Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Goodbye, May!

May was a duplicate of April: long, nice weather, sick during most of the month.


2023 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a memories)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) *Cricket*

(2) Books read this month: 55 (might get one more in there before midnight though--or a few short stories). There's been a lot of novellas and short stories and bonus scenes this month (in my mind, if they're independently and separately published, they count individually and separately towards my reading goals--fight me).

(3) May Memories: I had another cold, I had bronchitis, I had the gi bug. It sucked (again). I went to a few doctors appointments, had a few good meals. I went to see the new Little Mermaid with my grandma and had a few nice family meals. My parents went away for a week so I had the entire house to myself (a mini vacation of my own). Lots of big plans for June, though!!

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 36.

(5) Again, blaming the fact that I was sick for most of the month. Though I know I gained more weight, which isn't a fun thought. Mostly good mental health wise, a few numb days, but overall not a bad month.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting June reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyemay #hellojune #hello2023 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Call Me Daddy

On a Honey London binge. This is "Call Me Daddy," available on #Smashwords. This is one of her more taboo stories a, fair warning.

["Julian doesn’t expect one phone call to turn his life upside down, but this summer nothing goes quite as planned.

While covering a phone line for a sick friend, an alluring voice awakens a new desire in Julian which he hides from everyone, including his best friend - because some things are just wrong, right? - but as his attraction grows stronger, Julian wonders how much longer he can keep denying his feelings. Not just to his nosy and much too perceptive bestie, but to the one person who can never know. The one he's not supposed to want."]

Okay, so just like twincest, I’ve read dad-son-cest before, but only in fanfic. Having read my first official one, it’s also not my thing. Just like my last two short stories, ignoring the big part of the story, this book was super cute! It was all about love. Sure, it was spicy as all hell, but it was also so freaking fluffy and sweet.   

#callmedaddy #honeylondon #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Off Limits

On a Honey London binge. This is "Off Limits," available on #Smashwords. 
Pre-blurb warning: this is one of her more taboo books.

["A year ago, Jack made a mistake that forced him to run as far as he could from the one person he couldn’t live without. But now he has to go back, has to face his twin, has to remember that no matter what happens, sweet, innocent Christian is off limits. Which is why Jack is bringing an insurance policy: his boring boyfriend, his penance, Everett.

This time, Jack won’t make any mistakes. But Jack isn't the only one with plans for his visit home..."]

Already said with "Simon Says," twincest is officially not by thing, but I wanted to (and needed to) read "Off Limits" to completed all of Honey London's books (will get to the full-length ones soon), so I figured what the hell. Like with "Simin Says," ignoring the twincest thing (again, big fucking thing to ignore, but still), the book was fucking fabulous. The angst with the fluff?! D: Dying inside. The perfect mixture of sweetness and hot-as-hell spicy?!?! D: D: Dead, all 911. It's a little dark and twisty and kinky (yes, more kinky than twincest), but so. much. fun.

I know Jack picked Everett to torture himself, to make himself pay for what he did, but like fuck, I couldn't stand him. He was super sweet and supportive in the first chapter, and then he turned into a big, pervy creep. Which now having finish the novella, I get that that was the point. Full picture and whatnot.

Also? The plot twist there near the end. Fuck. Ing. Perfection. So damn good. I mean, honestly. Who knew?

I'd recommend this one, though, there are some dark and twisty things that go on, so if you want full on spoilers incase they might be triggers for you, please feel free to message. 

#offlimits #honeylondon #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Simon Says

On a Honey London binge. This is "Simon Says," available on #Smashwords. Pre-blurb warning: this is one of her more taboo books.

["Identical twins Cole and Maddox have lost touch, but a weekend wedding has them sleeping in the same room for the first time in years. Hot and horny, they are both looking for a hookup, but what they find--in the form of the prettiest twink God ever created--is a hell of a lot more than they bargained for... and exactly what they each need."]

Okay, I've read twincest before (I'd say who hasn't, but this subsection of whatever is actually much, much smaller), but it was all fanfic related. I liked the book (loooooooved the book), but twincest is officially not my thing. Ignoring that aspect (knowing full-well that it's a major fucking aspect), the book was fucking amazing. Perfect combination of hot and sweet, spicy and fluffy. It was about trying new things, putting yourself out there, and realizing home (and love) was closer than you ever realized.

Also, looooved the plot twist there at the end. I knew it would tie in somehow, why wouldn't it, but it was more perfect than I realized (just the tiny details made it so much bigger).

#simonsays #honeylondon #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Disappearing Daddy

On a Honey London binge. This is "Disappearing Daddy," available on #ProlificWorks.

["Shy, awkward Liam doesn’t know why he agreed to let his roommate drag him to a kink bar on Halloween when he’d rather be home passing out candy. But when a gorgeous, refined Daddy catches his attention, his night starts looking up, and he tumbles headfirst into something he’d never known he'd always wanted."]

Kaz spends the entire thing calling Liam his little mouse and his myshka (which means little mouse), and I most definitely swooned. Hard. This book was so fun and meet-cute-y in a kismet and serendipity kinda way. They fit so perfectly together. The evening was a paint-by-numbers with the paint already added, a puzzle already completed. 

Definite recommend.

#disappearingdaddy #honeylondon #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks


The one good thing about constant adds and recommendations on my Facebook page? Constant (new) pieces of fabulousness. Here's Honey London's "Himbro."

["Devon got dumped.
My tragic taste in men has left me in the lurch… again. This time it’s the day before I’m supposed to leave for a destination wedding. When my ridiculously hot older stepbrother volunteers to be my travel buddy, I’m ready for five days of brotherly fun in the sun. What I’m not prepared for? My very straight stepbrother introducing himself as my boyfriend to shut up my manipulative, evil ex.

Jesse saves the day.
I’ve spent my entire life protecting my nerdy little stepbrother. If spending a few days holding his hand and calling him baby is going to help him stand up for himself, I’m ready to give an Oscar-worthy performance in my role of fake boyfriend. What I’m not prepared for? A game of spin the bottle that changes everything.

