Saturday, April 30, 2022

Goodbye, April!

Well there were definitely a lot of April Showers. And a few April snows, and April feels-like-Augusts and everything in between. Maybe we’ll get some really, really nice May Flowers? Anyway, April was long as hell, and stressful as hell, but I guess not horrible overall?


2022 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) Nada here. Thought about thinking about it though, that (sorta) counts for something.

(2) Books read this month: 16 (might get one more in there before midnight though).

(3) See item number one.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 17. 

(5) …I didn’t hate myself this month. And I ate some fruit. 

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions (now that its time to make brand-new ones)?

Any exciting May reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyeapril #hellomay #hello2022 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friendly Fire (Never Just Friends #4)

I also recently realized that I never actually kept up with/finished Saxon James's "Never Just Friends" series. Again, really, really, really not sure why... Anyway, I read "Just Friends" forever ago, but the next book in line (book four) is "Friendly Fire."

It started in high school. We grew apart. Bit by bit, then all at once. The friend who was my ride or die suddenly wanted nothing to do with me.
Now Cam’s back from college, living in the house next door, and pulling stupid pranks just to annoy me. Between my intense family and my failing relationship, I’m struggling enough without his antics.
But Cam won’t go away. And I’m not so sure I want him to.

It started with a smile.
A touch.
A shared look of mischief.
Rafael Ortega stole my heart before I realized it was mine to give away.
We were best friends from the time we were in diapers right up until the unthinkable happened: he started dating. I put distance between us to save myself, but now I’m back, willing to do anything for his attention again.
Because the only thing worse than Rafe breaking my heart … Is him not getting a chance to."]

This book has only been hyped up and hinted at since the very beginning of the series (in the fact that Rafe had a total-gay-panic-moment (TM) in book one---and that their fighting was hinted at in book three---and that they disappeared around the side of the street in a totally/probably romantic kinda way in a throw-away-comment at the end of book three). But holy Shit.

These two were a thousand watts. They were wonderful and supportive and beautiful and so....soooooo awesome. 

There's also a lot of ace representative in this one (spoiler alert), and it was really fascinating to see how their relationship developed along the ace-spectrum. It was heartbreaking at first (in the way that Alice Oseman's "Loveless" was heartbreaking at first), but then it got really wholesome and just all of the positivity adjectives. I'm not sure if I read an erotic novel with an ace character in it (then again, I read so much, I could be wrong--I've read some with demi, pan, trans, fluid, + characters, sure), and it was really interesting.

I love that this was the last book in the series and the "epilogue" was just a really nice wrap-up, and we got to see how everyone was happy and thriving.

#justfriends #fakefriends #gettingfriendly #friendswithbenefits #friendlyfire #neverjustfriends #aneverjustfriendsnovel #saxonjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Friends With Benefits (Never Just Friends #3.5)

I also recently realized that I never actually kept up with/finished Saxon James's "Never Just Friends" series. Again, really, really, really not sure why... Anyway, I read "Just Friends" forever ago, but the next book in line (book three.five) is "Friends With Benefits" (on #BookFunnel).

["Twelve years ago, I slept with my best friend’s little brother, and we’ve been sneaking around ever since.
Arlo is my weakness.
I sat back while he went to college...
I watched on proudly while he travelled the world...
I gritted my teeth when he dated other people...
Because he’s only mine when he visits home.
That’s the deal.
But spending time with him during his brother’s wedding weekend has made me realize friend with benefits is no longer enough.
I want more."]

This book wasn't really hinted at in the rest of the series, not really. I mean, they character's aren't completely off-the-wall, pulled-out-of-thin-air creations; they were mentioned in passing. But they're not in that main friend-group as the couples from the full-length novels. 

Still looooooooooved them anyway. 

