Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Goodbye, October!

October was must like the previous months in 2023. It went by to quickly, but the beginning seems so far away. Also, these weekends need to be longer (or the weekdays shorter--or both). Excited that my birthday is in 11 days, but not looking forward to the end of 2023 (or am I...) 

2023 Resolutions:

     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it

     (2) Don't stop reading

     (3) Make something (e.g. a memories)

     (4) Share love of books/writing

     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) *Crickets* Shhhhhh.

(2) Books read this month: 30 (might get one more in there before midnight though).

(3) September Memories: Tried a new kind/flavor of pizza. Asian Lantern Festival with my bff. Visited my sister (bought some cute bracelets, made a candle, tried more new foods, went on a boat tour) and we went to the Jonas Brothers concert (we were third row. third. row.). Went to a Halloween Party. Kept strong on my October reading goals of only reading thrillers/mysteries/paranormal/dark romance.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 22.

(5) This month sucked mental health wise. The sun stopped coming out so much. The temperature dropped (it's not cold but it's not summer anymore). It rained all. the. time. Seasonal depression: y a y. Some self-help. Some stress eating. Some ignoring adulting.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting November reads?

Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyeostober #hellonovemer #hello2023 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, October 30, 2023

Bye Baby (Flowershop Assassins #1)

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Louise Collins's "Bye Baby." It's the first novel in her Flowershop Assassins series.

["Donnie King.
Ruthless, sexy and assassin extraordinaire.

Or at least he used to be.
Now, Donnie’s washed up, drinking himself into unconsciousness night after night. He needs one more hit, one more chance to prove himself, to reclaim some dignity.

Enter Elliot Austin, the blue-eyed, blond.
An easy kill, or he should’ve been.

Donnie botches the hit and wakes up tied to a chair with a knife pressed to his jugular. He waits for Elliot to finish him off, but his young mark does something unexpected.
He kisses Donnie, then speaks over his shoulder as he leaves.
“Bye Baby.”

Humiliated, Donnie vows to end Elliot, but killing him is anything but easy.
He’s gifted at getting away, and is always one step ahead.

He teases, and humiliates, and drives Donnie crazy.
It’s an addicting game of cat and mouse that forces Donnie to climb out of the gutter, and get himself into shape.

Donnie wants Elliot dead, but he might just want him alive that little bit more..."]

It took Donnie an embarrassingly long time to realize his feelings for Elliot. Like right up until (nearly) the very end, until it was almost to late. Buuuut at least he figured it out, right? ;)

I cannot (can. not.) wait for Yates and Ranger to find their happily ever afters. Yates’s is going to bite him in the ass. Rangers will come probably after he gives up trying to find it; and around the same time his memories come back—amnesia love story anyone????).

#byebaby #sopathetic #ragingranger #flowershopassassins #flowershopassassinsseries #louisecollins #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Four Found Dead

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Natalie D. Richards's "Four Found Dead."

["At the movie theater where Jo works, the last show has ended. But the nightmare is just beginning.

Tonight, Tempest Theaters is closing forever, the last remaining business in a defunct shopping mall. The moviegoers have left, and Jo and her six coworkers have the final shift, cleaning up popcorn and mopping floors for the last time.

But after an unexpected altercation puts everyone on edge, the power goes out. Their manager disappears, along with the keys to the lobby doors and the theater safe, where the crew's phones are locked each shift. Then, the crew's tension turns to terror when Jo discovers the dead body of one of her co-workers.

Now their only chance to escape the murderer in their midst is through the dark, shuttered mall. With its boarded-up exits and disabled fire alarms, the complex is filled with hiding places for both pursuer and pursued. In order to survive this night, Jo and her friends must trust one another, navigate the sprawling ruins of the mall, and outwit a killer before he kills again."]

This one was somehow both fast and slow. The first murder didn't happen until the fifth chapter. Which doesn't seem long, but it also felt like forever. After that, the plot and the suspense picked up quickly. As did the number of dead bodies (which was actually, technically--spoiler alert--more than four).

I'm not sure how I feel knowing who the killer was the entire time. It added a layer of something (like when you watch Criminal Minds and the audience knows who the killer is but the BAU doesn't?), but it also took some of that suspense away. 

