Thursday, October 31, 2024

Goodbye, October!

I canNOT believe that its already November. I mean, it still feels like September was yesterday. But it also feels like spring??

2024 Resolutions:

     (1) Don't stop reading
            (b) Complete Monthly Reading Challenge(s)
     (2) Make memories
     (3) Share love of books/writing
     (4) Be kinder to myself

(1) Books read this month: 54 (might get one more in there before midnight though).
    (b) Monthly Reading Challenge(s): Shape = Pumpkin. Got some A-Z stuff recorded. Some serious ARCs. 

(2) October Memories: Our vacation was cancelled due to Hurricane Milton (but we've rescheduled it for January). A dinner or two with friends. Lots of good books, LOTS of good TV (trying to tell myself that relaxing doesn't have to be productive). Very busy at work (sooooo many book fairs lately). Treated myself to lunch today. 

(3) Posts this month (including this one): 22.

(4) Trying to tell myself that relaxing doesn't have to be productive (yes, I said it again). Trying to get into a better sleeping pattern now that I'm waking up early again. Trying not to eat too much but trying to make sure I'm not hangry after I get out of work (oops). 

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting November reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyeoctober #hellonovember #hello2024 #keeplearning #dontstopreading #monthlyreadingchallenge #makememories #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

October's Book Shape Challenge

Here's October's Book Shape Challenge! Happy Halloween!! 

(I picked all of these books at random, based off the color of their cover; not based on: whether I read them or not--most of which I haven't, sense why they were closest).

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Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Plain Jane and the Mermaid

I miiiiiiight have been a little un-busy at a bookfair this morning so I figured I'd get a small book off of my TBR pile. Here's Vera Brosgol's "Plain Jane and the Mermaid."

["Jane is incredibly plain. Everyone says so: her parents, the villagers, and her horrible cousin who kicks her out of her own house. Determined to get some semblance of independence, Jane prepares to propose to the princely Peter, who might just say yes to get away from his father. It’s a good plan!

Or it would’ve been, if he wasn’t kidnapped by a mermaid.

With her last shot at happiness lost in the deep blue sea, Jane must venture to the underwater world to rescue her maybe-fiancé. But the depths of the ocean hold beautiful mysteries and dangerous creatures. What good can a plain Jane do?"]

I LOOOOOOOVED this graphic novel!!! It was fantastic and beautiful and inspiring and filled with so much bravery and redemption and inner beauty. It was a fabulous tale that every little girl (and boy) needs to read. 

I LOVED all of the plot twists, big and small. It was amazing. Yes, there were sooooo many sad parts, but it was beautifully written and gorgeously illustrated. 

You HAVE to read this!!! You won't regret it!!!

Trigger Warnings: fatphobia, bullying, toxic parents, death of parents, old and toxic inheritance laws, accidental death, violence, and more.

#plainjaneandthemermaid #verabrosgol #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Skull: A Tryolean Folktale

I miiiiiiight have been a little un-busy at a bookfair this morning so I figured I'd get a small book off of my TBR pile. Here's Jon Klassen's "The Skull." This book is/inspired by a Tryolean Folktale.

["In a big abandoned house, on a barren hill, lives a skull. A brave girl named Otilla has escaped from terrible danger and run away, and when she finds herself lost in the dark forest, the lonely house beckons. Her host, the skull, is afraid of something too, something that comes every night. Can brave Otilla save them both?"]

This book was both adorable and creepy as hell. I loved the old mansion and making new friends and sticking together/protectiveness that this story had going for it. It was about trying new things and being brave, in more ways than one. But a talking skull in an abandoned mansion in the middle of the woods that's (the skull) haunted/hunted nightly by its' skeleton body? Wow. That's a lot to unpack (at least for an adult (kids probably don't think so)). 

I love how there are small references to Otilla's past and the skull's past, whether they are similar or completely different, that make them kindred spirits of sorts. It's something that kids would also overlook, but something that would keep adults thinking long after the story is over.

Jon was inspired to write this after he read a library book during a trip to Alaska. He couldn't remember the ending, but after finally finding it agian, he was shocked by how the ending he remember didn't resemble the actual ending whatsoever (his was much darker). I kinda want to read the OG tale as well now. 

#theskull #theskullatyroleanfolktake #atryoleanfolktale #jonklassen #books #childrensbooks #childrensclassics #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Fabled Stables

I miiiiiiight have been a little un-busy at a bookfair this morning so I figured I'd get a small book off of my TBR pile. Here's Jonathan Auxier's (author) and Olga Demidova's (illustrator) The Fabled Stables series. These stories were some that Jonathan used to tell his children before bed and during longer car trips, turned into physical form for every family to enjoy.

Willa the Wisp: ["Auggie Pound is eight years old and has the greatest job of all time: he cares for all the animals in the Fabled Stables. The Fabled Stables house the rarest creatures in existence--all of them one-of-a-kind. Auggie's job is to care for these creatures, as well as track down and safely capture endangered magical beasts in the wild. Some mornings, he arrives to find an empty stall with the name of a new creature to rescue. One day, the Stables rearrange themselves out of the blue, creating a new stall. The sign over the gate says, "Wisp." But what is a wisp and where is it? All Auggie can see is a moonlit swamp stretching out before him. Then a hungry HOWLLLLLLL rings out in the darkness. It's up to Auggie to go into the swamp to find the wisp before it's too late."]