I think this might be one of my favorites in the series. I mean, honestly. The love? The affection? The sexual tension? The history? The mutual pining?! Mutual pining!! D: 

#justfriends #fakefriends #gettingfriendly #friendswithbenefits #friendlyfire #neverjustfriends #aneverjustfriendsnovel #saxonjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Getting Friendly (Never Just Friends #3)

I also recently realized that I never actually kept up with/finished Saxon James's "Never Just Friends" series. Again, really, really, really not sure why... Anyway, I read "Just Friends" forever ago, but the next book in line (book three) is "Getting Friendly."

When I’m looking for a hook up, I want three things: Big, thick, and rough.
So it doesn’t make sense that I can't get my new hire out of my head.
He's a tiny guy with big ideas ... and he's my apprentice which means he's completely off limits.
But he’s already under my skin.
And for the first time with any guy, I don’t think I can hold my own against him.
Physically, yes. Emotionally, no.
Auggie makes me weak.

Growing up, I always wanted to go into the family business and follow in Dad’s footsteps.
Until in my senior year of high school when he told me to find a new dream.
No one would let a small, clumsy guy like me on a construction site.
And after trying and failing for years, I was starting to believe him.
Then LJ Constructions calls me for an interview and when I meet Leon, he becomes my new dream.
He's hot as hell, self made, and instead of putting me down, he sees what I’ve always seen in myself.
But I’m not dumb enough to throw away this one chance, not even for him.
Not even if I really, really want to."]

I loooooooved these two!! Auggie was totally and completely smitten at first sight (lust at first sight too), and Leon was just like, "why's this kid talking to me" and "soo not me type". Until Auggie's blushes and awkward rambling and more-competent-than-he-believes actions really make an impression on Leon. And Leon, well, everything he does really just makes it harder for Auggie to not fall in love. Spoiler. Alert.

I wish it was that easy to fall in love, as easy as it was for these two. I mean, Leon ignored it for a long time and worked himself to death to ignore his feelings until falling in love was really the only option left. Circus (from book two) totally knew they would get a happily ever after, even if Auggie thought that wasn't going to happen for him, even if Leon thought he didn't need one.

This book also really set up some more of the plot for the final complete novel in the series ("Friendly Fire"). And I only know this because I have no self-control and read all of the blurbs to the entire series before I started book two yesterday (and has been slowly set up more and more since book one). I can't get enough of planning-ahead-plot like that (another thing I'm a complete sucker for).

#justfriends #fakefriends #gettingfriendly #friendswithbenefits #friendlyfire #neverjustfriends #aneverjustfriendsnovel #saxonjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Fake Friends (Never Just Friends #2)

I also recently realized that I never actually kept up with/finished Saxon James's "Never Just Friends" series. Again, really, really, really not sure why... Anyway, I read "Just Friends" forever ago, but the next book in line (book two) is "Fake Friends."

Five years ago, I ruined the best thing I had in my life and ran.
Now, I’m finally back to make things right.
I need Circus’s forgiveness, and then maybe I can finally move on.
I’ll leave Sunbury for good this time and never look back. Maybe then I can finally live life as an out gay man—without my family ever finding out.
But earning his forgiveness isn’t as simple as I hoped it would be.
He’s going to make me fight for it.
And I don’t blame him at all.

I never wanted or expected to see Rowan Harvey again.
When he shows up in Sunbury, begging for forgiveness, I’m tempted to give it to him just so he’ll disappear.
Instead, we make a deal.
I need an extra model for a swimwear shoot, and none of my friends are available or fit the brief.
I’ll forgive him, if he helps me. Then he has to leave. For good.
Because his request for anonymity during the shoot proves he’s still living in his dark closet.
I’m not going to make the same mistakes I did when I was a teenager.
I won’t let myself fall for him again.
Because after how things ended between us, he doesn’t deserve a second chance."]

Maybe I skipped this book because I had been reading too many of the same style/trope at the time, or Rowan in the blurb frustrated me, or I had something else I really wanted to get to and just forgot about this series. Who really know. Either way, it's in the process of being rectified. 

