Monday, May 31, 2021

Goodbye, May!

May was like...only started yesterday and yet April seems like it was ages and ages ago. Why the fuck is this year so damned long?

2021 Resolutions:

     (1) Write [almost] every day
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Complete something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) Not talking about this...

(2) Books read this month: 19 (and there might be another one). I slowed down a bit (with needing a break and spring chores and watching new shows/movies_

(3) Still waiting.... 

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 27 (and there might be another one or two added before midnight).

(5) ... nothing to say here ... I thought there would be...but there's not.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting June reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyemay #hellojune #goodbye2020 #hello2021 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #completesomething #getprofessional #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Rule of Law (The Goode Life #3)

Isla Olsen's "Rule of Law" from her The Goode Life series:

["I have one rule when it comes to my sex life: I only hook up with guys who identify as straight. It’s a tried and tested way of avoiding the cling factor, which I’ve found to be a huge problem in the past. A one-night stand with a curious ‘straight’ guy is the perfect situation: no strings, no mess, no dodging unwanted texts and phone calls.

Is it the most healthy way to handle my commitment issues? Probably not, but it’s what I’ve got right now.

Of course, there’s one straight guy who’s completely off-limits. And because irony’s a bitch, he’s the one guy I just can’t stop thinking about…

George Goode is sweet, charming, hilarious, and sexy as hell. And he’s also become one of my best friends since I moved to the tiny town of Finchley about a year ago.

But let’s make one thing clear: I do not have feelings for him. I don’t get feelings. I’m not wired that way. I just think about him all the time, I miss him when he’s not around, and I seem to spend a lot of my time daydreaming about snuggling on Sunday mornings and visiting famers markets together. All totally, one hundred percent normal stuff to be thinking about one of your best friends…right?

You’d think, given everything, that when George decides to express a little curiosity, I’d be a hundred percent on board. But for some reason it’s not quite as simple as all that…"]

I needed a quick, romance-read in my life. Hence, catching up on some of the newer releases on my Kindle app. Hence, "Rule of Law". Hence, the heart-eyes for this couple (of idiots).

This was definitely what I needed. The fluff, the angst, the romance, the town-gossip, the fact that literally everyone knew before they did (and they only realized it because someone told them that everyone knows about their feelings except for them). Unlike some of the other books in this genre, this novella's romance didn't start with a friends-with-benefits situation (until they realized they're idiots and actually have the feelings for each other).

#cleanslate #weboflies #ruleoflaw #thegoodelife #thegoodelifeseries #islaolsen #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Ruin and Rising (Grishaverse Book 3)

Annnnnd, I've decided to re-read Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse series instead of starting one of my many, many (many) TBR piles. So here we are. Re-reading "Storm and Siege". SPOILERS if you saw Season One but never actually read the entire trilogy.

["The capital has fallen.

The Darkling rules Ravka from his shadow throne.

Now the nation's fate rests with a broken Sun Summoner, a disgraced tracker, and the shattered remnants of a once-great magical army.

Deep in an ancient network of tunnels and caverns, a weakened Alina must submit to the dubious protection of the Apparat and the zealots who worship her as a Saint. Yet her plans lie elsewhere, with the hunt for the elusive firebird and the hope that an outlaw prince still survives.

Alina will have to forge new alliances and put aside old rivalries as she and Mal race to find the last of Morozova's amplifiers. But as she begins to unravel the Darkling's secrets, she reveals a past that will forever alter her understanding of the bond they share and the power she wields. The firebird is the one thing that stands between Ravka and destruction—and claiming it could cost Alina the very future she’s fighting for. "]

I just gotta say, staying up waaaay late on a school/work night was soooo worth it. I forgot a lot of the plot and subplot of this series because it’s just been so long and I read it soo damn fast last time. Either way, I bawled. A lot. And I remember Oncat having his own subplot, but I guess I made that up. :/ 

Still a fucking huge Nikolai fan. Heart eyes forever. I can’t wait to read his books (first The Crows though) and see even more of him and Zoya (they already have some plot together which I didn’t remember or think would be there)

Also, might have totally squealed and contemplated a tattoo for “I am not ruined. I am ruination.” #iamnotruinediamruination Like fuuuuuck I forgot how powerful that was. 

Alll of the ships. All of the deaths. All of the built up suspense for a book series that hasn’t even been renewed for a second season on Netflix yet. :/ Boo 

#thedemoninthewood #shadowandbone #thetailor #seigeandstorm #ruinandrising #grishaverse #grishaverseseries #sixofcrows #crookedkingdom #kingofscars #ruleofwolves #leighbardugo #netflix #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, May 24, 2021

The Demon In The Wood (Grishaverse Book 0.5)

Annnnnd, I've decided to re-read Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse series instead of starting one of my many, many (many) TBR piles. So here we are. Reading, for the first time actually, the Darkling's prequel, "The Demon In The Wood". 

["Limited collector’s edition of the final book features an exclusive Darkling prequel story!

Before he became the Darkling, he was just a lonely boy of extraordinary power. Get a look into the past that forged a brutal and brilliant leader."]

I never read this edition in the original Grishaverse trilogy. Once again, Goodreads come in for the win, informing me of books that I would have otherwise (accidentally) ignored.