Trouble with Tattle-Tails: ["Auggie and his magical companions are tending to the Fabled Stables when the building shakes and shudders to make room for a new arrival: the Tattle-Tail. Auggie and friends travel through the portal to a town called Rainbow’s End in search of this mysterious creature. Auggie assumes that the Tattle-Tail is in danger, but he learns that it’s actually the town that needs rescuing . . . from an infestation of Tattle-Tails! // These talking tails have taken over, attaching themselves to every backside in town (including Auggie’s!). The Tails tattle on whomever they’re attached to: She picked her nose! He just double-dipped! The constant stress of being tattled on has thrown all of Rainbow’s End into chaos! // Soon, Auggie and friends hatch a plan to collect the Tattle-Tails and bring them safely to the Stables—foiling a pair of evil bank robbers along the way."]

Belly of the Beast: ["Auggie loves his job at the Fabled Stables, but he fears the day when it will come to an end. Fen keeps dropping hints that caretakers don’t stay forever, and it’s giving Auggie the grumps. Thankfully, there always seems to be a new stall to fill. This time, the stables set Auggie on a quest to rescue a beast called the Shibboleth—but the portal leads Auggie and Fen to the lair of the evil Rooks! // In the dark, damp dungeon, they meet one mysterious girl and one very hungry monster. It’s already gobbled up all of the Rooks, and Auggie and Fen are next unless they figure out the one way to calm the creature. Will they be able to work together to complete the mission before it’s too late?"]

I looooved Olga's illustrations in this! There was so much color and dynamics and character in each page. There was so much storytelling and plot in just setting the scene and illustrating Auggie and his friends. 

And the story itself?! Adorable and moving. I loved the simple but hilarious play on words with each character's name (and how they were drawn); it was sooooo clever and perfect.

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Monday, October 28, 2024

she followed the moon back to herself

I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. Here's Amanda Lovelace's "she followed the moon back to herself."

["the tenth poetry collection from amanda lovelace deviates from the well-worn path of fairy tales & myths, instead bringing readers face to face with the person behind the poems that have made her beloved.

from bestselling poetess amanda lovelace comes she followed the moon back to herself, an autobiographical standalone poetry collection that follows a woman who—through heartbreak, bottles of rosĂ©, & the general messiness of life—felt like she completely lost who she was. each bitesize poem shines a light on where she’s been & how she’s managed to overcome it all, offering a dose of hope & moondust to all who join her on the journey back to herself."]

I wasn't entirely sure about Amanda's poetry when I read her first published collection, but she quickly grew and matured as a poet. I think my favorite collection of her was "the witch doesn't burn in this one." It was BEAUTIFUL (definitely recommend reading that one). 

This one didn't disappoint. At. All. 

This collection was powerful as fuck. It was strong and embraced positivity and change. There were some moments of sadness and past struggles, but this book was more about the phoenix rising out of the ashes, ready to take on the world again. 

#netgalley #arcs #arcteammember
#shefollowedthemoonbacktoherself #amandalovelace #poetry #poetrybooks #poems #poetrycollection #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Kiss, Kill, Thrill Me, Daddy (Murder Daddy #2)

I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. Here's Lance Lansdale's "Kiss, Kill, Thrill Me, Daddy." Its the second novel in his Murder Daddy series.

Scotty Levinson is a dead man. My (alleged) best friend has stolen my license, assumed my identity, and married my kidnapper on my behalf. That’s not even the worst part. Now, I find out he’s planned a double wedding for us behind my back. He can claim it’s because he’s too scared to walk down the aisle alone until he’s blue in the face, it doesn’t change facts. Abi Kincaid is my kidnapper, not my husband. So, no. I am not returning home for this busted-up, backwoods wedding, I am not introducing my parents to my kidnapper, and I am not walking down any aisles. Contrary to what he might tell you, I am not Abi Kincaid’s property, nor am I his pretty baby, little one, or any other stupid endearment that falls from his unexplainably delicious lips. I’m just a man with a lackluster plan that will allow me to finally break free.

Tatum St. James is a mystery. An enigma, wrapped in a hot-pink jockstrap and a skin-tight crop top. For six months, I’ve cared for him. I’ve nursed his broken heart. When he’s lonely, I provide companionship. If he’s drowning in self-doubt, I slip a finger inside to remind him he’s safe. I even indulge his newfound exhibitionist kink, because a body like his deserves to be seen by the masses. He can claim stress-induced memory loss as many times as he wants; six months ago, Tatum St. James begged me to give him a bigger, brighter life, and I always keep my promises."]

This book is equally as unhinged as the first. Except, add some serious angst and heartache. I mean, I sobbed for a while (A WHILE). Abi is so irrevocable in love, and Tatum can't trust the feelings Abi has for him (or the feelings he has for Abi) because of his past traumas. It's a constant back and forth of barely concealed "I love you"s and breaking each other's hearts. 

And then add in all of the Broddy/Scotty drama (there was a looooot). Plus Fee drama, the Bens drama, parent drama, and setting up for many future books.

Trigger Warnings: drugging, consensual drugging, kidnapping, stalking, religious homophobia, death threats, mention of off-page murder of a parent while son was present, mention of off-page murder of another parent by son in retaliation, use of f-slur by gay men, and more.

#grr #gayromancereviews #arcs #arcteammember 
#fuckmarrykillmedaddy #kisskillthrillmedaddy #kisskissbangbangusdaddy #lancelansdale #murderdaddy #murderdaddyseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Fuck, Marry, Kill Me, Daddy (Murder Daddy #1)

I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. AND THEN, I requested the second book in a dark romance series, so here I am, forced to read the first one. ;) Here's Lance Lansdale's "Fuck, Marry, Kill Me, Daddy." Its the first novel in his Murder Daddy series.