Step-brothers. Opposites attract (sub-trope or trope-adjacent: nerd v jock). Fake relationship (sub-trope or trope-adjacent: only one bed). And a guaranteed HEA.

Yup, all of that and more. Plus, this is a novella, so a quick Sunday (oh, it's Monday--but a holiday Monday so basically a Sunday) read before the week starts over. 

Okay, step-brothers isn’t exactly taboo; we’ve all read them (we’ve all read them, right—if not, I got some good recommendations for those, too). But Honey makes it so taboo and spicy and unique. 

Going to binge-read her stuff now instead of sticking to my plans, which I made before reading this.

Trigger Warning: gaslighting, douchey ex, and more

#himbro #honeylondon #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, May 29, 2023

Show Me (Extracurricular Activities #3)

Not sure I have any rhyme or reason to why I read next. Here's Neve Wilder's Extracurricular Activities series. The third novel is "Show Me."

["Two Roommates. One Camera. A whole lot of action.

I get crushes the way some people get seasonal allergies.
And sharing a house with four hot roommates is like being stuck in permanent spring.
Too bad I keep getting friend-zoned.

But it’s senior year now, and I’m done pining for the impossible.
Time to live it up and go out with a bang.
Or a lot of bangs.

And I’m definitely, definitely not getting attached to anyone.
Especially not my straight, gym-loving, football-player roommate Sam whose impressively large... smile I caught a glimpse of once.
Or several times.

That’s why, when Sam asks me for help with a very special, very NSFW project so he can make a little cash, of course I agree. In the name of friendship.

And if it turns out that Sam’s more than just muscles—that he’s sweet, and smart, and a little bit filthy, and a whole lot less straight than I thought—well, that’s neither here nor there, because this time I’m gonna be smart. This time, I’m friend-zoning myself.

We’ve got a list of deliciously hot scenarios, a camera, and Sam’s huge… smile. What could possibly go wrong?"]

Some of the only angst in this one was the fuck-I-can't-have-feelings-for-another-roommate-slash-friend from Jesse and the what-am-I-feeling-and-why from Sam, which was oddly refreshing after the last two books in this series. 

And okay, we've all read books where the MC is a camboy or a stripper/dancer or a porn star (I mean...we have, right?--if you haven't, I got some good recommendations for you), but the pure heat in this book? Fucking hell. It was so...just...the chemistry and the naturalness of it all. It was seamless, going from friends to "helping" with the videos to helping with the videos. Their friendship mored into something so beautiful and easy. Plus, who wouldn't want to cuddle on the couch, watch baking shows, and take naps (that's like my entire weekend persona).

#wantme #tryme #showme #nevewilder #extracurricularactivities #extracurricularactivitiesseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Try Me (Extracurricular Activities #2)

Not sure I have any rhyme or reason to why I read next. Here's Neve Wilder's Extracurricular Activities series. The second novel is "Try Me."

["Two rivals. One law internship. A whole lot of objectionable activity.

It wasn’t always this way between us.
We were best friends growing up.
Competitive? Yeah.
Ruthless? Definitely.
Neither of us liked to lose.

But the intense chemistry?
That’s new.
The hatred in his eyes?
That’s new, too.

I should let it go.
There’s too much bad blood between our families. Between us.
But I can’t.
I don’t think he can, either.

Now we’re gunning for the same internship.
If he thinks I’ll back down, he’s dead wrong.

Once upon a time, I lost everything.
I won’t let it happen again.

Go ahead. Try me."]

This book was so freaking good. I mean, the animosity and the hate and the angst and the stakes were so freaking anxiety inducing. Like, holy hell. But the steam and the fluff! 

The fluff!! There was so much honest care there, just everywhere. They cared. Even when they didn't want to, even when they absolutely hated each other, they cared.

What the blurb doesn't tell you? They were childhood best friends. Best friends with a definite shot to an angst-free, easy happily ever after. Until the adults stepped in and fucked shit up. THEN they were enemies and hated each other....and then they didn't. 

Trigger Warnings: blackmail, drug use, off-page overdosing, homophobia, and more 

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Saturday, May 27, 2023

List Me With Your Best Shot (Best Men #2)

Ignoring reading-responsibilities and reading the second novel in Isla Olsen's Best Men series. Here's "List Me With Your Best Shot."

["Here’s a suggestion in case you ever find yourself in the predicament of having to watch the guy you’ve been in love with for the past twenty years marry your ex-fiance: 

Stay away from tequila. 

Actually, just stay away from alcohol altogether. Put the grown-up pants on and just suck it up. Otherwise you might end up literally and figuratively spilling your guts in front of your ex’s best friend, who also happens to be your arch-nemesis. 

I’ve known and disliked Alastor King since high school, and he’s the last person in the world I want knowing my secret. But instead of using the information to destroy my life, he makes me an a month-long sex rehab, after which time he swears any feelings I have for my best mate will have magically vanished. 

He thinks I’m too stuck in my ways and all I need to do to get over Trent is to venture out of my comfort zone by completing Alastor’s specially tailored kink list. 

I figure it’s worth a go, even if the only thing I accomplish is proving Alastor wrong. But I’m not going to let him have all the power—while I’m checking off items on his list, he’s going to be completing one of mine. 

Fire away."]

Enemies-to-loves? Opposites attract? Secret fling? Rom Com? Novella? Hot as fuck and fluffy, too? Yes, yes, yes, and yes (and yes--and yes).

Also, these two beautiful idiots don't even realize they're in love with each other until it slaps them in the faces--and then the inevitable third-act-break-up where I almost cried. Oh, right: spoiler alert and spoiler alert.

