

["Aaron hates everything about Valentine’s Day—including the lovesick idiots who flock to his restaurant and the fact it’s by far his busiest day of the year. But as an up-and-coming chef with a business to build, he’ll do whatever it takes to make his customers happy.

When he runs into a floral snafu, he’ll have to do something he hates more than Valentine’s Day—ask for help from the only florist in town. The problem is that florist is his ex-stepbrother, Alex, the one person he was hoping never to see again."]

A little dramatic and miscommunication-y but a very good novella. Lots of angst and anger. Lots of unanswered questions and unresolved feelings…until things are…hashed out, as they say. ;)

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Another day, another social media add, another reason to download a new book. This time, we have a fairy tale retelling. Beauty and The Beast. Here's Ashlyn Drewek's "Wither."

["Desperate for a change, librarian Zane Beaumont gets the chance of a lifetime to work for literary sensation Gerulf Prince. People say you should never meet your heroes—and for good reason. The fact that no one has seen the mysterious author in two years and that his lawyer is willing to pay so much for a job people would normally clamor to do for free are giant red flags that sail over Zane’s head.

But with an offer he can’t refuse and the deadline for Gerulf’s latest project fast approaching, Zane takes the job and moves into the famous author’s mansion. After all, it’s only six months. How bad can it be?"]

Oh. My. Gooooooooooood! D: This book was so fucking good. So. Fucking. Good!!

And I'm not even mad that the romance aspect didn't even start until like 50-60% in. It was that good. 

Gerulf was the perfect Beast. Ruined by life and love and a witch bitch. He had nothing to live for,  nothing but hatred in his heart, and nothing but roses in his past (literal roses--in the garden, in the library). Not to mention the literal disfigurement from an accident two year prior, he was..."beastly" and a monster (his words).

Zane was the perfect Beauty. Pretty, smart, wanted by the town queen be, inventor/engineer father, passion for books (and a library to boot). He was left wanting and waiting most of his life. He didn't have time or money for passions. He didn't have room in his heart for love, not with everything going on. 

But these two healed each other. They healed each other while falling in love (mostly on purpose, but mostly without their own hearts knowing it). 

Trigger Warnings: stalking, sexual harassment, domestic abuse, violence, near-death accidents, disfigurement, parental death, and more

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Sidelined (LSU #2)

I went looking for a brother's best friend books, and found this series (the third one is a brother's best friend). This series? Becca Steele's LSU series. The second book is "Sidelined."

["I’ve been in love with my best friend, Ander, for as long as I can remember. I’ve always kept my feelings to myself, knowing that I’d never have a chance because he’s straight.
Until the day he does me a favour by pretending to be my boyfriend.

After that, things change. He’s suddenly interested in experimenting with guys…just not with me.
It’s time for me to move on, and accept that nothing between us will ever change. He only sees me as his best friend.

Except…now he’s looking at me in a different way.
Does he feel something more than friendship for me, or am I just deluding myself?
I guess it’s time to find out."]

I sped-read through most of this book. The pining and the questioning and the feels were so much and so addictive. But then I needed a break (and a nap), because the angst and the mutual heartache and the he'll-never-love-me-like-I-love-him was just so hard (and I wasn't breathing).

Spoiler alert (or not), they figured it out, worked it out, said their "I love you"s, and had a very, very cute happily ever after (and an even cuter epilogue). 

Best-friends-to-lovers always hurts so goooooood! D: 

#collided #blindsided #sidelined #ignited #lsu #lsuseries #beccasteele #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, August 18, 2023

Blindsided (LSU #1)

I went looking for a brother's best friend books, and found this series (the third one is a brother's best friend). This series? Becca Steele's LSU series. The first book is "Blindsided."

["My first year at university started with a bang…literally.
I crashed into someone’s car. Even worse? It turns out that the person I blindsided is my new housemate, Liam, second-year student and football player.

It’s hate at first sight…until it isn’t.
But even if he doesn’t hate me anymore, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s straight.
At least, I thought he was.

