Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Fire (Love In O'Leary #4)

Another author to obsess over = Another series to binge read. This time with May Archer and her Love In O'Leary series. The fourth book in this series is titled "The Fire"

Parker Hoffstraeder is gorgeous, cocky, and totally irrational. He also broke my heart when he left town eleven years, four months, and twenty-eight days ago.

Not that I’m counting.

I don’t mind admitting it: I was young. I got burned. I learned my lesson.

But the guy swaggers back into O’Leary like he owns the damn place and suddenly I’m expected to welcome him to my town — to my life — like nothing’s changed?

Yeah, that I mind.

It’s only a matter of time until he’s gone again. And there’s no way I’ll give him a chance to take another piece of me when he goes.

Jameson Burke is the most arrogant, infuriating human on the planet. He’s also taller, broader, and impossibly hotter than he was before I left town.

But, whatever. It’s fine. I can handle it.

Coming back to O’Leary was supposed to be like coming home. I hadn’t realized that there’s no statute of limitations on how long your first love and former best friend is allowed to hate your guts, or how much bad luck can befall a person in a short time.

But, I can handle that, too… or at least pretend to.

When Jamie and I are thrown together in a blizzard, though, everything changes in the space of one single, scorching night. Suddenly, I’m dreaming of a future I can’t have, and he’s stuck in a past he can’t let go. It feels like we’re playing with fire...

And this time I’m the one who’s gonna burn."]

I'm not sure if this book was named because of the arson-thing that happened at Parker's bar/pub or the fire between these two characters because HOT DAMN (cue Bruno Mars).

Seriously. Hot. Fucking. Damn.

These two are idiots. They communicate...ish. I mean like, they communicate sexually and almost, almost, /almost/ through yelling (a foreplay for them in the very beginning). But like, the real shit? Their real feelings? Real apologies Real fears? That would be a No. Until they almost get there, then fuck it up again, then have their head's smacked (metaphorically) but their mutual friends until they /actually/ talk-talk. I sobbed a bit somewhere in the middle of...all that, just saying.

Also, now I want wings. Because, well, there's a certain Death Match about who has the best wings/sauce and... You'll just have to read it.

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