I just...Isla's books are always so fantastic and well-rounded and sweet and hot and... A+++

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Friday, May 26, 2023

Skip A Beat (Harmony of Hearts #5)

Why read a book you started the other day when you can read a book that came out today? Here's Ariella Zoelle's "Skip A Beat" (its the sixth book in her Harmony of Hearts series).

["Sparks fly when Calixto meets his rock god idol, Sir Prince. But will it lead to true love? 

To say I have a crush on Sir Prince is an understatement. The legendary rock star was responsible for my sexual awakening, and my heart has been devoted to him ever since. But I’m not just smitten with him during his heyday over twenty years ago. The older man has aged like a fine wine that I’m dying to swallow. 

I take my obsession to the next level by playing Sir in a Four Princes tribute band. Imagine my shock when Sir shows up in my dressing room after my latest performance! Maybe it’s my imagination running away with me, but it kind of feels like we’re flirting? Or is that just his intense sexual pheromones overwhelming my fanboy heart? 

I thought that would be the end of things, but then he invites me to dinner to “get to know me better.” Fingers crossed that’s code for taking me to his bedroom to indulge his sexual curiosity. 

It’s foolish to get my hopes up, but what if Sir falls in love with me?"]

This book was SO cute and fluffy! There was cake and cats. There was music and magic. There was steamy and sweetness. There was a whole hell of a lot of people telling Sir to just let himself love. There was a whole hell of a lot of people ready to fight a rock star legend for Calixto's sake. There was also a lot of callbacks from other book in the Sunnyside universe (and now I want more). 

#playbyheart #makemusictogether #changehistune #musictohisears #skipabeat #soundsgood #harmonyofhearts #harmonyofheartsseries #ariellazoelle #sunnyside #sunnysideuniverse #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Want Me (Extracurricular Activities #1)

Not sure I have any rhyme or reason to why I read next. Here's Neve Wilder's Extracurricular Activities series. The first novel is "Want Me."

["Two roommates. One calculus exam. A whole lot of extracurricular activity.

Living with four other guys, it's bound to happen.
Every guy's been caught taking care of business at least once, right?
It shouldn't be a big deal.

But I don't know Eric as well as my other roommates, and things are a little awkward now.
He's a loner. A mystery. Quietly confident. Smart.
Sexy as hell.

I've been happily subsisting on the typical frat guy diet of booze and sorority girls.
But the way Eric looked at me that night?
There was something there.
Something that's got me curious.
Something that's stirring up feelings I thought I'd left behind for good.

Something that's making me think I'm not as straight as I thought I was.

I can't get him off of my mind.
I don't think I want to.

So when he offers to help me study for a midterm, I take him up on it.

It's innocent.
Probably. Maybe.

There's no way I could've known what it'd start..."]

This book had no fucking right being like it is? No. Fucking. Right. All of the steam and the spice and the sex?! Yes, I said the same thing three different ways; read this book, and you'll understand that it deserves three different ways. 

It was so just...not innocent, not experimental. God, no. It was domination and possession and world-tilting and earth-shattering.
It was shared secrets and locked-up secrets.
It was fluff hidden in stolen moments and pining and being constantly nearing the edge of heart-break. 

I mean, hell, The angst?!  Pretty sure I didn't breathe for a majority of this novel. But it was so work it. So fucking worth it.

#wantme #tryme #showme #nevewilder #extracurricularactivities #extracurricularactivitiesseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, May 22, 2023

Always (Indigo Falls #1)

And here's Loren Leigh's "Always," part of her Indigo Falls series.

["I avoid him.

Every time Kepler Quinn steps into a room, I get the hell out.

He does . . . something to me. When those discerning gray eyes flick towards me, his brow rising in a silent greeting, there’s a tightening of my abs. A zapping hum quivering low along my spine.

There are about a million reasons it shouldn’t be what the little voice in the back of my head insists . . . a crush.

Because Kepler isn’t just some random guy. He’s my brother’s best friend. He’s also my TA for physics this semester. And also . . . a guy. I’ve never held strongly onto being straight, but I’ve also never had this sun-scorching need for another guy before.

But I can’t avoid him when we’re suddenly in the back stacks of the library—alone—nothing but the smell of old books and softly falling dust around us. And instead of walking away from him, I let out the two words that burn in my throat:

“Kiss me.""]

This was a little angsty, or a lot, but not between the main characters. They had practically no angst. They just...fell into lust and then love. It was a coming together of astronomical (in the star-sense) proportions. There was trust and love and possession there that can only come from years of being in each others lives. They didn't have it easy, at all, but it made their love stronger. And deeper. And more magical (that sense of calmness and easy and being able to finally breathe again, all because of one person--god, I want that).

Trigger Warnings: drug use, alcohol addiction, drug addiction, blackmail, assault, and more

#always #lorenleigh #indigofalls #indigofallsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Let's Do This (IFU Hockey #1)

Spontaneous reads are my specialty. Just like friends-to-lovers and hockey romances are some of my weaknesses. Hence, Loren Leigh's "Let's Do This," part of her brand-new IFU Hockey series

Ever since we met two years ago, Eden Burkehammer has made everything better.
The big defenseman sets me at ease. He’s a beast on the ice—brutal and physical—but when it’s the two of us, he turns to me with these unexpectedly soft brown eyes. This gravelly laugh that makes my whole body smile. And yeah, I might have thrown a glance his way a time or two in the steamed-up locker room showers—you know, just curious.
But he’s my best friend. My teammate. Roommate.
I don’t want to mess with that. Just the thought of losing him sends a cold zap the full length of my spine. Besides, I’ve never gone there with a guy, and he’s never given a single hint he has either.
Until one morning when I sign for his delivery. An envelope that contains something I never—in my life—would have guessed.
And, suddenly, I’m thinking about him in a whole new way.

