Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Goodbye February

January sputtered along. But February blurred by. I can't believe its practically March. 

Here I am again checking in with my 2019 resolutions:
(1) Keep learning
(2) Write [almost] every day
(3) Don't stop reading
(4) Complete something (e.g. a manuscript)
(5) Get [a little] professional 

This month was...not very successful. The winter blues hit me hard this month (stupid fake spring). Then I got the worst sinus infection of my life. Bleh, excuses, excuses, Abby.

(1) Again, no real "evidence" of this to share. 

(2) I've failed in this epically. I'm trying to get back into the habit of...something. I'm picking back up a prompt book (or two). And forcing myself to work on resolution #4 more, too.
(3) I read a lot for the average person in February, but for my usual self, I slowed down a lot. In February, I've read a total of 6.5 books (though I tried to get to 7...and failed). Not quite as good as January, but still very good.
(4) Again, I've been failing at this in February. My manuscript has ~__91__ pages done. They still look more like a screenplay than a novel. But I'm still really happy with it; and really excited about my characters and their journey.

(5) Posts in February:  14 (that includes this one). 

I'm going to (try) to do this at the end of every month, or close to it (that is, if I remember, and my life isn't too too crazy at that time).
What are your big March reads?Anything I should check out?

As we say at the daycare I work at during circle time:
"Goodbye, February!"
"Hello, March!"
It sounds silly, but just imagine 6-10 two year olds repeating that after you. It could make almost anyone smile.

#newyearsresolutions #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #completesomething #getprofessional #goodbyefebruary #hellomarch #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Speaking of lovable disasters and fairytales, have you ever read "Stardust" by Neil Gaiman?

"Stardust" was another book I discovered after seeing (and falling in love with) the movie.

In the town of Wall, life is...normal, average, barely this side of boring (if you didn't know how boring, the town is named after an imposing stone barrier which separates the town from a grassy meadow). Tristran Thorn loves Victoria Forester and vows to retreieve a fallen star for her, in exchange for her hand in marriage.

Along the way, well....there's magic, intrigue, murder, pirates, witches, and crossdressing (done by a pirate calling himself Shakespeare). I mean, doesn't that sound amazing?

And, honestly, I think I prefer the movie to the book. But it's just that brilliant. Please go watch it (it's usually on Netflix).

Is there any book where you prefer the movie version?

#stardust #neilgaiman #shakespeare #crossdressingpirates #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Told you I'd eventually getting around to gushing about "Love, Simon". 

"Love, Simon" is the title of the movie adaptation of Becky Albertalli's book "Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda."

Simon Spier is sixteen, the big brother of two quirky sisters, the only son of the world's most trusting and seemingly supportive parents, the best friend almost anyone could ask for.

But he has one big secret....he's gay. 

When an email fall into the wrong hands, Simon's secret is threatened. He's essentially blackmailed into helping the class clown or the privacy of Blue, his secret pen pal (and secret gay crush) will be everyone's business.

Basically Simon is a big, phat, #gaydisaster. But he's adorable and his intentions are typically honorable.

This book, and the big-screen movie adaptation changed the conversation for so many, giving young (and old) LGBT+ a spotlight, a guiding light, a friend. 

Read the book. 
Watch the movie.

What's your favorite book to movie adaptation?

#simonvsthehomosapiensagenda #lovesimon #beckyalbertalli #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare....oh William Shakespeare.

Creator of many worlds, people, words, insults.

God, I love this complicated man. #bidisaster

What's your favorite play/sonnet/insult?

Also, If you're ever in Paris, check out Shakespeare and Company bookstore. It has practically nothing to do with Ol' Will, but its beautiful and old and you deserve it.

#williamshakespeare #romeoandjuliet #hamlet #insults #sonnets #shakespeareandcompany #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Grimm Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson

Societies were built on storytelling. Sharing experiences. Building relationships. Establishing lines of communication.

Writing them down began the world that I love: reading and authorship.

