Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Goodbye, November!

November...less sucky than October, but I've just been in this weird place mentally. I feel, very often for the past month and a half, as if I'm missing something or waiting/yearning for something, but I can't place my finger on what it is. Which has then led to a very empty and lonely feeling. Just like an almost constant state of anxiety (and a smidge of depression--because isn't it so fun to have both?). Fun. Times.


2022 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) Nope.

(2) Books read this month: 25 (might get one more in there before midnight though--though maybe not). 

(3) Nope: Part 2.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 19.

(5) Nope: Part 3. See the above description. Maybe well be better this month? Or in 2023??

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions (now that its time to make brand-new ones)?

Any exciting December reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyenovember #hellodecember #hello2022 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Vow Maker (Mixed Messages #4)

Trying to get through some of my already-downloaded books on my Kindle before I move onto my next series. Here's the fourth installment of Lily Morton's Mixed Messages series: "Vow Maker."

["Dylan Mitchell wants to get married.

However, after seven years of being engaged, that’s looking slightly doubtful. After going through ten wedding planners, they’re gaining a reputation somewhat akin to Henry the Eighth on the wedding circuit.

Gabe has vetoed symbolic dove releases, forests of flowers, fire-eating performers, and puce as a wedding colour. He’s confounded an army of wedding professionals, and now Dylan, the man who knows and loves him better than anyone, has joined the ranks of the confused. Can anything please his fiancĂ© and get them to the altar?

I was hesitant to start this, only because I'm still a little heart-broken and shaking with my trust when it comes to Gabe, only because was an idiot and an ass and kept pushing Dylan away when he secretly wanted to do anything but. I KNOW they love each other and would do anything for each other and are completed devoted and completed completely beyond that part of their lives, but it still sticks with me, all of that heartbreak and anxiety.

ANYWAY, it was sooooo cute and sooooo worth the way. Yes, there was a bit of angst and stress, but at the end of the day, they're more committed and more in love and more everything for each other than they've ever been...they're just married now (oh yeah, spoiler alert). ;)

#rulebreaker #dealmaker #risktaker #vowmaker #shortstack #mixedmessages #mixedmessagesseries #lilymorton #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, November 28, 2022

Budding Attraction (Divorced Men's Club #3)

Trying to get through some of my already-downloaded books on my Kindle before I move onto my next series. Here's the third installment of Saxon James's The Divorced Men's Club series: "Budding Attraction"

I’ve never thought much about Orson Naples.
He’s a cute guy who I’d seen around town a few times, but then one day he up and left and didn’t reappear until a few years later. No one knows where he went or what he was doing, all this gossipy town knows is that he’s a widower, owns the florist, and is friends with that divorced group that hang out at the Killer Brew all the time.
But then one day I step into his flower shop and go from rarely thinking about him, to him constantly being on my mind.
There’s a restlessness to him that I’m dying to unlock answers to.
And his eyes linger on me a little too long for a straight man …

Ford Thomas is a pest. A delightful one. A tempting one. But I’m too old for games.
The ones I’ve played in the past have always led me to trouble which is why I vowed to settle down and live a quiet life.
So when Ford walks into my shop all uncontained energy and flirty quips in a pair of heavy work boots, I know I should show him the door.
I don’t need fun. I don’t need experiences.
Especially when those experiences have me questioning things I thought I knew about myself.

The florist/mechanic trope is just a hair away from the florist/tattooist trope and I'm. Here. For. It. All fucking in.

Also all for the easy and flowing flirting. It was like a happy banter, no angst, just a cute mixture of teasing and complimenting. It was soooo fluffy! Like "it's so fluffy I'm going to die" fluffy.

This series continues to amazing me. I can't wait for even more.

#makinghimmine #roommatearrangement #platonicrulebook #buddingattraction #employingpatience #divorcedmensclub #divorcedmensclubseries #saxonjames  #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Dirty Trick (The Off Season #3)

Trying to get through some of my already-downloaded books on my Kindle before I move onto my next series. Here's the third installment of K.M. Neuhold's The Off Season series (aka the Palm Island series): "Dirty Trick."

