Monday, September 30, 2024

Goodbye, September!

September seemed long as hell, as if August was months ago; though, its been almost-October for weeks as well. I'm not sure what that says about this month..

2024 Resolutions:

     (1) Don't stop reading
            (b) Complete Monthly Reading Challenge(s)
     (2) Make memories
     (3) Share love of books/writing
     (4) Be kinder to myself

(1) Books read this month: 41 (might get one more in there before midnight though).
    (b) Monthly Reading Challenge(s): Shape = Hogwarts Express. Got some A-Z stuff recorded. Some serious ARCs. 

(2) September Memories: I got together with my friends one night and we caught up (and all had good news to share). I tried some new foods, retried old foods. I sampled a few different bakeries around the area. I'm really settling into my indie bookstore job. And making plans to visit my sister in a few days!

(3) Posts this month (including this one): 25

(4) I feel as though I've been good to myself this month. Maybe not my bank account; a lot of little spending, but it adds up quickly. I have plans to be better in October though! And maybe eating a bit better in October, too.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting October reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyeseptember #hellooctober #hello2024 #keeplearning #dontstopreading #monthlyreadingchallenge #makememories #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Fangirl, Volume 4: The Manga

Fangirl, Volume 4: The Manga 

Beautifully adapted manga, illustrated by Gabi Nam, inspired and adapted by Rainbow Rowell's "Fangirl". 

This fourth and final volume (4/4) covers from when Cath gets a call from her mother to the end of the novel. Just to give you a non-spoils incite on how this book runs alongside the original Rowell text.

More communication communicated, some sisters finally re-bonding, more burned omelets, more fighting for what you want, more fighting even if you don’t want to, and a lot of Simon and Baz (my sweet babies!!!!! Here’s to hoping I won’t stop all I’m doing and reread Carry On again….the struggle is ever real).

[[[A good portion of this post was copy & pasted & repurposed from another post. 1: because it was written pretty damn well, if I do say so myself. 2: it was easier that way. 3: I'm not sure how may times I can write and rewrite that same raving/praising/loving thoughts about Fangirl/Carry On/Simon & Baz/Rainbow without repeating myself, hence, repeating myself.]]]

#fangirl #fangirlmagna #rainbowrowell #sammaggs #gabinam #magicath #carryon #carryonsimon #simonsnow #snowbaz #bazpitch #tyrannusbasiltongrimmpitch #anywaythewindblows #waywardson #watford #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, September 29, 2024


I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. Here's Howl Avery's "Sweet."

["Will wants to meet the perfect man, but it’s easier said than done in such a small town. His crush of over a year has no idea he even exists, and ignoring his best friend’s advice has only made the problem worse. Rather than limiting himself only to who’s available locally, Will turns to the digital world.

Cas is ready to move on after his last relationship ended in death. Right away, he meets the perfect candidate through a new anonymous chatting app, with only one problem—he quickly learns his new friend’s identity in the real world. If this budding relationship continues, it’ll only be a matter of time before Cas is recognized for who he is as well.

As Will and Cas steadily become closer, their attraction cannot be denied. Nor their similarities. Cas embraces the darkness in Will like no one ever has, creating a mutual obsession that needs to be satisfied in the real world. Maybe Will has finally found the perfect man for him—if he can look past Cas’s homicidal tendencies."]

At the end of the very first chapter, you realize one of our sweet Cass is a killer (serial--but that's not confirmed until later). It takes a little big longer to see the possessive, obsessive, and slightly dark nature that's lurking within Will, but when you do, you see what these two can't: they're perfect for each other. Their crazies match (and I will NEVER get tired of that in these dark romances--never).

And these two continue to show their dark sides (to each other and to us) the more they connect and the more they fall in love. They're unconventional in all areas. They shouldn't work. But they do. They work sooooo well together. 

There is one or two moments where you think everything is going to go to shit and X is going to chose murder as a way to fix everything, but ----- okay, that's a major spoiler. I'll let you read it and figure it out. ;)

Quote of the Day: "Instantly, I'm reminded of what Cas told me earlier this week about shoving anyone between me and him off a bridge. That though, of someone matching my obsession with their own darkness, gets me"

QotD (Cas//Will): "'Sounds like someone's fallen in love,' he says with a smirk. // 'No. You fucking came along and tripped me.'"

Trigger Warnings: childhood trauma, mild stalking, violence, murder, character deaths, indirection cannibalism, and more

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The Bone Doctor

What's more important? Reading something on your TBR list, finish the (one of many) book you just started, or binge read the latest D.K. Sutton book? OBVIOUSLY, its DK Sutton. Here's "The Bone Doctor" (which is part of a multi-author series titled Hot Nights in the Big Easy AND the first book in a new trilogy by DK).

["When an awkward naked man with amnesia shows up at my door, I have the usual alien, time-traveling assassin, lost tourist who partied too hard the night before.

This is New Orleans, so my money is on the last one.

What doesn’t make the list? A dinosaur shifter.

But there’s no time to dwell because something is chasing us. And Killian—not his real name, but Sexy Beast is a little too on the nose—is willing to take on the world for me. Which is a nice change since I’m usually to blame for everything. Just ask my mother or the New Orleans Police Department. 

As we run for our lives and investigate a murder somehow connected to me, Killian’s memory returns. Turns out, time traveling assassin isn’t that far off.

Now I'm hiding out with a gorgeous beast of a man who may or may not want to kill me. And there’s only one bed.

Is this my worst nightmare or a fantasy come true?"]

There was some fated moments, some moments that really really really alluded to a fated mates situation, and some redemption arc moments. What more could you want? Dino shifter + paleontologist. MC with amnesia. Insta-love. Only one bed. Touch him and die. Murder mystery. And some seriously compatible kinks. ;) Is that enough for you? How about the way Beau (paleontologist) calls Killian (dino shifter) "cher" from the very start? Talk about swoooon.

