Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Night (Love In O'Leary #5)

Another author to obsess over = Another series to binge read. This time with May Archer and her Love In O'Leary series. The fifth book in this series is titled "The Night"

["One night in Vegas I gave him my heart… one day later, he broke it.

Look, I’ve never claimed to be a nice guy. I don’t do pretty words, I don’t give polite smiles, and I refuse to be sucked into the sappy bucket of sentimentality that is Christmas in small-town O’Leary. Smiling neighbors, overly decorated trees, a town parade, a Santa contest? Ho ho no. I do shifts as a firefighter, and I go home alone.

I fell into the trap once — that stupid night in Vegas — of believing there was more out there for me. I took a chance on a guy with magical green eyes and a gorgeous smile. The next day, Liam McKnight was gone. He took my heart with him… and left his wedding ring behind.

Except now my once-upon-a-time husband has reappeared with a kid in tow, and there are carols, lights, and cookies everywhere I turn. And worst of all? The spark between us burns brighter than ever, because whatever happened in Vegas definitely didn’t stay there. Liam came to town looking for an ending, but what’s building between us feels an awful lot like a beginning. Too bad it’s going to take more than a dozen interfering O’Learians to convince me to take a second chance on heartache, on love… on us.

Note: While The Night is very much Liam and Gideon's story, characters from past books do make an appearance, and you'll enjoy the book exponentially more if this isn't your first trip to O'Leary."]

Annnnnd, because I have so self-control (and needed to control something going on in my life--stupid fucking migraines--ironic, I know), I read these last three books out of order. Sue me.

This one was sooooo cute and soooo perfect and soooo magical. And actually kind of simple (not a lot of angst)--well, as simple as a whirl-wind marriage in Vegas can be, I guess. 

But the magic, I mean, fUCK! The love magic, the small town magic, the Christmas magic (Santa magic). It was just all so happy and fluffy and Hallmark-y and I might have cried a few happy tears (tell no one).

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