["Can you be friends with benefits with a guy who hates you? What about enemies with benefits instead?
My plan to lick every cupcake Boston wants until he realizes I’m his only option might actually work out…
Was pretending to sleep with tons of men to keep my crush from hooking up with them a Dirty Trick? Sure. Do I regret it? Not one bit.
Telling Boston I have a thing for him would’ve been the logical thing to do. Unfortunately, logic hasn’t always been my strong suit. I decided to go the—“get under his skin until hostility turns into affection”-- route instead, and I think it’s finally working.
But once he’s worked off all his annoyance with me, will there be real feelings underneath? I guess only time will tell…"]

Surprisingly, there wasn't too much angst in this one. A loooooooot of steam and sexual tension and "wow, what's that feeling, weird, can't be like love or anything" and lots and lots of bicker. Which, as we all know, the bickering just upped the sexual tension, which upped the steam, which upped the"wow, what's that feeling, weird, can't be like love or anything." 

I've said it before, and I"ll say it again, but once they finally caved to the love (or the lust), it was so easy for them. *Sigh* If only...

There are AT LEAST three more books in this series. Three. And I Can Not wait.

#therealdeal #perfectten #takenbystorm #dirtytrick #theoffseason #theoffseasonseries #palmisland #palmislandbooks #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Crushing On The Quarterback

Trying to get through some of my already-downloaded books on my Kindle before I move onto my next series. Here's Baylin Crow's "Crushing On The Quarterback."

["Hooking up with your teammate may be a bad idea, but when it comes to Cannon Diaz? Worth it.
In my opinion, anyway. Cannon doesn't seem to agree. After we hooked up at our high school graduation party, he left town the next day without so much as a goodbye.

Bummer. I was really hoping for a repeat.

Three years later, I'm shocked when the superstar quarterback transfers colleges, and we end up playing for the same team again.

Not gonna lie, I'm still harboring an epic crush on the guy, and I don't try to hide my interest in him. That's not my style—much to his annoyance. Or so he would like it to appear.

I could be wrong, but I don't think I'm imagining the way Cannon watches me back when he thinks no one's looking.

This short story was sooooo gooooooood! It was very low angst and very high steam. It was fantastic and fabulous and the sexual tension? D: Yes! 

Very worth the 60-minute read. 

#crushingonthequarterback #baylincrow #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Pixie (Ballsy Boys series #5)

Maybe starting a new series will help me out of my book slump? One can only hope. Here is Nora Phoenix and K.M. Neuhold's Ballsy Boys series. The fifth and final book is titled "Pixie," and it's Pixie's book (the one who just wants a place to belong). 

["Everybody loves Pixie.
Everybody wants Pixie.
But Pixie needs a Daddy, and his heart is set on me.

I’m determined to resist him, for more reasons than I can count.

He’s too young for me. He’s my employee. And he’s everything I’ve been avoiding for half my life.

He’s vibrant. He’s sweet. He’s absolutely perfect, no matter how much I don’t want him to be.

I want nothing more than to take care of him, to protect him and pamper him…but how can I start something with him when I know I’ll eventually break his heart? Can I really be the Daddy Pixie needs?"]

I've been waiting for this book since the prologue. So. Fucking. Worth. It.

So much fluff but sooooo much angst! It could just be my current mental state, but I definitely bawled during a decent portion of this book.

#ballsy #rebel #tank #heart #campy #pixie #ballsyboys #ballsyboysseries #kmneuhold #noraphoenix #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Campy (Ballsy Boys series #4)

Maybe starting a new series will help me out of my book slump? One can only hope. Here is Nora Phoenix and K.M. Neuhold's Ballsy Boys series. The fourth book is titled "Campy," and it's Campy's book (the one with secrets and a sick mother). 

["What will happen when my secrets are exposed?

I'm lying to my mom about how I make my living.
I'm lying to the Ballsy Boys about my life.
I'm lying to myself about who I am.
I pretend to be Campy, but I am Cameron. But does anyone even know the real me?

When I meet my new roommate, a sexy Texan cowboy and break-out TV star named Jackson, all my lies start to come out. He makes me want to be myself, but I've spun so many lies that I don't even know who I am anymore. The more I fall for him, the more I worry that all my secrets will destroy us before we have a chance to be together. Good thing Jackson has a stubborn streak and won't give up so easily."]