I can’t look at Shaw Keenan for too long. When he leans across my truck console, with that whip-quick smile, I get this catch in my throat and focus on the road. Or when he tips his goalie mask up onto his head, hair askew and a flush of adrenaline on his cheeks, I skate back toward the blue line.
I don’t know why. My head’s confused about a lot of stuff. Always has been. But what I do know is that I’ve never thought about anyone the way I think about him.
Especially when he steps through my doorway—in nothing but a pair of thin running shorts and that backwards pink ballcap he always wears—holding a package I ordered on a whim.
And he’s looking at me in a way he never has before.
It’s game over after that.

I somehow missed that this book was low-angst, because around every corner, I excepted some series angst, but there was barely any. Which I'm grateful for. Then again, my anxiety made the angst that was there a little higher than necessary (thank you, brain).

These two were so cute and so fun and so...connected. Like, they were already so close, but fooling around just broke down all of the other walls (in a tide wave of fluff and spice), and they were inseparable. I mean, everyone assumed they were already dating (spoiler alert--also, sub-trope to the best-friends-to-lovers trope that I also have a weakness for).

It wasn't all rainbows and pride flags, but the hardships they did face, the homophobia and bullshit, made them stronger, made the team stronger. I can't wait to read the other books in this series (whenever they debut--hopefully soon?). I cried happy tears. It was perfect.

And apparently, this is a spin-off series's to going back and reading the Indigo Falls College series next.

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, emotional abuse/manipulation, and more

#letsdothis #lorenleigh #ifu #ifuhockey #ifuhockeyseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Never Have I Ever: Wanted My Brother's Rival (Never Have I Ever #4)

I said this a few weeks ago about Willow Dixon's fourth Never Have I Ever Book ("Never Have I Ever: Wanted My Brother's Rival"--its the fourth book in the series).. "
but I'm already willing to give a looooot to protect him (he's sunshine and anxiety all wrapped up in one--with an Encyclopedia brain and diabetes and secrets galore)." And nothing has changed.

["“Why is the one person I hate the only guy I can’t stop thinking about?”

West, my older brother’s high school rival. The rich kid who has it all. The guy who disappeared six years ago and destroyed my brother’s life.
I thought West and I were friends. I trusted him, but he showed me I was nothing more to him than a means to an end.
Being twenty and in my last year of college isn’t easy. Neither is being a virgin. I’ve never been normal or felt like I fit in, and I don’t feel what I’m supposed to.
My online job has given me the perfect way to solve my virginity problem, but then the last person I ever wanted to see again shows up on my doorstep. Not only has West learned what I do for a living, he’s essentially my landlord.
I hate him. So why can’t I stay away from him? Why is he the only person I’ve ever felt a connection with, who makes me feel like there’s something in me worth wanting?

Okay, so it was a bit dramatic about the "destroyed my brothers life" thing, but Eli was a kid at the time, going through his own shit. And it did fuck up his brother's life, as well as his life (his being Eli--his also bing West, but we don't know that yet (spoiler alert)). It was a really nasty and complicated and highly unfortunate butterfly affect. A few minor trigger warnings below. 

But the two of them?! The trust and the connection and the fire?!?! The fluff and the protectiveness and the passions?!?!?! It was almost too much. I wasn't breathing (which was particularly fun while still recovering from bronchitis), and I was so close to crying (coughing helped keep the tears at bay). They didn't have it the easiest. And honestly, there was room for more angst, but I'm forever grateful that Willow didn't give them every single struggle possible. 

Trigger Warnings: bullying, brief mention of childhood domestic abuse, complicated butterfly affect, and more

#neverhaveieverpunchedmyroommatesvcard #punchedmyroommatesvcard #neverhaveieversubmittedtomyenemy #submittedtomyenemy #neverhaveieverhadabromancewithateammate #abromancewithateammate #neverhaveieverwantedmybrothersrival #wantedmybrothersrival #neverhaveiever #neverhaveieverseries #willowdixon #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Battle For The Top

Working my way through the rest of Ariella Zoelle's works (these ones aren't in her Sunnyside universe). Next up is "Battle For The Top."

["Whether it’s on or off the tennis court, Knightley is always ready to battle for the top. An explosive confrontation with his nemesis Kingston leads them to take their rivalry to the next level off the court. Can two fierce adversaries turn passion into romance?

Knightley Neilson
Kingston Sabatino throws fuel on my fire like nothing else ever has. Our rivalry is all-consuming since I’m determined to dethrone him and reclaim my rightful place as the number one tennis player in the world. I will beat him, someday.
When I confront Kingston after another devastating loss, the line between my rage and obsession to win begins to blur as I discover there might be another way for me to come out on top. True, I’ve never been attracted to a man before, but the temptation to have him at my mercy matters more to me than his gender. I’m not just willing to make him mine; I want to claim him as mine in every way. Having him give in to me will ultimately be the sweetest victory.
Is it really possible for me to love a man like Kingston while still wanting to be the winner?

Kingston Sabatino
I’ll do anything to win Knightley’s heart. That includes becoming the best tennis player in the entire world and defeating him every time we meet. Next, I’ll issue a challenge I know he’ll never be able to resist, even though he’s straight: take his passionate rage out on me in the hottest way possible. That’s how I discover he kisses to win. And I’m not about to let him stop there.
Can I help him see past our rivalry to understand that we’re perfect for each other in every way? Tennis starts with “Love-all,” so let the game begin."]

This one was a mini roller coaster. Filled with angst (but like playful kind) and hatred and fired and provoking and heat. It also had a lot of fluff and confessions and sweet words and love. It was so much fun to watch their relationship grow (almost montage-style). And then the ending?! D: So good!!

#battleforthetop #ariellazoelle #sunnyside #sunnysideuniverse #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Hotter Than Hot (Suntastic Fun #2)

Working my way through the rest of Ariella Zoelle's works (these ones aren't in her Sunnyside universe). Next up is her Suntastic Fun series. The second (and final) novella is "Hotter Than Hot."

["Baxley has been teasing Callahan for years about wanting to be with him. When Callahan finds out his best friend is actually serious about being with him, his curiosity gets the better of him. Why should being straight stop him from having fun with his sexy best friend?