I mean, I (sorta) always felt (a little) bad for the Darkling. Mostly because Leigh does a good job at creating full characters with backstories and weaknesses. She humanizes him in the main series. 

This prequel only further instills that human-side of him. Though, I'll agree with him when he uttered "Fine, make me your villain" because, well, it was Iconic, capital I, (and hot).

#thedemoninthewood #shadowandbone #thetailor #seigeandstorm #ruinandrising #grishaverse #grishaverseseries #sixofcrows #crookedkingdom #kingofscars #ruleofwolves #leighbardugo #netflix #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Siege and Storm (Grishaverse Book 2)

Annnnnd, I've decided to re-read Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse series instead of starting one of my many, many (many) TBR piles. So here we are. Re-reading "Siege and Storm". SPOILERS if you saw Season One but never actually read the entire trilogy.

["Darkness never dies.

Hunted across the True Sea, haunted by the lives she took on the Fold, Alina must try to make a life with Mal in an unfamiliar land, all while keeping her identity as the Sun Summoner a secret. But she can’t outrun her past or her destiny for long.

The Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a terrifying new power and a dangerous plan that will test the very boundaries of the natural world. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina slips deeper into the Darkling’s game of forbidden magic, and farther away from Mal. Somehow, she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her—or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm."]

NIKOLAI!!! :D Alllllll of the heart eyes. I mean, honestly, I can't. I just, I love him so fucking much. I just, holy shit. He reminds me of Sirius and another character/person I can't think of right now and I'm so damn weeeeaaak for this type of character its not even real.

Also, I believe I said before, but the Darkling just doesn't die. Sorry, y'all.

I mean, I know Alina's not perfect, which is so nice because she's real and makes mistakes and is vulnerable and doesn't know what she wants or what she's doing (which is so damned relatable), but holy hell, I do not remember this Mal. Like shit y'all.

So now we're going back to thinking about Nikolai instead ;)

Final note: We haven't heard any confirmation about a renewal/green-light for Season Two yet, but I've heard rumors of rumors that they've started sending out casting calls... Though that post was a week or so ago. And now all I'm seeing are joke-posts about casting :(

#thedemoninthewood #shadowandbone #thetailor #seigeandstorm #ruinandrising #grishaverse #grishaverseseries #sixofcrows #crookedkingdom #kingofscars #ruleofwolves #leighbardugo #netflix #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Tailor (Grishaverse Book 1.5)

Annnnnd, I've decided to re-read Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse series instead of starting one of my many, many (many) TBR piles. So here we are. Reading, for the first time actually, a short story about Genya, "The Tailor". 

["New scene from Shadow and Bone told from Genya's point of view."]

I never read this edition in the original Grishaverse trilogy. Once again, Goodreads come in for the win, informing me of books that I would have otherwise (accidentally) ignored.

I always loved Genya, but I forgot that we actually hate her for a bit (spoiler and spoiler) because of what she has to do to get her freedom (spoiler). This little short story helped to give her perspective on things during her betrayal of Alina (aka Genya choosing herself--well, choosing herself in the only way she thinks she can because The Darkling told her so) (spoiler, by the way).

Short, quick, worth-it read (I found it at the end of my "Siege and Storm" copy as Bonus Material).

#thedemoninthewood #shadowandbone #thetailor #seigeandstorm #ruinandrising #grishaverse #grishaverseseries #sixofcrows #crookedkingdom #kingofscars #ruleofwolves #leighbardugo #netflix #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Shadow and Bone (Grishaverse Book 1)

Annnnnd, I've decided to re-read Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse series instead of starting one of my many, many (many) TBR piles. So here we are. Re-reading "Shadow and Bone".

Mostly because I want to re-watch season one again on Netflix (which stayed on the Top Ten list for almost two whole weeks, if not longer--and the book itself raised back to the top of most bought/read lists on Amazon and Goodreads alike, as it should).

["Surrounded by enemies, the once-great nation of Ravka has been torn in two by the Shadow Fold, a swath of near impenetrable darkness crawling with monsters who feast on human flesh. Now its fate may rest on the shoulders of one lonely refugee.

Alina Starkov has never been good at anything. But when her regiment is attacked on the Fold and her best friend is brutally injured, Alina reveals a dormant power that saves his life—a power that could be the key to setting her war-ravaged country free. Wrenched from everything she knows, Alina is whisked away to the royal court to be trained as a member of the Grisha, the magical elite led by the mysterious Darkling.

Yet nothing in this lavish world is what it seems. With darkness looming and an entire kingdom depending on her untamed power, Alina will have to confront the secrets of the Grisha . . . and the secrets of her heart."]

And due to the fact that I just watched season one a little over a week ago (was it really only a week?), I was able to speed read through this novel pretty well.

I was never suuuuper on the Darklina ship, even when I first read it about two years ago (we all loooved the bad-boy trope, but as you know, I'm more of the best-friends-to-lovers trope). And the only think that the Netflix Darkling adaptation did for me was the fact that it was Ben Barnes (#finemakemeyourvillain). But rereading S&B helped a bit (though it also helped see why people don't ship Melina--he's kinda toxic at times).