#fourfounddead #nataliedrichards #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Paladin (Jericho's Boys #1)

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Onley James's "Paladin." It's the first novel in her Jericho's Boys series (a Necessary Evils spin-off series).

["Arseny Lebedev lives a normal life. During the day, he’s a mechanic. At night, he livestreams a fairy tale video game called Paladin. And sometimes—only sometimes—he kills people. But they all deserve it.

Ever doesn’t know his last name. He doesn’t know much of anything. Most of his life has been torture, bought and sold by a woman who calls herself his mother. He’s resigned himself to a life of servitude, until he meets Arsen.

The moment Arsen sees Ever, they’re bonded. Ever is both fragile and feral, willing to defend himself with any tool at his disposal, even teeth. Arsen is color and light, a beacon in Ever’s darkness, as brave as the knight in the game he plays.

Arsen protects Ever fiercely, but just when he feels safe, someone attempts to drag him back to his old life, reminding him that reality isn’t fairy tales or video games. He knows staying puts Arsen in danger. But Arsen insists they’re safer together. Can Ever truly have his happily ever after or is it game over?"]

Ever is so broken and small and perfect (and fiery), that it’s no surprise that Arsen fell for him so quickly (so did I). That’s what I love about dark romances (and Onley’s work), there’s usually one character (or several) who are so fragile that it breaks your heart, and then they immediately mend it again. And Ever is like all of the beautiful but broken Mulvaney husbands combined (and then some).

Arsen is almost the second-in-command to Jericho (Felix is just the heir--alley cat with a diamond collar). He's fierce and protective and completely and utterly gooooone for Ever immediately. Then again, so was I...and everyone in the Jericho Boys and the Mulvaney gang.

The only downside: my stupid fucking kindle wouldn't translate the Russian words/phrases/endearments to English. Blya kindle.

Trigger Warnings: graphic violence, dark humor, murder, past physical and sexual abuse, and more

#paladin #rogue #jerichosboys #jerichosboysseries #necessaryevils #necessaryevilsseries #onleyjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, October 23, 2023

Maniac (Necessary Evil #7)

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Onley James's "Maniac." It's the seventh and final novel in her Necessary Evils series.

["Thomas Mulvaney was just a child when an error in judgment cost him everything. He vowed then that he would do anything to atone for his mistake. And he did. He never strayed from the right path. Until Aiden.

Aiden Mulvaney doesn’t exist. He’s a lie created by the father who disowned him and by Thomas Mulvaney, the only man Aiden had ever begged to love him. But that was years ago, when he’d still believed in fairytales. Before Thomas rejected him.

Thomas has spent years trying to have Aiden in his life while keeping him at arm's length, but Aiden’s done with half-measures. He’s done with Thomas the martyr. He’s just done. So, he’s kept his distance. Trouble is, now, someone is threatening to expose a secret that affects them all.

No, not that one. A secret so shameful, Thomas won’t even utter it out loud. Can he and Aiden revisit the past and keep the family name intact, or will they both be buried beneath the weight of their memories as their old feelings resurface?"]

Holy. Shit. Holy fuuuccckkking shiiiiiiit. This book--this series--I can't. It was so fucking amazing and so gloriously redemption-y and character growth and found family and working through trauma. I love them SO much. I wish I could reread this book over after having my memory wiped.

I'll miss them sooooo much.

In case you were wondering, my favorite Mulvaney's were (in no particular order): Adam and the twins. My favorite spouses were: Noah, Felix, and Zane (and Jericho). My favorite side characters were Jericho's boys (oh, look at that, they have their own series now) and Calliope. My favorite kill was probably...I loved Avi/Asa's glee, but I loved how August just listed to classical music while doing it (so I guess my favorite methods). 

Trigger Warnings: graphic violence, dark humor, murder, choke abuse, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, suicide, and more

#unhinged #psycho #moonstruck #damaged #headcase #madman #lunatic #maniac #necessaryevils #necessaryevilsseries #onleyjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Lunatic (Necessary Evils #6)

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Onley James's "Lunatic." It's the sixth novel in her Necessary Evils series.

["Every psychopath in the Mulvaney family has a role to play. Archer Mulvaney is the gambler, a drunken reprobate making his living as a high-stakes poker player. Very few people know the real Archer, not even his brothers. But there is one man who knows far too much.