Baxley is a lot of things: an awesome friend, a relentlessly shameless flirt, a little too attractive, and way too tempting when I’m straight. All of his heated teasing is starting to get to me, making me wonder if maybe indulging my curiosity might be worth blurring the boundaries of our friendship for a night. But what if it’s so good that I want a repeat experience? Am I really ready for that?
He promises me an experience that’s hotter than hot, but can he actually prove he’s not all talk? And am I really ready to discover that I like what he’s offering me?

When everything about Callahan lights my insides up like a fireworks finale on the Fourth of July, I knew from the moment I first saw him that he was the one for me. The only thing stopping me from making him mine is that he’s straight. But that excuse goes out the window when he kisses me, like he’s been dying for a taste of me for years. Did I die and go to Heaven or did all of my dreams just come true?
If he’s ready to take a chance on me, I’m not just going to show him a good time. I’m going to do everything I can to make him fall in love with me. Could I really be so lucky to win my best friend’s heart and make him my boyfriend?"]

These two showed up in "It Might Be Hot," and anyone with eyes (excluding Callahan) knew how much Baxley wanted his best friend (in all of the ways). I was surprised as Lachlan and Alessandro that they didn't hook up the same night that they did. Then again, they figured it out in their own time, and that's all that matters.

Except the love and the fluff and the perfection and the steam and the D: also matter a lot. Like a lot. And there was a tooooooon of it in here, too (so don't worry you're pretty little head). So much love and trust and honestly, not nearly as much confusion as you'd think. ;) Enjoy, y'all.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

It Might Be Hot (Suntastic Fun #1)

Working my way through the rest of Ariella Zoelle's works (these ones aren't in her Sunnyside universe). Next up is her Suntastic Fun series. The first novella is "It Might Be Hot."

["After another disappointing breakup, Lachlan is tired of dating all the wrong women. Even though he’s straight, his curiosity starts to get the better of him. What would it be like to be with his gay best friend, Alessandro?

I’m sick of wasting my time with women who love my money more than me. The only person who has ever cared about me and not my fortune is my flirtatious best friend, Alessandro. We always joke about me switching teams when I get bored with being straight, but lately, I’ve stopped laughing it off and started considering it as a very tempting possibility.
After breaking up with another gold-digging girlfriend, why shouldn’t I cheer myself up by having a little sexy fun with Alessandro? After all, it might be hot, right?

I’ve always had to joke about my attraction to Lachlan, because I know he’ll never take my feelings seriously when he's straight. But he shockingly asks me to show him what he’s been missing by only being with women. This is my big chance to convince him that there could be more between us than just friendship. How can I say no if it will make my dreams come true?
If he wants me to show him a good time, I’m more than happy to teach him a lesson about why I can be more to him than the women who don’t deserve him. But can I make him fall in love with me for real?

SO. FUCKING. CUTE! I can't. D: There was so much fluff and sexual perfection. It was easy, so fucking easy. Granted, 75% of this novella was straight-up (or gay as hell) fucking. But it was just...simple, and they clicked. They wanted the same things (sexually, of course--but they are best friends, so they have the other % of life already figured out (romantic speeches included)).

#itmightbehot #hotterthanhot #suntasticfun #suntasticfunseries #ariellazoelle #sunnyside #sunnysideuniverse #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, May 15, 2023

Music to His Ears (Harmony of Hearts #4)

Up next (well, the final series--so far) in Ariella Zoelle's Sunnyside universe is the Harmony of Hearts series 
(each book has a rockstar as a main character). The fourth book is "Music to His Ears."

["Sal and Haverford are forced to live together, but that doesn’t mean they have to like it. Sparks fly between them, but will it lead to love?

Sal Henrik
Coming home from a world tour early to find out my roommate sublet my room sucks. But being forced to share my room with the most annoying attorney on the planet? I’d rather launch myself into the sun, thanks.
Since that’s not an option, and I refuse to be chased out of my own room, I have to suck it up and share a bed with my enemy. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I discover Haverford is a secret cuddlebug—and worst of all, I don’t hate it.
If he insists on staying in my space and making me delicious dinners, he has no one to blame but himself for making me fall in love with him, right?

Haverford Delaroche
My peaceful subletting situation is thrown into total chaos when Sal comes home early. We start as enemies, but I begrudgingly develop a fondness for his fiery tenacity. That doesn’t excuse me waking up every morning to discover I’m cuddling him like my favorite teddy bear, though.
But when it feels like he was made for me to hold, how can I resist falling for Sal when he’s everything I didn’t know I needed?

Seriously!!!???!!! This book was so fucking good. So. Fucking. Good. It was full of fire and stubbornness and love and understanding. They connection on things so quickly and so deeply, right after Sal was finally convinced he hated Haverford so much because he secretly cared. They encouraged each other's dreams and happiness. I much happiness.

I can't wait for the rest of this series to come out (I mean, honestly, there's still so many people that need their star-set and fate-written happily ever after--come on, how many of these romances were predicted or wished upon and then answered so accurate?? An amazing as fuck amount.).

#playbyheart #makemusictogether #changehistune #musictohisears #skipabeat #soundsgood #harmonyofhearts #harmonyofheartsseries #ariellazoelle #sunnyside #sunnysideuniverse #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Change His Tune (Harmony of Hearts #3)

Up next (well, the final series--so far) in Ariella Zoelle's Sunnyside universe is the Harmony of Hearts series 
(each book has a rockstar as a main character). The third book is "Change His Tune."

["Ferris is straight, but that’s never stopped him from engaging in some friendly flirting with Tiago. But is Ferris ready for his fake flirtations with his best friend to become real?