Watching the Netflix show already gave me the refresher I needed about Book One, but the details I forgot about really, really helped (like exactly how Alina finally chose herself and accepted her powers--after spending years picking Mal--and how she was a fucking badass, even before she remembered/got her Grisha powers). Annnnnd really made me want to reread the entire series (the entire universe).

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Tuesday, May 18, 2021

All Your Twisted Secrets

Diana Urban's "All Your Twisted Secrets" reminds me of "One of Us Is Lying" and "Clue" and "And Then There Were None" and "This Lie Will Kill You" (which is a lot, but you'll totally get it when--not if--you read it).

["Welcome to dinner, and again, congratulations on being selected. Now you must do the selecting.

What do the queen bee, star athlete, valedictorian, stoner, loner, and music geek all have in common? They were all invited to a scholarship dinner, only to discover it’s a trap. Someone has locked them into a room with a bomb, a syringe filled with poison, and a note saying they have an hour to pick someone to kill … or else everyone dies.

Amber Prescott is determined to get her classmates and herself out of the room alive, but that might be easier said than done. No one knows how they’re all connected or who would want them dead. As they retrace the events over the past year that might have triggered their captor’s ultimatum, it becomes clear that everyone is hiding something. And with the clock ticking down, confusion turns into fear, and fear morphs into panic as they race to answer the biggest question: Who will they choose to die?'"]

It's really, really cool the way Diana played with traditional formatting with the way she starts each chapter with a time-stamp (## Ago and ## Left), which totally upped the suspense (as long as you remembered to read said time-stamp).

This story was just like...really fucking good. Then you get the plot twist about 80% of the way through and my only thoughts from that point on were a constant repetition of "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck" (and a little bit of "fucking hell" and "what the fuck")--(and then from that point on, my entire perspective of the book totally changed and...hence the swearing)

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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Hate To Love You

Ana Byrde's enemy-to-lovers, forced-proximity, hate-sex beautifully written short-story. You have to access it through one of her books--and then through #BookFunnel. But it's so worth it.

["There is only one bed...

Axel doesn't know what to do when he accidently gets booked into the same room as his old college rival. He never wanted to see Bo again. Much less sleep in the same room with him--or in the same bed.

Axel's not going to share the bed, and he's NOT going to sleep on the floor. 

He's not going to let Bo win again."]

So worth it. I mean, it had no fucking right to be that damned cute when they hated each other that damned much. All of the fluff hidden by all of that loathing. Until the loathing receded into something almost like love... *mini heart eyes*

#hatetoloveyou #anabyrde #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Witch Boy

Holy. Shit.

This book was sooooo good! And sooooooo cute! And just, wow. Holy. Shit.

["In thirteen-year-old Aster's family, all the girls are raised to be witches, while boys grow up to be shapeshifters. Anyone who dares cross those lines is exiled. Unfortunately for Aster, he still hasn't shifted . . . and he's still fascinated by witchery, no matter how forbidden it might be.

When a mysterious danger threatens the other boys, Aster knows he can help -- as a witch. It will take the encouragement of a new friend, the non-magical and non-conforming Charlie, to convince Aster to try practicing his skills. And it will require even more courage to save his family . . . and be truly himself. "]

Seriously, check this book out. Do it right fucking now. You won't regret it.

I mean, Aster just wants to be Aster. He doesn't care if witchery is traditionally a female "job". It's what he's passionate about. If only his family could see it (spoiler alert, they finally fucking do).

There's not any trans-centered conversations. Just the notions of a female vs male assigned tasks that no one ever branches out of. But it's simple. More simple than gender. Simple enough that children will/would understand it without having to understand the societally-construction definition of gender.

#thewitchboy #mollyostertag #childrensbooks #LGBTbooks #LGBTchildrensbooks #transbooks #transchildrensbooks #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Straight As A Cucumber (#Love Wins book three)

Random scrolling and recommendations have sent me here. To Ana Byrde's #Love Wins series. To "Straight As A Cucumber".

["There's a couple of reasons I shouldn't crush on Zach Stauff.

1) He's my big brother's best friend.

2) He's my roommate.

3) He's straight.

None of those things matter when I'm around him and my heart starts beating like crazy. He's been the star of my wet dreams since forever, but to him I'm just the kid who used to eat mudcakes. That is, until he walks in on me playing with a cucumber--without my clothes on. Worse, I was on camera streaming to an online audience when he witnessed the 'cucumber incident.'

Now he's probably got a very different image of me.

My subscribers say we should make out. They say they'd pay good money for the show.

I can't ask Zach to do that.

But what if this is my best chance to touch something that isn't a vegetable?"]

Like the first book, there wasn't a lot of anxiety. At least on Zach's end. He's just like, yeah, okay. But there is some angst. On both ends. And at some surprisingly different ends as well.

Also, they're just so cute. I wanted more domestic fluff. Just for the hell of it. Just because they were so damn adorable.

#fakethedate #hooklineandsinker #straightasacucumber #lovewins #lovewinsseries #anabyrde #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Hook, Line, & Sinker (#Love Wins book two)

Random scrolling and recommendations have sent me here. To Ana Byrde's #Love Wins series. To "Hook, Line, & Sinker".