And I was frustrated with Rowan a bunch during the book itself, but I've also never read a book that went this deep into how internalized homophobia (from family, from religion, from society itself) can be destructive and debilitating. It was hard to read, but it's a fraction of what real people go through on a daily basis, hating themselves for who they are.

Circus's life wasn't easy either. Dealing with his feelings about/over Rowan, dealing with his parents' deaths, having such a strong need for validation on social media. He struggled too.

But they struggled together and found support in each other and became better people together. They talked about their feelings and their pasts and their futures. They. Talked. I mean, it took them a while and by that time, they were already in love with each other, but they talked. 

I loved them and loved the journey they went on together. 

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, internalized homophobia, bullying, violence, death, suicidal thoughts, conversion theory, familial abuse, alcoholism, etc.

#justfriends #fakefriends #gettingfriendly #friendswithbenefits #friendlyfire #neverjustfriends #aneverjustfriendsnovel #saxonjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Total Fabrication

Another one of Saxon James's wonderful short stories that I found on #BookFunnel this evening? "Total Fabrication"

["When Jace and Blake are accepted onto Total Fabrication, it's supposed to be easy. Renovate a house, take out the win, walk away with the money. Reconstruction is what they do on the daily--even the reality TV aspect can't throw them.

But there's just one little problem.

Jace and Blake are the show's token gay couple ...

Who aren't actually a couple at all.

Telling anyone they broke up is the blueprint for disaster, but with one poorly-timed video, two nosey contestants, and a shit ton of sexual tension, can they really keep up the illusion of the relationship they totally fabricated?

Or is it destined to the one thing they demolish and can't rebuild?"]

Soooo cute!! The angst was high, which heightened the tension. I was super confused on why they broke up because they both blame each other in the beginning, but right before they get back together (is it really a spoiler if you know it’s going to happen?), everything gets talked out.

Not my favorite of Saxon’s, but I’d still totally recommend it.

#totalfabrication #saxonjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Making Him Mine (Divorced Men's Club #0.5)

I have nooooo clue how I missed Saxon James's "Making Him Mine" (the prequel to the Divorced Men's Club series). I don't know if I didn't know it existed, or I knew it existed but couldn't find it. Nooooo clue. Either way, I found it tonight (on #BookFunnel) and read it and loved it (obviously).

["My best friend is the love of my life … he just doesn’t know it yet. Ever since Barney finalized his divorce, I’ve been his biggest support. He needs a shoulder to cry on? I’ve got him covered. He needs someone to answer his late phone calls? I’m here all night. He needs to be fucked to within an inch of his life? Climb on up, big guy. But when he mentions he’s finally ready to start dating again, watching him meet up with guy after guy is not on my checklist.

It’s time for the best friend gloves to come off. "]

It was perfectly short and perfectly lovely. I've missed quick short stories and this one was wonderful. I don't know how some of these authors do it: get an entire story arc, all of the crushing and falling and romance and happily ever after, into such a short space (I know I've yet to do it). And Saxon's "Making Him Mine" was all of that and more.

The fluff was story. The heat was spicy. It was beautiful. A really great introduction to the series (even though I already read the first book).

#makinghimmine #roommatearrangement #platonicrulebook #divorcedmensclub #divorcedmensclubseries #saxonjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Frat Wars: Master of Mayhem (Frat Wars series #2)

A new editions from none other than Saxon James's series Frat Wars. The second novel came out just the other day, and here I am, binge-reading it. This one's called "Master of Mayhem"

["Bro big or bro home.

As social chair of Sigma Beta Psi, I’m the life of the party. It’s what I’m known for, and if it’s not fun, I’m not interested, simple as that.

I’m not someone who overthinks.

So when one of my brothers hooks up with a dude from another frat house, it catches me off guard when I can’t stop thinking about them … together.

There’s only one way for me to get this obsession out of my head and that’s by jumping in with both feet and putting it into practice.