My boyfriend’s been trying to kill me for weeks. Well, I guess he's my boyfriend. I mean, we've never officially been introduced, but he's always standing in the shadows, watching me. That has to be a good sign, right? The first time I saw him, he was hunched down in my bushes, aiming a rifle at my heart. He's turned up with a new weapon every night since. As fun as our silly little game of Murder Daddy may be, I’m getting tired of having to steal my stalker-slash-boyfriend’s affection by disarming him and using his own weapons against him.

I’ve got to get my head in the game. As my agency’s top assassin, I’ve killed my fair share of men. When Senator Levinson placed his son on my hitlist, I figured it would be a one-and-done. Every time our paths cross, he winds up getting the upper hand. The things he makes me do once he’s pried a gun or a knife out of my hand are downright depraved, and for some reason, I can't bring myself to stop it from happening. It makes no sense. My wife tells me I need to just suck it up and get the job done. My wife’s boyfriend says I’m sweet on the guy, which is absolutely ridiculous. Even if I wanted to take advantage of our open marriage, I’m not gay. This man—this Freakshow—is completely unhinged, and the worst part is, I think I might be just as crazy as him."]

Crack. This is pure, unhinged crack. I LOVED it. I mean, yes, it was also problematic as hell, but it was somehow so...sweet. So much fluff for a murderer and a slightly crazy (in some good ways and some concerning ways (I mean, who falls in love with a guy who's trying to kill you)) person who doesn't realize (or care?) that the love of his life is trying to kill him.

There was a lot of back and forth between desire and disgust on Brody's part, which was heartbreaking and sad (and at times frustrating). And a loooooot of emotions on Scotty's part (poor babe has sooo many feelings). But the love and devotion and dedication on both parts was awe-inspiring. 

And there were LOTS of spoilers for the second book...which seems equally as unhinged and sweet and toxic and beautiful. 

Trigger Warnings: consensual slur play, stalking, threats of murder; attempted murder; actual murder, internalized homophobia, cbt, dubcon, toxic dynamic, drugging, forced tattoos, kidnapping, and more.

#grr #gayromancereviews #arcs #arcteammember 
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Friday, October 25, 2024

The Prez (Devil's Mayhem MC #3)

Here's R.S. McKenzie's "The Prez." It's the third book in her Devils Mayhem MC series.

As the president of the Devil’s Mayhem MC, I make the hard decisions so my men don’t have to. They’re my family, but I have to keep myself separate from them. After I failed my own family, I can’t risk failing them too.
A visit from the sheriff changes everything. Suddenly I find myself raising my estranged sister’s six month old son and completely out of my depth.I desperately need help, and that comes in the form of Omari, who quickly becomes more than a manny to me.

Things aren’t going so well for me. I lose my office job and end up having to crash at my best friend’s house. But that ends after a horrible incident involving my best friends boyfriend trying to proposition me. Answering a help wanted ad for a nanny position to get on my feet was not ideal, especially when the man that needs the help is the scary president of the motorcycle club I had a run in with a few months back. But the pay is good, and I can’t possibly leave this sweet baby alone with his uncle, who has little regard for him. Raf is hardly home anyway, so we’ll just stay out of each other’s way.
But Raf isn’t the scary biker I assumed he was. I want to peel back his prickly layers to get to the soft middle I only catch glimpses of. But would someone that looks like him be interested in a chubby guy like me?"]

Oh. My. Lanta. Wow. Talk about enemies-to-lovers mixed with mutual-pining mixed with meet-ugly mixed with sassy/sunshine-vs-snarky/grump. I mean, seriously, these two are trope goals (mixed with some adorable cliches and danger lurking around the corner (and spice, lots and lots of spice)).

Neither Omari nor Raf was looking for love (or wanting it), but it snuck up on them. They were tied together from day one, whether they realized it or not. And when they realized it, they were too far gone to do anything about it. ;)

Trigger Warnings: fatphobia, bullying, violence, gore, murder, selling and transporting drugs, spousal abuse (not between MCs), spousal death (not between MCs), patricide, unintentional harm of a child, and more.

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#theconvict #devilsmayhemmc #devilsmayhemmcseries #rsmckenzie #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Ash's Cabin

I miiiiiiight have been a little un-busy at a bookfair this morning so I figured I'd get a small book off of my TBR pile. Here's Jen Wang's "Ash's Cabin."

["Ash has always felt alone.

Adults ignore the climate crisis. Other kids Ash’s age are more interested in pop stars and popularity contests than in fighting for change. Even Ash’s family seems to be sleepwalking through life.

The only person who ever seemed to get Ash was their Grandpa Edwin. Before he died, he used to talk about building a secret cabin, deep in the California wilderness. Did he ever build it? What if it’s still there, waiting for him to come back…or for Ash to find it? To Ash, that maybe-mythical cabin is starting to feel like the perfect place for a fresh start and an escape from the miserable feeling of alienation that haunts their daily life.

But making the wilds your home isn’t easy. And as much as Ash wants to be alone…can they really be happy alone? Can they survive alone?"]

This graphic novel was hauntingly beautiful. It was filled with so many images drawn with so much skill, but it was also filled with so many hard-as-fuck feelings (loneliness, deadnaming, death, climate change, ect). And yet, Jen Wang combined all of it together to create such a triumphet coming of age story.

I loooooove how this story handled Ash getting deadnamed. In a perfect world, when a person changes their name, there would be no confusion, no forgetting, no constantly correcting people; unfortunately, we live in a world where a lot of humans suck. However, when Ash was deadname, it was printed a large black strikethrough, so thick that we can't see the deadname. It was soooo simple and yet so beautiful. 

