Thursday, April 8, 2021

Can't Get You Out of My Head (Love & Luck #6)

I was accidentally sidetracked by this series (Love & Luck) by Isla Olsen. The sixth book is titled "Can't Get You Out Of My Bed"


Aidan Kelly. To everyone else in the world he’s the star of a successful extreme travel show, but to me he’s the one that won’t go away.

It started with one of those typical high school crushes on my best friend’s older brother, which turned out to be not entirely unrequited…

There was that time just after high school where someone (not me) may or may not have hurled all over someone else’s c*ck. Then there was that incident in Austin where…well, let’s just say it gave a whole new meaning to the term ‘bull-riding’. And let’s not forget that little thing with the rental car…

But it doesn’t matter how good the sex is, or how deep the attraction is, Aidan and I are just never going to work. There’s the distance for one, and the fact that one of us (not me) is a closeted celebrity…and that’s all without going into how whenever we’re in the same place we just can’t seem to stop from hurting each other. And not just in the good way…

The only option to maintain my sanity is to avoid Aidan and force myself not to think about him. But that’s easier said than done when—thanks to my best friend’s misguided ‘help’—we end up living in the same freakin’ apartment…"]

This couple has been highly anticipated and hinted at and talked about (gossiped over, because that’s what Kelley boys do best in their WhatsApp group messages) for about three books now. They’ve been described as the Ross and Rachel of their family/friend group (and whereas I hate a lot of the underrepresentation and toxic masculinity and overall shit that this show did/condoned, I still love it and totally agree with the metaphor), and it tooooootally fits their...dynamic. 

It’s all very hot and cold and lacking communication that could make it work (they’ve been in love for 15 years and walking on egg shells around each other because they just make assumptions and do selfish things to help the other succeed and hooking up when they can but immediately regretting it--or not regretting it actually). 

I think it might have been too highly anticipated, for maybe I just constantly have too high expectations from..everything. It was still really, really good. Don’t get me wrong. I just think the reasonings and cold shoulders could have been a little more hate/lust-filled with different reasonings behind Why This Can’t Happen (then again, I’m always into the extra level of drama).

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