The problem is, the one guy who’s up for the ride, is the last one I’d expect.

Being risk manager of a frat house is nobody’s idea of a good time. My brothers get annoyed when I put a damper on their plans, and wrangling drunken frat brothers isn’t how I pictured my Saturday nights of senior year.

I’m bored.

In a rut.

Study, frat duties, planning for the future.

When is it my turn to let loose for a moment?

So when my dumb-as-bricks frat bro is scoping out the house for a little experimenting fun, I throw out the offer like it isn’t the most nerve-wracking thing I’ve ever considered.

I never imagined I’d actually enjoy it."]

These two, man. They were both just like "well, he's hot and I've never felt this way about another dude, but we're just friends, so that's probably why" and "I'm just really over-protective of him because of what happened to him last year so"/"well, It's not like I want him hooking up with any other dudes, so". Not once (in the beginning and middle) did they think that it could be because they had actual romantic feelings for each other.

I loved them. They were so fucking cute and supportive and competitive (but I’m a fun and healthy way). They brought out the best in each other, and it was fucking wonderful. 

#fratwarskingofthieves #kingofthieves #fratwarsmasterofmayhem #masterofmayhem #presidentialchaos #fratwars #fratwarsseries #saxonjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, April 22, 2022

Heartstopper: Netflix Edition

We've been waiting YEARS for this day (when Alice Oseman's faaaaaaaabulous queer-af (and beautiful-af and deep-af and emotional-af) graphic novel, Heartstopper, is made into a Netflix television show). I imaged waking up early and binging the entire thing (at least once) right away. Except, I'd hyped it up so much in my head (with all of the behind the scenes pics from Alice and all of the magazine photoshoots and all of the lead up excitement) that I totally and completely avoided the entire thing for hours Friday morning, like one does.

Season One follows (for the most part) Volume One and Volume Two of the graphic novel series. Charlie Spring is played by Joe Locke, Nick Nelson is played by Kit Connor, and my feelings are played by the heart of my sleeve. 

The Guardian said that Heartstopper is "possibly the loveliest show on TV" and if that ain't the truth. I mean, I got dark and sooooo emotional, but it stayed true to the original text, which is the most important part. And speaking of the original text, a bunch of the background images/murals/art-work is all Alice originals. And they're sprinkled in some of her leaf/flower/heart artwork in as animation into important scenes, just like she do in her graphic novels. 

This series damn important. The representation of race and sex and gender. The balancing act of being a teen. The real-life struggles of figuring out one's sexuality (and place in the world). The pureness of first loves and close friendships. The fucking infuriating fact that some people are just assholes and bullies. The fucking brilliant fact that some people are just themselves and supportive of their friends/family no matter what.

I'll probably have more thoughts and things to share as this wonderful, beautiful, important show sinks in more and I have more time to process...everything. For now, I just wanted to share my initial thoughts as well as some of my favorite scenes (from the books as well as the show--which, happened to be one of the scenes Alice was really looking forward to filming/seeing acted out).

If you liked the graphic novels, watch the show. If you liked the show, read the graphic novels (if you don't have the money to purchase them, they're free on several social media platforms). But do both. We all need more gay and more love in our lives (and if its more gay love, then I think the world would be a much better place).

Trigger Warnings: anxiety, depression, homophobia, internalized homophobia, bullying, self-image issue, body-image issues, self-harm, eating disorders, transphobia, violence, forced coming out, fear of coming out because teenage bullies are taught by adult bullies and sometimes the world sucks, etc

#heartstopper #heartstoppervolumeone #heartstoppervolumetwo #heartstoppervolumethree #heartstoppervolumefour #aliceoseman #netflix #webtoon #graphicnovel #queergraphicnovel #YAgraphicnovel #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Hand Picked (Sunday Brothers series #2)

Speaking of May Archer and the Sunday Brothers series...the latest addition just came out last week: "Hand Picked"

["Once upon a time, I moved to Vermont… and wound up accidentally sort of married.