The novella ended on a series cliffhanger (or sorts) but a HEA for our happy couple (plus some hints at future mysteries and plots for them).

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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Text Me If You Love Me

I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. Here's Rhys Everly's "Text Me Like You Love Me."

["Looking for a fake boyfriend for a year.
A year? That's a long-term commitment. What does it pay?
Twenty million.
*jaw drops to floor* what's the catch?
You have to pose for me.
No! I need to sell the world a romance to save my dating app.
Okay. What next?
You just have to kiss me for the cameras, dominate me in private and text me like you love me.

*Sigh* More idiots falling in love. I mean, I guess I understand (for a while) why neither of them wanted to talk about how real it was or how actual feelings were getting involved, but my GOD. They were breaking their own hearts while actively giving them away. 

Suuuuure, they eventually talked it out, but that was after Drama happened and shit hit the fan and they were almost ruined forever. It's a good thing they were able to actually TALK before their egos destroyed it even more.

Reader Warning: the dirty talk in this one was...a little much. There's degradation kink and then there's this book. It just felt..too much. It ruined some of the scenes or me and took me out of the moment. That's just my opinion, but you've been warned.

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Monday, September 23, 2024

Romeo vs Romeo (The Boys of Hudson Burrow #2)

I canNOT get enough of fairytales and retellings and princes. Here's Hayden Hall's latest: "Romeo vs Romeo." Its the second novel in his new series: The Boys of Hudson Burrow.

["The sexy newcomer at Neon Nights hates me. I’m not too thrilled about him, either, except that those hungry eyes full of hateful desire do wild things to me.

I know I shouldn’t meddle with a closet case. Good Catholic boys are nothing but trouble and heartbreak.

Except that this Catholic boy is a foot taller and a foot wider, with dusty blond hair and piercing blue eyes. My legs turn to jelly whenever he comes near me. And all of a sudden, I’m messing around with the exact type of guy I should avoid. My time would be better spent protecting our safe space from demolition, but my obsession with Everett consumes my body and my soul.

If only things were as simple as all that.

Just when I think that Everett and I could have something a little like a future together, I discover who he really is. Everett Langley is the son and heir of the very man who is trying to build a luxury hotel after he ruins our neighborhood.

Neon Nights is at risk and I am never scared to be the first line of defense. But this time, standing up for the bar that shelters all the outcasts and runaways in the neighborhood means fighting the very person I am falling in love with."]

This book was heartbreaking, right from the very start. Everett was poetic in his self-hate and guilt filling him to the brim. He was so alone and lying to himself and turning to anger to help him cope. He was depressed over the simple fact that he liked men, unable to leave his bed after falling to the urge of /thinking/ of touching Roman (touching in the most innocent of ways). Until Roman told him he wasn't alone.

Roman had his friends, his found family, his neighborhood bar, and his social/political fights. He was alone and coping by throwing himself at project after project, even if he was constantly hurt and threatened in the process. He left his anger- and guilt-filled past behind and embraced a life of hook-ups instead of HEAs. Until he saw the emptiness in Everett's eyes. 

These two were fast to fall. They made up for the meet-ugly and multiple less-than-kind encounters by embracing their passion and connection with two hands. Parts of it were romantic as hell. 

Parts were a smidge too fast though. I mean, Everett went from not even being able to innocently touch Roman to full on penetrative sex with a hint of dom/sub in there. And these two scenes were only a few days apart. Then again, this is a Romeo and Juliet retelling, and those two horny fuckers moved fast, too. Then again (x2), completely accepting yourself and your likes/wants/needs can be freeing, especially in the face of losing the one place you ever felt yourself.

I delayed myself in reading this book because of the perceived angst, knowing that I would end up sobbing. I did. It's fine (it's not). On a side note, it's nice to know that in the fictional world, bigoted assholes get what's coming to them. 

Trigger Warnings: internalized homophobia, homophobic family, looooots of self hate and guilt, a lot of negative emotions fueled by organized religion, and more.

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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Forbidden Puckboy (Puckboys #7)

I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. Here's Saxon James and Eden Finley "Forbidden Puckboy." Its the seventh novel in their Puckboys series.

You know what’s the worst feeling in the world? Being in love with someone since you were twelve years old, knowing they only see you as a little brother type.
Not even becoming an NHL star has made him realize I’m all grown up now.
All of that changes when I ask my brother’s best friend to ref a charity match and we spend an entire week in each other’s pocket.
Being close to him is torture, but for the first time since my adolescent crush started, I begin to feel hope. I swear Knox looks at me the same way I look at him. Or so I think. When I throw myself at him and get utterly rejected, I never want to see him again.
Yet, shaking him is impossible, because he and Connor are always around, and my older brother is suffocatingly protective. Every time I look at Knox, I’m reminded of how he turned me down.
Can’t I just die of embarrassment in peace?

The Kiki brothers are legendary in the NHL world. Thick as thieves, unstoppable on the ice, and the kind of family nothing can come between. Or so I thought.
For the last ten years, I’ve successfully hidden my feelings for the middle Kiki brother. Easton is snarky, determined, and the prettiest guy I’ve met. Ever since we stumbled across each other on a gay dating app and shared our secrets, I’ve felt a connection to him that I haven’t had with anything else.
But Connor is my best friend and when it comes to his little brothers, “protective” doesn’t cover it. I’m determined to take my feelings for Easton to the grave, but after a week in close proximity to him, my willpower is ready to break.
All it takes is one charity hockey match, a drunken night out, and a forbidden kiss for me to know that Easton Kikishkin is it for me.
And unless I want to lose Connor, Easton will never be mine."]