Tiago Álvarez
My last great idea ended with me on my knees praying to the porcelain gods, so I don’t blame Ferris for being skeptical when I tell him I’ve come up with a genius masterplan to boost our popularity. But this strategy is guaranteed to work! If we take a page out of the K-Pop boyband playbook by coyly flirting with each other to drive the fangirls wild, then we’ll surely end up with millions of followers on social media. I’m a genius, right?
But just between us, I have an ulterior motive in convincing my best friend that we should share our banter with the fans. I want to make him see that our casual flirting could turn into something real. The only thing standing in my way is the fact that he’s straight. But it’s obvious how much fun he has teasing me, so I wonder if maybe he’s not as straight as he used to be?
Can I convince my best friend through our fake flirting that I’m actually in love with him?

Ferris Valdemar
As long as I’ve been friends with Tiago, we’ve always joked around with each other. Even though I’m straight, I’ll flirt with anyone since it’s so fun. That’s why his idea to win over more fans by playing up our witty exchanges for the cameras doesn’t seem like such a big deal. But as he ramps up his charm, it becomes harder to distinguish the blur between what’s fake and what’s real.
One minute, I’m laughing as Tiago and I film a dramatic reading of fan fiction written about us being together. The next, we’re suddenly kissing. It unlocks the flood gates of my feelings as things quickly get out of hand. It’s like I suddenly can’t get enough of him. So much for being straight.
I should end the farce and pretend nothing ever happened between us, but how can I do that when I want more of him?"]

I'm not sure why, with Ariella's track record and promise of low to no angst, but I really excepted more angst or more push back. Or at least nothing to happen for several chapters. So glad I was wrong. On all accounts. Honestly. This book could have been half as long, because they were so in love and happy and they just transitioned perfectly from best friends to boyfriends. Perfect. Utter perfection. 

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Protecting Paul (Shafter Falls #1)

I needed a little angst in my life and happened to see an advertisement for Joy Danvers's "Protecting Paul." It's the first book in her Shafter Falls series.

["A Sexy Ex-Military Deputy Sheriff Wants to Protect Me But Is He a Danger to My Heart?

Sam was a walking wet dream in high school and he's only gotten better with age. I had the biggest crush on him, and he was my first (and best) kiss. Too bad he lives in Shafter Falls. 

No one from that town tried to help when I was getting beat up for being myself, and I'm not expecting anything good now that I have to go back and settle my dad's estate. Right away I have to deal with my hateful, violent uncle. Guess this town hasn't changed. 

But Sam is out of the military now and he's a deputy sheriff who keeps asking to protect me. I can't stop thinking about how good that would feel. Can I let him help without getting my heart broken?"]

There was angst (hence the trigger warnings below), but there wasn't a ton (if really any), between Sam and Paul. Not that I'm complaining. It was nice and sweet and soft. There wasn't a ton of spice (again, not complaining). It was almost easy for them to fall back into a friendship (and something more) after all those years and experiences apart from each other. But now they don't have to be apart (HEA after all).

Trigger Warnings: child abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, homophobia, homophobic slurs, kidnapping, and more

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Make Music Together (Harmony of Hearts #2)

Up next (well, the final series--so far) in Ariella Zoelle's Sunnyside universe is the Harmony of Hearts series 
(each book has a rockstar as a main character). The second book is "Make Music Together."

["It all started with a song. Two neighbors singing duets in the shower finally meet at an open mic night. Sparks fly, but will it lead to true love?

Levi Benowitz
The walls in my new apartment are so thin that I can clearly hear my neighbor singing in his shower. Sounds annoying, right? Well, believe it or not, he actually has a really great voice and doing duets with him is quickly becoming the best part of my day. We've never met, but the hopeless romantic in me is spinning high hopes for our first encounter.
Imagine my surprise while performing at my open mic one night, the cutie in the audience who captivates me introduces himself as my duet-singing neighbor. Not only does he have the voice of an angel, but he has the face to match. Then, be still my romantic heart, his wicked sense of humor makes him even more attractive. I'm ready for our happily ever after, but he needs some convincing.
Will I be able to come up with the right playlist to persuade him to give our perfect duet a chance?

Noctis Ralston
How odd am I? I’m a “fall in love with my neighbor before I’ve ever met him” level of awkward aardvark. But in my defense, this mystery man has a golden voice that gives me chills even in the hottest of showers. My dreams center around meeting him someday, but I’m way too shy to knock on his door and introduce myself. Besides, he’d never be interested in somebody like me who lacks a filter and any social graces, right?
When I go to an open mic night, I hear an all too familiar voice. I look up and see a beautiful man that I am quickly realizing is my favorite duet partner, AKA my new neighbor. Holy frickenfrack, he’s a “make me forget the entirety of the English language” type of gorgeous. And for some inexplicable reason, he seems interested in me, despite the fact I’m embarrassingly lacking in experience with romance, dating, and late-night escapades. Adding that laundry list of cluelessness together means I don’t know the first thing about how to be someone’s boyfriend. Thankfully, Levi is an excellent teacher. So much so that he also introduces me to a whole new world of lace, love, and learning how to embrace my uniqueness.
Thank you, super-thin apartment walls. Can my life get any better than this?

This story was SO CUUUUTE! And spicy, like holy hell. I need a fan over here. They were a perfect match. It was fun and awkward. This story was filled with trust and reassurances and love and communication. It was a delight to watch the two of them fall in love and become more confident in each other (and themselves).

#playbyheart #makemusictogether #changehistune #musictohisears #skipabeat #soundsgood #harmonyofhearts #harmonyofheartsseries #ariellazoelle #sunnyside #sunnysideuniverse #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Anonymous Alpha (Bangers & Mash #7)

M.M. Farmer's "Anonymous Alpha" came out yesterday. It's the seventh book in her Bangers & Mash series (I'm not are).

["When everything goes wrong and the world is set against him, who can a desperate omega in trouble turn to for help?
I should have been careful what I wished for, because after the most amazing and torrid heat I’ve ever experienced, I certainly got it! The glittery, bubblegum pop image that the record label created for me, the one I was so ready to move away from, has been blown out of the water, because someone leaked a tape of me and the ESA I’d hired to take me through heat.
And on top of that, despite precautions, I might have an even bigger “little” problem after that heat. I have no one to turn to but Sable, who the media is calling the “anonymous alpha”. I barely know him, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him.
Will he help me, or will he think I’ve ruined his life?