["New Year's resolution: Get V-Card stamped

Wesley Moore is a walking wet dream. Literally. He's on the school's swim team - and absolutely gorgeous in Speedos. He also has a reputation. I figured he'd be perfect to pop my cherry with no strings attached. One night. That was all I wanted.

How was I supposed to know that he's made a bet with his roommate to fix his reputation?

How was I supposed to know he wants romance now?

I'm not looking for a boyfriend. My crazy family would never accept Wes...or any other boy I brought home.

I need to get him to sleep with me before I fall for him, and there's only one way to do it. Lace. I've got a whole box full of secret weapons, and I'm not afraid to use them."]

This book was a little confusing, just with all of the emotions and feelings and sexual tension.  But holy shit, it's kind of like, when you know you know, mixed with holy shit this can't be real, topped off with no one will fucking believe me.
And a little bit of fairygod mother, crazy/charming Aunt Rosy

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, bullying, self-esteem issues

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Fake The Date (#Love Wins book one)

Random scrolling and recommendations have sent me here. To Ana Byrde's #Love Wins series. To "Fake The Date".

["Needed: Fake boyfriend for destination wedding

I came out to my parents when I was fifteen. Sadly, this has never stopped my mother from finding lovely young women for me to date. My sister suggests I bring my own date to her destination wedding. Problem is, I don't know how to find dates. The only man I've spoken to recently is my roommate. My way too hot--straight--roommate. My sister says I should ask him to play my boyfriend. It'll be fun, she says.

Now I'm sitting next to him on a plane and I constantly have to adjust myself so he doesn't notice that I'm into him.

In a few hours we'll be at our hotel, sharing the only bed in the room.

I don't know how I'll survive this wedding without exploding.

I do know I'll never listen to my sister again."]

This book was sooooo damn cute! I just. It was so simple and they didn't really question it (okay, so there was some anxiety about it all, but like zero angst). And a perfectly charming and totally inappropriate great aunt that was just also so wow.

Also, anyone I know want to have a destination wedding and invite me? I'm like allll in.

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, bullying, self-esteem issues

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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Burn The Fairy Tales

This book (Adeline Whitmore's "Burn The Fairy Tales") was suggested to me by a coworker.
And let's be real, because of my love of fairy tales and feminist literature (and Nikita Gill), I was like "hell yes". 

Here we are, a few months later but a few poems stronger.

["Kill the prince. Give the princess a sword. Send her into battle. Watch her win. This poetry book is a work of feminist self-empowerment for women and of understanding for men. It deals with love, loss, self discovery, self love, grief, and inspiration."]

It was a really empowering and strongly written poetry collection. I enjoyed reading it. 

However, the formatting on the Kindle edition of the book was really confusing/off. It made it hard to decipher one poem from the next (and then, when I went to read the second book/edition/volume, it was just...blank. I'm so confused). 

Maybe next time, I'll just buy a physical copy of a poetry collection instead of using the "free" Kindle one..

#burnthefairytales #burnthefairytalestwo #adelinewhitmore #poetry #poetrycollection #poetrybooks #poems #feminist #feministpoetry #fairytales #reclaimingthestory #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Wrong Message, Right Valentine

One of the other random books I stumbled upon in my Recommended Books list was "Wrong Message, Right Valentine" by Romeo Alexander.

["Sebastian: Do I have a Valentine? Ha, with the busy life I lead, dating isn’t even possible, let alone a valentine. That’s alright though, I enjoy what I do, and it’s helped by the best assistant I’ve ever had. Without Trevor, I’d probably be drowning under it all. Our strictly professional relationship is great. Well, until I open a message that changes everything…

Trevor: Between a full-time job with overtime and school, I don’t have time for anything else. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy what I do, and it pays the bills. Sebastian is a great boss, and I enjoy working with him...and not just because he’s hot. At least, that’s how it was until everything got tossed on its head over a little mistake. How the hell do I fix this?

Working extra hours over Valentine’s weekend and with a deadline looming, Sebastian and Trevor could do without distractions. Then a mix up with a sexy message send’s both men into a tailspin and makes them question everything…"]

Such an easy read. Such a cliche trope. Such a rookie mistake (the exactly wrong picture sent to precisely wrong person). SUCH a good novella!

After I work on the stacks (and stacks) of books that I just bought (and all of the ones I already have piled on my shelves--and the ones in my wishlist on my Kindle)--or frankly, let's be honest, probably before, I'm going to check out the other things that Romeo published.

#wrongmessagerightvalentine #romeoalexander #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, May 10, 2021

Stud (Four Bear Construction #5)

My careful (reckless--with abandon, of course) perusal of the recommendations my Kindle app provided with me, I stumbled upon K.M. Neuhold's Four Bears Construction series. The fifth book is titled "Stud".

["Stud: A boss, knob, or nail head...or, you know, the hot guy who’s way too young to keep asking me out with that adorably earnest smile …

It’s been three years since West walked into my bar and asked me out for the first time. I was relieved he stopped asking after the first few “no”s and a way-too-good-to-be-real kiss. He’s fifteen years younger than I am; it can only lead to trouble.

Of course, now he’s running through people off dating apps like it’s his job and wearing these lace panties that look really unfair on someone as furry and muscular as he is, and, um...what was I talking about?