I really thought this book was about a "forbidden" fuckboy because hockey players and refs can't be together. No, Easton is "forbidden" because this perfect gem (the book and Easton) is a brother's-best-friend story. I'm soooo weak for those (okay, for a lot of tropes; fight me)!! 

EASTON!!! D: Sweet baby boy! Okay, maybe not sweet, per se. He was sweet, but he was also sassy as fuck, and flirty and confident and independent (after some anxiety-inducing drama). And utterly PERFECT combination for Knox, even if it took them years and years (and years) to finally get their shit together and get together. Annnnnd then it got worse again (and I cried). 

There was SOOOO much angst in this book and so much mutual pining and sooooo many (in the first 50%) miscommunications that turned to heartaches/heartbreaks. I mean, my chest hurt so, so bad from all of the anxiety, that I forced myself to keep reading (and breathing) to a point where everyone was being less fucking dramatic (Easton, Knox, Connor, ect) so I could calm the f down. The angst didn't disappear completely, but it was much easier to get through as the secrets starting popping out of the closet (and hockey players). 

CLEARLY the next book is for our lovely Connor, who is in for some serious grovelling... on his knees probably. ;) Though, I do really want Lachie to have a book after that. We need books for all of those hotheaded Kiki brothers to get their HEA (and join the mayhem and debauchery that is the Queer Collective--oh our Collective boys).

Speaking of Collective boys: there was literally soooooo much mayhem (and debauchery) in this book because there was so much more on-page time for the gang themselves. ;) 

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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Bromantic Puckboy (Puckboys #6)

Getting lucky and receiving an ARC of "Forbidden Puckboy" means I need to hurry up and caught up with the other two books in the Puckboys series I have on my TBR list. Here's book sixth (by Saxon James and Eden Finley): "Bromantic Puckboy."

The idea of moving away from Seattle was a joke at first.
I have too many failed relationships here. Too much baggage.
So when I find myself signing with Nashville and leaving everything behind, I’m hopeful a new start will cure me of my attachment problems.
I fall fast and hard, and I’m quickly realizing it’s not so easy to escape my emotional damage. That follows no matter where I go.
When my new teammate, rookie goalie Miles Olsen, attaches himself to my side, the media are excited to exploit our bromance. Little do they know, he’s doing me a favor by keeping me away from making mistakes with women.
That’s the deal we made at the beginning of the season, but as time goes on, and we’re both going through a dry spell, Miles suggests a different arrangement. One I’ve never contemplated. One I shouldn’t consider.
One I can’t stop thinking about.

My first day as starting goalie for Tennessee is made mildly more terrifying by coming face to face with NHL veteran Cody Bilson. Hero worship? Me? Never!
He reminds me of my old frat buddies; loyal, kind, easy to trade banter with. But my dude is lost and trying to find himself again--without getting married this time.
I want to help him, and while my suggestion might not be conventional, it sure as hell is effective. The only way to make sure he doesn't marry a woman again? Blow off steam with a man instead.
We're both straight, we're both single, and we're both down for a good time.
After all, what are teammates for?"]

"We're both straight." Suuuuuuuure, buddy,  sure. ;) I mean, Quinn (and half of the Queer Collective) figured Bilson was not-entirely-straight in the last book when Bilson was (more than) willing to hook up with a guy to keep himself from marrying another woman (because that's not a plot bunny waiting to happen). And then Miles and all of his...oh, Miles.

Why are sooooo many (fictional :( ) goalies weird but ADORABLE as fuuuuuuck!!????!!! D: I mean, seriously, I wanted to wrap Miles up in a blanket and talk about our bromotions together and make friendship bracelets. 

These two were idiots. Horny, lovable idiots. Of course they were falling in love. They were inevitable. Even if their mutual feelings of apprehension and their baggage got in the way a bit.

And these epilogues are I'd say poor Ezra, but....Ezra was being EZRA and...poor Anton (he puts up with Ezra so well; THAT'S love). 

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Friday, September 20, 2024

Clueless Puckboy (Puckboys #5)

Getting lucky and receiving an ARC of "Forbidden Puckboy" means I need to hurry up and caught up with the other two books in the Puckboys series I have on my TBR list. Here's book five (by Saxon James and Eden Finley): "Clueless Puckboy."

Straining my groin is bad enough. It puts my hockey career, my future, but even worse, my dignity on the line. Having to get massages in that area from Vance Landon, one of the team trainers, is mortifying. It’s impossible to hide my feelings toward him. If my constant blushing and bumbling doesn’t give it away, my body does. It’s getting to the point where I wonder if hockey is even worth the embarrassment.
Trying to avoid him only makes him seek me out more. He’s determined to rehab my injury, but all I want is for him to leave me alone. Or fall for me. One or the other.

Ayri Quinn isn’t your typical jock … except for the fact he refuses to admit when he’s injured. I’ve seen more than enough professional sportsmen lose the career they love due to injury, and I’m not having it happen again. Especially not when the guy in question happens to be the sweetest, most awkward, innocent jock I’ve ever met.
When a night out leads to Quinn re-injuring himself, I create a care plan that keeps me hands on, literally. Unfortunately, working with him in close proximity brings all those feelings I’ve been trying to ignore to the surface. I just need to get him better so he can be back on the ice and out of my bed. Ah, my massage bed. Because if this goes on any longer, I might mean my actual bed. Ayri Quinn is impossible to resist."]

Quinn is sooooooo fucking adorable!! Talk about a big baby bear of a hockey player who blushes and stutters every time he's around his crush (and having Asher Dalton as a bff certainly doesn't help (as we all know, that dude has zero filter and a mind permanently in the gutter)). He's a blubbery fool for Vance. I couldn't get enough. 