One night, one kiss, and everything I thought I knew turns upside down.
They say actions speak louder than words.
And his actions tell me that he wants me."]

The angst in this one was a rollercoaster. It went from just hate-angst to lust-angst to internalized-homophobia-angst mixed with past-encounters-with-homophobia-ptsd-angst and break-up-angst. It was just...a lot. But a lot of good! 

So good!!

I mean it. The fluff and the sweetness. The sex and the steam. The protectiveness and possessiveness. All of it. Just a great balance of it all. 

But it makes me want three things: the next book (for Ander to fucking wake up and realize he loves Elliot back) and the two previous books in this connect universe (one with Kian and Preston, and one with Asher and Levi--both standalones, but in Becca's Alstone High series).

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Thursday, August 17, 2023

Collided (LSU #0.5)

I went looking for a brother's best friend books, and found this series (the third one is a brother's best friend). This series? Becca Steele's LSU series. The first book, well the prequel book, is "Collided" (a stepbrother romance ;) ).

["When my mother told me she was getting married, I had no idea just how much my life would change.
Her new husband does his best to make me feel welcome, but his son is a different story. Huxley Granger is rude and aggressive, and from the moment we collide, he makes it clear that he loathes me.

Then, something happens. An event that alters everything between us.
I find myself looking at him in a different way.
A way I shouldn’t be looking at the person who has been so hostile to me from the beginning. A way I shouldn’t be looking at the one person I’m not allowed to have.

Even though I tell myself to forget him, I can’t get him out of my head.
And I could be wrong, but I think he might have the same problem.
I know I should stay away.
I should.
But I won’t."]

There was zero love or lust or annnything between these two at first. Okay, lie, there was something. Literal hatred and loathing. And punches and bruises. 

Then came the caring and the lust and the love and the “I wasn’t just in lust with my stepbrother. I was completely, one hundred percent head over heels in love with that bleached blind fucker.”

Swoon. Full on swoon.

Now I have to go listen to the accompanying playlist for this book. And binge the rest of the series.

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Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Forbidden Match (the Perfect Match Agency #6)

Reading an entire multi-author series to read two of the books by an author I love? Why the hell not! Besides, it gets two books off my TBR list all the while adding a few more to my Read list AND discovering a few new fabulous authors. Sounds like a win-win-win to me. ;)

The series is the Perfect Match Agency. The sixth book is "Forbidden Match" by M.M. Farmer.

["The Perfect Match Agency’s company policy is No dating in the workplace!
Looks like Renn and Topher didn’t get the memo…

Working in IT for the Perfect Match Agency has been my dream job. Not just because I get to work with the software that helps people find their mate, but because it allows me to work from home. And with my anxiety issues, working from home is a must. Don’t get me wrong, I have my work friends who I talk to through email and texts every day, especially Renn. We’ve never met, but Renn has become my best friend.
When the system sends both of us emails congratulating us on finding a 99.1% perfect match, not even my anxiety can stop me from heading to the office to solve the problem…and to meet Renn in person for the very first time.

Having the Perfect Match system send me an email telling me it’s found a 99.1% compatible match for me was not the wildest thing that happened to me that day. Meeting my best friend in person for the first time and having him instantly go into heat and me into rut definitely was. That supply closet will never be the same. Neither will me and Topher, unfortunately. There’s nothing like coming into work on a Monday after a wild heat weekend only to be fired to start a relationship out on the wrong foot.
But are Topher and I victims of nature and destined to go down in flames, or is the perfection of our match exactly what the company needs to study to take the whole matchmaking system to the next level?"]

This. Book. Was. D: All of the feels. Mostly happy. Mainly happy. They were best friends. Best. Friends. They were almost flirty in their emails and each other's confidants. Some say, they were already falling in love. Then they met, well, before they even met face to face (Topher was coming up the stairwell, and Renn was at the top with the door open), they went into heat/rut. It was almost pre-instantaneous. Then the insta-bond and the insta-love. The only none-happy times were Topher's extreme anxiety , and when That HR person got involved. 