I probably shouldn’t sabotage his dates, but I’m only human. I might not be ready to admit that I want him, but I’m definitely not ready to let anyone else have him either.

He’s too perfect, too hot, and I am in way too much trouble…"]

Idiots. Very cute, very insecure, very dumb idiots. 

But I'm so glad that they got their page (especially West, after everything he's been through), and it took them some time (three plus years), but they got their happily ever after (and some pet geese).

There's not a short story/bonus-scene after this novel, but there is a series-inspired coloring book. Just saying. #FourBearsConstructionColoringBook

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Shadow and Bone: Season One (post two)

Dear Saints above! Holy. Fucking. Shit.

I do have to say, after binge-watching the entire first season of "Shadow and Bone" in one sitting (only getting up for food and potty breaks), I just...holy. fucking. shit. Dear Saints above! 

One: You go, Milo, you go. You officially won the prize for best character added. You saved two peoples lives (well four) and managed to make Kaz Brekker smile (at least, I think, you did--well, you managed to calm down Jesper, which is really hard to do--especially since he hasn't met Wylan yet). He really was the Greatest Of All Time. ;)

Two: I have to say, Ben Barnes was fucking phenomenal. Which, I expected. But the entire fucking cast was glorious. Jessie Mei Li, Freddy Carter, Archie Renaux, Kit Young, Amita Suman, Danielle Galligan, Calahan Skogam, and soooo many fucking more fab people. The producers stayed true to characterization in the books and made everyone diverse in race and gender and body types (and sexualities). Which, fuck yes.

Three: I'm rambling so I already lost where my brain was trying to go before I remembered that they kept Nina a full-figured woman (as her waffle-heart deserves) and Jesper a disaster-queer and Kaz an emotional ice cube (looking all constipated from the emotional back up of years of heart-break and secrets and revenge) and Rollins was just as evil and ugly (in and out) as he should be.

Four: Going off of Rollins.... I got goosebumps when we first saw Ketterdam. I also squealed. A lot. And then held my breath and replayed it and then cried when the Darkling said "Fine, make me your villain" (which we were all fucking waiting for for so fucking long). Then, not long enough for my heart to calm itself, we got the "No Mourners"/"No Funerals" line and FUCK D: 

Five: (spoiler) We should all know by now that the Darkling just doesn't die (which isn't a spoiler if you know that they are two more books in the first trilogy (Alaina's)).

Six: The fucking ending when (SPOILER) everyone was all on the fucking boat (except Wylan--I'll get over that sometime) at the end and almost talked and almost started planning the entire fucking plot of "Six of Crows" right fucking there!

Seven: I remember what I was going to say when I rambled on Three. I loved what they did with Shadow and Bone and that entire thing (sooooo fucking good and so fucking close to the book that I swear, the entire time I was watching it, it felt like deja vu). But my heart still belong with the Crows and their ultimate heist and FUCK I want that so bad. Even if this prequel into their lives before was a fucking gift that I love and was sooooo fucking amazing and GAH D: 

Eight: *keyboard smash*

Nine: I have so many more feelings, but I feel like I need to sit on the rest (and obnoxiously look at all of those tumblr posts and memes and "did you catch it when" moments)

Ten: Anyone know if they were green-lighted for season two yet?

Now, off to see if I can squeeze in any re-readings of these books again. Or I guess I should read Nikolai's books first...

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Shadow and Bone: Season One (post one)

The entire reason I initially started this blog was to gush about books to people who got it, people who would listen. My first post (or maybe my second?) was about how they were making a Netflix series about Leigh Bardugo's GrishaVerse, and I was fangirl-ing. Hard. And have been for over a year (following the casting (poor Wylan) and pre-filming and filming and post-production advertising).

I read the series out of order, like one does. I started with "Six of Crows" (and then, duh, "Crooked Kingdom"), and only read the original trilogy when the Netflix announcement was made. I have yet to read Nikolai's duology yet (sue me), though Nikolai is one of my favorite characters ever.

And now, season one of Shadow and Bone has been out for over two weeks, and I haven't build up the nerve to watch it yet.
First, it was because I needed to wait until I could binge the entire thing in one sitting.
Then/Now, it's because I'm afraid of being disappointed. I just...I loved this world so much and I've been so damn excited for this series to launch for over a year. What if it sucks (as if anything Ben Barnes could be in could suck)? What if they ruin the GrishaVerse world? What if I build this thing up in my head for so long and it's just "eh"? What if...

I'm going to try to suck it up and watch it (at least one or two episodes) sometime today. Any words of encouragement? Any advice? Anything? #nomournersnofunerals

#shadowandbone #seigeandstorm #ruinandrising #sixofcrows #crookedkingdom #kingofscars #ruleofwolves #leighbardugo #netflix #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Screwed (Four Bear Construction #4)

My careful (reckless--with abandon, of course) perusal of the recommendations my Kindle app provided with me, I stumbled upon K.M. Neuhold's Four Bears Construction series. The fourth book is titled "Screwed".

["I've had my fair share of less than proud relationship moments, but waking up married to my brother-in-law's best friend is a new low.

A drunken wedding to a man who already rejected me once? Check. A hefty bet about how long it will last? Check. My feisty new husband, determined to make our friends pay up? Double check.