Vance was flattered...and conflicted. Though his slight stalking behavior and then 24/7 helping care of Quinn heal wasn't exactly a platonic choice on his part. Neither were his equally as adorable and discombobulating crushing feelings. But Vance insists on being "professional" (because that worked soooo well for Oskar and Lane ;) (still one of my favorite couples)). 

I looooooved how many of the other puckboys and Queer Collective members were in this! And how Eden and Saxon CONSTANTLY tie this series to their individually written series, how its all one big gay hockey universe?!?! Yes, please. 

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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hired by the Enemy

I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. Here's Jax Calder's "Hired by the Enemy."
This novella was first published in the Elite Connections anthology. 

I’ve landed my first big assignment with Elite, and it has the potential to be a financial game-changer, so I’m determined not to screw it up. All I have to do is pretend to be a wealthy CEO’s boyfriend on a sun-kissed tropical island for a week. How hard can that be?
Unfortunately, I’m met at the airport by an unexpected blast from my past: Matthew O’Conner. The nerd who lived next door to me growing up—also known as my lifelong nemesis.
This job just got a whole lot more complicated.

My blood runs cold when I spot Liam sauntering through the airport doors. Of all the people in the world to show up to be my fake boyfriend for a week, why did it have to be Liam Jamieson? Mr. All-American Charm. The jock with a smile that melts everyone—except me. We’ve been at odds since childhood, trapped in an endless cycle of pranks and one-upmanship.
And now we have to pretend we’re in love? This is going to be a complete disaster.
Or is it?
It turns out Liam and I have both grown up since high school. And maybe, just maybe, we never actually knew each other to begin with."]

This. Book.

It was soooo freaking sweet!!!! I mean, I'm also coming off a darker romance and trigger warning high. But it was so fluffy and cute and supportive but snarky and sassy and spicy. And it only had mild-angst levels!!! 

I was giggling like a fangirl during sooooo much of it! Plus what happened at the Christmas market thing!?! No, not that part, the other part; yeeeeees, that part!! And the epilogue?! End me now.

Everyone needs to read this novella. 

#booksprout #arcs #arcteammember
#hiredbytheenemy #jaxcalder #therevengegame #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Whistle (Westbrook Elite #8)

Here's to skipping around in a series to only (for theory) read the MM books! Cambria Herbert's Westbrook Elite series broke me when I read them before (and reread WTF), so why not deal with some emotional torture today?? Here's the eighth book in the series: "Whistle."

["Ever since my twin sister was murdered and I blamed my best friend, my life has been nothing but an epic downward spiral. Once a swimmer for the most prestigious West Coast college, I never in a million years thought I'd end up here. Abandoned. Locked up. Alone. In a moment of weakness, I call the guy who was more of a brother to me than anything, the guy I betrayed. Shockingly, he flies cross country to bail me out. But he isn't alone. In tow is his new swim coach. A whistle-blowing tyrant who makes me crave to push every button he's ever had and toss his list of rules into the bottom of the pool he loves so much. But I can't because now he's my coach too. It's Coach Resch and the team who hates me or a four-by-four cell. So off to Westbrook I go to do my sentence like the good boy I'll never be. Coach thinks he can handle me, but he’s never met my particular brand of wild."]

I cried sooooo much during this book. Yes, Bodhi was a bit of a dramatic brat and didn't really want to help himself at all, but MY GOD! All of his heartbreak and trauma and anxieties of being alone and abandoned and unloved were hard to take. Constantly being reminded that people left you, that people don't want you, that people did want you and then changed their mind, that people are purposely excluding you, that people are keeping secrets from you, that people are keeping you a secret. It was all soooooo much. 

And the moments when you think Emmett (Coach) understood the depth of his heartbreak and loneliness and desperation to belong, he fucked up. Benefit of the doubt, Emmett has his own traumas holding him back, but holy hell did I hate him for a while (you know when you just want need to crawl through a book to scream at someone for being soooo STUPID? yeah, that).

I think this is the last of the Westbrook Elite series, which is rough and hard (but good on my heart). But I guess its an excuse to read some of Cambria's other things (and try, try, TRY not to reread "WTF"...for the third time (I just love Lars so much (sorry Bodhi)).

Trigger Warnings: discussions of suicide (off page), death, murder of a sibling, water trauma, and more.

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Whisper (Westbrook Elite #7)

Here's to skipping around in a series to only (for theory) read the MM books! Cambria Herbert's Westbrook Elite series broke me when I read them before (and reread WTF), so why not deal with some emotional torture today?? Here's the seventh book in the series: "Whisper."

["Can you whisper?
Something I never thought I’d ask the guy who is exactly my type but completely wrong for me. Someone I sneak secret glances at from a distance while vowing to never get too close. And then I get tossed in jail. With him. Know how forced proximity and extreme panic go together? They don’t. And the walls I spent a lifetime erecting around me crack, giving him an intimate view of all the secrets I work so hard to protect. Color me surprised when the pierced, tattooed DJ doesn’t recoil or call me a freak. Arsen gets me through the night, his attention like a match to my insides, lighting me on fire and making me burn. Keeping my distance is impossible. My body begs to be near him, but we just don’t mix. He’s fire. I’m water. Sound is his superpower but my kryptonite. For once in my life, my heart is louder than my head, and I can’t stay away. But it seems following my heart leads me straight into trouble. Turns out I’m not the only one who thinks maybe Arsen and I don’t belong together, and the people who agree will go to extremes to make sure we stay apart."]

RUINED! Cambria continues to RUIN me with her over-the-top alpha types and her broken-boy with sad eyes counterparts. All of that with a tragic backstory, impossible stakes, and chemistry that just clicks (falling in love impossibly fast but knowing, KNOWING, that its real and forever). 

