Saturday, December 31, 2022

Hello, 2023!

Last year, 2022 to no fuck anything one listened to that manifestation so let's just ask 2023 to be kind, okay?

Much like last year, I'm just going to keep it simple this year and renew the resolutions I made this time last year (mostly because they were great and also because well...why the fuck not). 

2023 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

What are your 2023 resolutions?

#newyearsresolutions #hello2023 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #shareloveofreading #bekindertomyself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Goodbye, 2022!

2022...all and all wasn't...horrible. It wasn't great. Granted, when you look back on things, a lot of people remember all of the hard times and not necessarily the good times.

Hard Times: I started off the year with a combination of bronchitis and a sinus infection. It was COLD as fuck for a while and very snowy and just miserable. My favorite coworker decided to move on to a different job; work got, generally really, really sucky for a long time (spoiler alert, she's decided to come back in the new year). I got the fucking flu (which was 100X worse then when I had covid) while on my first solo-vacation (second time this year in Orlando--didn't make it out of my hotel much). My grandfather passed after his long battle with Parkinson's. An existential crises or two and some earlier-than-fucking-usual seasonal depression. Just a lot of stress through the year (as I'm looking back on all my old posts), but I managed to make it in one piece (manifesting happy thoughts and forcing myself to smile).

Good Times: My sister and I spend a week together in Orlando, bonding and going to all of the parks. Then, with my parents, we visited my sister and her husband at their new house in Tampa, exploring their new city and hanging out with the doggo. Through the year, there was a lot of adventuring and eating and bs-ing with my two best friends. A few more tattoos etched onto my body (and a few more in the works). Some seriously good tv shows and movies binged. Some more true crime (some more paranoia). Happy memories with my family, lots of laughs and memories. Looooooots of fabulous books read. A few new dreams realized. Some vague plans for 2023 that are exciting (at least, in theory).


2022 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) I don't think I wrote at all this year. I thought about it a lot. Did some brainstorming, some research, and some planning. Did some "wow, wouldn't that be the dream" future planning. 

(2) Books read this year: 279 (might get one more in there before midnight though-). 

(3) Uhhh...see Resolution 1 I guess.

(4) Posts this year (including this one--as well as the next): 258.

(5) Uhhh (part 2)...I'd like to think I worked hard on self-love. Didn't stick to any eat-better plans or use-your-fucking-elliptical plans or any weight-loss goals. But like I said, I would some new ways to love myself and relax. We'll count this one as a win, too.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions (now that its time to make brand-new ones)?

Any exciting 20233 reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyedecember #hello2022 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Goodbye, December!

December sped by. Though, the beginning of it seemed very, very, VERY long ago. So I guess Goodbye December and Goodbye 2023.


2022 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) Nope. Thought about it...vaguely. Have some new dreams, aspirations, ideas. 

(2) Books read this month: 30 (might get one more in there before midnight though). 

(3) Yeah, no. Again, thought about it...vaguely. Have some new dreams, aspirations, ideas. 

(4) Posts this month (including this one--as well as the next two): 23.

(5) Mentally this month was better. Stress wise, too. I got the stomach/gi-bug a few days ago and that was a hit (not as in a party hit, but as in like-a-fucking-truck). Was an adult and spend a day making doctors appointments for the new year. New Year....maybe, it'll start brigter/better?

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions (now that its time to make brand-new ones)?

Any exciting January reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyedecember #hellojanuary #hello2022 #goodbye2022 #hello2023 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Snowbaz for the New Year

What's a better way to ring in the New Year than to read some Snowbaz?

It's a trick question; there's nothing better.

Also, might have definitely cried the first time I read that bottom section of “Snow For Christmas”; it was such a perfect callback to “Carry On” and so sweet and romantic.

#carryon #waywardson #anywaythewindblows #snowforchristmas #myrosebudboy #fangirl #rainbowrowell #magicath #carryonsimon #simonsnow #snowbaz #bazpitch #tyrannusbasiltongrimmpitch #dragons #watford #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Addams Family

I've always loved and been obsessed with The Addams Family. Always. 

I saw the 1991 "The Addams Family" (with Anjelica Huston, Christina Ricci, Christopher Lloyd, Raul Julia, et al) and instantly fell in love with the macabre, the ghoulish, and the bizarre. Of course, the 1993 "Addams Family Values" (featuring Joan Cusack) played right after, and the Girl Scouts quote had me both insulted and inthralled. 