Honestly, this book was so good. I read it in one sitting. And when it was over, I was actually a little shocked. I assumed there'd be more (not disappointed though).

#cautiousmatch #chancematch #blindmatch #farawaymatch #secondmatch #forbiddenmatch #theperfectmatchagency #theperfectmatchagencyseries #roehorvat #wendyrathbone #mmfarmer #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, August 14, 2023

Second Match (the Perfect Match Agency #5)

Reading an entire multi-author series to read two of the books by an author I love? Why the hell not! Besides, it gets two books off my TBR list all the while adding a few more to my Read list AND discovering a few new fabulous authors. Sounds like a win-win-win to me. ;)

The series is the Perfect Match Agency. The fifth book is "Second Match" by Wendy Rathbone.

["One failed attempt with the Perfect Match Agency leads to a second—will this omega be The One

Morgan Dor is a handsome wealthy businessman who attracts young omegas easily, but most are looking for a sugar daddy and never stick around.

Signing up with the Perfect Match Agency sounded like the best bet for finding his perfect mate, someone with whom he might form a real relationship, but his first match ended almost before it could get started when the omega matched to him fell for his office assistant instead.

Now the agency has found a second match for Morgan. He’s been skunked before. His heart is yearning but his mind tells him not to get his hopes up. Will it happen again? Will his second match find someone else, just like all the other omegas he’s ever dated or hooked up with? Or will this omega, finally and forever, be his perfect match?"]

We first met Morgan in "Chance Match" when it was matched with Kace, but Kace was fated with Storm. Morgan was sad (probably sadder than anyone realized), but I'm SO happy he gets his HEA here. Even if it's a little more complicated than initially expected.

Their connection was instant. Insta-lust (insta-rut and insta-heat). Insta-love. Insta-connection. Insta-understanding. Morgan was more than wiling to do anything in his power to protect, provide for, and keep Riley. Even if Riley's father's are insane (see last paragraph). Riley was more than willing to go out of his comfort-zone, leave the only things/place/people he knows to get out of there, to run away with Morgan, to live happily (and freely). 

Morgan got his wish: to rescue the prince from the locked tower and fall madly in love. And Riley got his wish: someone to love and cherish him the way he's always wanted, the way he's never received before Morgan. The beginning and the middle weren't...quite as simple.

Also, it's not stated in this blurb, but Riley is actually (was) stuck in a cult. Where they treated him like shit. So many trigger warnings (none physically violent--though a threat of one from an elder). If you want them, please let me know (they spoil a few things, hence why they're not listed--but I'm more than happy to share them with you).

#cautiousmatch #chancematch #blindmatch #farawaymatch #secondmatch #forbiddenmatch #theperfectmatchagency #theperfectmatchagencyseries #roehorvat #wendyrathbone #mmfarmer #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Faraway Match (the Perfect Match Agency #4)

Reading an entire multi-author series to read two of the books by an author I love? Why the hell not! Besides, it gets two books off my TBR list all the while adding a few more to my Read list AND discovering a few new fabulous authors. Sounds like a win-win-win to me. ;)

The series is the Perfect Match Agency. The fourth book is "Faraway Match" by Roe Horvat.

Finding that one, right person seems impossible for me. Not only am I stupidly awkward around omegas, but I live in the middle of a tiny, remote town where I spend my days keeping an eye on our national park. The most exciting folks I meet are deer and raccoon. Despite what the matchmaking agency said, I can’t imagine anyone who would want to live here, especially not the beautiful young man they’ve supposedly found for me.
But when Bentley comes to visit, he actually seems to like it here; he brightens my cabin with his unwavering positivity and shining eyes. Even my dog is in love with him. Is there a chance he’ll stay? Forever?

My friends think I’m crazy, but I want a picket fence and kids before thirty, and I’m tired of trying to find that in a hectic, unfriendly city. Then the matchmaking agency sends me pics of Norman Hardy—a conservation officer at a northern national park and my chest fills with butterflies. Nearly two thousand miles is a long way to go for a blind date, but he’s supposed to be the man of my of course I’m going.
My host is sweet and kind, his cabin in the mountains is breathtaking, and the quirky inhabitants of Quack Lake welcome me with open arms, except Norman acts nervous and awkward around me. If I want something more than a friendly visit, I guess I’m going to have to take the first step."]