Arsen was perfect for Matthew. Perfect. He was so understanding and patient and calm to Matthew's over anxiety, never quite mind. And Matthew was perfect for Arsen, giving him something of his own, giving him a higher purpose. They just fit, even if Matthew kept insisting that they didn't/wouldn't/couldn't. 

Quote of the Day (Matthew/Arsen): "'We still don't fit.' // 'Oh, baby, tell me the parts that don't fit, and I'll saw them off so we do.'"

I loved these two so much, soooo terribly much. It wasn't easy for them, not from the very first chapter. But they fought like hell and stuck by each other and made it work.

Also, I loooooove how when Matthew was having an anxiety attack, his POV subtitle didn't spell his name correctly, because he was just that close to broken and not himself. It was so freaking subtle, but I'm obsessed.

QotD 2 (Matthew): "'When you touch me, everything is just right. Like all this time, my body's been waiting for you. Your name is really fitting, Arsen. You set me on fire and make me burn.'"

Trigger Warnings: misophonia, tinnitus, anxiety, ptsd, an asshole lawyer, child abuse, and more. 

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Welcoming a Demon (Dallying with Demons #0)

AHH! I just finished Amy Padilla's prequel for her Dallying with Demons series: "Welcoming a Demon," and I'm over here giggling and grinning like a maniac. This novella is available through her email subscription (and #BookFunnel).

["Graeham has one goal: get the humans to accept the integration and save his people. As a member of the council, he is one of the first to cross over to make his case to the United Nations General Assembly. He knows it will be a long, uphill battle. What he didn't expect was the chaotic and sweet human who volunteered to be his guide for the duration of his stay in the human realm.
He doesn't need the distraction, but somehow the human keeps working past his defenses. What's a demon to do?

Quinton was always a little chaotic.
Scatterbrained is what his coworkers called him. It wasn't like he was bad at his job, clocks just weren't his friend.
When the US representative in the UN asked for volunteers to guide the new paranormals through their first visit to the human world, there was skepticism about whether Quinton could pull off the job. But he was determined to help the newcomers and support them in any way he could. He just never expected to fall in love along the way.

This story takes place a few years before the rest of the series, pre-integration. Graeham and Quinton (along with others--but it sounds better just the two of them) were integral parts in making that happen, making the dallying crew happen, making all of those sweet as fuck mate pairings happen. 

All the while falling in love themselves. It was a little fast, but it was true (and honestly, it was so real that it didn't seem all that fast). 

It was just the right amount of spicy too. I would have loved for more, but it was honestly the perfect amount. Tons of fluff, lots of getting to know you, and one nice, long smutty scene that could have set off the fire alarms. 

And Graeham's pet name for Quinton!!!!?????!!! (spoiler alert). Sunflower. SUNFLOWER!!! D: I'm done.

Trigger Warnings: species-ism/racism, one small moment with a gun (which doesn't go off), and more.

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Belle of the Ball

I stumbled (as I do) across Mari Costa's graphic novel "Belle of the Ball" last night, and I'm OBSESSED.

["High-school senior and notorious wallflower Hawkins finally works up the courage to remove her mascot mask and ask out her longtime crush: Regina Moreno, head cheerleader, academic overachiever, and all-around popular girl. There’s only one teensy little problem: Regina is already dating Chloe Kitagawa, athletic all-star…and middling English student. Regina sees a perfectly self-serving opportunity here, and asks the smitten Hawkins to tutor Chloe free of charge, knowing Hawkins will do anything to get closer to her.

And while Regina’s plan works at first, she doesn’t realize that Hawkins and Chloe knew each other as kids, when Hawkins went by Belle and wore princess dresses to school every single day. Before long, romance does start to blossom…but not between who you might expect. With Belle of the Ball, cartoonist Mariana Costa has reinvigorated satisfying, reliable tropes into your new favorite teen romantic comedy."]

There was a small moment or two of mean-girl-ness disguised as kindness, but Regina (and Chloe) had a redemption arc. And Hawkins had a confidence arc.

This novel was equal parts adorable and meaningful. Every character learned more about themselves, their wants/needs, and their thoughts on the future. They stubbornly grew into better, more caring, more true-to-themselves people. There were so many cringe moments (hello, high school awkwardness), but soooo many sweet moments. All of the meaningful glances, pink blushes, and feelings-filled smiles.

I looooooved this graphic novel. You have to check it out!!

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Friday, September 13, 2024

They Wish They Were Us

I told myself last night when I was paranoid AF and wide awake that I would take a mystery break, try a romance again (my ARCs list is rapidly growing), but I saw Jessica Goodman's "They Wish They Were Us" on my TBR shelf and I, why the hell not?

["A murder mystery set against the backdrop of an exclusive prep school on Long Island.

In Gold Coast, Long Island, everything from the expensive downtown shops to the manicured beaches, to the pressed uniforms of Jill Newman and her friends, looks perfect. But as Jill found out three years ago, nothing is as it seems.

Freshman year Jill's best friend, the brilliant, dazzling Shaila Arnold, was killed by her boyfriend. After that dark night on the beach, Graham confessed, the case was closed, and Jill tried to move on.

Now, it's Jill's senior year and she's determined to make it her best yet. After all, she's a senior and a Player--a member of Gold Coast Prep's exclusive, not-so-secret secret society. Senior Players have the best parties, highest grades and the admiration of the entire school. This is going to be Jill's year. She's sure of it.

But when Jill starts getting texts proclaiming Graham's innocence, her dreams of the perfect senior year start to crumble. If Graham didn't kill Shaila, who did? Jill vows to find out, but digging deeper could mean putting her friendships, and her future, in jeopardy."]