Webb Sunday is the straight single dad next door. He’s lumberjack-gorgeous, strong and steady as the trees in his family orchard, a grumpy fairytale prince...and entirely off-limits.

Or so I thought.

Until the drunken night the two of us walked into a bar…and landed ourselves in the middle of small-town history. Who knew hand-fasting was still a thing? The town of Little Pippin Hollow did. And once this bunch of meddling Vermonters gets wind of our accidental betrothal, they are determined to see us seal the deal. But while the chemistry between us is hot enough to melt the winter cold, Webb isn’t interested in a relationship…

And I’m not sure how long I can keep pretending I don’t want our hand-fasting to be real. Because while the man might not be the happily ever after I came to Vermont for… He’s looking more and more like the one who’s been hand-picked for me."]

I don’t know why or how I’m surprised, but May Archer continues to awe me with her talent and writing. Like, I didn’t think this book would be the best best the blurb makes the accidental handfasting seem lame. Like how does one accidentally tie your hands together with another person (a person you aren’t fond of)? It’s more of a quirky, small-town engagement ritual. And a super cute one at that! 

After they accidentally get engaged, they have to complete a list of Puritan-age marital tasks to turn the relationship into a full-blown marriage. And since Luke and Web hate each other (or do they?!), they’re avoiding these tasks at all costs (or are they?!?!). 

It was so much fun and such a great addition and a new way to add an interesting layer of suspense to your traditional romance. You were looking at every interaction with the same lens as their nosy but well-meaning neighbors (and totally fan-girling at every accidentally completed task).

I can’t recommend this book enough (or the series—or all of May’s books).

#pickme #pickone #handpicked #sundaybrothers #sundaybrothersseries #loveinoleary #loveinolearyseries #whisperingkey #whisperingkeyseries #mayarcher #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Pick One (Sunday Brothers series #1.5)

While searching (on #ProlificWorks) for the mysterious D.J. Jamison prequel to The Games We Play, I also found a new Sunday Brother's novel, "Pick Me", by May Archer (which I believe coincides with the recent release of "Hand Picked"). I fuuuuucking looooooooooove May Archer and this series (well, allllll of them to be honest), so I wasn't mad at all. 

["I once lived a fairly quiet existence as a math professor. Then Teagan Donahue crashed into my life like a shooting star. Now, every day's a holiday, and my very best friend is also the guy I can't stop fantasizing about.

The guy I'm madly in love with.

The guy I'm ready to turn down my dream job for.

But the statistical probability of a man like Teagan wanting his shy, nerdy roommate as more than a friend is incredibly low, and if I have to choose between having everything else I've ever wanted and having Teagan in my life...well, I know which one I'll pick, every time.

Then one night on a crowded dance floor, I'm suddenly faced with a probability I've never let myself calculate: what if I don't have to choose at all?"]

This novella was soooooo cute!! I mean, they were both oblivious idiots with the same exact romantic feelings for each other as well as the same fear of telling their friend about said feelings in case they ruin their friendship. But some meddling friends (and meddling strangers—Knox and Gage from “Pick Me” made an appearance) as well as a shit ton of miscommunication and angst and sexual tension, they finally figured it out. 

And I just love how May mentioned Knox and Gage as well as allll of the Sunday brothers and the Goodman brothers and this whole big, wide, connected universal of gay Happily Ever Afters she created. I can’t get enough of it to be honest.

Here’s to “Hand Picked” (and eventually “Cherry Picked”).

#pickme #pickone #handpicked #cherrypicked #sundaybrothers #sundaybrothersseries #loveinoleary #loveinolearyseries #whisperingkey #whisperingkeyseries #mayarcher #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

TV Edition: Our Flag Means Death

Two words for you: Queer. Pirates.

We'll just add this all to the list of non-reading reviews I've done on here.