This book was sooooo gooooood!! D: And I don't know why, but I assumed Jackson would be...different, a more stereotypical cowboy (at least how erotica stereotypes cowboys), but he was so sweet and shy and blushy and innocent and wanted a relationship. He was so perfect.

Campy (Cameron) was far from perfect, which was one of his biggest drawbacks to diving into a relationship with Jackson. That, he was still telling himself that he wasn't gay (yeah, that rumor from Rebel's book? It wasn't just a rumor). 

#ballsy #rebel #tank #heart #campy #pixie #ballsyboys #ballsyboysseries #kmneuhold #noraphoenix #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, November 26, 2022

My Rosebud Boy


I was gifted a "free" au Snowbaz short story when I purchased Rainbow Rowell's "Scattered Showers" through Rainbow's local, independently-owned bookstore. Totally. Worth. It. (obviously) 

And the au? Tattoo shop/flower shop? What could be better?! 

This story was fucking perfect. I don't think it could be improved in any way. It read like a fabulous fanfiction (in the good way, mind you). It called back to the original trilogy in many ways, it stayed true to the characters and their personalities, it made fun of (in a fond way) many of our favorite things. It was fucking glorious. 

I've always been fascinated by flower and the language of flowers and how flower arrangments match in a un-matchy kinda way. This was that. I've also always been fascinated by tattoos and themed-tattoos from people you trust. This was that.

There was bantering and glaring and miscommunications and dead-mother-club mentions and soggy chips and secret mutual pining and self-development. It was fucking good.

Also, very jealous of Simon's tattoos (the one's Baz did/fixed). And all of the flowers Baz got (from Simon).

Now that I've read two new Snowbaz stories this evening...I'm literally buzzing. 

#myrosebudboy #carryon #waywardson #anywaythewindblows #snowforchristmas #fangirl #rainbowrowell #magicath #carryonsimon #simonsnow #snowbaz #bazpitch #tyrannusbasiltongrimmpitch #dragons #watford #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, November 25, 2022

Scattered Showers

Another one that's a little late...better now than never I suppose. Here's Rainbow Rowell's "Scattered Showers." Some of these stories have been published before (Midnights, Kindred Spirits, If The Fates Allow, The Prince and The Troll, Mixed Messages) but many are brand new and never-before-seen (Winter Songs For Summer, The Snow Ball, Snow For Christmas, and In Waiting).

["Rainbow Rowell has won fans all over the world by writing about love and life in a way that feels true.

In her first collection, she gives us nine beautifully crafted love stories. Girl meets boy camping outside a movie theater. Best friends debate the merits of high school dances. A prince romances a troll. A girl romances an imaginary boy. And Simon Snow himself returns for a holiday adventure.

It’s a feast of irresistible characters, hilarious dialogue, and masterful storytelling—in short, everything you’d expect from a Rainbow Rowell book."]

Lots to talk about and so little time/space to type/gush. :( 

I don't want to share a least favorite story, mostly because I didn't have one, but my favorite one was definitely "Snow For Christmas" (then again, it is Snowbaz, and I'm pretty damn biased when it comes to them).

Definitely worth the read. I read several of these before, in various forms and formats, but it was nice to reread them as well as discover Rainbow's newest stories.

And just LOOK at these books! They're so beautiful! The dark edition and the light edition are very Baz/Simon. The rainbow is very...Rainbow. The raindrops on the inside of the "traditional" edition and the rainbow edges on the Waterstones edition?! Gah!! The Bookworm edition (the "traditional" edition from Rainbow's local independently-owned bookstorm) even has one of those fancy ribbon bookmarks! I splurged (treat yo'self) and got two signed copies. ;) Why the hell not, you know? Because I purchased from The Bookworm, I was gifted a super-special, super-limited-edition au Snowbaz short story (which will be gushed about in a post here very, very soon).

#scatteredshowers #rainbowrowell #midnights #kindredspirits #wintersongsforsummer #thesnowball #ifthefatesallow #theprinceandthetroll #mixedmessages #snowforchristmas #inwaiting #shortstory #shortstorycollection #autographededition #waterstonesedition #thebookworm #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

If The Fates Allow

Okay, so I gotta say, I wrote this post a year ago in preparation for reading this beautiful short story, but like never actually got to it until I read it in "Scattered Showers." Anyway, I figured it deserved it's own post anyway, like I originally intended.