Holy shit. This book was traumatizing. Like fuuuuck. These Players hazed to hell and back, and they "asked" to do more. Add all of that on top of just being a teen and trying to find yourself, trying to compete in a rich ass world, and trying to survive your best friend being murdered.

Then your baby brother is being hazed, your new bff isn't acting like herself, your boyfriend is being a little too nice, your long time crush is acting like he might like you back. There's a threat from a person in power. There's a few pieces of evidence that just don't add up (stupid corrupt cops). 

And throwing everything away for the chance of truth and inner peace. 

This book was glorious. 

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Little Monsters

Another day, another Kara Thomas novel. Here's "Little Monsters."

["Kacey is the new girl in Broken Falls. When she moved in with her father, she stepped into a brand-new life. A life with a stepbrother, a stepmother, and strangest of all, an adoring younger half sister.

Kacey’s new life is eerily charming compared with the wild highs and lows of the old one she lived with her volatile mother. And everyone is so nice in Broken Falls—she’s even been welcomed into a tight new circle of friends. Bailey and Jade invite her to do everything with them.

Which is why it’s so odd when they start acting distant. And when they don’t invite her to the biggest party of the year, it doesn’t exactly feel like an accident.

But Kacey will never be able to ask, because Bailey never makes it home from that party. Suddenly, Broken Falls doesn’t seem so welcoming after all—especially once everyone starts looking to the new girl for answers.

Kacey is about to learn some very important lessons: Sometimes appearances can be deceiving. Sometimes when you’re the new girl, you shouldn’t trust anyone."]

The sketch and the deception started pretty damn quick. And yes, as did half of the town suspecting Kacey.

Kacey could see it in the way people looked at her, she could hear it in the way people whispered around her, she could feel it in the way they stared at her. It doesn't help that her friendships AND her family seems to be imploding at the same time (or that she keeps stumbling across evidence).

It took me longer, but I was able to correctly guess the murderer in this one, too. Go, me!

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The Champions (The Cheerleaders #2)

And here's the sequel to Kara Thomas's "The Cheerleaders": "The Champions."

["It was the deaths of five cheerleaders that made the town of Sunnybrook infamous. Eleven years later, the girls' killer has been brought to justice, and the town just wants to move on. By the time Hadley moves to Sunnybrook, though, the locals are more interested in the Tigers, the high school's championship-winning football team. The Tigers are Sunnybrook’s homegrown heroes--something positive in a town with so much darkness in its past.

Hadley could care less about football, but shortly after she gets assigned to cover the team's latest championship bid for the school newspaper, one of the Tigers is poisoned at a party, and almost immediately after, Hadley starts getting strange emails warning her to stay far away from the football team.

It's becoming clear Sunnybrook's golden boys have secrets, and after a second player is mysteriously killed, Hadley’s beginning to suspect that someone wants the team to pay for their sins. Or does this new target on the football team have something to do with what happened to the cheerleaders all those years ago?

As an outsider in Sunnybrook, Hadley feels like she's the only one who can see the present clearly, but it looks like she’s going to have to dig up the darkness of the past to get to the bottom of what’s happening now. Luckily, there are still some Sunnybrook High grads who never left--people who were around eleven years ago—and if she can just convince them to talk, she might be able stop a killer before another Tiger dies."]

I LOOOOOVED how Monica's little brother Petey was in here! All grown up and angsty (and blushy)!! He was the only character that I remember (except for "uncle" Mike, who is not a sergeant) from the first novel (and maybe a teacher or two); I love that we get a little overlap, but at the same time, a whole set of new characters. 

A whole set of new suspects (and murder victims).

There were just SO many people acting sus and being weird and whispering in corners and meeting up with other suspicious people. I'm not really sure how Hadley kept it all straight (I didn't--there were also a lot of the names with the same first initial, which threw me off a few times). 

Another good read by Kara (though I do miss that last-minute, throw-your-book moment).

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Monday, September 9, 2024

The Cheerleaders (The Cheerleaders #1)

I've had this book for a looooong time, and, shocker, I finally got around to reading it. Here's Kara Thomas's "The Cheerleaders."

["There are no more cheerleaders in the town of Sunnybrook.

First there was the car accident—two girls gone after hitting a tree on a rainy night. Not long after, the murders happened. Those two girls were killed by the man next door. The police shot him, so no one will ever know why he did it. Monica’s sister was the last cheerleader to die. After her suicide, Sunnybrook High disbanded the cheer squad. No one wanted to be reminded of the girls they lost.

That was five years ago. Now the faculty and students at Sunnybrook High want to remember the lost cheerleaders. But for Monica, it’s not that easy. She just wants to forget. Only, Monica’s world is starting to unravel. There are the letters in her stepdad’s desk, an unearthed, years-old cell phone, a strange new friend at school. . . . Whatever happened five years ago isn’t over. Some people in town know more than they’re saying. And somehow Monica is at the center of it all.

There are no more cheerleaders in Sunnybrook, but that doesn’t mean anyone else is safe."]

This one was pretty good! There was a lot of secrets and danger and sneaky meetings and lying. There wasn't any new murders, which surprised me a bit, but the novel still seemed relevant. 

There were moments where you questioned everyone and everything, not quite trusting anyone (the narrator wasn't reliable (ya genre thing + her being blinded by trauma) but she was trustworthy). You thought you were onto something, only for that feeling to get dashed, again and again and again, until you were questioning even the minor-est of characters and re-questioning old suspects. 

I liked how, if you followed the clues (and trusted your gut), you were able to guess (at least a little bit) the true murderer. 

And the last chapter?!? I knew details weren't adding up completely, but I really didn't suspect THAT.

