Monday, October 31, 2022

The Crucible

Whelp, I still haven't "cured" my book/reading dry-spell. But, it's Halloween, and I just watch Payton (and Garrett's) final Halloween true-crime podcast (podcast: Murder With My Husband--today's theme/story: the Salem Witch Trials), and I'm feeling book/reading inspired.

I haven't read Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" since probably high school when I read it the first time. I loved it then and loved it now. I've always been fascinated by witches and the witch trials and Salem and the sociology of the criminology of it all. It has nothing to do with Abigail Miller and I sharing the same first name (or the eerie reasons that brought Abigail to Salem in the first place). ;)

In the past few years, I've been researching more and more about my ancestry (slowly and bit by bit). My father's family (and therefore mine) have descended from the people who came over on the Mayflower and "founded" Plymouth Rock. There were 102 passengers (and 30 crew) that traveled over in 1620; between all of their children and grandchildren and (great-times-a-bunch)grandchildren, there is an estimated of 35 million Mayflower descendants (about 10 million in the US). So like, a brag on my part, but not a big one (also, small pox blankets and the super-fun/not-at-all-remembered first "Thanksgiving"). 

HOWEVER, the number of Mayflower descendants who also have ties to the Salem Witch Trails is much smaller. John Alden Jr. (the direct descendant to John Alden, the ship's cooper) was accused on witchcraft in 1692. My great-times-about-eight-or-nine-uncle. He was jailed and then subsequently escaped his imprisonment (and got away with it, because he was white and a dude and not-poor). This was a few days before Giles Corey was crushed to death, so like, great timing John. Some sources say that John Alden Jr. went to New York whereas others say he went back to Duxbury were many other Alden descendants lived/thrived (included my great-times-about-eight-or-nine-grandfather, Joseph Alden). He was proclaimed "innocent" about a year later--much, much sooner than anyone else (by over a decade--and that was just "reversed excommunications" and "nullified trial judgments;" no one was actually declared innocent until 1957, and the last convicted-but-not-executed victim wasn't exonerated until 2022).

Fun times. Anyway, I mostly read this book to write this post to distract myself from actually reading. Fun. Times.

Also, I've been listening to a lot of classical music lately while reading (when I'm reading), and Halidon Music on YouTube is amazing. Their playlists are fabulous, and there are A LOT of them, matching moods and themes and seasons/holidays. Check them out, too (because if you still haven't checked out Murder With My Husband, you need to).

#thecrucible #arthurmiller #halloween #salem #salemwitchtrials #witchtrials #murderwithmyhusband #mwmh #halidonmusic #classicalmusicforhalloween #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Goodbye, October!

October sucked. There's no other way to describe it. It just straight up sucked.


2022 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) Nope.

(2) Books read this month: 18 (might get one more in there before midnight though). 

(3) Nope: Part 2.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 11.

(5) Nope: Part 3. I just spent a lot of this month sick with the flu, so I wasn't eating much. Then I was all...numb. Not necessarily depressive episode numb, but binging new-to-me tv shows movies while mindlessly scrolling through social media and ignoring everything/everyone. Fun. Times.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions (now that its time to make brand-new ones)?

Any exciting November reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyeoctober #hellonovember #hello2022 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, October 29, 2022


Between burnout, attempting a vacation, and getting the worst case of the flu, I've been on a book-reading hiatus. I jumped back into it with "Blackwater" by Jeannette Arroyo and Ren Graham. This graphic novel was illustrated by both Jeannette and Ren. They alternated chapters in their own styles, "which makes for a unique and dynamic illustration package."

["Tony Price is a popular high school track star and occasional delinquent aching for his dad’s attention and approval. Eli Hirsch is a quiet boy with a chronic autoimmune disorder that has ravaged his health and social life. What happens when these two become unlikely friends (and a whole lot more . . .) in the spooky town of Blackwater, Maine? Werewolf curses, unsavory interactions with the quarterback of the football team, a ghostly fisherman haunting the harbor, and tons of high school drama."]

This book was suuuuuuper cute. It was angsty as hell and there was a ton of drama, but it was a fun and spooky read right before Halloween. 

#blackwater #jeannettearroyo #rengraham #queergraphicnovel #YAgraphicnovel #graphicnovels #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Playing Games (Franklin U series #1)

I've been waiting to read this series for sooooooooo long! It's been advertised in so many email newsletters, but I've tried waiting so patiently until all of/most of the series was out before I started it. The series? Franklin U. The first book is titled "Playing Games," and it's by Riley Hart.