The angst was a little high in this one. But more of the anxiety of when it'll all come crashing down. That waiting for the shoe to drop. Norman felt it the most, the most intense, the most time consuming, the most deeply. But Bentley had a lot of it's-too-good-to-be-true feelings.

But don't worry, they figured it out. With the help of their friends and nature and quirky townsfolk and a perfect doggo named Pretzel.

Also, it's getting a little cliched (spoiler alert), but I don't hate it (at. all.) that all of these epilogues have mpreg in them. I'm actually kinda here for it. 

#cautiousmatch #chancematch #blindmatch #farawaymatch #secondmatch #forbiddenmatch #theperfectmatchagency #theperfectmatchagencyseries #roehorvat #wendyrathbone #mmfarmer #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Blind Match (the Perfect Match Agency #3)

Reading an entire multi-author series to read two of the books by an author I love? Why the hell not! Besides, it gets two books off my TBR list all the while adding a few more to my Read list AND discovering a few new fabulous authors. Sounds like a win-win-win to me. ;)

The series is the Perfect Match Agency. The third book is "Blind Match" by M.M Farmer.

["He is the perfect omega match in every way…but is this alpha ready for the unexpected?

As dedicated as I’ve always been to my family’s yacht business, all I’ve ever wanted is a family of my own. So when the opportunity to find a mate through the Perfect Match Agency arose, I jumped at it. I knew from the moment I laid eyes on Emerson Carter that he was the only man for me. But I’m not sure I’m ready for the little surprise that wasn’t listed on his profile.

Luke is everything I’ve ever wanted in an alpha and then some. The moment I first touched him, I started to go into heat. So how could I resist his invitation to go sailing out on the open ocean as the end of our first date…and the beginning of our life together. But when we are caught in a storm at sea, we end up with a little more adventure than we bargained for. The storm might bring us together, but other forces threaten to tear us apart."]

M.M. Farmer is a fucking gem and too good for this world. She's done it yet again with this fabulous book. I can't. It was so sweet and fluffy, but so. fucking. hot. Like, I need a fan over here. It was so smexy and steamy, I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones that caused the storm with their fabulous chemistry (though, I guess weather doesn't work that way).

They instantly knew they were It for each other. Love at first sight...smell...presence. Whichever way you put it, they knew. It took no convincing for them. No hesitation. Their families were a different story (they didn't let the storm separate them; they sure as hell weren't letting their fathers separate them).

I can't. It was so good. Go. Read. This.

#cautiousmatch #chancematch #blindmatch #farawaymatch #secondmatch #forbiddenmatch #theperfectmatchagency #theperfectmatchagencyseries #roehorvat #wendyrathbone #mmfarmer #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Chance Match (the Perfect Match Agency #2)

Reading an entire multi-author series to read two of the books by an author I love? Why the hell not! Besides, it gets two books off my TBR list all the while adding a few more to my Read list AND discovering a few new fabulous authors. Sounds like a win-win-win to me. ;)

The series is the Perfect Match Agency. The second book is "Chance Match" by Wendy Rathbone.

["Can love be quantified by a simple blood test and an algorithm? Sometimes...but not always.

Kace’s heats are difficult and painful. His last alpha boyfriend hurt him by trying to breed him when Kace wasn’t ready or willing, and Kace was too polite to stop it but left the next day still in the throes of heat. His doctor calls his condition Heat Repulsion, and tells him if he meets his fated mate, that condition might go away. He recommends Perfect Match Agency for Kace, a new company that uses the science of pheromones to help people find their fated mates.
But when Kace goes on his first blind date with his perfect match, it’s not the alpha taking him out to dinner that interests him, but the man’s sulky assistant, Storm.