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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Passing Through Purgatory

Here's another ARC that I waited until the last minute to read...oops. Here's Nik Knight's "Passing Through Purgatory."

["When Oliver applied for a job in the Hell dimension on a whim, he didn’t expect it to turn his whole world—or his heart—entirely upside down.

Recently graduated at twenty-six, and two months behind on rent, Oliver Barnes is desperate. So desperate, in fact, that he applies for a job in the Greed district of Hell’s Pentagram. But when he misses his train and, subsequently, his job interview, he stumbles, instead, upon a strange little coffee shop in the middle of Purgatory’s barren desert—and into an unexpected opportunity.

It isn’t the job he came to Hell for, but maybe it’s exactly the job he needs.

As he navigates the demon dimension and tries to survive the ridiculous shenanigans of his unholy co-workers, Oliver soon falls head-over-ass for a tentacled lawyer with electric fingers and a deadly-sharp grin. Together, they discover that, sometimes, love and happiness can be just a train ride away."]

This book was pure fucking CRACK! There were so many moments of hilarity and chaos. There were so many kooky and lovable characters, enough to fill a sit-com. It was perfect. I loooooooved that crew of the Passing Through Cafe.

Oliver kinda feels like me right now. Feeling misplaced and on the edge of money-less and not super wanting what your degree got you. He fell into a place that feels comfortable and fun and like home, even if its not what he imagined doing. 

Oliver falls into a found family as crazy and as caring as possible, a gang misfits of demons from hell. Then he happens to fall in love, a love so true and easy that it feels too good to be true. 

I cannot wait for the rest of this series. Nik has EASILY 2-3 more books out of this. I want the next one now...please? 

Trigger Warnings: drugging/spiking of a drink, classism and bigotry, talk of previous sex work and the aftermath thereof, difficult parental dynamics, and more.

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Thursday, September 5, 2024

My Demon Mate

R.S. Mckenzie is one of my go-to dark romance reads. I was sooo excited to get an ARC of her latest book "My Demon Mate." It debuts September 13.

["The voice in my head tells me to commit murder.

All my life, I’ve only known pain, fear and anger. I’m alone.
Except for the voice in my head. It tells me to act on some of my most diabolical thoughts. I can’t listen, I can’t carry out the acts, even if I’ve never wanted anything so much in my life.
When the voice manifests into a demon that says I’ve been promised to him for hundreds of years, I finally feel safe and cared for. Not only is he protective of me and my well being, he’s hell bent on getting revenge against those that hurt me.
I’ll tell him how."]

Everest had a hard, horrible life. No one ever stood up for him, no one ever protected him. He was alone and lonely and sad. He had a few things going for him, but those were ruined as well. Until that voice in his head comes to life. 

Raven appears like a demon in shining stripes (...he has golden it and you'll understand). Raven vows to protect and avenge his Everest with everything he has, which is quick a lot. He would rather hurt himself than ever dream of hurting his Everest, his perfect mate.

Everest trusts Raven implicitly from the very first moment, goes with him without a moment's hesitation, without any fear. He jumps into this things with a demon with both feet, never having felt so cared for, so cherished, so loved. And Everest gives all of that caring, cherish-ment (go with it), and love right back. They're a match made in soooo many deliciously adorable and devilishly dirty ways. 

Trigger Warnings: torture, murder, violence, gore, bullying, physical/mental/emotional abuse (individuals that have been abusing the MC will get what they deserve), homophobia, abuse of power (not between MCs), brief mention of drug use
and overdose, brief mention of suicidal ideations. strong alcohol use/alcoholism, ableist language from abusers, and more.

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Meet You Half Way (South Coast #2)

"Meet You Half Way" by Aria Brennan is another one of the many, many ARCs that I'm working my way through. This is the second book in Aria's latest duology: South Coast.

["Have you ever had to sit by and watch the love of your life meet the love of his life? Have you had to sit there and pretend you were oh-so okay with it? Because, you know, you were supposed to have moved on by now.

Yeah right.

I am drowning and spiralling, living my life so deeply in the closet I can hardly see for all the fear and internalised hangups. My career as a top model is right within my grasp too if only I can see past my family’s judgement and disapproval and reach for it.

And then Jamie steps into my life in the most dramatic of ways, the sexy paramedic from the town next door who is about to shake things up for me in ways I never saw coming. He’s pretty much perfect in every way and I can’t fight the allure we both seem to have for each other, the one that makes me break all my rules.

But can I ever shake my heartache to let Jamie capture my heart and give him the love he deserves? He keeps telling me I’m worth it. But I don’t know if I can believe him."]

It's rough when one person is all romance and commitment and the other person is all hook-up culture and anti-commitment. It almost never ends well...unless they're in a book. Then there's a mess of compromises and fluff and spice and confrontation and broken hearts. But, again, because our boys are in a book, there's also a happily ever after.

These two fell so hard so fast, but at least Jamie was aware (and okay with) his feelings. Mateo was in the dark (and in denial). I'm so glad they (eventually) worked it out and talked it out (and sexed it out), because they were made for each other.

Trigger Warnings: homophobic parents, internalized homophobia, and more

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#meetmeinthewaves #meetyouhalfway #southcoastbook #southcoastseries #ariabrennan #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Retreat (New York Gods #2)

Here's another ARC that I waited until the last minute to read...oops. Here's Andi Jaxon's "The Retreat." It's the second novel in her New York Gods series.

["I’ll do anything not to marry the girl my parents want me to.
Including marrying her brother in a drunken panic.
I’m not gay, but I can fake it long enough to get our parents off my back, right?
Cue hiding out for the next two years, but nothing is that simple, because I’m offered a spot on the US National team.
Now we have to fake it for the entire world as the poster boys of gay fencers while Colin makes me doubt everything I think I am.
I’m not prepared for all the ways I depend on Colin. Or the place he’s filling in my life.
But I can’t keep this up.
I’m slipping on a national stage.
And he’s going to press every button until I snap, ruining this for us both."]