Rainbow Rowell gave us an early Christmas present with "If The Fates Allow."

["Social distancing came easily to Reagan. Maybe a little too easily. She’s always liked people better from afar. But Reagan doesn’t want her grandpa to be alone for Christmas this year—he’s already spent too much time on his own in 2020. So she heads back to her hometown with a dish of holiday Jell-O salad, hoping they can have a little normalcy. Hoping it will be safe…

She isn’t expecting to run into the boy next door. Mason is all grown up now. He’s considerate. He’s funny. He doesn’t mind how prickly Reagan is—he maybe even likes it. And it makes Reagan feel like her defenses are falling. She needs her defenses, doesn’t she? In a time when six feet is close enough, how long can they keep their distance? "]

A very, very cute covid romance. What's more romantic than talking about your vaccination status? ;) 

Also, I've never really liked jell-O salad, but now I kinda want to try it again..

#ifthefatesallow #rainbowrowell #fangirl #scatteredshowers #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Heartstopper Yearbook

A little late, but here we are... Alice Oseman's "The Heartstopper Yearbook."

["The full-colour Heartstopper Yearbook is packed full of exclusive content from the Heartstopper universe - including never-before-seen illustrations, an exclusive mini-comic, a look back at Alice's Heartstopper artwork over the years, character profiles, trivia, and insights into her creative process - all narrated by a cartoon version of Alice herself.

By the winner of the YA Book Prize, Heartstopper is about love, friendship, loyalty and mental illness. It encompasses all the small stories of Nick and Charlie's lives that together make up something larger, which speaks to all of us.

'The queer graphic novel we wished we had at high school.' Gay Times"]

This book was beeeeeaaaaauuuuutiful! It was full of color and love and history. It had not only Charlie and Nick but all of the other lovable and totally-relatable and very real characters from Alice's universe. 

It was a quick read and made me incredibly happy.

#theheartstopperyearbook #heartstopper #heartstoppervolumeone #heartstoppervolumetwo #heartstoppervolumethree #heartstoppervolumefour #aliceoseman #webtoon #graphicnovel #queergraphicnovel #YAgraphicnovel #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Heart (Ballsy Boys #3)

Maybe starting a new series will help me out of my book slump? One can only hope. Here is Nora Phoenix and K.M. Neuhold's Ballsy Boys series. The third book is titled "Heart," and it's Heart's book (the newest member of who doesn't know who he is anymore after being betrayed). 

["How does a guy who vowed not to trust another man ever again end up falling for not one, but two men? 

Some people might look down on being an adult star, but this job has been my salvation. It's the only one that didn't turn me away when learning about my criminal record. After being screwed over by my ex, I vowed to never let another man close, but when my sweet, nerdy friend Mason asks for my help improving his skills in the bedroom, I can't resist. And then there's my gorgeous yet grumpy parole officer who has made it his mission to save me. They both seem determined to test my resolve, and it's getting harder and harder to remind myself why it's so dangerous to trust."]

This book was fillllllled with love. And not just the steamy kind. ;) It had the fluffy kind. The affirmations and special dates and staying in pjs all day kinda fluff. The it's-so-much-more-than-sex, the I-love-you-for-you fluff. The being there fluff. To them, the relationship was about support and growing as people and caring about each other emotinally. Verrrrrry good!

#ballsy #rebel #tank #heart #campy #pixie #ballsyboys #ballsyboysseries #kmneuhold #noraphoenix #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, November 13, 2022

And Then There Were None: the mini series

 I've been in a murder mystery (slash thriller) movie phase lately. I gotta say, one of my favorites is Clue (1985) because its fucking hilarious and so campy and a cult classic, but also because it's always reminded me of Agatha Christie's novel "And Then There Were None" with the mysterious letters/invitations and secrets and murder.

I first read "And Then There Were None" freshmen year of high school and then again sophomore/junior year of college. Literally, one of the best murder mysteries I've ever read--and probably always will be. 