You also learn a lot about the wildnerness and surviving in the wild alongside Ash. It's almost like "Hatchet", but Ash willingly threw themselves into living a life in the wild. But don't get me wrong, Ash didn't have it easy. They failed quite a few times, but they grew stronger and more confident as the novel progressed. 

And, whereas we'd love to have Ash change the entire world for the better, they did managed to raise awareness to their family, to their school, and to a few other strangers via the news (spoiler alert?). 

Trigger Warnings: deadnaming, climate change, wild fires, doggos getting injured, and more.

#ashscabin #jenwang #bookstagram #books #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, October 24, 2024


Annnnd I've procrastinated again. So many ARCs due and so little time. Here's "Hunger" by Devon Vesper. At least this is a quick read ;)

["What happens when the resident twink of your adult club summons a demon to save your sister? You sell your soul and grab your ankles.

Nothing was going right. Lucas Davenport did everything he could to save his dying sister. But after spending every penny he had and digging himself into debt, his attempts are failing. Now he suffers the consequences as his creditors demand repayment.

Facing the foreclosures of his home and his BDSM club, HUNGER, he lets a friend talk him into summoning a demon.

Selling his soul is worth the cost to save his sister and claw his way back out of debt. But with the Demon General Asherus, Lucas has never felt more alive.

Relinquishing control has never been sweeter."]

This book was a little fast and roller-coaster-y on the "what am I doing/feeling" versus "this feels so right somehow". HOWEVER, it was also so incredibly sweet and dreamy, in a weird demon summoning kinda way.

Still, I don't regret adding Devon to my To Binge list (even if he's still were he was a few months ago). 

#grr #gayromancereviews #arcs #arcteammember
#hunger #devonvesper #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Family & Felonies: A Necessary Evils Anthology

Again, I have soooo many ARCs due and soooooo sooooo many TBR piles, but I need..I'd say a comfort read, but I'm not sure if a dark romance series such as Necessary Evils counts as a comfort read (at least, to normal people). Anywho, I figured I could reread the series, the bonus scenes, and FINALLY get around to reading "Family & Felonies: A Necessary Evils Anthology." All by fabulous Onley James.

["Love, family, and a touch of lunacy.

Dive back into the world of the Mulvaney family with Family & A Necessary Evils Anthology. This collection of mini-fiction stories brings you the heartwarming, hilarious, and sometimes harrowing lives of the seven couples from the bestselling series, Necessary Evils.

These contemporary gay romance tales are filled with dark humor, hot sex, minor trials, and the joyful chaos of married life and parenthood. Experience over twenty stories, including exclusive narratives about two couples in a unique poly relationship, available only in this anthology or on my Patreon.

What makes this collection truly special? The answer is seven bonus epilogues that have never been released in book format, offering fans new content and deeper glimpses into the lives of their favorite characters. Whether you're a long-time reader or new to the Mulvaney family, this anthology offers a perfect blend of love, laughter, and life's little challenges.

Created for those who couldn't join Patreon, and as a gift to loyal patrons wanting a keepsake, Family & Felonies is a must-have addition to your collection. Join the Mulvaney family once more and enjoy the everyday adventures of love, family, and a touch of lunacy."]

Okay, I KNOOW I have a problem with highlighting too many lines (and paragraphs--yeah, whole paragraphs) in a book. But please tell me how these golden nuggets of Mulvaney debauchery and chaos and love weren't meant to be highlighted to hell and back. I mean, seriously! It's Mulvaney family crack. I'm only so strong. 

If forced, I have maybe 3 favorite couples. Under duress, I could admit to 1 favorite couple. But they're all just so complex and dynamic and weird and special and trying sooooo freaking hard and somehow so sweet for a family of psychopaths (who are completely and utterly whipped for their husbands). 

Part of me wishes I hadn't waited so long to read these gems, but I kneeeeew I wanted to reread the original books beforehand (and now rereading Jericho's Boys next, eventually), and I just didn't have the time or temperament to read them then. 

And maybe, fingers crossed, I'll finally get around to starting The Watch series (fiiiiiinally). 

Trigger Warnings: Yeah, there's quick a few. The list is rather extensive. If you can imagine it, it's probably rather likely included somewhere in this series. 

#unhinged #psycho #moonstruck #damaged #headcase #madman #lunatic #maniac #necessaryevils #necessaryevilsseries #jerichosboys #jerichosboysseries #thewatch #thewatchseries #familyandfelonies #familyandfeloniesanecessaryevilsanthology #onleyjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Millicent Quibb School of Etiquette for Young Ladies of Mad Science

I saw "The Millicent Quibb School of Etiquette for Young Ladies of Mad Science," and I KNEW I had to have it! Especially when I realized that Kate McKinnon wrote it...sort of. ;) The first Millicent Quibb book is technically by G. Edwina Candlestick (and "as told by" by Kate), which makes it all that much more quirky and magical. 

["So, you want to be a young mad scientist. Congratulations! Admitting it is the first step. The second step is reading the (definitely true) tale of the Porch sisters…  

Gertrude, Eugenia, and Dee-Dee Porch do not belong. They don’t belong in the snooty town of Antiquarium, where all girls have to go to etiquette school and the only dog allowed is the bichon frise. They don’t belong with their adoptive family, where all their cousins are named Lavinia and their Aunt has more brooches than books. And they certainly don’t belong at Mrs. Wintermacher’s etiquette school—they’re far more interested in science. After getting kicked out of the last etiquette school that would take them, the girls expect to be sent away for good... until they receive a mysterious invitation to a new school.