This book. Wow, this book.

Colin isn't used to being wanted. He's fine with it. He knows that people don't need him for much so he doesn't let himself get too attached (everyone leaves eventually anyway). 
Owen is used to being a robot, too many emotions or not enough. Either way, people aren't his thing; he doesn't have the mental or emotional capacity for it. He keeps them away to protect himself.

So of course, these two fall in love. And get married. WELLLLLL, they get married and THEN fall in love. Then things went to shit, I sobbed for a while, and then they had a HEA. What more could you ask for?

Quote of the Day (Owen): "Is my body missing human contact? How inconvenient and rude would that be? Fucking human needs."

Trigger Warnings: drugs, parental abuse (physical, verbal, and emotional), parental homophobia, parent forcing soon to be adult child marriage, mental illness, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, suicidal idealization, and more.

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Monday, September 2, 2024

Legally Brawn (Rom-Com Reboot #3)

Here's D.J. Jamison's "Legally Brawn." It's the third and final novel in their new Rom-Com Reboot series.

["My boyfriend left me a year ago...but sometimes you have to fight for true love, right?

When Clayton breaks off our relationship to find someone more "serious" in law school, I'm devastated but not defeated. I just have to show him I have brains as well as brawn.

I study hard to get into law school and prove myself. But when I get there, ready to reclaim my man, he's moved the snootiest rich boy I've ever met.

His new fiance pits the other students against me. I'm ostracized from their study groups and their parties--and I'm never left out of a party!

I think about quitting, but my friend Jordan keeps me going. He's a rock solid support as he helps me prepare for the demanding coursework, study case law, and prove that I deserve to be here. When I land an internship to work on a real legal case, it seems it's all paid off. And most surprising of all? I love this lawyering thing!

Clayton, on the other hand, is looking less appealing by the day.

Jordan is the one I want to talk to morning and night. The one I can count on to support me. The one who gives me...wet dreams?

Whoa. Maybe I don't need to fight for true love after all. Maybe I just need to review the evidence, the way I've been learning all year.

The verdict?

I've fallen in love with my best friend."]

This book was SO cute! It followed "Legally Blonde" so well but DJ also made this its own. It was glorious. There was even a modified bend-and-snap moment!

Jordan was in love with El for sooooo long (and everyone knew), so helping El get into law school to get Clayton back was bittersweet. He'd do everything and anything to make El happy, even if it broke his own heart in the process.

Ellis thought he knew exactly what he wanted, and he was willing to do a lot to get it, even if it wasn't originally in his plans. But getting into law school and getting even closer to Jordan, he was getting to know himself better. Turns out, he loved law just as much as he loved personal training (and he might not love Clayton as much as he thought he did).

Watching Vic get humbled, watching Clayton get the karma he deserved, and watching Jordan/Ellis fall into their perfect HEA was beautiful. DJ knocked yet another one right out of the park.

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Sunday, September 1, 2024

The Heart of Moonlight Falls (Moonlight Falls #3)

Here's another ARC that I waited until the last minute to read...oops. Here's Colette Rivera's "The Heart of Moonlight Falls." It's the third and final novel in her Moonlight Falls series.

["In the end, the heart is all that matters.

James is ready to settle into the future he’s always dreamed of, but he can’t. Nothing comes easily for him and Sebastian while the Storm House curse haunts them and trouble continues to brew in Moonlight Falls.

Battling shades is a given. What James doesn’t expect is the town turning on the man he loves.

Secrets get out and Sebastian must fight for his place in the community as he reckons with his connection to the magic of Moonlight Falls and what it means for defeating his family’s curse and restoring the veins of power once and for all. While the answers he finds challenge his resolve, Sebastian knows nothing from this world or Beyond can break his and James’s bond.

There will always be light in the dark, and together, James and Sebastian can make it shine. But will that be enough to get them through their final challenge?"]

I could have easily punched (okay, I'm not violent) hard-core glared at all of those people who blamed Sebastian. Our poor, sweet, ginger-haired ball of anxiety didn't deserve that. He didn't deserve their words or their hate, just as much as he didn't deserve the curse or his mother giving up on him. All Sebastian ever wanted was friends, love, and a sense of belonging. And then I cried....a loooot.

And I kept crying.

These two lovable idiots just-- I mean, I couldn't think of a solution (besides sacrificing some of those townspeople) either, but holy hell. Traumatize me again, why don't you.

But honestly, I love these two. They're so cute and loving and perfect for each other. They're constantly checking in and communicating and reassuring each other of their presence (now and in the future) and their love. It's soooo freaking healthy, considering all of the shit going on around them.

I'm sooooo glad this mess (the shades and the darkness and the gateway (and the nightmares)) are over. I can't wait to see what Colette comes up with next!! 

Trigger Warnings: anxiety, social anxiety, past abandonment by a parent and on-page confrontation with that parent, discussion of taking care of a dying relative in the past, mention of a past fatal car accident, death of loved ones (past, off-page) and associated grief, recollection of a past moment of suicidal ideation, magical violence, blood-magic rituals, fire, on-page possessed animals killed with magic and firearms, on-page undead animals destroyed with magic, possessed person and on-page exorcism, self-mutilation (relating to magic rituals), grave digging, discussion of self-sacrifice for ritual magic purposes, and more.

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September's Book Shape Challenge

Here's September Book Shape Challenge! Hogwarts Express! Have a wonderful, magical year, everyone!! 

(The above books have been picked with both color and content in mind).

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Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...