I've never managed to make a real relationship last nearly a year, there's no way Daniel will stick around long enough to win this bet. The only problem is the longer he stays, the more the lines blur between what's real and what's for show. Does he feel it too or am I totally screwed?"]

These two had a connection, a chemistry since the first set of pages they appeared on (in book 1 as Ren's best friend and Cole's brother) and it only grew (more awkward and obvious--to people who's heads weren't up their own paired-up, loved-up asses) as the series continued.

Until we got to Ollie's fourth wedding (almost similar to that of Ross's in #Friends, but in a forward-thinking, much less toxic-masculinity kind of way--easy to fall in love and thriving for connection/commitment, but unashamed of it--just a wee bit embarrassed and ready for the real thing)... 

Then things got a little extra interesting. You add two stubborn and hot-headed men together, pit them against their bet-friendly friends, and mix in a whole hell of a lot of sexual heat? Yeah, nothing would ever go wrong there. ;)

This one was SOOO cute. Honestly, the pessimistic love-isn't-real guy paired with the heart-eyes commitment-whore? Hell. Yes. 

Check out the short story at the end of the book, too! #TequilaWedding Which was just the tequila-flavored icing on the cake. Read this, and it will make everything even better.

#caulky #nailed #hardwood #screwed #stud #kmneuhold #fourbearsconstruction #fourbearsconstructionseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Hardwood (Four Bears Construction #3)

My careful (reckless--with abandon, of course) perusal of the recommendations my Kindle app provided with me, I stumbled upon K.M. Neuhold's Four Bears Construction series. The third book is titled "Hardwood".

["I’ve spent forty-four years of my life telling the world I’m a carpet man. Is it too late to admit to myself and everyone else that deep down I’m really all about the Hardwood?

It took me over thirty-five years to admit to myself that I’m gay, another seven to find the courage to say it out loud to anyone else, and exactly thirty seconds to develop a massive crush on my daughter’s music teacher. It’s really not my fault, have you even seen those cute bowties he wears?

After everything it’s taken to get here, am I going to work up the nerve to come out to my ex-wife and my best friends? Am I ready to shake up my comfortable, simple life and take a chance on Watson? Or am I going to throw a wrench in my own chance for happily ever after?"]

It took me a while to get through this book. Not because it wasn't interesting or anything, but life, ya know? 

Either way, it was really cute and fun. And must like another book in the series (book 1, I think?), I felt like if they talked, it could have been much, much shorter. But what do I know. Then again, Ev was in the closet for decades, and it's not exactly easy to come out after that long (or at all sometimes).

Check out the short story at the end of the book, too! #ChristmasButtPlug

#caulky #nailed #hardwood #screwed #stud #kmneuhold #fourbearsconstruction #fourbearsconstructionseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Nailed (Four Bear Construction #2)

My careful (reckless--with abandon, of course) perusal of the recommendations my Kindle app provided with me, I stumbled upon K.M. Neuhold's Four Bears Construction series. The second book is titled "Nailed".

["My new neighbor is a total tool.

He hated me from the second he laid eyes on me, and I don’t have the first clue why… But, if he wants to hate me, I’m happy to give him a few reasons: mowing the lawn at dawn on the weekend, leaving garbage cans in front of his driveway, renting a petting zoo for my backyard...making a list of ways to drive him crazy is half the fun.

He deserves it with the way he’s driving me crazy right back without even trying— walking around without a shirt on, sweaty rippling muscles on full display, well-worn denim jeans perfectly molded to his...well, you get the idea.

My point is, if he wants a war, I’ll give him one."]

I haven't read the entire series yet, but I can guarentee you, this will be my favorite book. I laughed out loud (so many literal LOLs) the entire time. And when I wasn't, I was smiling like a fool (and there was one moment or two where I was holding my breath (spoiler alert, a doggo was injured in the making of this novel, but spoiler alert part two, he's going to be okay).

Like LOVED this book and these two. One smiling, joking, glass-always-half-full idiot. Meets a grumpy asshole idiot. And then they hate each other for a while. Which leads to hate sex. Which leads to less-hate (then zero-hate) sex. Which leads to a happily ever after with a barn and lots of doggos (spoiler alert part three)

Check out the short story at the end of the book, too! #BabyGoats

#caulky #nailed #hardwood #screwed #stud #kmneuhold #fourbearsconstruction #fourbearsconstructionseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Caulky (Four Bears Construction #1)

My careful (reckless--with abandon, of course) perusal of the recommendations my Kindle app provided with me, I stumbled upon K.M. Neuhold's Four Bears Construction series. The first book is titled "Caulky".

["Ren is in desperate need of a rebound fling. Lucky for him, the smoking hot contractor he hired has just the tool for the job.

The last thing I want is another relationship or another broken heart.

All I need are my bees and the occasional hookup to scratch the itch.

Okay, maybe meeting up with my hot contractor weekly is a little more than occasional. And maybe the way I’m starting to feel about the guy I’ve been anonymously chatting with online should concern me.

But CaulkyAF doesn’t want to meet, and Cole doesn’t want anything serious, so what’s the worst that could happen?"]

This book was a novella. Though it felt a whole hell of a lot longer than a simple novella. Which, honestly, I can't tell if its a good thing or a bad thing (I had a whole pros and cons list, but I don't think you want to/need to see allll of that).