Mackenzie Shepherd spends his days photographing endangered wildlife. He’s also the brother of a psychopath and son to the woman who literally wrote the book on raising one. When his mother asks him to head a secret government project, it seems like the perfect excuse to run away from his life.

But running from his past has Mac colliding straight into Archer. And that’s a problem. For this project to be successful, Mac and Archer have to agree on every decision, and the two see eye-to-eye on nothing. Except, maybe the sex. The sex is off the charts.

When Mac’s old life comes back to haunt him, Archer insists on putting their differences aside to help keep him safe. But Mac, like Archer, is used to solving things on his own. Can they finally stop fighting each other to find the truth, or is their relationship the next thing on the endangered species list?"]

These two!!! I can't. All of these couples are fucking fabulous and fucking fire and just so fucking addicting. Plus seeing all of the previous couples come back with their spouses and their antics??? So. Fucking. Perfect. 

I can't wait to read the next (and last book), even if it means that the series will be over.

Trigger Warnings: graphic violence, dark humor, murder, talk of child sexual abuse, and more

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Saturday, October 21, 2023

Mad Man (Necessary Evils #5)

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Onley James's "Mad Man." It's the fifth novel in her Necessary Evils series.

["Avi Mulvaney is many things. Son. Twin. Owner of the fashion label, Gemini. Murderous psychopath. Together, he and his brother, Asa, make one brutally efficient monster, ridding the world of predators who victimize the innocent. History proves Avi and Asa don’t do well apart, but their father has decided to test that theory.

Felix Navarro knows exactly who he is. Baby brother. Fashionista. Vigilante. While he’s not happy that his big brother married a Mulvaney, the union has its perks. Like a paid internship with Gemini. But all good things come with a cost and, for Felix, that’s enduring Avi Mulvaney each day, which inevitably leads to thinking about him every night.

Felix doesn’t like Avi. He’s cocky, condescending, overbearing, and inappropriate. He’s also sexy, brilliant, and twice as lethal as Felix. Still, Felix loathes him. Even if he keeps letting him kiss him. And touch him. Even if he slipped just once. It was still hate sex, and it would never happen again. Ever.

Except, Avi’s being sent to help take down a dangerous crime ring and he’s ordered Felix to come along. Felix has vowed to stay strong. To remember he hates Avi. But they’re trapped together and there’s only one bed, and it’s so hard to hate Avi in the dark when he’s whispering how Felix belongs to him. Felix belongs to no man, but Avi is determined. He has one week to prove to Felix that he’s the exception to his rule. After all, who says no to a Mulvaney?"]

It's amazing and astonishing how completely different and complex each different Mulvaney is. They're all psychopaths, but their levels of psychopathology are completely different. As are their levels of peopling. As are their favorite ways to torture/kill (as as their favorite ways to love/lust). Each person is different in so many ways. It's complex as fuck and beautiful and soooo talented of Onley. Go her.

Go me (and us) for being able to read these masterpieces. 

I also loooooove how Avi's book takes place alongside Asa's book. What else would we expect from mirror twins?? ;) 

Trigger Warnings: graphic violence, dark humor, murder, non-main-character sexual violence, consensual knife play and blood play, and more

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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Headcase (Necessary Evils #4)

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Onley James's "Headcase." It's the fourth novel in her Necessary Evils series.

["Asa Mulvaney is half of a psychopathic whole. He and his twin brother live together, party together…kill together. In the Mulvaney family, murder is the family business and business is good. When an experiment separates Asa and his brother, Asa is forced to navigate the world on his own for the first time in his life.

Zane Scott is a small-time crime blogger and amateur sleuth, but he dreams of a byline in a major paper someday. When he winds up at a boring fundraiser beside Asa Mulvaney, they share an intensely passionate encounter that leaves Zane with an ache in his chest and a story idea that could make his career dreams a reality.

At a nearby college, a cluster of suicides isn’t what it seems. When Asa’s father asks him to look into it, he sees the perfect opportunity to see his little crime reporter again. And Asa needs to see him again. Zane’s suspicious of Asa’s motives, but he won’t say no to a chance to peek behind the Mulvaney family curtains.