Tyson Langley thinks the king in Franklin University Kings is in reference to him. Star lacrosse player and God’s gift to the female and male population, there’s nothing the spoiled jock can’t have.

It’s impossible for us to be in the same room without talking crap to each other. But I also have a secret… As much as I despise Ty, I want him too. I revel in our banter and in never knowing what he’ll say next.

I’ve spent too much time on the wrong side of the law for someone like Ty, though, and if I want to make it through college and escape my past, he’s a distraction I don’t need.

Braxton Walker needs to learn to lighten up. If you search brooding online, his name pops up. He’s the bad boy with a leather jacket and a scowl. We couldn’t be more different.

Finding ways to annoy him is like the longest foreplay session of my life. And when we end up working together, it gets harder to deny how hot he makes me.

What’s a little hooking up between enemies?

We weren’t supposed to become friends or share secrets. We weren’t supposed to understand each other and all the complicated stuff we’re going through.

I’m used to playing games, only the more time I spend with Brax, the less it feels like playing around and the more it becomes something real."]

This book was sooooo goood!!! The soaring back and forth? The sexual tension? The totally and complete understanding of each other? GOD! What a great start to the series.

#playinggames #rileyhart

#thedatingdisaster #mrromance #betyou #theglowup #learningcurve #makingwaves #footballroyalty #franklinu #franklinuseries #FUKings #FUKingsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Strike A Chord (Replay series #4)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Next up is K.M. Neuhold's Replay series. The fourth and final book is titled "Strike A Chord," and it's Benji's book (the keyboard player and is crushing on his best friend's twin).

["“You want to fake date me?”

Music is my life, my band is my heart and soul, and it’s all falling apart before my eyes.

A plan hatched from desperation as we both watch our careers burn down around us. Dating my best friend’s twin brother, Paris, who just so happens to be a gay icon at the moment seems like the perfect plan. And if we have a little fun along the way, where’s the harm in that? The band is spiraling, his football career is going up in flames, and the more the world falls down around us, the easier it is to get lost in each other.

But are stolen moments during our own busy schedules and hurried kisses hidden behind social media posts the basis for a real relationship, or is this just another thing that’s going to turn to dust in our hands?"]

This book was sooooo cute!!! D: Like gahhhh! Mutual pining plus best-friends plus fake dating plus not-really-fake-dating plus I'm-the-only-one-who-can-tell-the-twins-apart plus so much fluff and sooo much steam. Total heart-eyes here.

Plus, it perfectly wrapped up the series as a whole. The ending of each book had more and more to the story overall as well as the fate of Downward Spiral, and this was just the cherry on the sundae. 

#rockbottom #facethemusic #playitbyear #beatoftheirowndrum #strikeachord #replay #replayseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Beat Of Their Own Drum (Replay series #3)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Next up is K.M. Neuhold's Replay series. The third book is titled "Beat Of Their Own Drum," and it's Jude's book (the drummer and does drugs/is self-destructive--Archer is the band's manager).

Bennett’s firm hand is everything I need…except maybe Archer’s gentle touch. I’m in a downward spiral…see what I did there? When the band manager, Archer, hires Bennett to keep me from screwing up while the band is on hiatus, I may have finally met someone who won’t take my attitude lying down. With the three of us cooped up together for weeks on end, I have a feeling things might get interesting.

Downward Spiral is my baby. But it’s obvious I haven’t done a great job because they’re falling apart. There’s only one man I can think of who might be able to get Jude back on the right track, Bennett. Unfortunately, he’s also the man I let get away sixteen years ago and haven’t gotten over since.

Control is kind of my thing. Which is probably why I’m the best in the business when it comes to getting out of control celebrities back on track. When my ex calls and tells me he’s desperate for my help, I can’t turn him down. Between the infuriatingly sexy drummer with no idea what kind of trouble he’s asking for, and my ex looking better than ever, there’s no way this isn’t about to get messy."]

This book was almost angsty. But it was also soooo good! Their balance was perfect. It was exactly what they all needed. They all harmonized with each other (music pun not intended), found things out about themselves, and jumped over new hurdles. It was so fluffy and steamy and absolutely amazing. 

Trigger Warnings: drug use, overdosing, ect

#rockbottom #facethemusic #playitbyear #beatoftheirowndrum #strikeachord #replay #replayseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Play It By Ear (Replay series #2)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Next up is K.M. Neuhold's Replay series. The second book is titled "Play It By Ear," and it's Lando's book (the song writer/bassist and hopelessly pining after a weekend-night-stand).