While looking at a BuzzFeed listicle of different movies/mini-series of really good and worth-watching murder mysteries/thrillers, I came across the 2015/2016 BBC version of "And Then There Were None." It. Was. So. Fucking. AMAZING! Total recommend. The acting, the costumes, the flashbacks, the suspense. Knowing what I know and knowing who was behind everything, I did spot a few moments that could be viewed as spoilers, but then again, it was just so-and-so making sure the plan stayed on course. SO. GOOD.

I love how this mini-series was based off a novel that was based off a poem because it feels so meta (also because the poem itself shows how dark children's literature used to be to "teach lessons").

Speaking of meta, See How They Run (2022) just came out on HBO Max, and it was soooooo fucking good too!! It's a movie about a play based off an Agatha Christie novel; the play is in the works of turning into a movie all the while people are making fun of books/plays being turned into movies. It's veeeerrrry meta. It's also a comedy; who knew murder could be so funny (please see Clue (1987))?! Agatha Christie is in it, too (played by Shirley Henderson, who played Moaning Myrtle in the Harry Potter series)! It was a bit slow during parts, but it all culminated to such a great twist-upon-twists-upon-twists. Another total recommend.

Other really good movies like these that I recommend would be: Murder On The Orient Express (2017), Death on the Nile (2022), Bad Times at the El Royal (2018), Sherlock Holmes (2009), Enola Holmes (2020), Knives Out (2019), Murder Mystery (2019), A Simple Favor (2018), Midsommar (2019), Don't Worry Darling (2022), etc. 

If you have any more movie/mini-series recommendations for me, please, please, please feel free to pass them along! ;) ((keep in mind that I don't do horror))

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Thursday, November 10, 2022

Tank (Ballsy Boys series #2)

Maybe starting a new series will help me out of my book slump? One can only hope. Here is Nora Phoenix and K.M. Neuhold's Ballsy Boys series. The second book is titled "Tank," and it's Tank's book (the grump totally not in a hate-lust "relationship" with Brewer). 

Shallow pretty boy, conceited fuckboy, immature assclown. Take your pick, they all apply to Brewer. The world is his ass buffet, and we’re all on the menu. I’ve never hated anyone like I hate Brewer. But when Rebel pairs us to do a scene together, I have to admit I’m looking forward to taking all my irritation out on his...well, you get the picture. But when one scene turns into a whole fake relationship, I’m not sure we’re going to make it out of this without some bloodshed.

Tank has got to be the most boring, stuck up ass I have ever met. That man does not know how to have fun, not even when he’s doing a scene. And if there’s one reason to smile, it’s working with me, right? All the more reason to keep my real self from him because he’d laugh me out of the room. But when we have to pretend we actually like each other, something unexpected happens. The more time we spend together, the more I see a different side of him…and dare to show a different side of me. What the hell is happening?"]

Enemies to lovers? Yes. Please.

I love how this book (and the first one) the men are like "Feelings? I don't have those; what are those? But that flutter in my chest and that moment when he smiles and the sunshine burst when he remembers something/does something and the tingle when we touch? Those are totally normal...right?" It's sooooo fucking cute and fun and perfect.

This book was really about the person behind the name, whether its your pornstar name or your nickname or your given name. It's about the person and that person being much more than the first impression/stereotype.

#ballsy #rebel #tank #heart #campy #pixie #ballsyboys #ballsyboysseries #kmneuhold #noraphoenix #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Rebel (Ballsy Boys series #1)

Maybe starting a new series will help me out of my book slump? One can only hope. Here is Nora Phoenix and K.M. Neuhold's Ballsy Boys series. The first official book is titled "Rebel," and it's Rebel's book (the one who is a little sad that he's not in a relationship). 

[""I don't do relationships, I break them." ~ Troy
If there’s one thing life has taught me it’s that everyone eventually leaves. But that's okay because I have a strategy: no friends, no boyfriends, limit repeat hook-ups, no sleep overs, and above all leave them before they leave me. I’ve put my break-up skills to work doing others’ dirty work for them.

The last thing I expected when I agreed to do an embarrassing breakup song and dance was to end up on the doorstep of the very recognizable—and stupidly sexy—Rebel. When you meet a man like Rebel you'd be insane not to make a move. And just because he has me tossing out every single one of my rules doesn't mean I'm in trouble, right?