As the two unravel a sinister plot, Asa’s obsession with Zane grows and Zane finds being Asa’s sole focus outweighs almost anything, maybe even his career--which is good for Asa because loving a Mulvaney is a full-time job. Can he convince Zane that he’s worth navigating a family of psychopaths and his pathologically jealous twin, or will Zane learn the hard way that the Mulvaney boys always get what they want? Always."]

These serial killers slash psychopaths make me giddy. That's all I've got to say. 

Giddy and giggling and fangirl-y. They’re just so protective and obsessive and caring in their own “I’ll kill anyone who looks at you wrong” kinda way (and in the “oh please let me kill him” way—and don’t forget about the “stitching your skin to mine” kinda way from the first book). I’m. Obsessed. It’s just all dark and twisty and primal-level (like they can’t love and don’t believe in happily ever after, but they believe in the very definition of soul mates—crazy psychopaths).

Trigger Warnings: graphic violence, dark humor, murder, suicidal ideations, suicide, and more

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Monday, October 16, 2023

Damaged (Necessary Evils #3.5)

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Onley James's "Damaged." It's the next (3.5) novel in her Necessary Evils series.

["The first time Dimitri Castallanos experienced obsession, he committed a felony. He was five. Dimitri is a psychopath. And he’s still obsessed with just one person.

Arlo Miller was born a victim, raised as his father’s punching bag and his mother’s scapegoat. Dimitri was his only protection, and they took him away.

As children they clung to each other. As adults, they pretend neither remembers, while both harbor secret crushes. Dimitri hides his feelings behind a mask of indifference. Arlo hides his by falling for very bad men.

When one of those men confronts Dimitri, this time Arlo commits a felony. Murder. But Dimitri won’t allow Arlo to take the fall. With the help of Dimitri’s mother and seven psychopaths, they now have twenty-four hours to fake an alibi, hide a body, and confess their true feelings for each other once and for all. Which is harder? Falling in love or getting away with murder?"]

Not necessarily a Mulvaney boy (well, not at all), but Dimitri is (spoiler alert) Calliope's son so...it counts. ;) Also the reason why there are 8 books in this series and only 7 Mulvaney boys. 

And what a fun addition it was!!! I looooved how Calliope was hiding this all from the Mulvaneys and the Mulvaneys were hiding their help from Calliope (but I agree—she is scary (mama bear scary)). 

Trigger Warnings: graphic violence, dark humor, murder, depictions and discussions of intimate partner violence, and more

#unhinged #psycho #moonstruck #damaged #headcase #madman #lunatic #maniac #necessaryevils #necessaryevilsseries #onleyjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Moonstruck (Necessary Evils #3)

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Onley James's "Moonstruck." It's the third novel in her Necessary Evils series.

["Atticus Mulvaney is the eldest son of eccentric billionaire, Thomas Mulvaney—a role he takes very seriously. Atticus takes everything seriously. Like his brothers, Atticus is a psychopath, raised to right the wrongs of a broken justice system. Unlike his brothers, he’s not very good at it.

Jericho Navarro is no psychopath, but he is a vicious killer. Like Atticus, he also has a secret life. To most, he’s just a mechanic. But to a ragtag group of social misfits, he’s Peter Pan, teaching them to eliminate those who prey on the weak with extreme prejudice.

When Atticus and Jericho come face to face over a shared enemy, their accidental meeting ends in an explosively hot hookup neither can forget. But they have nothing in common. Atticus is a buttoned-up closeted scientist and Jericho is a man on a mission, determined to find and punish those responsible for the death of his sister. Still, Jericho can’t stay away. And, truthfully, Atticus doesn’t want him to.

As Jericho’s mission begins to bleed into Atticus’s life, two separate but equally brutal families will need to learn how to fight together to take out a common enemy. But no amount of brute force can show Jericho how to scale the walls of a psychopath’s heart. Can Jericho convince Atticus that, sometimes, the couple who kills together stays together?"]

Another day, another not-completely-moral person falling in love with a Mulvaney. ;) And Jericho completely understand that Atticus needs love and support and attention and protection. Looooove that for him. 

This one hinted at many future novels, and I just can't. I'm here for it. Completely and utterly here for it. Binge-reading until I get a migraine (and forgetting to eat) here for it. Literally cannot wait until the last book in the series (trying so hard to control myself and not skip until the end).