Alpha Storm has a secret. Because of a boyhood betrayal, he dislikes omegas who he has decided are superficial, silly, whimsical and untrustworthy. He has only ever hooked up with alphas. He has never been with an omega in heat, so he’s never experienced a knot and doesn’t even know if he can. But why would he want to knot anyone? He trusts no one.

Suddenly, both men experience off-schedule signs of pre-heat and pre-rut, and they soon discover they are causing each other’s symptoms.

Can both men overcome their insecurities, griefs and fears long enough to test the compatibility between them?"]

These two were very opposed to the situation they found themselves in. Well, Storm was. Mostly. Kace, he was hoping against hope that it was real, that this could be his. Even when all the signs pointed to Fated Mates, they were still hesitant. 

Until they weren't. Then they were all in. Head over heals. Giddy as schoolboys. Reading each other's mind. All. In. 

And then it ended with a multi-chapter epilogue that was so sweet and perfect and HEA.

#cautiousmatch #chancematch #blindmatch #farawaymatch #secondmatch #forbiddenmatch #theperfectmatchagency #theperfectmatchagencyseries #roehorvat #wendyrathbone #mmfarmer #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Cautious Match (the Perfect Match Agency #1)

Reading an entire multi-author series to read two of the books by an author I love? Why the hell not! Besides, it gets two books off my TBR list all the while adding a few more to my Read list AND discovering a few new fabulous authors. Sounds like a win-win-win to me. ;)
The series is the Perfect Match Agency. The first book is "Cautious Match" by Roe Horvat

["“Excellent news, we’ve found your perfect match!”

I don’t want to be single forever—I just find it difficult to put myself out there. That’s why my meddling brother registered me with a matchmaking service. They did personality tests, took pheromone samples, and now they claim they’ve found the ideal alpha for me. So ideal, we’re supposed to be like fated mates from the legends, irresistible to each other. We need to be careful around each other, or my scent might set off his rut, which is a scary thing to happen with a complete stranger.
Except the Agency won’t tell me anything about him. I must pick up the courage and meet him to find out for myself.

I’ve always attracted the wrong men. After several abysmal breakups, I don’t dare to date, so it sounds like a great idea to let an agency choose a mate for me. Jori Mullins is a 26-year-old omega, a shy little accountant, and my perfect match in all aspects. He doesn’t have a manipulative bone in his body, and his honesty humbles me. Instead of tempting him, my wealth and status make him uncomfortable. He’s gentle, kind, and way smarter than he lets on. His scent alone has the power to wipe out my self-control.
I want him badly, but I need to keep my distance and gain his trust first. If we get too close to each other, our bodies might take over and make all decisions for us."]

Of course they only spend a date and a half with the distance (though the lack thereof was an accident), which subsequently (and quickly) caused said rut (and then said heat). Both of which they were mutually at fault for. And mutually not complaining about. ;) At. All. 

There also was zero complaints about falling in love. They had reservations about the timeline (so. fucking. fast.), but their connection was strong (and Avery was stubborn).

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See Me: bonus scene

And the bonus chapter(s)/scene(s) from Cece Bennett's "See Me" (available via #BookFunnel).

["This ended up being a lot longer than I intended, and is really just an unabashed spicy scene

Ben and Oliver visit Requited and have a special kind of experience."]

As if either of these two love birds needed an excuse to have hotter sex. ;)

Though there was a loooooot of talk of love and devotion (and steamier than a sauna smexy times).

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See Me (Requited #1)

Just when you think you have your (reading) life back on track, you see another add for another novella. I have a hard time saying no to novellas. Here's Cece Bennett's "See Me." 

["I had been content to watch him in my mirror for too long. Now I wouldn’t be satisfied until I had all of him. 

Oliver Calloway only looked at me when he had to - or when there was a girl on his lap. He had gone from a childhood friend to a stranger, and now I was his driver. 

For the last five years I had driven him to work, to his apartment, to meetings, and to clubs, all while keeping my desires to myself. My feelings were unrequited, I knew that from the beginning. I was gay and he was straight, so I was content to watch him from the front seat. 