I kept seeing fanart about "Our Flag Means Death", and I resisted watching it (only because I didn't have a subscription to HBO Max--didn't, as in past tense, as in I caved and subscribed) for like...a whole week. But I kept seeing fanart and kept seeing news articles about it and fan-theories and whatnot, and I caved and watched.

["An outrageously funny period comedy loosely based on the true adventures of Stede Bonnet, a pampered 18th-century aristocrat who abandoned a life of privilege to become the "Gentleman Pirate."]

It was easy to binge in one day, because there's only one season (so far), and there's only ten episodes (so far), and each episode is only 28-48 minutes long. And, well, it's about queer pirates. Who wouldn't binge that?

It was created by David Jenkins (who just recently chatted with Neil Gaiman on Twitter about their mutual love of each other's very quirky and very gay shows--and then fan-boyed about it (anyone would after being complimented by Neil Gaiman)). Taika Waititi plays Blackbeard/Edward Teach (and also is one of the executive producers) and is fucking amazing. Rhys Darby is Stede Bonnet and is also really, really good. There are honestly too many amazing characters (played by too many amazing actors) to list (so just please, check it out yourselves).

There's a lot of diversity in race, sexuality, gender, ability/disability, class/status, etc. It's both funny and very real, from pirates doing arts-and-crafts to create a flag to very serious hints at dilapidating mental health. There's also a lot of gore that goes with being a pirates as well as back stabbing (and real stabbing). There's laughter and rum and romance.

Stede has no fucking clue what being a pirate really means, and frankly, sucks at it for 90% of the show. But he has great intentions and really changes the lives of everyone he meets. Including the infamous Blackbeard who is getting bored of the day-to-day repetition and darkness that comes with his title/history, only to be utterly enchanted by Stede. The affections go back ways, obviously. ;)

And the best thing: the romance actually plays out (spoiler alert). It's not just a ton of chemistry and never-actually-going-to-happen-because-producers/executives/people-are-homophobes shipping (pun not intended). It's not just queer-baiting. It's not just a wishes and dreams and only-going-to-happen-in-fanfiction romance. I mean, obviously things happens and don't happen (because you need a really good cliff-hanger-season-ender to grab people's attention and gain more viewers and get renewed for a second season (the latter hasn't happened quiet yet)), and people kiss and don't kiss, people die and live.

Now I must dive-deep into alllllllll of the fanart and fan theories. :)

#ourflagmeansdeath #ofmd #pirates #queerpirates #hbo #hbomax #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Two Truths and A Lyle (The Games We Play #0.5)

D.J. Jamison has created yet another AHmazing series: The Games We Play. The first un-official book (the one very much not listed on Goodreads--shame on you Goodreads) is titled "Two Truths and a Lyle." I actually read "Never Have I Evan" first, because I believed Goodreads that there wasn't a prequel and well, I couldn't find "Two Truths and a Lyle" so I just didn't think they had a book (even though there was soooo much hints at one with the perfect relationship and the cutesy backstory and the inside-jokes). Anyway, I finally found this one on #ProlificWorks

["Two Truths and a...wait, what?

What happens when drunken idiots, aka your friends, use a silly drinking game to sideswipe you and your BFF with the truth bomb that you're actually in love with each other?

Truman: You impulsively kiss the best friend you've been in love with for ages...then wake up with a hangover--and regrets

Lyle: You freak out becuase you're not gay or bi, before realizing the kiss wasn't *actually* bad. Then you begin to wonder...should we do it again?"]

So, like I said above, I accidentally read the first official book before I read this one, so I accidentally had some spoilers going in. Thought, the Happily Ever After ending thing isn't really a spoiler. ;)

You’d think by the description that there’s be angst. There was virtually zero angst whatsoever. Just like for a few hours the morning after that drunken kiss.