Also, I know I've said it before, but men are dumb asses. But cute dumbasses when they get their shit together (okay, so they're cute when they're clueless, too).

Check out the short story at the end of the book, too! #HappyBirthdayHoney

#caulky #nailed #hardwood #screwed #stud #kmneuhold #fourbearsconstruction #fourbearsconstructionseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, May 3, 2021

Nice Guys and First Times

I decided to look to my Kindle App and see what it would suggest me to do with my life (my reading life that is).

And that's how I found "Nice Guys and First Time" by K.M. Neuhold. A collection of four short stories about, well, nice guys and first times (take that as you will). All sweet and steamy and swoony as hell.

["Always You
A long weekend at my parents’ lake house to celebrate the end of the school year has been a tradition for my friends and me since we were sixteen. But this year it isn’t just any school year ending, it’s our college graduation, and I’ve decided there’s no time like the present to finally tell my best friends the truth I’ve kept from them for years. What I care most about is how my best friend, Dante, will feel. Not that I think he’ll return the ridiculous feelings I’ve been harboring for him, but a guy can hope, right? When a leaky ceiling drives Dante from his own bed into mine, the night might end up getting a lot more interesting than I expected."]

Obviously fucking idiots finally talked. Or ya know, not talked. ;) But they figured it out, so that's all that counts.

["Boyfriend Wanted
I need a fake boyfriend to bring to my family reunion, I just didn’t expect I’d find such a good one by answering a personal ad. With his devilish good looks and interesting piercings, I have to say, Roman is extremely committed to playing the part…even behind closed doors.
But will things cool off when the weekend is over or is Roman feeling things just like I am?"]

Whereas the first one was so fucking sweet it hurt, this one was spicy as fuck. So damn good. My favorite, to be honest. Opposites attract (shy(ish) nerd meets tatted/peirced badass?--yes please). It took these two a while to talk, but they eventually did, so there's that.

I’ve been in love with my best friend for almost as long as I can remember. The only problem is he’s straight. At least I thought he was. But when he gets me to Fiji for Christmas, he’s suddenly looking at me in a way I’ve never seen before. Could this all be real, or is he just HoliGay?"]

Another set of idiots. Then again, most friends-to-lovers scenario tends to be. Unlike the first story, this couple did not talk (until he was almost too late). But at least they got to go to Fiji..

["Chasing Rainbows
When I accidentally wandered into a date raffle, the last thing I expected to meet the mouth-watering ginger bear of my dreams, and I really didn’t expect to win a date with him. The only problem? The date is a full week in Scotland. I’ve never been much of an adventurer, but Tucker seems determined to change that.
Will one week be enough?"]

At least they talked. And got to chase rainbows. And see castles. I wish, sometimes, I could quit my job to travel the world too, though.

#niceguysandfirsttimes #kmneuhold #alwaysyou #boyfriendwanted #holigay #chasingrainbows #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Now What?

I had a plan before all of this. I had one author that I would read through, and did (in a spectrally obsessive and efficient manner). 

And if/when they cowrote a novel with another author, I would simply move to that author and read all of their work (again, obsessively and efficiently). 

Then, when the #BoldBrewseries completely, I obsessively and efficiently read that). what? Do I pick one of those ten new authors to start obsessively and efficiently reading through? Or do I suck it up and go to my many (many) TBR piles on my bookshelves (or the books saved to my #KindleUnlimited wishlist)? Or do I take a break from reading (except, then what will I do with my free time?)? Or like... gaaaaaah! Help, y'all!

#TBR #TBRpiles #nowwhat #reading #readingproblems #reader #readerproblems #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Double Shot (Bold Brew Book 10)

I haven't yet read a series quite like this one. All centered in the same fictional-universe, all interconnected manuscripts, all editions by different authors. The Bold Brew series is a ten book installment by ten different fabulous people. The tenth and final book is titled: "Double Shot" (by #gwenmartin)

["Coffee, with a double shot of desire....

West is still floundering three years after a failed relationship spun his life out of control, and forced him to move back to his hometown. When he meets Rhys at Bold Brew, his curiosity sparks, and he wonders if the alluring photographer could be his shot at embracing the inner Little he suppressed in the past. Rhys's photos are a passionate exploration and call to West's needs and desires. 

Rhys loves to guide and nurture partners—then send them on their way. But something about West is different. The quiet man responds to Rhys's Daddy dominance in beautiful ways. And the camera loves him, too. 

When West agrees to a photoshoot, their chemistry ignites. Rhys and West are a perfect complement to one another's cravings. But can this double shot at love last as long as one of Rhys’s photographs, or will they drink their fill and move on?"]

West was first mentioned in book two (Puppuccino), as he's friends with Mason. And Rhys's best friend is Nick (from book seven, Fair Trade), but mentioned multiple other times throughout the series (like you expect me to remember each and ever one).

This book was a hard read only because they were both going through so damn much and emotionally struggling individually. But together? They brought the calm out after (and before) the storm.

Trigger warning: alcoholism/addiction (no relapse depicted on the page)

Also, a heads up (if you didn't catch it in the blurb), this series is very kink-friendly/forward (in a very, very healthy and communicative way). The Bold Brew coffee shop (the centering aspect of the series) is a LGBT and kink-friendly hub of the community. Just FYI, if you're not into that kind of thing.