The 2019 and 2021 animated films of the same title were also excellent (voiced by Oscar Isaac, Chloë Grace Moretz, Snoop Dog, Nick Kroll, Charlie Theron, et al). They had the same darkness and depravity that I fell in love with years and years before. 

Watching Netflix's 2022 "Wednesday" a few weeks ago (binged----in a day in a half--stupid work and stupid sleep making me take a break) only further instilled the love of the black and darkness and love that this family has always shown me (with Jenna Ortega, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Luis Guzmán, Christina Ricci, and so much more). 

After binging that show, I went to Amazon and binged the original Hollywood adaptation: the 1964 television show "The Addams Family" (with Carolyn Jones, John Astin, Ted Cassidy, et al). It was quite possibly better than all of the previous movies. Yes, it was much lighter than the movies (and "Wednesday"), lacking a lot of the torture and psychopathic tendencies, but it had the love and protectiveness and deep-seated family values that all of the movies (and "Wednesday") had always portrayed. 

I found out tragically late that all of these movies were based on cartoons originally published in The New Yorker by Charles Addams. For Christmas, I asked for a book or two with some of the original cartoons republished. I discovered two things.. 1: Charles and all of his cartoons, Addams Family and other, are all very macabre and amazing. 2: the animated movies portrayed the family (physically) the closest and the most accurately compared to Charles's cartoons (like seriously, it's like the animators rose Charles from the grave, which he would love, to draw it himself). 

People, my sister included, don't like the Addams Family because they are dark and bizarre and creepy/kooky/mysterious/spooky/all together ooky (*snap, snap*).
Those people don't always realize how happy they are. This family doesn't realize they are different, that people look at them oddly. They're happy and together. They support each other in their endeavors, in their passions. They support each other's dreams and protect each other at all costs.
Yes, they prefer Central Park at night and moon-bathing over sun-bathing. Yes, they have odd pets, they eat odd foods, they have odd clothes. Yes, they prefer storms and graveyard over sunshine and rolling hills.
But they are happy and they love each other. Fiercely. That's all anyone could ask for. 

#addamsfamily #theaddamsfamily #theaddams #charlesaddams #theaddamsfamilyanevilution #mycrowd #happilyeverafter #happilyeverafteracollectionofcartoonstochilltheheartofyourlovedone #acollectionofcartoonstochilltheheartofyourlovedone #halfbakedcookbook #halfbakedcookbookculinarycartoonsforthehumorouslyfamished #cartoonsforthehumorouslyfamished #theaddamsfamilydeluxepostcards #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Only One Bed

Even though Christmas is over, let's continue on with the holiday cheer just a bit more, yeah? This is Keira Andrews's "Only One Bed."

["Will friends become lovers this Christmas?

People joke that Etienne and I are boyfriends, but whatever.
Sure, I think about him all the time—he's my best friend. If I've missed him way more than I expected when he left to train with a new skating coach, that’s because he’s so easy to hang with. And yeah, he’s gay, but he’s not into me. Why would he be? I’m straight.
We're not boyfriends.
But now Etienne needs me, so I’m rushing to the mountain village where he's skating in a holiday show. That’s what best friends do.

I know Sam will never like me the way I like him.
Never love me the way I love him.
But now that my competitive skating career might be suddenly ending, I need my best friend by my side. Thank god Sam’s spending the holidays with me.
It's okay that he'll never love me back.
It’s okay that there's only one bed in this cozy little cabin.
We’re best friends. Nothing’s going to happen."]

A very fun and light-hearted novella. It had a smidge of angst, a hint of fluff, a good deal of steam, and some serious family involvement. ;) Recommended read for sure. 

#onlyonebed #keiraandrews #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, December 26, 2022

The Christmas Deal (Festive Fakes #1)

I started this series with the second book, but I did come back around and finish what I started (or skipped...). This is Keira Andrews's "The Christmas Deal" from her Festive Fakes series.

["Will fake boyfriends become the real deal this holiday?

