Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The New Guy

I stumbled upon Sarina Bowen in the very beginning of my discovery of the queer (mm) romance novels. For some reason, I haven't binged through her things yet, but maybe "The New Guy" will be my reason.

["My name is Hudson Newgate, but my teammates call me New Guy.
That was my nickname in Chicago, too. And Vancouver. That’s what happens when you keep getting traded. Brooklyn is my last chance, especially after my poor performance last season.
But I can make this work. The new guy knows to keep his head down and shoot the puck. The new guy puts the game first.
What he doesn’t do is hook up with the other new guy—a hot athletic trainer who lives in my building. Gavin needs this job with my team. He’s a single dad with responsibilities.
We can’t be a couple. My arrogant agent–who’s also my father–will lose his mind if I’m dating a dude. And my team needs me to score goals, not whip up a media circus.
Too bad Gavin and I are terrible at resisting each other…"]

This book made me ugly cry. Like sobbing, hard, in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping because its a work night. Tears streaming down my face so hard I couldn't read but just kept reading and crying and reading and the cycle was brutal. As was like 50+ pages of this book. Like fuuuuuuuck reality and trying to protect yourself and jobs and life. 

It was also fluffy as hell. Like all of the clouds and cotton candy at a hockey game and ice cream when you're sick and cheesecake from your favorite restaurant just because. 

It wasn't easy for them, far from it, but it was so damn worth it (so was the ugly crying).

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