Suddenly the girls are under the tutelage of the infamous Millicent Quibb—a mad scientist with worms in her hair and oysters in her bathtub. At 231 Mysterium Way, the pizza is fatal, the bus is powered by Gerbils, and the Dean of Students is a hermit crab.  Dangerous? Yes! More fun than they’ve ever had? Absolutely! But when the sisters are asked to save their town from an evil cabal of nefarious mad scientists, they must learn to embrace what has always made them stand out, and determine what side they’re on—before it’s too late!"]

I loooooove the narrator in this! I'm obsessed!! And all of the footnotes and the appendixes?!?! It's so science-y without being over the top. Though, it is over the top (its MAD science after all ;) ). 

The book and all of the characters (especially Millicent and the "sisters") are weird and odd and unapologetic about it. It's (the book, each other, Mysterium Way) a home for those who don't fit in, even if they don't want to 100% stand out (yet). The ladies learn that they are important and special just the way they are, even with their rather unique interests. They are finally given a place to flourish and grow. 

There are sooo many layers to this novel. The secrets, the secrets's secrets, the found family, the STEAM, the individualism, the straightforward lessons, the subtle lessons. It's perfect.

This book is slightly reminiscent of the Series of Unfortunate Events series, with the orphans thing and special talents and the sense of steam-punk meets science. Don't forget about the untrustworthy and downright even adults (except for a special few). 

I'm obsessed. You all NEEEEEEEED to check this novel out!! Seriously. Please, I want to talk about it with people. I also need the second book, but I have a feeling that will be a while. :( 

#themillicentquibbschoolofetiquetteforyoungladiesofmadscience #gedwinagandlestick #katemckinnon #childrensbooks #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Textual Confusion

Again, who needs to read ARCs that are due soon (or even things on my (always growing) TBR piles) when you can read an ARC that you were just approved for? Because, when I read Fifer Rose's blurb on her new novel "Textual Confusion," I knew it was an immediate read.

["I need you tomorrow.
Same time and place as last week.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Who dis?
Did I f*ck you stupid last time? You know.

Between barely scrapping by financially and dealing with a stalker ex-boyfriend, Asher’s life was already problematic enough before randomly receiving a string of texts from an unknown number in the middle night.
He should have just done what a normal person would do and ignore them.
But since when had Asher ever been normal? Besides, based on the not-quite-nudes the guy sent, he was clearly hot.
Against his better judgment, Asher responds – which doesn’t take long to devolve into depraved sexting.
He wasn’t expecting the man to Venmo him an eye-popping amount of cash for his trouble. (Not that he ever got the money. The guy didn’t know who he was – or that he was even another man, for that matter.)
That should have been the end of it. Except they keep texting. And, like the utter moron he is, it doesn’t take long for Asher to catch feelings.
Honestly, he ought to know better than to fall for rich assholes by now.
(Otherwise known as how Asher Kodet, twenty-three-year-old baker extraordinaire, becomes the accidental sugar baby of Markus Kingston, richest, meanest – but actually the frickin’ sweetest – billionaire CEO in all of Seattle.)"]

I looooove the format in here, so much texting. There's also a series of imbedded pictures, though those aren't available on the ARC (which I getttttt, but it also kinda sucks (I want to see those thirst traps, too)).

These two. My fucking god. These two. I can't. I loved them sooooo much!!! D:

The only person who didn't realize that Markus was GONE for Asher the moment they met (possibly sooner) was Asher. And no matter how many times his friends (or Markus) reassured him, Asher still let his insecurities get to him. Granted, Markus wasn't the best at verbal communication either, so..

These two were adorable as hell. Yes, the entire novel was trope-y, but it was beautiful and steamy and utterly perfect. Like Pretty Women had a baby with Cinderella and then you ruled it in sugar. That was this book. 

Trigger Warnings: MC recently out of a controlling relationship, stalking and physical aggression an ex, past drug addiction, past child neglect, feelings of inadequacy, and more.

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Lover Boy (The Boys of Apartment 13)

Another day, another arc due at the last minute. Here's "Lover Boy," the second book in Brianna Flores's The Boys of Apartment 13 series. 

["Lover boy Cadence Howard is unlucky in love...

Kissing my best friend was a stupid mistake. It earned me a few good hits to the face by his hulking boyfriend, Sebastian, and I can admit that I deserved that. Agreeing to let my stepbrother move in is another stupid mistake, and every single day since he moved in feels worse than Sebastian's beefy fists.
Nicolas Aldana has always hated me. His dad marrying my mom ruined his life, and he never lets me forget it. And I hate him too. I don't care how big of a glow-up the guy has had, I. Hate. Him.
But what I don't hate is the way his hands feel wrapped around my neck...

My life has sucked ever since my dad left me and my mom. My mom fell apart and my dad couldn't care less. Why would he? He had a new wife and a better son to love.
I can't stand my stepmom, but I hate my stepbrother. He's the son my dad loves and the friend everyone wants to be around. That's why living with him has to be temporary. There's just no way I can handle being couped up with him for long.
But there's just something about the way he takes my hate..."]

And another moment where I hate myself for waiting so long to read an ARC. I mean seriously, I've been waiting for this book for FOREVER. I wanted it before I knew it was the second in a series, and I wanted it even more after I read (and fell in love with) "Pretty Boy." You'd think this would teach me a lesson (it hasn't yet--not sure if (or when) that will happen).

Because honestly, this book was amazing. It was a looooot of hate and sooooo much hate-sex, but they eventually figured out some of those weird, swirly feelings and uncomfortable jealous-like thoughts meant they had accidentally fallen in love. Oops. ;) 

This one was a bit darker than the first novel, with the pain play and general hate. Be aware of some of the trigger warnings. Please. The negative thoughts and feelings of insecurities was a strooooong one, as was the depression and depictions of scars from self-harming. Read carefully. 