It’s the most wonderful time of the year—except ex-Marine Logan is jobless and getting evicted. Worse, he’s a new single dad with a stepson who hates him. A kid needs stability—not to mention presents under the tree—and Logan’s desperate.
Then he meets lonely Seth and makes a deal.
Can Logan temporarily pretend to be live-in boyfriends to increase Seth’s chances at a promotion? If it provides a roof over their heads for the holidays, hell yeah. Logan considers himself straight—he doesn’t count occasional hookups with guys—but he can fake it. Besides, with his shy little smile, Seth is surprisingly sexy.
Make that damn sexy.
Shocked that Seth has only been with one man, Logan can’t resist sweetening their deal to teach him the joys of casual sex. No strings attached. No feelings. No kissing.
No falling for each other.
Easy, right?"]

This book was....angst city. Like, shit. Between the pining/anti-pining and the backstories and the situations and the anti-gay rhetoric and the a-little-to-pro-gay rhetoric and was a lot. Granted, the romance was amazing and beautiful, but the story as a whole was a little heavy (maybe too heavy for Christmas).

#thechristmasdeal #thechristmasleap #keiraandrews #festivefakes #festivefakesseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Christmas Leap (Festive Fakes #2)

Not sure why I started with the second book in this series instead of the first, but here we are. This is Keira Andrews's "The Christmas Leap" from her Festive Fakes series.

["Fake romance shouldn’t feel this real…

Will: I've never been with a man.
Sure, I've thought about it. Wondered. Daydreamed. Imagined. But I wasn't ready to take the leap.
I have a reputation as a "ladies' man." No one has any idea how curious I am about men—not even my openly bi best friend. Make that former best friend. Michael ghosted me, and I have no idea why.

Michael: The man I love is straight.
It hurt like hell when I had to distance myself from Will. I’ve tried desperately to grow up and get over him, but my carefully constructed life just fell apart—and Will rushes to my rescue.
Now we’re pretending to be a couple to impress his boss at a holiday retreat. We’re holding hands and hugging.
We’re sharing a bed.
And Will just kissed me.

Is my best friend falling in love with me after all?"]

Okay, the reasons I started with the second book: best-friends-to-lovers, secretly-in-love-with-your-best-friend, secret-dating, Christmas-romance. Okay, so some of those are also themes from the first book... ANYway.

Allll of the pining (and, spoiler alert, mutual pining) and the protectiveness and the fluff! D: God, the fluff!! It was beautiful and spectacular and...easy. Yeah, they had a LOT to talk about and whatnot, but they clicked and it worked and it was easy.

# #thechristmasleap #keiraandrews #festivefakes #festivefakesseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, December 24, 2022

On A Midnight Clear

I'm not sure why I skipped past "On A Midnight Clear" by Lily Morton when I was binging her books a few months ago. But what's a better day to read it than Christmas Eve?

["It can safely be said that Lord Barnaby Greenwood is not having the best of Christmases.

He’s penniless, up to his eyeballs in debt, and about to lose his estate. Therefore, it’s hardly surprising that when a local property developer offers a lot of money to buy King’s Wood from him, Barnaby is very tempted. But his father had always impressed on him that the green wood was sacred and must be protected at all costs, so he finds himself saying no.

He knows this will result in the loss of his home, but duty comes before everything. However, that fateful decision leads instead to a magical Christmas for Barnaby, complete with an old god who grants him a favour, and a beautiful statue that comes to life.

Cosmo is perfect for him. He’s funny and kind and completely enraptured with Barnaby, and for the first time in his life, Barnaby falls in love. But how can this lead to anything but heartache, when on the last stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve, Cosmo will go back to being a statue and take Barnaby’s heart with him?"]

Definitely up with the Christmas spirit!! There was sooo much magic and happiness! It was beautiful and glorious (and a little more borderline-fantasy than magical realism, but totally with it).

There was quite a bit of angst, mostly around the timeframe they had together and the dark magic that swirled on the outside, but the fairy lights and their love for each other kept it all at bay. 

#onamidnightclear #lilymorton #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Football Royalty (Franklin U series #8)

I've been waiting to read this series for sooooooooo long! It's been advertised in so many email newsletters, but I've tried waiting so patiently until all of/most of the series was out before I started it. The series? Franklin U. The eighth book and final book is titled "Football Royalty," and it's by Eden Finley.

["If you never fooled around with someone of the same gender, did you even go to high school?