“I’m everyone’s friend, but no one’s everything.” ~ Rebel
I love working for Ballsy Boys, but when you make the kind of videos I do relationships are pretty damn impossible. Besides, guys find me sexy and want to either be with me or be me, but no one has ever cared enough to see the real me.

Until I meet Troy. He has no problem whatsoever with my job, but he’s determined to keep me at a distance. For the first time, a hook-up alone is not enough. I want more with him. Hell, I want everything. But he resists at every step until I’m about ready to give up. What do I need to do to show him that this is real and worth fighting for?"]

This book was sooooo good! I mean, there was angst, but there wasn't nearly as much as I thought there would be (or maybe there was a decent amount but I assumed there'd be a shit-ton amount...). There was soooooooo soooo much fluff and friendship. There was, naturally, tons of steam too ;) (of course there was, y'all).

There were some serious topics surrounding foster care and being in the system, so if subjects like that are your triggers, be weary (nothing too too horrible or graphic or even on-the-page stuff, but I figured I'd give a heads up anyway).

#ballsy #rebel #tank #heart #campy #pixie #ballsyboys #ballsyboysseries #kmneuhold #noraphoenix #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, November 7, 2022

Ballsy (Ballsy Boys series 0.5)

Maybe starting a new series will help me out of my book slump? One can only hope. Here is K.M. Neuhold's Ballsy Boys series. The first book is titled "Ballsy," and it's the prequel where you learn all of the main characters, how they're connected, etc. 

["Meet the Ballsy Boys, the hottest gay porn actors out there."]

I can't remember if this series/these characters/this website was mentioned before K.M. introduced the first book, or just after. Either way, like the rest of her books, this one continues on with the interconnected manuscript theme.

And this is so I don't get confused myself: Rebel is a little sad that he's not in a relationship--it's hard in the industry; Tank is the grump in a sunshine/grumpy trope and it totally not in a hate-lust "relationship" with Brewer; Brewer a bit of a fuckboy, but he has big dreams; Campy has secrets and a sick mother; Heart is new to the crew, and he doesn't know who he is anymore after being betrayed; Pixie wants a place to belong.

Suuuuuper excited to start this series (and not trying to put too much pressure on it so "fix" my book/reading slump). Lots of drama and angst and pining and so much room for fluff and romance and steam. ;)

I feel like I shouldn't have to put a sex-work trigger warning on here, because it seems obvious that's what this book is about. Also, sex work shouldn't be criminalized, and maybe then it would be safer. Then again, this series is about porn star actors not your traditional sex workers, so...end mini rant.

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Sunday, November 6, 2022

Young Royals season two

A year and a half ago I rationalized with myself that if listening to an audio book counts as reading, so does reading the subtitles on a Swedish TV show (the entire season in one sitting, mind you). And once again, I regret nothing.

And once again I used way too many tissues (I cried at one--or several--point(s) in every single episode, sobbed during a few, too). 

I was also still blown away by the fucking reality of the story (to recap--aka, copy and pasted from my original Young Royals post..) The queer representation. The representation of mental illness (depression, anxiety, ADHA, aspergers, etc). The fact that the actors were actual teenagers with actual acne and actual flaws (not a cast filled with models). The diversity. The other fact that the main writer (most of the writers actually) and the main director are females.

I saw a post the other day that said Young Royals was the angst we all needed and Heartstopper was the therapy. Both are so fucking right. Young Royals is so dramatic and angsty and soap-opera-y and beautiful and wonderful and horrible. Just when you think you know what character A will do, you're wrong; just when you think you know how character S will play the scene out, you're wrong. 

It was fucking glorious and wonderful, and I don't want more angst (just a happily ever after), but I do want a third season.

Now I just need to go rewatch Heartstopper (again) for my warm, happy feelings. Where's my Charlie Spring and Nick Nelson? Actually, that's not therapy this week either after the shit they pulled on Kit Connor (no one deserves to be outed; no matter who they are, no matter the circumstances, no matter anything--especially when that someone is basically still a minor).

#youngroyals #youngroyalsseasontwo #seasontwo #youngroyalsnetflix #heartstopper #tv #netflix #gaytv #gaynetflix #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Enola Holmes 2: The Movie

Enola Holmes is a feminist icon. 