Also, I want Baby's book now. Like, right now. And Jax's. These twinks/thunks need their HEAs. 

Trigger Warnings: depictions of self harm and scaring (off-page), depictions of chronic pain, depression and anxiety, negative thoughts and feelings involving insecurities, death of a parent (by suicide, off-page), and more. 

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Friday, October 11, 2024

Pucking Vamps (Blackmoon University #1)

Here's Aria Clark and JF Miev's "Pucking Vamps." Its the first novel in their new Blackmoon University series.

A college hockey jock rising star? Sexy but dirt-poor?
Yep. That’s me.
I’m the left wing for the Tampa Scarecrows and the charity match in three months will decide my future in the pros. It’s do or die, no second chances.
I bust my ass every day. I don’t date. One-night stands are my jam and no repeats is my motto.
Until I end up living with my last hookup. He needs my help and happens to be a hot-as-sin vampire hotshot.
It’s a no-brainer deal, especially when our chemistry is off the charts.
The only problem? Our arrangement has an expiration date no matter how perfect my vamp Daddy turns out to be.

An arranged marriage is the last thing I need, but my overprotective aunt won’t take no for an answer. I’ll have to pick a suiter at her ball in three weeks.
Enter Hayden.
What was supposed to be a one-night fling turns into a fake dating situation when he discovers the world of vampires I’m a part of. And it might just get Auntie off my case. All I need to do is keep him around until the ball is over and convince her we are madly in love.
There is only one complication: it turns out that Hayden might be a lot more than just the hot jock I’m letting crash at my place."]

This book was entirely too perfect. The sexual tension, the feeling of rightness, the utter devotion and possessiveness and love. The mutual pining and low (ish) level angst. Everyone else knowing exactly how far gone these two were for each other, even before they did. 

It was sooooo freaking good! I can't. I want more. I want another, right pucking now. 

Plus all of the sweet but spicy nicknames Hadyen had for Leander?!?! Swoooooning. 

Quote of the Day (Hayden): "As if I'm not already addicted to him. What's adding one more reason to the pile, right?"

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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Notorious Park Avenue Prince (Park Avenue Princes #6)

I'm really not sure what took me sooooo long to read this ARC and why I didn't just read it the day I got it. Anywho, here's Ella Frank's and Brooke Blaine's "Notorious Park Avenue Prince," the sixth and final novel in the Park Avenue Prince's series (but don't worry, a new series is on the way: Park Avenue Kings).

["Who are we?
Like you even need to ask. We’re the seven richer-than-sin legacies causing debauchery at the prestigious Astor University in Manhattan.
Some call us spoiled.
Some call us trouble.
But everyone calls us the Park Avenue Princes. Notorious Park Avenue Prince is the sixth standalone novel in the Park Avenue Princes world.

James “East” Easton
“The Pompous One”
I’m so over college. It was supposed to be the time of our lives, a time of debauchery, but one by one, Cupid aimed his arrow and hit every one of my moron friends.
Could there be anything more soul-sucking and lame? To be tied to one person, and have to think about their…feelings.
Fine. Whatever. I’ll look for my fun elsewhere.
Like that teacher’s assistant who keeps giving me a hard time. I wouldn’t mind shutting him up—with my mouth.
I wonder if I could provoke him into it…

Zac Fletcher
“The Teacher’s Assistant”
There’s only one person in all of Astor University who makes me rethink my decision to be Professor Kingston’s TA—James Easton, the self-proclaimed leader of the Park Avenue Princes.
Pretentious doesn’t even begin to cover it. He’s arrogant. Obnoxious. A complete and utter snob.
But when one fiery exchange between us leads to the hottest sex of my life, I find myself coming up with creative ways to shut him up. East isn’t someone I’d ever consider being within the real world, but lucky for me, he doesn’t want anything more than a hookup.
Even better, no one knows. Until the day my boss finds us coming out of the same empty room…together.
East misses nothing. Not the way I blush around “King.” Or the way my body reacts. When he finds out my secret, East makes it his mission to get the three of us together. After all, there’s nothing he likes more than a challenge.
And seducing the enigmatic, impenetrable Professor Kingston? That’s going to be the biggest challenge of all."]

This one starts "in media res" as in, who knows how long East and Zac have been fucking. Because they don't disclose that. So for all we know, they could have been sneaking around, doing their thing (but not having feelings about it) for most of the series. Which is just mind blowing to me, especially as East continues to curse Feelings and Relationships for 90% of the novel (spoiler alert?). 

And add King into the mix?!?! F I R E. Of course, King is the one who puts East in his place. I mean, who else would put East in a corner, or have the audacity to ignore him, or call him "little prince" and still breathe?!?! King. And the confidence he gives to Zac?!?! This throuple/triad was meant to me, utter perfection disguised by power dynamics and sexual tension. 

I can't with these three! D: They're explosive and perfect. And the other prince's reactions to all of this??? Priceless. 

King was the PERFECT segue and introduction to the Park Avenue Kings series. I mean, holy fuck. Wow. Just wow. I can't. I'm so freaking excited to meet the rest of the [redacted]!! 

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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

His Master (Omegas After Dark #3)

It feels like its been FOREVER since the last Omega's After Dark book came out, but MM Farmer's been busy. ANYway, here's the third novel in her series: "His Master."