Trigger Warnings: graphic violence, dark humor, murder, and more

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Sunday, October 15, 2023

Psycho (Necessary Evils #2)

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Onley James's "Psycho." It's the second novel in her Necessary Evils series.

["August Mulvaney has always been exceptional. As the genius son of an eccentric billionaire, his off-putting behavior is often blamed on his high IQ. They say there’s a thin line between genius and madness. August is both—a brilliant professor loved by his students and a ruthless, obsessive killer tasked with righting the wrongs of a failing justice system. And he’s just found his latest obsession: Lucas Blackwell.

Lucas Blackwell was once the golden child of the FBI, using his secret talent as a clairvoyant to help put away society’s worst. Until, with a touch, he discovers his co-worker is a killer and his life falls apart. Now, the world thinks he’s crazy and that co-worker wants him dead. He seeks refuge at a small college, hoping to rebuild his life and his reputation. But then he runs into August Mulvaney. Literally.

August is immediately intrigued with Lucas and his backstory. He doesn’t believe in psychics, but there’s no missing the terror in his eyes when they collide in the hallway. Now, August has a problem. Lucas knows his secret, and August knows he wants Lucas. And August always gets what he wants.

Can he convince Lucas that not all killers are created equal and that having a psychopath in his corner—and in his life—might be just what he needs?"]

These boys are the softest, sweetest, most sentimental psychopaths ever. Seriously. They all deserve HEAs and hot cocoa and books (for August--the others can get what they love most--August also loves knives and pop divas (and Lucas)). Like the previous book, Lucas is just as fucked up as August in a poetic way where they just match and mesh (way too empathetic to never enough empathy). I fucking love them.

I first discovered this series from a Bookstagram post (attached) about this book (and then saw 50 for the first book), and so far, I'm entirely too giddy for a series about people who can't feel things and kill people for fun.

Trigger Warnings: graphic violence, dark humor, off-page violence towards women, on-page acts of revenge, murder, and more

#unhinged #psycho #moonstruck #damaged #headcase #madman #lunatic #maniac #necessaryevils #necessaryevilsseries #onleyjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Unhinged (Necessary Evils #1)

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Onley James's "Unhinged." It's the first novel in her Necessary Evils series.

["Adam Mulvaney lives a double life. By day, he’s the spoiled youngest son of an eccentric billionaire. By night, he’s an unrepentant killer, one of seven psychopaths raised to right the wrongs of a justice system that keeps failing.

Noah Holt has spent years dreaming of vengeance for the death of his father, but when faced with his killer, he learns a daunting truth he can’t escape. His father was a monster.

Unable to ignore his own surfacing memories, Noah embarks on a quest to find the truth about his childhood with the help of an unlikely ally: the very person who murdered his father. Since their confrontation, Adam is obsessed with Noah, and he wants to help him uncover the answers he seeks, however dark they may be.

The two share a mutual attraction, but deep down, Noah knows Adam’s not like other boys. Adam can’t love. He wasn’t born that way. But he refuses to let Noah go, and Noah’s not sure he wants him to.

Can Adam prove to Noah that passion, power, and protection are just as good as love?"]

I don't know what it is about Adam, but I agree with Noah, he's addicting and irresistible (and a killer--but he's like a vigilante (a necessary evil)). And Noah???? I want to wrap him in a blanket and give him all of the tools to heal (and to kill his own demons--literally kill, yes).

These two were fast but sure, so damn sure. They knew what they wanted and it was each other, no matter how irrational or impractical it was. And I fucking loooooved it. I can't want for the rest of the series (and all of the other messed up (i.e. fucked up) brothers to meet their equally as messed up HEAs).

Trigger Warnings: graphic violence, dark humor, mentions of past child sexual abuse, murder, and more

#unhinged #psycho #moonstruck #damaged #headcase #madman #lunatic #maniac #necessaryevils #necessaryevilsseries #onleyjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

What Happened on Hicks Road

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Hannah Jayne's "What Happened on Hicks Road."

["Sadie Oliver is loving her new life in California. For the first time, she has friends and a normal teenage life filled with parties and pranks. But when one of those pranks goes horribly wrong, Sadie hits someone with her car on a dark, winding road. Or at least… she thinks she did.

Though her friends are quick to convince her that they didn’t see anything, Sadie can’t shake the vision of the girl in the headlights: bloody hair, wide, terrified eyes, lips parted in a scream. When she goes out to investigate, there’s a slight dent in the car, but that’s it: no body, no blood.