["The Heart Always Knows

My muse is gone, and I haven’t written a word of music in over a year. Every time I close my eyes, all I can see is Dawson. Nine years ago, just before Downward Spiral’s first major tour, I met my soulmate and then I walked away. Now that I’ve finally tracked him down again, things have changed. I’ll have to make him fall for me all over again. But is it possible I put our single weekend together on a pedestal or could Dawson really be The One?

A traumatic brain injury nine years ago left me deaf and with spotty memory of the first twenty years of my life. When one of the biggest rock stars in the world shows up and seems to know me, I’m not sure what to believe. Is it possible he’s telling the truth when he says he’s been in love with me for nine years, even if I can’t remember ever meeting him?"]

It took me a while to just start this one, because I was feeling very anti-angst this week. However, this book was soooooo worth the quick binge-read when I finally got around to starting it.

There was angst, but not nearly as much as I built up in my head. There was sooooo much fluff and sweet moments. It was about finding yourself (again). It was about second chances. It was about love and making this work. 

#rockbottom #facethemusic #playitbyear #beatoftheirowndrum #strikeachord #replay #replayseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Face The Music (Replay series #1)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Next up is K.M. Neuhold's Replay series. The first book is titled "Face The Music," and it's Lincoln's book (the singer and self-harms/is suicidal).

I thought there was only one thing I needed to make me happy. I was so sure becoming a rock star would heal the dark corners inside me. But every time I walk onto the stage, with a roaring crowd screaming my name, all I can think about is the boy I left behind. All I want to do is rewind and make a different choice.

I thought I hated Lincoln when he ghosted me ten years ago and destroyed my heart. I thought I hated him when he wrote a chart-topping hit about our idyllic young love. But I’ve never hated him as much as I do right now, standing in front of me like he has every right to be in my world again. He’s not the rock god I thought he was...he’s still that same lost boy I used to love. Can I ever trust him with my heart again?"]

Holy. Shit.

Okay, so yes, I'll preface this review by saying this book is dark. as. hell. Please check the triggers below. The self-harm and suicide attempts (or self-harm incidents that lead to accidental attempted suicide) are on page and description. The descriptions of Linc's depression and dark thoughts and twisty feelings are H A R D to read. They were scary accurate, let's just say.

The romance though? Just as description and accurate. It was hard but fluffy and sweet at the same time. It took them a while to get back to where they had been (spoiler alert: there's also some scenes of them falling in love as kids and total heart-eyes there), but they talked and worked together. Sooooo beautiful and soooooooooo worth the dark and twisty stuff (even if I went into a full-blown depressive episode myself).

Trigger Warnings: self-harm, suicidal thoughts, depression, bipolar disorder, ect

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Sunday, October 2, 2022

Rock Bottom (Replay series #0.5)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Next up is K.M. Neuhold's Replay series. It starts with (the prequel): "Rock Bottom."

["Downward Spiral— a band with a handful of platinum records, and almost no hope of making it. Meet Lincoln, Benji, Lando, and Jude— the hottest rock stars of the decade, who’ve just about hit rock bottom."]

Downward Spiral was first introduced in the Heathens Ink series (the fifth book "Inked In Vegas") when all of the Heathens went to their concert and got asked to go backstage. They became friends, and the guys from Heathens ended up tattooing the guys from Downward Spiral.

And this is so I don't get confused myself: Lincoln is the singer and he self-harms/is suicidal after some yet-to-be-named incident/person; Benji plays keyboard, is basically sunshine, and is crushing on best friend's twin; Lando writes songs and plays bass, and he's pining after weekend-night-stand; and Jude plays the drums and he does drugs/is self-destructive after a shitty childhood traumatized him.

After reading this short story, I'm now even more excited about reading this series! I can't wait for everyone to get their happily ever afters. Because right now, it seems as if those HEAs are very (very, very) far away (this is going to be a dark and twisty and emotional one, folks; buckle up).

Trigger Warnings: self-harm, drug use, suicidal tendencies, ect

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Heathens Ink Shorts and Bonus Scenes

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's finish the Heathens Ink and Inked series with: "Heathens Ink Short and Bonus Scenes" (by K.M. Neuhold).