#cupofjoe #puppuccino #perfectmatcha #vanillasteamer #orderup #silkysmooth #fairtrade #extrawhip #cinnamonroll #doubleshot #boldbrew #boldbrewseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Cinnamon Roll (Bold Brew Book 9)

I haven't yet read a series quite like this one. All centered in the same fictional-universe, all interconnected manuscripts, all editions by different authors. The Bold Brew series is a ten book installment by ten different fabulous people. The ninth book is titled: "Cinnamon Roll" (by #annazabo). This is the second and final full-length novel in the series.

["This cinnamon roll has plenty of bite!

Maxime Demers has had an eye on Tom Cedric for a while, watching him flit from one awful man to another. So when Tom pins an ad to the community cork board at Bold Brew, Max can’t resist reading it. Tom’s looking for a play partner—someone who’s not a jerk—and Max knows he could give Tom what he needs. But first he’ll have to get the man to talk to him.

Tom Cedric thinks Max is way out of his league. He’s handsome, intelligent, speaks a billion languages, and can make a person kneel with a single look—too damn good for someone like Tom. But he can’t resist the temptation to talk to the man he’s had a crush on since the moment he laid eyes on him.

The connection between them is immediate, hot, and tempting, and when Max needs a replacement helper for an impact demo he’s giving, Tom jumps at the chance. A demo should be safe, right? A few hours. Clothing on. No stakes. Neither man is prepared when that spark ignites, and Tom is absolutely unprepared to discover the sweet man behind those dominating looks."]

We first met Tom and Max in "Extra Whip" (book eight), and you could tell their was a connection their already (besides the fact that Tom is Aaron's coworker/friend and Max is Will's coworker/friend--a blind-date-makers dream) just waiting to brew (horrible pun intended).

And where they so damn cute! They both needed each other, even if they spend years avoiding it. They helped each other heal and expand themselves. And then they got me hungry for french food (including one of my utter weaknesses: chocolate croissants--now I'm hungry, so thanks for that) 

Also, a heads up (if you didn't catch it in the blurb), this series is very kink-friendly/forward (in a very, very healthy and communicative way). The Bold Brew coffee shop (the centering aspect of the series) is a LGBT and kink-friendly hub of the community. Just FYI, if you're not into that kind of thing.

#cupofjoe #puppuccino #perfectmatcha #vanillasteamer #orderup #silkysmooth #fairtrade #extrawhip #cinnamonroll #doubleshot #boldbrew #boldbrewseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Extra Whip (Bold Brew Book 8)

I haven't yet read a series quite like this one. All centered in the same fictional-universe, all interconnected manuscripts, all editions by different authors. The Bold Brew series is a ten book installment by ten different fabulous people. The eighth book is titled: "Extra Whip" (by #lawitt). This is the first full-length novel in the series (and the entire reason I couldn't finish the series before the end of April, so thank you for that).

["Will and Aaron Taylor have a perfectly imperfect marriage. For twenty years, even when their desires haven’t quite matched, they’ve always found ways to adapt…until now. When Aaron’s needs push past his Dom’s limits, their best hope for compromise is finding a unicorn—a third person who checks both men's boxes.

After his estranged father wills him a house he doesn’t want in a town he doesn’t know, Kelly Griffith is itching to find his place in this unfamiliar new world. When he finds an ad from a couple looking for a sub like him, he jumps at the opportunity. A chance to be what someone needs and wants instead of being a perpetual disappointment? Yes, please.

The chemistry sizzles from the get-go. Will and Aaron insist they don’t want to be poly, and Kelly doesn’t want to be anyone’s third wheel, but playing together? Any time, any place. All they have to do is keep emotions from joining the party as the trust and intimacy deepen between them.

But by the time they realize they’re in over their heads, hitting the brakes is no longer as simple as using a safe word."]

I loved and dis-loved this book (hate is a little too strong). I loved the open communication and constant reassurances and unicorn references. The three of them really worked together as a trouple inside and outside of the bedroom. They were cute and honest and talked (and talked and talked) about any and all issues that came up.

But I also felt like the issues these three dealt with (more so Will and Aaron) were talked about over and over and over and over again. I felt as if it could have been shorter, much shorter, and the premise could have been still the same. 

It also lacked some of that fluff I was looking for, too. There was a hella lot of cuddling in bed and cuddling in front of a movie, but not a lot of heart-stuttering, earth-tilting kind of cheesey romantic talk.

Also, a heads up (if you didn't catch it in the blurb), this series is very kink-friendly/forward (in a very, very healthy and communicative way). The Bold Brew coffee shop (the centering aspect of the series) is a LGBT and kink-friendly hub of the community. Just FYI, if you're not into that kind of thing.

#cupofjoe #puppuccino #perfectmatcha #vanillasteamer #orderup #silkysmooth #fairtrade #extrawhip #cinnamonroll #doubleshot #boldbrew #boldbrewseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Fated Mate Bandit (Trash Pandas #2)

Here's Amy Bellows's new series, Trash Pandas. The second book is "The Fated Mate Bandit." ["I fell in love with Silv...