["Power and wealth aren’t half as seductive as the promise of unexpected true love…
I had no idea what to expect from my first experiment with the Dark Fantasies Club. A good time that tickled some of my deeper desires? An easy way to indulge during heat without consequences? A chance to explore the more subservient part of my personality? I knew anything was possible.
What I didn’t expect was to end up at the center of someone else’s family drama…or to want to be a part of it with my whole heart.

Playing around with a random omega from the Dark Fantasies Club was supposed to help me let off some steam, not make me hotter than I’ve ever been before. But Simon isn’t like any other omega, and too big a part of me wants him to belong to me for real. The timing couldn’t be worse, though. Not when, after all these years, my corrupt uncle finally opened a door for me to take over the family business and set it back on the right track.
But doing the right thing with Victory Holdings comes with more danger than I ever thought possible, and when Simon becomes a pawn at the center of the game, I would do anything to protect the omega I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with."]

I can't. I just can't. How can a series be so freaking fluffy and so fucking depraved at the same time? Like seriously!?!? How does MM do it? And not just once, because this is the third book in a row that I've been blow away (in this series).

Simon had to work through some of his own personal insecurities and how his wants/needs can fit into his life and world few. Victor had to work through bettering himself and making up for past mistakes. Turns out, they helped each other grow and heal and accept themselves. ;) 

Add into that some trauma and some threats (and lots of sexy times) and you got yourself a fabulous red. 

Trigger Warnings: blackmail, threats, attempted assault, harassment, and more.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Swifts: A Gallery of Rogues (The Swifts #2)

It took me forever to finally get to this, but here we are! Beth Lincoln's "The Swifts: A Gallery of Rogues."

["Shenanigan Swift is headed to Paris, where new mysteries and new relatives await. The hilarious, quick-witted sequel to Beth Lincoln’s instant bestseller.

Now that the murderer has been caught and her family is safe, Shenanigan Swift can return her attention to important projects, like combing the lake bottom for the family treasure. But the routine won’t last for long, because a new adventure is about to begin--in Paris. Shenanigan, Phenomena, and their uncle Maelstrom are off to France to unravel the mystery of a strange series of elaborately staged art museum heists."]

I'm still OBSESSED with the names of these family members and how they're just PERFECT for them (or they are perfect for their names--still an undecided chicken-or-egg thing). Their name and the definition of such is so much of their personality. It's hilarious and far too clever. 

I love the word games in this one as well, even if the Martinet's used them against our Swifts. I love how Shenanigan worked through some feelings of abandonment more, and I looooove how the sisters were still so close after the ending of the last novel. 

The mystery itself took a little bit to get started, in my opinion, but once it did, I couldn't put this thing down.

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Friday, October 4, 2024

Totally Opposed (Love in Play #3)

I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. Here's Becca Jackson's "Totally Opposed." Its the third novel in her Love in Play series. 

When you’re crushing on a guy, the last thing you want is to get caught singing their name while naked in the locker room showers. Thankfully, Ryan pretended not to notice. I can play the denial game with the best of them, but I can’t ignore the growing feelings I have for him. We’ve been rivals on the field for two years, but lately, my eyes keep finding him off the field as well, drawn to his piercing blue stare and brilliant smile.
As fate would have it, we’re paired together for a sequence of Star-Crossed Lovers skits, and while I’m excited at the prospect of spending more time with him, with rumors of team cuts at the end of the season, it makes me wonder if there is any point in starting anything at all. Maybe we’re just destined to stay on opposing sides.

Being on the other side of the world from your entire family is hard, especially when you see everyone else going home to theirs every night. So, when I moved in with Duckie and Ian, I was excited to at least have people to come home to.
But they aren’t the only ones I see every day. Across the alley lives an old man and his cat who greet me with a demonic howl and a gruff reminder that my favorite game isn’t “real” baseball.
Good thing I’m not easily offended, and while I might be still on the fence about the cat, imagine my surprise when I discover the old man is Alan Beaker’s grandfather. Suddenly, my days aren’t just filled with on-field practice and rehearsals with the guy I’ve been crushing on hard, they’re also filled with time spent with him off the field too.
It isn’t long until I notice just how devoted to his family Alan is, and the more time I spend with them, the more they make me feel like I belong. Now if only I can get Alan to take a chance on us, then I can make this feeling last forever."]

The mutual pining in this one was sooooo strong. I wanted to hit one (or both--why not both) of these adorable idiots with a baseball bat. LUCKILY, they figured their shit out rather quickly. 

There was more angst when it came to outing themselves to their teammates (more so the Romeo and Juliet factor--and timing) and missing family (and Alan's grandfather (and Precious)). Which, I'm not mad about. I needed some relatively angst-free romance.

And I need the next book now. I'm ALL for fans getting their HEA in pure fanfic fashion. 

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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Spooky Level Up (Love Takes No Holidays #1)

Who needs to read the ARC that's due in a few days when you can read the one not due for over a week? Here's Aria Clark and J.F. Miev's "Spooky Level Up." It's the first novel in their Love Takes No Holidays series. 

My ex taught me that love is a scam. Which is fine—it’s not like I need that rose-tinted fairytale. I’m perfectly content enjoying a different man every night while focusing on my video game career.
Until I run into Ben on Halloween. He’s big, charming, crazy good in bed and a bit of a nerd. He doesn’t make fun of my passion, nor does he treat me like a trophy boytoy the way my ex did. The more time we spend together, the more I realize how painfully perfect he is.
There are just two problems: I still don’t believe in love, and he’s my brother’s best friend.

I returned to the UK to help my sister expand the family business. Meeting the cutest guy ever at a theme park is the last thing I expected to happen. No one has caught my eye for years.
And the crazy part? Charlie is my best friend’s brother, and the crush I had on him as a teen is back in full force. But we are both old enough now, so I’m not wasting my chance with him. His no-dating rule gets in the way, but throw in a little revenge plot when his ex decides to be an ass, and I have everything I need to prove to Charlie that I am his person."]