Sadie wants to go to the police—but how can she? She shouldn’t have been driving, and as her friends remind her, there’s nothing to tell. But when a note that says FIND ME is slipped through Sadie’s window, she fears that she’s either onto something big… or slipping deeper into the illness that took her mother."]

I knew that Sadie couldn’t be schizophrenic, because another one of Hannah Jayne’s characters ended up being schizophrenic (spoiler alert—I just won’t tell you which book). But he/she/they did a faaaaaaabulous job at convincing me (and Sadie) that she was.

Much less horror than I assumed it would be (the road and the legends and the ghost girl all pointed to paranormal), but if definitely upped on the thrill-level. And I was definitely left completely shoooocked during the last two chapters. Shocked.

#whathappendonhicksroad #hannahjayne #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, October 9, 2023

The Escape

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Hannah Jayne's "The Escape."

["When two boys walk into the woods, and one comes out covered in blood, what would you believe?

Fletcher and Adam venture into the woods for an afternoon hike, but when day turns into night and neither boy returns, their town is thrown into turmoil. 

Avery, the detective's daughter, is the one to find Fletcher—disheveled, disoriented, and covered in blood. He has no memory of what happened, but Avery can't shake the feeling that something's off. 

When Adam's body is finally found, Avery is determined to uncover the truth. But if she stands by her gut, and Fletcher; is she standing by a friend, or a murderer? The answer might cost her her life."]

Definitely not what I thought the outcome would be. Far from it. I didn’t have many solid ideas on who did what, but I was very, very wrong in all aspects. 

This one hit up a lot of the psychological aspects of thrillers. I mean, seriously. The dual pov helped too (with the thrill and the mystery). 

Another think I’m not sure I like about Hannah’s books? The parents are villianized frequently, as in they’re just super strict or absent or victim-blame-y. Not many have been happy, normal, supportive. It’s a little 90s Disney imo. But it’s also the genre so… I’ll accept it (mostly).

#theescape #hannahjayne #thriller #yathriller #murdermystery #yamurdermystery #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Revenge

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Hannah Jayne's "The Revenge."

["Tony just wanted a little revenge when he posted his ex’s location online. He never meant to lead a predator to her doorstep…

After Hope breaks up with Tony and embarrasses him at school, he's devastated. In a moment of revenge, Tony makes the location on her phone public. But a week later, when Hope calls Tony and begs him to stop the prank, he hears a shriek and a car door slamming. Then the call is dropped.

When Hope isn't back at school the next day, Tony realizes that he may have put Hope's life in danger. Can he trace Hope's movements and save her before it's too late?"]

The plot twists in this one. Wow. There were sooooo many. Big ones and minor as fuck ones (the minor ones were more memorable actually—more shocking).

I just go to say, poor Tony. In all of these thrillers, we never see the public, the media, the narrators’s families apologize, but Tony deserved one. He wasn’t 100% guilt-free by any means (none of the narrators were), but their very character was crucified on national TV for weeks.

Almost caught up to all of Hannah’s books!

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The Dare

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Hannah Jayne's "The Dare."

["Two jumped off the pier that night...but only one came back alive

Bryn did everything with her best friend Erica. So when someone dared Erica to jump off the pier one night at Harding Beach, Bryn was right by her side. But when Bryn made it back to the surface, Erica was nowhere to be found. 

Bryn tries to make a fresh start by burying her memories of that awful night. But when a Twitter post from "EricaNShaw" pops up on her feed and a chilling voice mail appears on her phone, she realizes that someone isn't ready to let go of the past..."]

Another successfully predicted outcome! Yay me!! Not so much for Brynna...or Erica.

ANYway, this book was another successful, edge-of-your-seat, bordering-on-insanity, gaslighting novel by Hannah. Beautiful and terrifying all at the same time.

One small suspension of disbelief about Hannah's books (which are not within the same series--but appear to be in the same universe): they all take place (for the most part) in the same town, at the same high school, and the narrators live in the same new/newer housing development. Except, nothing is mentioned about the previous murders/stalkers/serial killers/psychopaths/general bad luck that this town seems to call forth. On the fence on how I feel about that (all of it).