I’m used to helping high-profile omega clients, but nothing could have prepared me for the media firestorm when a tape of me and Evan Mercer hit the internet. Everyone is saying Evan leaked the tape on purpose to get out of his recording contract, but when I get a tearful, panicked call from Evan, an entirely different story comes out.
I will do whatever it takes to protect my omega, because Evan is mine now, even if it was just an ESA call that brought us together. I’m ready to stand by my man, and once we figure out who blasted his career and his life to bits, the gloves will come off and I’ll show the world just what it means to defend the man I love."]

I'm not are. Yes, I already said that, and yes, I'll say it again. 

Evan and Sable. Holy. Fucking. Hell. I mean, come ooooonnnnn. They were just D: so. damn. much. In all of the good ways. There was an instant connection. Then there was instant steam. There were also instant red flags (not between them) and instant troubles/horrors. But Sable stood by Evan (except for that one flash of a moment that was driven by hurt) and protected him at all costs. As the drama grew, so their did their bond. It was glorious and warm and sweet, and they were perfect together, even in the face of it all. 

#howtotrainyouralpha #thewrongomega #newalphaontheblock #christmasheat #omegaontherun #alphaversusomega #anonymousalpha #heatlightning #mmfarmer #merryfarmer #emfarmer #bangersandmash #bangersandmashseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, May 12, 2023

Play By Heart (Harmony of Hearts #1)

Up next (well, the final series--so far) in Ariella Zoelle's Sunnyside universe is the Harmony of Hearts series 
(each book has a rockstar as a main character). The first book is "Play By Heart."

["Iason’s known worldwide for his romantic lyrics, but he never thought he’d fall in love. Will his luck change when the stars align to bring Orion into his life?

Iason Leyland
My love songs may have made me famous, but they were beautifully written lies that hid the fact I’ve never loved anyone. I had almost given up hope of finding true love, but then I meet him. Orion is all my wishes on stars who can make my dreams come true. He’s my perfect partner in every way except one: he’s straight. Why, universe? Why?
But the cosmic force that brought us together apparently knows what it’s doing based on the sweet way Orion blushes every time we’re together. Can I convince him that we could make beautiful music together that will be worthy of my most romantic ballad yet?

Orion Donati
I’ve been a fan of Iason and his beautiful voice and lyrics for years. I never expected him to know I even exist, let alone fall in love with me. But regardless of that impossibility, he looks at me like I’m the sun, the moon, and all the stars in his universe. As a straight man, I probably shouldn’t be interested, much less tempted by his flirtations. But despite that, everything in me wants a chance to be his magical muse for the songs I love so much.
Meeting him makes me realize that I’m not quite as straight as I thought. The most unbelievable thing of all is that someone as amazingly famous as him could ever want a shy nobody like me. But I don’t want to doubt his sincerity. I want to be brave enough to believe he’s interested in me for real.
Maybe I don’t have to settle for being a fan who adores him from afar. What if I dare to dream that I could be his boyfriend who loves him with all my heart instead?

I took a small break from Ariella because the utter lack of angst was a little too many rainbows and butterflies for me (then I got bitch-slapped by angst and regretted a few things).

Orion and Iason were sooooo opposite of angst. They were all of the rainbows and butterflies. They were soft moments and locked eyes and whispered lyrics and perfect moments and concert foreplay (so. fucking. hot.). They were meant to be, written in the stars. I loved it. It was perfect. I can't wait to see the rest of Iason's bandmates and friends and other Sunnysiders find their HEAs.

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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Alpha Versus Omega (Bangers & Mash #6)

I can't remember if I found this book on a recommendation email from one of my favorite authors or on a recommendation post from one of my author fan pages on Facebook or on Facebook as an add. Either way, it grabbed my attention. Here's M.M. Farmer's Bangers & Mash series. The sixth novel is "Alpha Versus Omega."

["Love is a battlefield when two bitter rivals on the battle robot circuit are stuck together during an emergency heat…
I’ve spent the last ten years of my life fighting my way to the top of the academic world and breaking glass ceilings for omegas everywhere, and now I can’t help but feel like my bid for tenure in the Engineering department of Barrington University hinges on me winning this battle robot competition. And it’s just my luck that I’ve been pitted against my bitter rival, alpha Raymond Jessup, in the very first round.

But that’s nothing to the fact that my heat sneaks up on me and hits at the most inconvenient time possible. And the ESA who shows up to provide emergency services? You guessed it—Ray.
My dreams of owning my own electronics shop hinged on the prize money I could have won at this robotics competition, and when that weaselly omega, Cooper Plant, destroys my beloved robot, Jimmy, in the first round, all hope seems lost. At least I can pick up a few extra bucks by taking a heat call on short notice.
And when that call turns out to be for Coop? Well, let’s just say this is going to be one “interesting” ESA call.
But Coop and I have bigger problems when we get a second chance in the arena. Has heat changed the dynamic between us, and can we stop fighting long enough to battle a bigger enemy?

I'm not an idiot, you're not an idiot, but Ray and Cooper might be idiots. I mean, who didn't see the sexual tension there or the lack of actual hatred or the cliche? Sure, sure, we have the knowledge that it's a book and fiction and they're not even real, but bare with me (bear with me?---just sit tight).

They were so cute and so fun. They hated each other so much (not really) and when they finally came together (pun...not intended), it was hot and magical and fire-y. And then they [redacted for spoilers--though I predicted it based on the blurb], it was made sense. They made sense in general. But it was still fun to see it all play out, and the two of them get their HEAs.