And the second movie was fucking fabulous! I've/We've only waited two years for this sequel, but it was very, verrrrrrry well worth it.

I have a lot of comments/critiques, but I'll try to keep them (mostly) spoiler free for you. And as I listed them in two lists (pros and cons), I realized I was putting almost every pro in the cons list as well, and vice versa. So, I decided to make a different kind of list..

Like the first movie, the second movie didn't stick strictly to the second book. It had aspects from various books in the series as well as added some new and non-Nancy-Springer plot. It added:

*The Enola Holmes Detective Agency: It's hard to fit all of the books' details into a movie (as seen in Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban and the Percy Jackson movies--as well as others), which I get; however, Enola Holmes never named her detective agency after herself. She knew she would never be taken serious with her last name, let alone that she was female. In the books, she posed as the secretary/note-taker to a mysterious/never-actually-seen detective (who was secretly also her). She was more successful that way (not entirely so, she still had lots of trouble getting started) and taken (a bit) more seriously. But again, I get (mostly) why the writers decided to change it.

*A Moriarty twist. At first, I loved it. Who doesn't love the classic Sherlock versus Moriarty games. Then, I wasn't so sure, because these books were about Enola, not Sherlock. Then I loved it, because there was another twist to the twist (which is a major spoiler). I thought the twist was refreshing and fun and fit into the overall original themes of the original books. Then, I just wasn't so sure; like I said, Moriarty is/was strictly a Sherlock thing, and I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this character getting involved in the Enola movies (I could be wrong, but I don't remember Moriarty ever being in the book series). The only reason I can see them adding Moriarty was the popularity of Henry Cavill as Sherlock and wanting to see more of him (which, I mean, I get--but again, this series is supposed to be mainly about Enola).

*Sherlock himself: Yes, Enola does pop into and out of Baker Street in the book series. She does help Sherlock with a few cases, as does he (and many of their cases do overlap). But, he was never super supportive of her or her dreams/freedom until the end of the series. He just...wasn't there. I like how they've changed it in the aspect that they're showing his feminist side and showing how all of these powerful women are changing the world, but it just...again, probably because Henry Cavill is hot and popular and plays a good Sherlock.

*Romance: Speaking of adding more men to the series because they're hot...Viscount Tewkesbury. From what I remember, he pops up in one other book, and like Sherlock, I think it wasn't until the very end of the series (and maybe it wasn't even the original series, but a book Nancy Springer added after the popularity of the first movie--and Louis Partridge. Enola never had any romantic interests in the books. She wanted to focus on herself and her dreams and her freedoms. She never wanted to be tied down to a man or tied into the traditional social norms of her time. It was her Thing. Netflix added the heightened romance to the movies, because Loius Partridge is attractive and plays Tewkesbury fabulously, and everyone loves romance (including myself--a self-proclaimed romance addict). You can't have an attractive female without giving her a romantic ending (there's a feminist theory for that--I learned about it in college, but can't remember the name of it right now). Again, I'm suuuuuuuper conflicted to this addition.

*Real-Life/History Tie-Ins: I'm not at all conflicted to this addition..The Match Girls Strike was real, as was Sarah Chapman. I don't think this was part of the original series (as I remember a veeeerrrrrrry different ending to the second book--that, spoiler alert, also has a female being forced into a romantic relationship with a rich, well off, white man), but I love it. I love the need for equality and safe working places and the female-leadership of it all. It was perfect. My only comment on this is now I have to go and research more about it, wanting to know even more.

*Dr. John Watson: Watson was in the original series from the get-go. He was just there. He was already Sherlock's flatmate, friend, and confidant. In one of the books, they introduced Mary and their relationship/marriage. Watson was still not introduced in the second movie until the very, very end (spoiler alert) in a really fun and cute end-credits scene.

*Mycroft Holmes: He just wasn't in this one. He spends most of the series, like the first movie, trying to stop Enola and bring her back to "normal" society and make her conform. I'm not sure if audiences didn't like his character, didn't like Sam Claflin's portrayal (I did, a lot), or if Sam Claflin has prior conflicts and couldn't be in this addition. Either way, I missed him.

I feel like I had more to say, but I've already said a lot (venting a lot), so I'll just end it all here. 

Anyone else watch the new/second Enola Holmes movie?

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