The Grimm Brothers and Hans Christian Anderson were some of the very first to do so. And oh how well they did.

We tell and retell their stories every day. How many Cinderella's, Snow White's, Aurora's, Ugly Ducklings, Little Mermaids, and more do you know, love. 

Where would I be, where would any author be (or reader for that matter) without these men (and the women like them)?

Q1: What's your favorite OG fairytale?

Q2: What's your favorite retelling?

A1: Cinderella, I think...
A2: Ever After: A Cinderella Story (partially because I'm not sure if the 2003 Peter Pan counts)

#grimmbrothers #hanschristiananderson #fairytales #cinderella #uglyduckling #sleepingbeauty #snowwhite #littlemermaid #retelling #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

John Green + David Levithan + ___ + etc

John Green + David Levithan + ___ + etc

I can't tell you what I read first, or who I love more. But this list of books, these authors and co-authors, need a little attention, a little TLC.

I won't go into detail of each book, but instead, give you a list of Titles + Authors and trust that you, my dear readers, will go do some homework. Go, Google these texts, see if any interest you, then do some serious reading.

John Green: "Turtles All The Way Down"
John Green: "Looking For Alaska"
John Green: "The Fault in Our Stars"
David Levithan: "Two Boys Kissing"
David Levithan: "Every Day"
David Levithan & Rachel Cohn: "Naomi and Eli's No Kiss List"
John Green & David Levithan: "Will Grayson, Will Grayson"

#turtlesallthewaydown #lookingforalaska #thefaultinourstars #twoboyskissing #everyday #naomiandelisnokisslist #willgraysonwillgrayson #johngreen #davidlevithan #rachelcohn #bokstagram #bookphotography #books #ilovebooks

Nicola Yoon

I read "Everything, Everything" by Nicola Yoon during a period where I was reading a bunch of books that were being made into movies. I read "The Sun is Also A Star" shortly after, after falling in love with Yoon's storytelling, her works, her characters.

"Everything, Everything" following a girl who is literally allergic to everything. Anything, everything, could kill her. She doesn't question the safety of her bubble-home, of her mother's care until a cute, slightly mysterious, totally crushable boy moves in next door. So obviously, they fall in love and fall in trouble.

"The Sun is Also a Star" (which is about to be a movie, too) follows a boy who falls in love too easily and has nothing to lose and a girl who protects herself/her family at all costs and has absolutely everything to lose. They have one day to fall in love, one day before she'll be deported and he'll lose her forever.

The summaries are a little weak, but I'm trying to cut down on my rambling.

#everythingeverything #thesunisalsoastar #nicolayoon #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Running with Lions

Yet another LGBT+ books I've come across. Yet another boys-who-love-boys book that I fell in love with.

Julian Winter's book "Running With Lions" is the LGBT meets the high school athletic's toxic masculinity book you never knew you needed. Except, in this world, in this soccer team, being gay or bi or questions (or any of the other + ), it is okay, accepted, encouraged.

Sebastian Hughes--high school senior, Lion's star goalie, and best friend to pretty much everyone--has life sorta figured out. Figured out as much as one should (and can) during the month of hell that is soccer training camp.

Until his estranged best friend, Emir Shah, shows up. He's quiet. He isolates himself. He kills himself to keep up, even though he's clearly under skilled, compared to the rest of the seniors.

Oh, and Sebastian is secretly in love with Emir, always has been. Does he face it, face him? Or does he continue to ignore those feelings, those feelings that practically chased Emir off in the first place?

The diversity in this book is on point. On. Point.

And look at that cover art. It's gorgeous. Amazing. I stared at it for far too long some moments.

#runningwithlions #julianwinters #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Symptoms of Being Human

"Boy or Girl? Yes"

"Symptoms of Being Humans" by Jeff Garvin

Riley is a lot of things: punk rock, snarky, rebellious, and gender fluid. Except its a secret. Their new school doesn't know. Their father, a congressman re-running for his seat, doesn't know (not their mother either, mind you).