Oh the meet-ugly of this one!! It was utterly perfect! Granted, WE knew that they knew each other, but (spoiler alert) they didn't remember each other. And all of the "this feels so familiar" and "this feelings like coming home" and "how does he feel so safe" and basically all of the fated fluff TOTALLY flew right over their heads (but we knew). Such beautiful dramatic irony. 

And Charlie falling in love even as he fights himself against it, against Ben. I looooove that they both previously had feelings for each other, and now, they get to explore those feelings (sorry Charlie, but there's a HEA in here for you). 

This entire book was adorable as hell, minus Charlie's ex. He can rot in hell.

Trigger Warnings: blackmailing (not by a MC), toxic eating habits (not by a MC), nonconsensual porn making (not by a MC), and more.

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Flipping the Script (Legacy Mechanics #1)

I had caught up with all of my ARCs, requested a toooon more, and proceeded to avoid them. Oops. Here's Willow Dixon's "Flipping the Script." Its the first novel in her new Legacy Mechanics series (which is tied into her Crimson Club series) 

After years of working my butt off, I’m finally living the life I always wanted. I have a job I love, friends who’ve become family, and I’m enjoying the freedom of being single.
Then Sebastian, my childhood rival, moves back to town and my perfect life is thrown into chaos. We’ve always hated each other, but now there’s something else between us. Something wild and primal, something that wants to make Sebastian submit as much as it wants to claim him.
Hooking up with the guy I hate is probably the stupidest thing I’ve done, and that’s saying a lot. But it’s hard to remember why it’s a bad idea when he’s the only person who’s ever made me lose control, and the only man I can’t stay away from.

Retiring from the music industry at twenty-five wasn’t in my long-term plans. Neither was moving home after being away for seven years. But here I am with a serious case of burnout and no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life.
I hoped that moving back would give me a chance to shed my public persona and just be Sebastian again, but that doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon.
The only thing in my life that makes sense is my old rivalry with Jesse, the guy I’ve hated since we were eight. Arguing with him is as exhilarating as it is familiar, and no one is more surprised than me when a fight leads to our first kiss, then more.
Jesse may be the most annoying person I’ve ever known, but the tension between us is too strong to ignore. I hate that I want him but love that he can’t stay away from me either."]

Oh wow, talk about miscommunication trope. Or I should say: talk about hate sex. Soooooo much hate sex. So much that it turns into just sex...and then making love...and neither of them are fully aware of the transition (or their feelings for each other) until they're already too far gone.

These two "hated" each other for so long. But it was more a mix of jealousy and misunderstanding (and teenage hormones spilling into adulthood). Once they had no choice but to get to know each other better, they realized there had been so much misunderstanding (and they were so much more alike than they realized). 

It took a smidge longer for them to realize their feelings than I had wanted, to be honest. I wanted a little more of that moony-looks and heart-eyes, but at the same time, the progress of their relationship worked for them perfectly. 

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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Saving a Demon (Dallying with Demons #5)

I was recently introduced to Amy Padilla and her Dallying with Demons series, and I was lucky enough to receive an ARC for the fifth (and final) book. "Saving a Demon" debuts October 1, 2024.

["Aziel’s family wants him dead. That’s been true since he was a kid. To stay alive, he keeps his head down and follows orders, including becoming a guardian for his youngest cousin. He knew the job would be a pain in the ass. So when he gets a call from the school about a fight, it didn’t really surprise him. He was determined not to let his cousin become like the rest of his family. Even if it meant making him apologize to a human.

Declan had pretty much one goal. To make sure his little brother got a better hand than he did. So when his brother’s bully comes to apologize, he figures it was a step in the right direction. But the bully’s cousin keeps hanging around. And he’s acting really possessive. He had to wonder, was there something dangerous coming? Or was this guy hoping for more?

Aziel thought it couldn’t get any worse, but when an oracle told him he had to submit to the human to earn his freedom, Aziel considered that fate really didn’t like him. There was no way he was bringing a human into his mess. Even if it meant going against the vision meant to save his life."]

And the bonus tags (because they're arguable better than the blurb itself): ["violence, Aziel becomes a guardian, he never agreed to this, little cousins are annoying, school fights, divination, Dante learns a lesson, tattoo artist, Declan has trust issues, piercings, yes, those kinds of piercings, Aziel is possessive, but in the good way, family drama, secrets, friends are annoying too, Athena is kinda scary, make up sex, torture, sorry, the author doesn’t control the bad guys"]

It through me for a loop that there wasn't instant-love (or even instant-lust) when these two met. There was ZERO looks of appreciation or overly detailed descriptions of muscles or jaw lines. There was just pure contempt (borderline hatred, actually). Their love wasn't instant. It wasn't easy. It was filled with trepidation and tentative trust and giving up control (inside and outside the bedroom). 

It was a harder read (all those trigger warnings). Neither Az nor Declan were 100% great people; they both had their pasts, their worries, and their prejudices. But growing closer, whether wanted or not, they grew as people, learned more about their world, about their wants, about themselves. 

And then, just as things were really getting great, as with any romance (with angst) worth its salt, shit hit the fan and everything was nearly ruined forever. At least it wasn't their fault.

I think if I would have been breathing through the last 30% of the novel, I would have cried (sobbed), but I guess that's a plus of anxiety-spiral-speed-reading, no tears. 

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, emotional/physical/mental abuse, threats of abuse, bullying, torture, and more.

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Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...