Until he tried to bring home a guy. 

It was one thing to sneak glances at him when I knew it was hopeless, but if there was a chance… 

I was going to make him see me, once and for all."]

I'm on the fence on how I feel about the POV in this. On one hand, having only Ben narrate, you get more angst and more unrequited feelings and more unknown (and more miscommunication). On other hand, if both Ben and Oliver would have narrated, I think it would have been a little smoother of a read (and I mean, I'm all for mutual pining--that makes the angst more giddy).

But, the sex was hot as hell. If only they  t a l k e d  about their feelings after the sex (or before--or any time really), then there would have been less angst, and tears, and no almost-third-act-break-up. 

#seeme #requited #requitedseries #cecebennett #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Accidentally August

I saw this on book on my bookstagram, on my Facebook as an add, and on a recent author email in her recommendation section. Obviously, I had to drop everything and read it. This is E.M. Denning's "Accidentally August."

I’m not supposed to have a crush on Crispin Tate. He’s my brother’s best friend, and he’s also gorgeous and perfect in every way... except for his horrible taste in men. And the fact he’s ten years too old for me. Falling for Crispin at sixteen was a surefire way to break my own heart, but I convinced myself one day I’ll get over my unrequited crush. Only, I don’t. I grow up and fall even deeper in love with a man who knows I exist, but won’t ever want me *like that*.

Sometimes I think the only thing I’ve ever done right was rebuff August’s advances, because other than that, my life has been a complete mess. I married the wrong person, which led to a divorce that was the opposite of amicable. Then, one day in the middle of it all, August Shaughnessy grew up and grew into himself, but he didn’t outgrow the way he used to look at me when he was a teenager. It’s hard to not like him because he’s smart and funny and kind—he’s everything I ever wanted.
Now that he’s a grown man, the years between us hardly seem to matter. I can only hope that everyone else in our lives feels the same way because one morning I woke up and realized I’d accidentally fallen in love with August."]

This book was SO. FUCKING. GOOD. I mean, the angst and the heartbreak and constantly being on the precipice of heartbreak for the first section of the book was hard and anxiety inducing and my chest still hurts. But it was so good, especially that first section. 

And the rest? A mix of fluff and possessiveness and steam so hot that (insert metaphor here--my brain's tired, you do the work). Plus a cat!

Seriously, read this book. It's basically a novella, and it won't take you long at all. You won't regret it (neither will I after I add E.M. to my to-binge list).

#accidentallyaugust #emdenning #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Date Us Interruptus

And the bonus chapter(s)/scene(s) from Felice Steven's "On The 2..." Here's "Date Us Interruptus" (available via #BookFunnel).

["I hope you've enjoyed reading Nash and Ethan's story, but it isn't over yet. You know I couldn't let these men get away without having them baby-sit Nash's little sister, Cassandra Rose. Be prepared, because you can only imagine how funny that's going to be."]

This was a very fun and sweet extra to their fun and sweet story. 

#onthe2 #dateusinteruptus #felicestevens  #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

On The 2

Who needs to follow their pre-set reading orders when you run across a good look on a Facebook add? Here's "On The 2" by Felice Stevens.

["First rule of riding the subway.
Don’t talk to strangers.
Don’t even look at anyone.

But what if they’re grouchy and gorgeous and you’re sitting right next to them?
I always did like a challenge.
I want to turn that frown upside down, but he barely looks at me.
I take a chance and poke the bear, and to my shock, he plays along and growls back.
The more we meet on the train, the more I realize he’s not the uptight grump I first thought. Then one night, there he is—in my world, in my space…his tongue in my mouth.

Mind blown.

But I’m no fool. A man like Nash Roman doesn’t date a guy who sells suits at Macy’s.
Nash is prep school and Ivy League, and I’m night school while working two jobs to pay bills. Nash is fine wine, expensive restaurants and handmade suits, and I’m beer, corner takeout, and a lucky find at Goodwill.

What am I—street-smart Ethan Moreno—doing, playing in his world? This man is older than me, way richer than me, and has already made it clear he doesn’t believe in love. I should walk away. Instead, I’m falling for him. Hard.