My whole life I’ve had the pressure of being Marcus Talon and Shane Miller’s football prodigy. I’ve been destined to follow in my NFL-playing fathers’ footsteps since the day I was born. I usually thrive under pressure, but as senior year looms, it all gets too much, and I need an outlet. The last place I thought I’d find my release is at Levi Vanderbilt’s graduation party. In his bed. With him.
It’s a one-time thing. An experimentation. And while it was fun, we agree that being with guys isn’t for either of us. I’m happy to accept that until he turns up in California.
I haven’t had to think about him for four years, but now I can’t get him out of my head.

Coming to Franklin University for grad school to follow a boy I hooked up with once is the stupidest thing I could have done.
We said that high school didn’t mean anything, but the truth is, that night made me realize who I truly am, and since then, I’ve been trying to find that sense of freedom again.
I’m hoping it can be with him, but everything I’ve heard around campus points to Peyton not having the same life-changing revelation I did.
And if that’s the case, did I just move across the country for a straight guy?
Kill me now."]

If you read the previous book in the series, you have a pretty good idea that things...go pretty well for Peyton and Levi. But did anyone know it would be this good?!?! (We should have really figured though; Eden is a fucking boss).

The pining and the fluff and the sweet words and the dedication and ALL THE FEELS D: 

PSA: Marcus Talon and Shane Miller's names sound familiar because they're from Eden's 2019 novel "Blindsided" (from her Fake Boyfriend series).

#footballroyalty #edenfinley

#playinggames #thedatingdisaster #mrromance #betyou #theglowup #learningcurve #makingwaves #franklinu #franklinuseries #FUKings #FUKingsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Making Waves (Franklin U series #7)

I've been waiting to read this series for sooooooooo long! It's been advertised in so many email newsletters, but I've tried waiting so patiently until all of/most of the series was out before I started it. The series? Franklin U. The seventh book is titled "Making Waves," and it's by Christina Lee.

["Alex Larsen
Remy Duval was my high school crush and secret first kiss, but he’s also so much more. A painter, a tattoo artist, my best friend Bailey’s older brother…and Bailey’s sworn enemy. It was easier to keep my distance the past two years, but now that Bailey and I are attending Franklin University with him, I’m only drawn to Remy more. I should be loyal to my best friend, focus on classes and swim team, but the more I see Remy around campus, the harder it becomes to stay away.

Remy Duval
My brother hates me, but that’s no surprise. I’ll take the fall for ruining our family if it means doing the right thing. But as soon as my brother and his best friend show up on campus, I know I’m in trouble. Alex is all grown up, and I can’t help wanting him, especially when he’s in those tiny swim briefs that emphasize everything.

One kiss leads to more, and before we know it, we’re tumbling into secret, no-strings-attached hookups. But who knew Alex would understand me in ways few others have? And I think, just maybe, I understand him too.

I keep telling myself it’s temporary. Alex doesn’t want to disappoint his best friend, and after what my parents went through, I’m not looking to settle down. Making waves is nothing new, but the further I fall, the more I drag Alex in the deep end with me."]

Okay, I'm a fucking suuuuucker for many (maannnny) popular tropes, but the best-friends-brother? Yes, please. Plus some serious angst! D: Sign. Me. Up. 

It was sooo fluffy and happy and broody! Like double D: D: 

#makingwaves #christinalee

#playinggames #thedatingdisaster #mrromance #betyou #theglowup #learningcurve #footballroyalty #franklinu #franklinuseries #FUKings #FUKingsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, December 19, 2022

Learning Curve (Franklin U series #6)

I've been waiting to read this series for sooooooooo long! It's been advertised in so many email newsletters, but I've tried waiting so patiently until all of/most of the series was out before I started it. The series? Franklin U. The sixth book is titled "Learning Curve," and it's by N.R. Walker.

["Cobey Green
There I was, moving into the dorms at Franklin U, and not into the shared party house I’d lived in my freshman year. Last year had been all about football and parties, not schoolwork. Which was why my grades tanked, and why I was one failed class away from being kicked off the team.
Why I needed to live on campus, and find myself a tutor.
Funny that my new roommate just happened to be a tutor. Funny that he was oblivious to how hot he is. For a smart guy, he was pretty clueless. Maybe I could tutor him in how to be more outgoing in exchange for help with calculus? I could teach him how to talk to people, how to make new friends. Hell, maybe I could even help him punch his V card.
Actually, now that I thought about it... that was a really good idea.