The entire fucking town wanted them together, because they knew they belonged together, even if they were too blind or stubborn to see it. And ohhhh did they make them (Lyle) see it. ;)

Again, I love, love, looooooove this trope. Best friends since forever, nothing will ever compare, you’re it kinda love. One person has feelings. Ones an idiot. The idiot finally realizes all of those feelings aren’t just regular friendship feelings, that no everyone feels grounded and lit up by their bff and heartbroken when they go away to college. Then, well, there’s a happy ending (or a few).

#twotruthsandalyle #neverhaveievan #truthordarren #gamesweplay #gamesweplayseries #djjamison  #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Taken By Storm (The Off Season #2)

K.M. Neuhold's latest (amazing) series, The Off Season (also known as the Palm Island Books), just came out with its second official book: "Taken By Storm."

["Chef Storm is moody, antisocial...and he just asked me to be his fake boyfriend.

Most people on the island avoid the hot-tempered chef, but he doesn't scare me. Sure, he's prickly, but I've also caught him feeding a stray cat, so I know there's more to him than the sky-high, barbed-wire fence he's built around himself.

When Storm's ex-husband shows up unexpectedly during the off-season and refuses to go home, pretending to be Storm’s boyfriend is apparently my new job.

Faking it with my grumpy boss should not be this much fun, especially since the last thing I need is to make a fool of myself by falling for anyone else on the island.

Is there anything more exciting than being swept up in a storm? Maybe taming one…"]

I just love this series. Sooooooo much. The characters are so unique and quirky and beautiful. They're so close-knit and loving and yet tease each other relentlessly. I love the setting and the whole Off Season plot concept. I love how the love is There, waiting for them on the island already, they just have to fall into it (with a little help from the ghost founders).

These two were just as cute and amazing as the rest. They fell hard for each other as soon as the fake-boyfriend-thing started, but they ignored it or wrote it off as lust.

They fought it, but like not very hard. They were more anxious about going back on their word about not wanting a relationship and not having a good experience with relationships. I mean like, who is?

Annnnd, I was right about there just having to be more books in the series. There are just sooooo many characters/pairings hinted at in the first book (and this one) for there to be only two in the series. The next book doesn't come out until October though. :/ Boo. 

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Never Have I Evan (The Games We Play #1)

D.J. Jamison has created yet another AHmazing series: The Games We Play. The first official book (the first one listed on GoodReads) is titled "Never Have I Evan." I actually read this one first, because I believed Goodreads that there wasn't a prequel and well, I couldn't find "Two Truths and a Lyle" so I just didn't think they had a book (even though there was soooo much hints at one with the perfect relationship and the cutesy backstory and the inside-jokes). 

["Never Have I Ev... Wait, what was the question again?!

What happens when an ill-advised party game makes it obvious I've still got my V-card?

Embarrassment. A lot of embarrassment.

Especially when the sexy, older guy at the party who witnessed the whole thing turns out to be someone I have to see every week. Not to mention my best friend's cousin.

He's not only straight, but way out of my league.

It's going to be so awkward for both us.

Or awesome...if his protective nature and flirty attempts to teach me how to date lead to the kind of tutoring that lives in my fantasies. But how likely is that to happen? I'm not known as the sweet, naive one among for my friends for nothing.

I'm probably imagining those looks he throws my way. Probably projecting my own want onto his expression.

But...what if I'm not?"]

I loved, loved, looooooved this town. This series is going to be soooooo amazing. The grannies are so cute and so nosy and so full of sexual innuendos (that they know they're saying but won't admit it if questioned). A lot of the town businesses also have quirky names that are a little...well...sexual. 

These I mean, Evan loved Dawson from the very, very beginning. He said so many times that Das was his perfect person, if only he was looking for a relationship. And Dawson was...oblivious (in his defense, he had a lot going on and he was fighting a lot of demons). He had all of those big feelings for Evan, but didn't know what they were at first and then he just wasn't ready to accept them.

They made it work. Obviously. The steam was H O T. The fluff was just so sticky sweet (not too much though). Everyone knew what they were up to before they actually cam out as a couple, which is just such a cute, small-town trope (another one of my favorites).