After the advice from Riley's therapist, they start an online blog detailing their life, their gender fluidity, their struggles. It becomes a beacon, a saving grace for many. Many like Riley who had turned to the internet for understanding one's body, one's sexuality, one's gender.

What happens when the secret blog isn't so secret anymore?

I had a pretty good understanding of gender fluidity before reading this book. After? I felt like I had the insider's scoop. Everyone needs to read this book? Everyone needs to understand, to accept, to love.

Love is love is love.

#symptomsofbeinghuman #jeffgarvin #loveisloveislove #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Fan Art

As I probably said, one of my favorite romance troupes is the I'm-in-love-with-my-best-friend thing. And oh, is Jamie in love with his best friend, Mason. (In Sarah Tregay's "Fan Art", go, do the reading)

And worse, it seems like the entire school knows. At least the author of a graphic novel/comic book that is under review for the school's literary magazine, which Jamie is the president of.

So naturally, this book says everything Jamie can't, doesn't think he should. What will Mason say?

What's your favorite troupe? And most importantly, what book is best at portraying it?

#fanart #sarahtregay #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

What If It's Us

Becky haven't I posted about "Love, Simon", yet? That book changed so much for the YA and LGBT world? I'll do that one soon (in all fairness, I thought I had).

Okay, so "Love, Simon"'s Becky Albertalli and "They Both Die At The End's" Adam Silvera (which I haven't yet gotten to) wrote "What If It's Us." And what if... what if you don't read this book? Well, you'll regret it.

Author is in New York City for the summer. He dreams of cute, perfect dates at places like Times Square or Coney Island. When the summer ends, he'll finish off his senior year and continue to prepare for a future including great college. He's waiting for the Universe to take control and give him Broadway.

Ben is in summer school...with his ex. He's a New Yorker. He doesn't see much of a future for himself beyond high school, academically or financially that is. He bascially wants to tell the Universe to fuck-off.

Of course, they have a very very cute, meet-cute. Of course, things don't go well in the beginning. Of course, they fall in love anyway.

Go, buy this book. If not for their gay, gay love. Do it for their love of Hamilton.

#whatifitsus #hamilton #beckwyalbertalli #adamsilvera #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Shannon Hale

I first discovered Shannon Hale at a children's thrift store when I was in early middle school. I think I came across "Princess Academy." Like, what little girl wouldn't want to pick that up?
Well "Princess Academy" wasn't what I excepted, based on the title. It's not some cute, prim-and-proper, posh-like reformed establishment where they churn out princesses by the dozen. No, it was feminist...before I even knew what feminism was. Actually, all of her books are/were for me: powerful, independent women.

Then I read "Book of A Thousand Days".

Finally, I fell in love with the Book of Bayern Series. "Goose Girl": based off the fable/fairy tale Goose Girl. "Enna Burning." "River Secrets." "Forest Born." The main characters in this series have special, elemental based powers, like talking to animals or controlling fire. This was my Aviator. 

What author/book changed your young reading path?

#shannonhale #princessacademy #bookofathousanddays #GooseGirl #EnnaBurning #RiverSecrets #ForestBorn #BooksofBayren #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, February 10, 2019


Hey everyone!! Sorry for being so MIA lately.

Work was insane. The winter blues got me down for a while. Reading took a dip. Writing took a dive.

But I'm back. I took a bunch of picture tonight, which I plan on editing tonight. I'll write something up for them and post them sometime tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll be able to do a few more posts later this week too, get back in the swing of it all.

What's your favorite Harry Potter book (original 7)?
What's your favorite non-original-7 Harry Potter?

A1: Prisoner of Azkaban...mostly because of Sirius and Remus (my babes)
A2: Quidditch Through the Ages

#harrypotter #siriusblack #remuslupin #woflstar #prisonerofazkaban #quidditchthroughtheages #jkrowling #harrypotterlibrary #hogwartslibrary #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks #winterblues

Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...