Vincent Brandt
And there I was, happy to be back at college, happy to be where I was most comfortable. Happy to be starting another school year, happy to start tutoring again so I could earn some money.
And yes, there I was, equal parts excited and dreading to see who my new roommate would be... Until Cobey Green’s smiling face appeared at the door. A huge football player, loved by everyone, gorgeous, rich, and out of the closet.
Everything I was not.
It didn’t help that he was genuinely a really nice guy. It didn’t help that I could make him laugh, and we could talk so easily, and it certainly didn’t help that we started having private tutorials which ended up way more private than I’d ever dared imagine.
I’d ranked top of my class in every subject since the first grade yet there I was falling stupidly in love with him.

This was going to be a hell of a year. And one very steep learning curve for both of us."]

Talk about fluff!!!! I mean seriously! This book was all about communication and being open and honest and feeling safe. It was all beautiful and consensual and awkward and glorious! So fucking glorious!

#learningcurve #nrwalker

#playinggames #thedatingdisaster #mrromance #betyou #theglowup #makingwaves #footballroyalty #franklinu #franklinuseries #FUKings #FUKingsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Glow Up (Franklin U series #5)

I've been waiting to read this series for sooooooooo long! It's been advertised in so many email newsletters, but I've tried waiting so patiently until all of/most of the series was out before I started it. The series? Franklin U. The fifth book is titled "The Glow Up," and it's by A.M. Johnson.

["Chris Delaney
I've promised myself that this was going to be the year to finally buckle down. I'm a junior, and I’ve settled on a major. I've got focus and determination. The one thing I haven't figured out yet? How to deal with the massive crush I've been harboring on the guy in study carrel six.

I don’t know his name and some of my friends think it’s time for me to move on, but he has this whole sexy, broody, dark eyes and messy hair thing going for him. And yeah, he seems like he could be my polar opposite. The kind of unapproachable, serious type who doesn’t smile much, but I’d like to think he’s all rays of sunshine underneath his stormy expressions and disheveled demeanor. All that intense energy… I dig it.

I want to know him.
The rub?
I’ll have to find the courage to actually introduce myself.

Aiden Russo
The college experience is supposed to be parties, drinking, and fun with a few classes mixed in. It sounds pretty amazing, right? For me, it turned out to be endless lectures, avalanches of homework, and copious amounts of caffeine. The study carrel might as well be my dorm room. And that guitar under my bed? It's got two years of dust growing on it. But this is the life I have to lead if I’m ever going to help my dad.
Pre-med isn’t for the weak.

The problem? Loneliness holds me hostage.
If only I could find someone willing to break through my ever-present cloud bank, and remind me what it’s like to have fun again."]

This was deffffffinitely a love-at-first-sight situation. Because it definitely wasn't a meet-cute; more like a meed-awkward. But they fell faaassst and it was glorious! So much fluff and happiness and comfort and safety and just...rightness. It was perfect and fabulous.

#theglowup #amjohnson

#playinggames #thedatingdisaster #mrromance #betyou #learningcurve #makingwaves #footballroyalty #franklinu #franklinuseries #FUKings #FUKingsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Bet You (Franklin U series #4)

I've been waiting to read this series for sooooooooo long! It's been advertised in so many email newsletters, but I've tried waiting so patiently until all of/most of the series was out before I started it. The series? Franklin U. The fourth book is titled "Bet You," and it's by Neve Wilder.

Whose brilliant idea was it to build university housing next to one of Franklin U’s most notorious party frats?
I’m a real student—the kind who actually came to college to learn, not some dumb frat bro who sees Franklin U as a four-year challenge to consume the most booze and throw out the best pick-up line.
Their all-hours lifestyle is driving me crazy. Not to mention, the jerks keep taking my assigned parking spot.
But the worst offender might be Cory Ingram. Sure, he has a smile that could melt a polar ice cap, but no way will I ever be one of his minions. I’m pretty sure I made that clear when I blew my top at him. So I have no idea why he’s suddenly everywhere around me, turning on the charm like I might actually fall for it.
Nope. Not gonna happen.