Nash couldn’t care less if his father doesn’t think I’m good enough or if people gossip because we’re so different. I need to trust in him and us, but I’ve been burned before.

And just like the Uptown Number 2, sometimes you have to travel a different route to get to the final destination.

Grump versus sunshine. Medium to low angst. No third-act-break-up. Supportive as hell friends. Confused and slightly (or a lot) toxic exs. 

This book was super cute! I binged the first half, got sick (unrelated--but don't day drink on an empty stomach, especially an alcohol you already have a poor relationship with), and binged the second half. 

The sex scenes were a little short but they were still very steamy. Nash and Ethan were very fluffy and sweet and protective. Nash wanted Ethan, needed Ethan, well before he was even ready to admit he more than lust-y feelings. It was just...very sweet.

Now I need to go and read about the other couples mentioned in this book (a stand alone but in a connected universe).

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Thursday, August 10, 2023

Red, White, And Royal Blue: Movie Review

As some of you may already know (if you didn't, you do now--I won't judge you if you call off work tomorrow), the movie adaptation of Casey McQuinston's "Red, White, and Royal Blue" just debuted on Amazon Prime. Time zones are fun and magical things. RWRB debuted August 11th at midnight, UK time. Which makes that 8pm EST. Which makes me an all-too-happy fangirl. ;) 

Spoilers ahead. Some of the below thoughts were caught on the fly, some where instant reactions, some where after movie thoughts:

  • No June, merged June’s character with Nora 
  • Opened with cake scene and Bad Reputation, so fucking badass.
  • Love Zahra and Amy. And Shaan.
  • No divorce, stepfather.
  • Miguel = Alex’s other bisexual past. Also a political reporter. And the new Rafael, sans redemption arc.
  • Henry’s Bitmoji!!!
  • Alex’s wardrobe and personality were changed. More relaxed and flowy (and chinos). But I kinda love it. And Henry definitely worked the stiff and awkward and scared well (though I hated his suits).
  • New and fun way to portray texts, having them both in the shot but in different places but as if they’re in the same place (because they’re getting closer emotionally). 
  • No Star Wars, but Disney is expensive, and it might not have been worth the fees.
  • “He grabbed my hair in a way that made me understand the difference between rugby and football.”
  • Fucking. Red. Room. Fucking Alexander Hamilton. Need I say more. 
  • Then I got lost for a bit in the whirlwind romance and the sexy rendezvous and the flirty emails and the chaos gays (aka Alex and Henry—in that order).
  • The Texas binder turned into the Texas memo.
  • Texas vaca weekend was everything, including karaoke and falling in love and obscenely hot swim trunks and confesses and lack of confessions and my tears. 
  • No Bea backstory.
  • No yelling outside of Kensington palace, but Alex did storm it.
  • Slow dancing to Can’t Help Falling In Love in the museum PLUS “History, huh? Maybe we could make some” in the same scene. I’m not okay.
  • And when Henry gives Alex his signet ring, Alex gave Henry his necklace key?!?!? Really not okay over here! 
  • “I will break the sound barrier for you.”
  • No badass queen-to-be getting her redemption arc by standing up for Henry. 
  • No “history, huh?” shirts (or Star Wars fan art murals). But they did see the crowds of support, all over the world.
  • No election night speech from Alex. Kinda upset about that. It was good.
  • No Liam.
  • No Our Song. :( Really upset about that. Maybe Elton Johns fees are high, too.
  • Also, the emails really show how nerds and dorky these two are. Such fucking history nerds. Not translated well into the movie.

Overall, the book was better. Obviously. But the movie was still so good!!! Sooooooo good! Really very, very good!! I can't wait to see what everyone else thought (book fans, new to RWRB fans, and everyone in between).

Okay, these are my thoughts thus far. But as I rewatch the movie, I'll have more (just like I plan on eventually sharing my fangirl-ness of Barbie with y'all--maybe after the third time I see it ;) ).

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Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...