Trigger Warnings: suicidal thoughts, alcoholism, drug use, addiction, and more

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Saturday, October 7, 2023


My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Hannah Jayne's "Copycat."

["Everyone is dying to read the latest book in the popular Gap Lake mystery series, and Addison is no exception. As the novels biggest fan, Addison is flattered when the infamously reclusive author, R.J. Rosen, contacts her, granting her inside information others would kill for.

But when the most popular girl in Addison's high school is murdered, Addison can't help but think that life may be imitating fiction. And as other terrifying events from the book start happening around her, Addison has to figure out how to write her own ending -and survive the story."]

This one took me a while but not because of the content, but life (long week, weekend naps, trying to adult, etc). 

I almost predicted the ending. Almost. But it seemed weird. Then the killer revealed themself and holy. shit. Wow. It was a turn that I didn't expect, not really. And then the secondary plot twist?! Brava. And how no one belived her when she said it was R.J., and how the entire school (and the police--a few times) turned against her? Brilliant (for them, not for Addie).

Now...on to another Hannah Jayne's novel or a romance? 

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Tuesday, October 3, 2023


My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Hannah Jayne's "Twisted."

["When her father is accused of being a serial killer, Bex becomes the ultimate bait in this game of cat and mouse.

Bex is ready to start a new life in foster care. There, she won't be known as a serial killer's daughter. Though her father was never tried for the murders attributed to "The Wife Collector," he disappeared after questioning. And Bex struggles with the guilt that she provided the circumstantial evidence that convicted him in the public's perception—and drove him to abandon her.

But when a body turns up in her new hometown, all signs point to the Wife Collector. Bex's old life isn't ready to let her go. The police want to use Bex to lure in her father. But is she baiting a serial killer or endangering an innocent man?"]

The idea of nature versus nurture (are you born evil or do your surroundings/your parents make you evil). The idea of inherited evil (or inherited psychopathology). The idea of childhood trauma and how such little, innocent actions created a butterfly effect of criminal justice (and innocence being stolen by the criminal justice system). The idea of a fresh start (or lack thereof). All of that, plus so. much. more.

Serial killer fascinate pretty much everyone. That's why I wanted to read this book next. And, oh boy, I was far from disappointed. 

Annnnnnd, now I’m paranoid as fuck. So there’s that. Five murder mysteries/thrillers in a row is the magic number then; cool (said in the repetitive Jake Peralta kinda way—aka sooooo not cool over here).

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Monday, October 2, 2023

See Jane Run

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Hannah Jayne's "See Jane Run."

["I know who you are.

When Riley first gets the postcard tucked into her bag, she thinks it's a joke. Then she finds a birth certificate for a girl named Jane Elizabeth O'Leary hidden inside her baby book.

Riley's parents have always been pretty overprotective. What if it wasn't for her safety...but fear of her finding out their secret? What have they been hiding? The more Riley digs for answers, the more questions she has.

The only way to know the truth? Find out what happened to Jane O'Leary."]

Another who-should-you-believe gaslight-y novel (not super gaslight-y), but definitely full on the paranoia (loooooots of paranoia--okay, I lied, there's also a lot of gaslighting, too). There are two or three compelling stories/versions of the truth. You want to believe Riley's parents, but the "evidence" against them is also strong (as is the suspicion of the people working with/for her parents). 

It's also hard because at some point (spoiler alert) Riley stops taking her anxiety meds (or what she's told is her anxiety meds), so when she starts seeing things/people and being followed/stalked and genuinely paranoid as fuck? Do you believe her (because, how many narrators in the thriller/mystery genre are actually mentally unstable--plus, like of course he's being stalked), or do you think it's all in her head due to the lack of meds (because, how many narrators in the thriller/mystery genre are actually mentally unstable--it would be a good twist)??

My head hurt after this one (not sure if it's allergies or speed-reading or reading three+ books in one day--ooorrr if it's the general paranoia/anxiety/gaslight-y-ness of this beautiful disaster).

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Truly, Madly, Deadly

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Hannah Jayne's "Truly, Madly, Deadly."

["They said it was an accident…

Sawyer Dodd is a star athlete, a straight-A student, and the envy of every other girl who wants to date Kevin Anderson. When Kevin dies in a tragic car crash, Sawyer is stunned. Then she opens her locker to find a note:

You’re welcome.