From the first day I set foot on Franklin U’s campus, everything has been golden. I have a ton of friends, endless parties to be the life of, and whoever I want in my bed on any given night. Sure, I’m a shameless party boy, but I’m not a jerk. Ask anyone. Seriously.
Even the crotchety old groundskeeper waves and smiles at me when I pass.
Then there’s Spencer Crow. I’ve never seen a guy’s face get so red over a parking spot. Even when I try to make it right, he proceeds to give me the tongue-lashing of a lifetime—which is about the moment I notice that, in addition to being irrationally irate, he’s also crazy hot.
My friends think I’ve finally met the one person I can’t seduce…
Bet you I can."]

Very "She's All That"...minus the 90s-make-over-montage. But, it is (was?) a cliche for a reason. This shit was fantastic!!! Super angsty and fluffy and steamy (so steamy). 

#betyou #nevewilder

#playinggames #thedatingdisaster #mrromance #theglowup #learningcurve #makingwaves #footballroyalty #franklinu #franklinuseries #FUKings #FUKingsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Mr. Romance (Franklin U series #3)

I've been waiting to read this series for sooooooooo long! It's been advertised in so many email newsletters, but I've tried waiting so patiently until all of/most of the series was out before I started it. The series? Franklin U. The third book is titled "Mr. Romance," and it's by Louisa Masters.

["When you’re clueless, Mr. Romance can help.

I’m not sure how it happened, but it turns out I’ve unknowingly been dating three people.
Friends don’t spoil other friends, apparently. My trust fund means I can afford to, though, and what’s a meal here and there? Or some clothes? Or textbooks? That doesn’t mean we’re dating, right?
Others disagree. If I want to get through the rest of college knowing who my friends are, I need help from someone who knows all about dating and can tell me what not to do.
Someone like Mr. Romance.

When people look at me, romance is the last thing they think of… but I’m still the first person they call. Need a first date planned? A big romantic moment? Gotta beg for forgiveness? I’m your man. When it comes to romance, I’ve got it handled.
Not personally, though. My romantic life is… barren. All I really want is someone to snuggle with and spoil me. What I’ve got is planning dates for people who have no clue about romancing someone.
But now I’m somehow Charlie Martin’s anti-romance consultant. Charlie, who’s completely clueless yet the most accepting and friendly person I’ve ever met. Who’s giving and generous. Who’s befriended me and wants me to be happy.
I’m supposed to help him stop his friends from falling for him. The last thing I need is to fall for him myself."]

How did the last book word this one? Oh, yes. The golden-retriever himbo meets the romance guru (okay, I added the himbo part--with love, of course). 

Verrrrrry cute! I mean, so much fluff!!! SO much!! And did I mention that Charlie is a himbo? Because he's a big, beautiful idiot. Turns out, Liam is into big, beautiful idiots. ;)

#mrromance #louisamasters

#playinggames #thedatingdisaster #betyou #theglowup #learningcurve #makingwaves #footballroyalty #franklinu #franklinuseries #FUKings #FUKingsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The Dating Disaster (Franklin U series #2)

I've been waiting to read this series for sooooooooo long! It's been advertised in so many email newsletters, but I've tried waiting so patiently until all of/most of the series was out before I started it. The series? Franklin U. The second book is titled "The Dating Disaster," and it's by Saxon James.

["Thousands of students on this campus, and I keep being set up with the roommate I can’t stand.

One date.
That’s how long it takes for Marshall Harrows to end up on my bad side.
Luckily I have no plans to see the giant teddy bear again. Except, when he shows up as my new roommate, I can’t escape him, and he’s just as irritating as I thought he’d be.
He leaves cupboards ajar and puts empty milk cartons back in the fridge. His bedroom door is always open, I find his underwear on the laundry floor, and he has this whole bashful sweetheart thing going on that I just … can’t … stand.
But the most completely, horribly irritating thing about him, is that he’s totally my type.
And my friends won’t stop setting us up on blind dates.

One date.
That’s how long it took for Felix Andrews to steal my heart.
The sparky little spitfire is everything I’m not. Confident, adorable, and completely outspoken.
He also wants nothing to do with me. Which is a real problem when I want to give him everything. Including my virginity.
But the more I try to gain his attention, the more I see the real him. The one who doesn’t feel worthy of being treated like anything other than a one-night stand. So I decide to take matters into my own hands.
A total do-over. One night. One date. Where hopefully I can steal his heart too."]