#howtotrainyouralpha #thewrongomega #newalphaontheblock #christmasheat #omegaontherun #alphaversusomega #anonymousalpha #heatlightning #mmfarmer #merryfarmer #emfarmer #bangersandmash #bangersandmashseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, May 8, 2023

Omega On The Run (Bangers & Mash #5)

I can't remember if I found this book on a recommendation email from one of my favorite authors or on a recommendation post from one of my author fan pages on Facebook or on Facebook as an add. Either way, it grabbed my attention. Here's M.M. Farmer's Bangers & Mash series. The fifth novel is "Omega On The Run."

["An omega who is desperate to reclaim his life teams up with an alpha with nothing left to lose...
The only thing worse than being the son of The RV King of Barrington is having my father hire an ESA for my heats because he doesn’t trust any alphas around me. I’m so tired of having my life controlled just because I messed up my college experience by trusting the wrong people.
But I liked Benny from the moment I met him, even though he’s not my usual ESA, and he just might be my ticket out of the mess my life has become…whether he knows it or not.

I haven’t been an ESA for years, but I took this call as a favor for a friend…and because I need the money after inheriting my family’s run-down ski lodge and the problems that come with it. It was supposed to be easy, but when I end up with a runaway omega in heat, it’s all I can do to take care of Mads…as he wins me over to his plans to start a new life.
Mads could be the key to keeping the lodge and turning it around…if I can keep his father from catching up with us and taking him back.

I just...this book was so much. But not in a bad way. There was so much angst and fluff and miscommunication and sweetness and steam and love and trust. So much trust. And a lot of not-trust. But it was about growth and learning oneself. Mads just wanted freedom, and Benny wanted an answer to his future (Benny gave Mads his freedom, and Mads gave Benny his future--I'm off to cry again).

#howtotrainyouralpha #thewrongomega #newalphaontheblock #christmasheat #omegaontherun #alphaversusomega #anonymousalpha #heatlightning #mmfarmer #merryfarmer #emfarmer #bangersandmash #bangersandmashseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Christmas Heat (Bangers & Mash #4)

I can't remember if I found this book on a recommendation email from one of my favorite authors or on a recommendation post from one of my author fan pages on Facebook or on Facebook as an add. Either way, it grabbed my attention. Here's M.M. Farmer's Bangers & Mash series. The fourth novel is "Christmas Heat."

["‘Tis the season for surprise heats, fake boyfriends, and landing on the naughty list…
It was looking like I might have the worst Christmas ever. I tanked a presentation at work that could cost my job, I drove my car into a snow bank on the way home for the holidays, and then my heat started while I was trapped in the mountains. The only glimmer of hope came from the tip I got to call an Emergency Support Alpha from Bangers & Mash. And wow, Teddy! How could I not catch feelings?

I’ve never had a stranger take my heat. Can I really do it…and then face my family afterwards?
I hated Christmas. Always had. Christmas is for families, and all I had was a famous brother who ignored me. So taking an ESA call to help an omega in distress sounded perfect. And there was something about that particular omega that I liked…a lot. But giving Dan a ride to his parents’ house ended up with me pretending to be his boyfriend. It all got out of hand before either of us could put the brakes on.

How am I supposed to make like I’m Mr. Christmas…while falling hard for the very last omega I should be giving my heart to?

This book was so fluffy and perfect. Yes, there were a lot of nasty and backwards comments from Dan's grandfather, but everyone (everyone) protected the shit out of Dan. I cried (well, the post-heat feeling of failure makes me cry in each book) near the end there with Teddy and his brother (spoiler alert). It was hot and steamy and there was Christmas role-play. But it was so fluffy and cotton candy and beautiful. 

And I know the whole point of this series, of Bangers & Man, of being an ESA, is so the omega doesn't get pregnant, but at this point, I wouldn't be opposed to an accident pregnancy...just putting that out there.

#howtotrainyouralpha #thewrongomega #newalphaontheblock #christmasheat #omegaontherun #alphaversusomega #anonymousalpha #heatlightning #mmfarmer #merryfarmer #emfarmer #bangersandmash #bangersandmashseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

New Alpha On The Block (Bangers & Mash #3)

I can't remember if I found this book on a recommendation email from one of my favorite authors or on a recommendation post from one of my author fan pages on Facebook or on Facebook as an add. Either way, it grabbed my attention. Here's M.M. Farmer's Bangers & Mash series. The third novel is "New Alpha On The Block."

["A first-time alpha and an experienced omega are a recipe for one beautiful, steamy disaster…
It’s my first ever heat call as an Emergency Support Alpha, and I couldn’t be more excited! I’ve been training for this, and I can totally do it. But when I show up at the client’s house to find a frazzled, single father with three kids under the age of five about to go into heat and a possessive ex in the mix? Well, I might just panic a little.

No one ever warned me calls could be so complicated, or that single fathers could be so sizzling.
I already have three children. I don’t need one more. Not as a result of heat, and not in the form of the newbie alpha who showed up at my door in the middle of chaos, looking hot as Hades, but with absolutely no clue whatsoever. I hired Bangers & Mash for a stress-free heat, but what I’ve ended up with is a cinnamon roll alpha who gives me all the inconvenient feels…and a vindictive ex who might just ruin my life because of it.

Is Justin the missing piece in the family I’ve always longed for, or is he the excuse my ex needs to take everything I love away from me?

This book felt so rounded out and even, something the last two books lacked a little. It wasn't too angsty or too fluffy or too quick or too trigger-warning-y. It was balanced and perfect.

The kids were adorable and Justin loved them from the start. Kyle loved him from the start. It was hard for both of them (again, get your minds out of the gutter people), but they made it work. Sure, they were a little hasty about things, but in the end, they were exactly where they were supposed to be: happy and in love and together, ready to figure out the details (together).

Trigger Warnings: forced impregnation, spousal rape, blackmail, threats, and more

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Goodbye, February

February was eons long. I'm not even kidding. It took FOREVER--and yet, it's the shortest month of the year. But we did have false s...