Someone saw what he did to her. Someone knows that Sawyer and Kevin weren’t the perfect couple they seemed to be. And that someone—a killer—is now shadowing Sawyer’s every move…"]

This one. Wow. I mean, there were like 3-5 suspects at any given time. And the list only got smaller because the suspects were getting murdered off. And no one believed Sawyer. No one. This person did such a good job at isolating and framing Sawyer, gaslighting her, praying on her vulnerability and her families'/friends' sympathy (using it to pit them against her). Wow. 

Like all thrillers/mysteries, I didn't honestly know who was the culprit. And I didn't know who I wanted to be guilty (don't look at me like that; you know what I mean). But then the twists finally stopped? I was actually right for once (go, me!!).

I might just go and binge the rest of Hannah's things now...

Trigger Warnings: partner violence, drunk driving, suicide, predatory sexual harassment, and more

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The Girl in the Headlines

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). Here's Hannah Jayne's "The Girl in the Headlines."

["The headlines say she killed her family. The truth? She doesn't remember.

Andrea McNulty goes to sleep on her eighteenth birthday with a near-perfect life: she's a high school field hockey star, a doted-upon big sister, the beloved daughter of two happy parents. But when she wakes up in a motel room the next morning, unable to remember what happened the previous night and covered in blood, Andi is a fugitive.

According to the news, Andi's parents were brutally attacked in the middle of the night. Her father is dead, her mother is in a coma, her little brother Josh is missing--and Andi is the prime suspect. Terrified and on the run from the police, Andi teams up with Nate, the sympathetic boy working the motel's front desk, to find the real murderer. But while the police are getting further from the killer, the killer is getting closer to Andi--closer than she could ever have imagined."]

This book was hard to put down from the very beginning. There was no rambling or story setting or exposition whatsoever. We got right down to business from page one (Andi waking up in the hotel with no memory and blood everywhere).

The first 50% happened in maybe two days, so timeline wise, it was a little slow. But a lot happened in that short amount of time. 

This book also explored the toxicity of the media and how quickly people are willing to jump on the media's bandwagon (a form of group-think). It was interesting and distressing watching every single person in Andi's life turn against her for the cameras. I liked how the story ended, but I'm also interested to know how people treated her/them after the truth came out. 

Another spooky thriller/mystery recommend. 

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Dig Two Graves

My tentative goal for October is to read only thrillers/murder mysteries/dark romances/paranormals/etc (unless my mental health kicks up a fight about it). I'm starting with Gretchen McNeil's "Dig Two Graves."

["I did my part, BFF. Now it’s your turn.

Seventeen-year-old film noir fan Neve Lanier is a girl who just wants to be seen, but doesn’t really fit in anywhere. When Neve is betrayed by her best friend, Yasmin, at the end of the school year, she heads off to a girl’s empowerment camp feeling like no one will ever love her again. So when she grabs the attention of the beautiful, charismatic Diane, she falls right under her spell, and may accidentally promise to murder Diane’s predatory step-brother, Javier, in exchange for Diane murdering Yasmin. But that was just a joke…right?

Wrong. When Yasmin turns up dead, Diane comes calling, attempting to blackmail Neve into murdering Javier. Stalling for time, Neve pretends to go along with Diane’s plan until she can find a way out that doesn't involve homicide. But as she gets to know Javier – and falls for him – she realizes that everything Diane told her is a lie. Even worse, she discovers that Yasmin probably wasn't Diane's first victim. And unless Neve can stop her, she won't be the last."]

Gotta be honest, this book didn't pick up until Yasmin turns up dead (correction: until Neve gets the the text to fulfill her end of the "Strangers on a Train" deal). But after that? I couldn't put the book down (stayed up waaaaay too late to finish it).

Neve sounds fucking iconic with her noir obsession and old-school fashion choices; so of course, no one in her high school understands. She's stronger than she realizes, even if she continues to trust the wrong people. 

Diane is...messed up (again, just being honest). She appears to be to kind and happy and bubbly and popular, and she wants to befriend (maybe more?) Neve. When the tables turn, her psychopath tendencies really pop. 

This book was table-turning at each new chapter (and until the very end). It was a thriller without the horror and a murder mystery without the gaslighting. Complete recommend. ;)

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Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...