And a dating disaster this one was. Marshall was a nervous and gooey mess, filled with all the feels. Felix was a drama queen with a sensitive side and a tendency to take everything out of context. All would have been solved in the prologue if only they...wait for it...talked it out. Then again, we wouldn't have this beautiful, angsty, mutual-pining mess. Mess? I mean book. ;)

Also, LOVE that this book was/is tied to Saxon's "Frat Wars" series AND the "Divorced Men's Club" series. Bea u tiful. (took me forever to see the DMC connection, but what matters is that I saw it)

#thedatingdisaster #saxonjames

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Sunday, December 11, 2022

New Year, New Holes (Working Out The Kinks series #1.7)

I'm not sure which To Do/To Read list I'm following, but I'm not very good at it. ;) Here's the Working Out The Kinks series by K.M. Neuhold. The forth book (a short story) is called
 "New Year, New Holes" (reading out of order again--fight me, again).

["New Year, New, goals

Ryan and Anderson are finally on the right track with their relationship— communicating, exploring, having fun together again. And they figure there can’t be a better way to ring in the new year than with a trip to the kink club. Playing with a vibrating plug, exploring a little more of their kinky sides, and a glory hole. Oh my!"]

Like the other two short stories featuring Ryan and Anderson, this story was filled with mutual trust, mutual love, and mutual understanding. They talked about what they wanted, what they needed, and what they were unsure of. They decided to be vulnerable with each themselves and with each other to be able to grow as individuals as well as a couple. And who said you can't grow in a kink club. ;)

#stay #watchme #watchus #newyearnewholes #heel #workingoutthekinks #workingoutthekinksseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Watch Us (Working Out The Kinks series #1.6)

I'm not sure which To Do/To Read list I'm following, but I'm not very good at it. ;) Here's the Working Out The Kinks series by K.M. Neuhold. The third book (a short story) is called
 "Watch Us" (reading out of order again--fight me, again).

["A bonus scene from Watch Me. Ryan and Anderson's first time at Collared."]

As the blurb says, this is a bonus scene from the previous short story. Collared is the local kink club from wherever these characters live. More communication. More trust. More love. And so much more steam. Again, this short story was super short (10ish pages) and jam-packed with steam (besides reassurances and declarations of love, it was pretty much just sex).

#stay #watchme #watchus #newyearnewholes #heel #workingoutthekinks #workingoutthekinksseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Watch Me (Working Out The Kinks series #1.5)

I'm not sure which To Do/To Read list I'm following, but I'm not very good at it. ;) Here's the Working Out The Kinks series by K.M. Neuhold. The second book (a short story) is called
 "Watch Me" (reading out of order again--fight me, again).

["Someone’s watching us. If I had known whispering those words to my boyfriend, Anderson, would end our dry spell, I would have said them months ago. In an instant he’s on his knees, yanking my shorts down, excitement shining in his eyes at the thought of someone watching. If he wants to try a little exhibitionism, I’m certainly game."]

This story was basically about how discovering something new about yourself and your personal preferences when it comes to sex and make an already established relationship better and closer and happier (which, I'm guessing is also a theme in the first book of this series).

It had communication about kink and fantasies. It had trust. It had love. It also had a lot of steam. Like a loooooot. This story was only about 40 pages, but holy shit, the amount of sex scenes this lady managed to pack in? A. Loooooot. ;)

#stay #watchme #watchus #newyearnewholes #heel #workingoutthekinks #workingoutthekinksseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Ziggy (Kinky Boys series #2)

I'm not sure which To Do/To Read list I'm following, but I'm not very good at it. ;) Here's the Kinky Boys series by K.M. Neuhold and Nora Phoenix. It was first introduced in their Ballsy Boys series. This secondary series
continues (yes, I'm reading them out of order--fight me) with with "Ziggy."

["As far as I can tell I don’t have a submissive bone in my body. So why do I like it so much when Marshall calls me his good puppy?

I’ve made some impulsive decisions in my life, but signing a contract with the K Boys to shoot an Introduction to Kink series may have been the biggest impulse ever. Sure, the intimate part of it doesn’t faze me, but the rest is way more intense than I had expected.

Luckily, there’s Marshall, the consultant who oversees all shoots. He’s so calm and steady, and he’s there for me when I panic. That doesn’t mean I suddenly like being tied up or something…until Marshall introduces me to puppy play. I want to be his good puppy…and much more because it’s hard not to fall for him.