I thought this book had a lot of sub-plot-level drama going on. Like, everyone had something tragic happening. But after I finished it, I realized that it simply wouldn't have worked without all of it. If D.J. would have taken out sub-plot-a, it would have ruined sub-plot-c. Then again, I sped-read this whole thing in one evening, so it could just have been me who thought this.

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Saturday, April 9, 2022

Podcast Edition: Murder With My Husband

I haven't been reading a lot lately, because I've been binge-watching the true-crime podcast (the latter 60+ish episodes also video recorded for Youtube) Murder With My Husband.

I listened to a couple of episodes on Spotify in Florida with my sister and was totally intrigued. I mean, I love true crime, but there was something about how Payton and Garrett told the stories (well, mostly Payton--she loves it, he hates it) that pulled me in and made me want to listen to more. 

I skipped a bunch of podcast episodes to watch the ones they video-recorded for YouTube (while also audio-recording them for their podcasts). I'll soon go back and listen to those, but I just finished watching all of their videos and needed to share. One: it's what's keeping me from reading lately, therefore what's keeping me from posting. Two: they're that good.

Payton loves true crime and was always complimented how well she told stories (well, not stories, they're real events that really happened, but my words are broken right now so...) to anyone who would listen, so she decided to do a podcast, really only expecting their loved ones to listen. Garrett hates true crime, but loves his wife so he dutifully listens to these stories. Now they have a ton of followers and merch and a Pateron. 

What I love about Murder With My Husband is how Payton tells them. She's so great at building suspense and not giving anything (too major) away before the most opportune moment(s) (which is also when Garrett learns them, so all of his reactions are real and completely genuine). She doesn't fill the episode with too much fluffy nonsense that doesn't pertain to the story itself, unlike other podcasts/documentaries. 

Payton and Garrett also have sooooo much empathy and sympathy for the victims. The episodes are predominately titled after the victims instead of the perpetrators, giving much needed agency back to the people who were victimized. Payton gets super emotional and cries a few times, because she's just overwhelmed with how these people were robbed of so much, typically for no reason at all. And at the end of every episode, they take a few minutes to remember the best qualities of the victims, dedicating a few moments to keep these people in their thoughts. Many times, there's more information on the perpetrator, but Payton makes a point to not share it, as to continue to give the power back to the victims. 

I just loooooove this podcast and these people, and I wanted to share them with you. If you like true crime or podcasts or if you want to try something new, I would toooootally and completely recommend Murder With My Husband (the podcast, not the activity ;) ). The only downside, I've been completely and utterly overly-paranoid lately, so theres that.

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There's A Rock Concert In My Bedroom

I bought "There's A Rock Concert In My Bedroom" purely out of nepotism, because it was cowritten by Kevin and Danielle Jonas (illustrated by Courtney Dawson). Obviously, I was going to buy it; obviously. But it was really good!!!

["Emma loves music.

She loves the boom boom boom of a good bass beat.

She loves the stomp stomp stomp her feet make when she dances.

She loves to rock out with her mom, her dad, and her little sister.

And she loves to twang, strum, and thrum on her guitar.

So when the sign-up sheet for the school talent show is posted, she adds her name right away! But the more Emma hears about the amazing talents her classmates will bring, the more nervous she gets. What if her guitar playing is more of a plink, plonk, squeak ?

She's suffering from a bad case of stage fright, and it's up to her family to show her that performing can be fun too, and that she's already a star."] 

It's about the joy of music, the power of family, and facing your fears. It's inclusive as fuck without being outright about it. It's colorful and bright. It's supportive and wonderful.

Nepotism aside, I would tooooootally recommend this book to anyone with kiddos, anyone who works with kiddos, or anyone who likes to read picture books.

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Goodbye, February

February was eons long. I'm not even kidding. It took FOREVER--and yet, it's the shortest month of the year. But we did have false s...