["Love, Pain, and Ink. The men of Heathens Ink Tattoo Studio have a lot to work through, but they always do it together.
❤ Madden and Thane's first date night after their babies are born
❤ When Owen became a Heathen
❤ Nox enters a tattoo competition
❤ Gage and Beck's little man is born!
❤ Wyatt gets his first tattoo
❤ Out of Focus- the short story of Liam's graduation from high school. You won't want to miss this special moment!
❤ Dear Cupid- Royal and his men are ready for Valentine's day, and it's going to be a steamy one!"]

This was the perfect ending to the Heathens Ink and Inked series. It was all (mostly) happy additions and fluffy moments. Of course, there was also a bit of angst and a lot of steam.

#hotink #rescueme #goingcommando #fromashes #shatteredpieces #unraveled #inkedinvegas #uncomplicated #flashme #unexpected #heathensinkshortsandbonusscenes #heathensink #inked #heathensinkseries #inkedseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Unexpected (Inked #3)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The third book to read in the Inked series "Unexpected."

["Kyle needed a place to stay, he never thought it would turn into so much more.

So, your gorgeous boss, Maverick, and his yummy husband, Ari, are letting you stay with them while you get back on your feet? Here are a few simple tips:
Don’t call his husband Daddy. I know it’ll be difficult, but seriously, don’t.
Don’t leave a pair of red, lacy panties in their bed.
If you hear interesting noises from their bedroom in the middle of the night, don’t peek in. Don’t.
And most importantly, don’t fall in love.
Follow these tips and everything should go as expected."]

Kyle was one of the teenagers that Madden (from book one of Heathens Ink--"Rescue Me") helped at the Rainbow House, in case you were wondering why his name seemed familiar (he was also Liam's best friend in the sixth Heathens book "Flash Me"). ;)

I've been wanting to read this book for soooooo long (okay, so I week--but after binging this entire series in that week, it seemed much, much longer), and it was soooooo worth it! The levels of mutual pining!? Plus the angst!?!? D: 

There was so much fluff and sweet as cotton candy stuff that equally meshed with the hot as fuck steam!? God, this book was so damn good!!

#hotink #rescueme #goingcommando #fromashes #shatteredpieces #unraveled #inkedinvegas #uncomplicated #flashme #unexpected #heathensinkshortsandbonusscenes #heathensink #inked #heathensinkseries #inkedseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Flash Me (Heathens Ink #6)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The sixth book to read in the Heathens series "Flash Me."

["Love is multiplied, never divided.

I was kicked out at sixteen for being transgender, but it turned out to be one of the best things to ever happen to me. At twenty-one, I have a fantastic new family made up of my brother and a handful of wonderful friends, I own my own photography business, and I’m happier than I imagined possible. There’s just one thing missing… Okay, maybe two…

When I took the position volunteering as a therapist at Rainbow House, I knew I’d found my place in the world: helping teens who had been rejected by their families. What I didn’t expect was the friendship I formed with Liam or how it would grow over the years into a crush I just couldn’t shake. I’m happy to see him finally opening himself up to dating with someone he trusts like Owen. But when he comes to me and asks if I can help his boyfriend, I feel like there’s more to the request than just a few therapy sessions. The more I get to know Owen, the more I like him, too.

I’m not sure why I believe so much in fate when she’s dealt me nothing but crappy hands—a stint in prison and enough childhood horrors to fuel all my adult nightmares. But I still hold on to the idea that everything happens for a reason. What I can’t figure out is why fate would plop me naked into Liam’s bed under the pretext of helping him with a photo series for a gallery showing. Or why my stomach goes funny every time he smiles at me. Liam is too sweet to be exposed to my demons, but I don’t know how to protect him…Maybe that’s why fate gave us Wyatt."]

This book...had a lot of drama in it. Not relationship drama (yes, there was a little angst, but a good amount). There was just...each person had their own demons they were battling, and it took me a while to read this without having a complete depressive episode (see triggers below).

Liam and Owen just fell into it easy (it being love and a relationship). Liam and Wyatt had been hovering close to one for a while. Wyatt's feelings for Owen (and Owen's feelings for Wyatt) happened so easily and happily, thanks to Liam. It wasn't entirely easy (see previously mentioned demons), but they stuck together and made it work.

Trigger Warnings: transphobia, misgendering, body dysphoria, drug addition, domestic violence, murder, ect

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Goodbye, February

February was eons long. I'm not even kidding. It took FOREVER--and yet, it's the shortest month of the year. But we did have false s...