But I still have a contract. I don’t want to disappoint my boss, I need the money, and what the hell was I thinking signing up for this?

This isn’t a long-term career plan, Marshall is only temporary in Vegas, and I may have made the biggest mistake of my life… Or have I?"]

I'm not sure why I'm having such a hard time reading during the work week. ANYway...

This book was soooo cute! It definitely explored the safe side of kink and the trust that goes into kink. It was definitely angsty. Lots of angst. But there was also definitely a TON of fluff and steam! 

And it was a fun introduction to the short story "Bunny" (that I already read...).

#daddy #ziggy #bunny #kinkyboys #kinkyboysseries #kmneuhold #noraphoenix #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Bunny (Kinky Boys series #2.5)

I'm not sure which To Do/To Read list I'm following, but I'm not very good at it. ;) Here's the Kinky Boys series by K.M. Neuhold and Nora Phoenix. It was first introduced in their Ballsy Boys series. This secondary series 
ends (yes, I'm reading them out of order--fight me) with with the short story (exclusively available on #BookFunnel) "Bunny."

["Bunny is lost without a Daddy to take care of him.

Daddy Titus is lost without a boy to spoil.

Can these two find their way to love?"]

This one was suuuper cute (and super short). It was love at first sight meets lust at first sight meets right-place-right-time. It was fun and fluffy and steamy and an introduction to yet another new kink for the series.

#daddy #ziggy #bunny #kinkyboys #kinkyboysseries #kmneuhold #noraphoenix #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, December 5, 2022

Daddy (Kinky Boys series #1)

I'm not sure which To Do/To Read list I'm following, but I'm not very good at it. ;) Here's the Kinky Boys series by K.M. Neuhold and Nora Phoenix. It was first introduced in their Ballsy Boys series. This secondary series starts with "Daddy."

["Joey needs a Daddy…
Sex has never been my main priority. Not what people expect to hear from someone who’s been head camera man for the single best studio in the kind of industry I work in.

I thought I’d seen it all working for the Ballsy Boys, but helping to build the Kinky Boys from the ground up seems like it’s going to be an eye opening experience.

A man has never turned my head before, so why can’t I stop checking out Daddy?

Sex might not be the height of excitement for me, but watching subs kneel for their Daddies certainly has me wondering…

What does it mean if a Daddy Dom keeps trying to feed me and make sure I’m okay? And what does it mean if I kind of like it?"]

This book was so sweet! It was a slow burn, and even after they figured a few things out, it was still slow and exploratory. It was comfortable and safe and Them. They talked and communicated and figured this out together following all of the things that the new porn company wants to (and does) represent.

Also, hoorah to the ace/demi representation. (spoiler alert). 

#daddy #ziggy #bunny #kinkyboys #kinkyboysseries #kmneuhold #noraphoenix #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Heart2Heart: A Charity Anthology: Volume 6

The sixth volume of the Heart2Heart anthology just debuted this past week. I read most of it (all of the authors that I read/binge-read) the other night, and I hope to finish it sometime in the future.

["Once upon a time, a bunch of authors wondered... what would happen if Heart2Heart, the dating app responsible for pairing up the quirkiest, most perfect couples, brought people together by asking the questions they never knew they needed answered?

From learning each other’s secret zombie survival skills, to disputing the greatest starship captain ever, to confessing their feelings about Cornish pasties, the characters in these fourteen brand new stories inspired by reader suggestions will learn that no matter how random the question… love is always the answer.
And, as always, all proceeds from this anthology will benefit LGBTQ+ charities to ensure that love in all its incarnations will be celebrated and protected every day of the year!"]

I read (and loooooooooved) "Love Down Under" by Eden Finley, "My Darcy" by Lily Morton, "The Anti-Wingman" by Saxon James, and "The Choice" by Sloane Kennedy.

They were aaallllll fabulous and fun and flirty and steamy and fluffy. There were some triggers in a few of them so please messages me if you want those. 

I love when these authors (and others) work together to write a book/series, but when they come together for a charity anthology? Fab. U. Lous.

#lovedownunder #edenfinley #mydary #lilymorton #theantiwingman #saxonjames #thechoice #sloanekennedy #heart2heart #heart2heartanthology  #heart2heartacharityanthology #heart2heartacharityanthologyvolumesix #volumesix #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...