Sunday, July 31, 2022

Goodbye, July!

July was better. Mostly. Here's to August continuing to go in that "Better" direction.


2022 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) *Sigh* Same as long month: nothing. Have some plans though, or plans of plans.

(2) Books read this month: 31 (might get one more in there before midnight though).

(3) See item number one. Have some plans though, or plans of plans.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 32. 

(5) No comment. Again with the plans of plans thing...but we'll see if it goes anywhere.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions (now that its time to make brand-new ones)?

Any exciting August reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyejuly #helloaugust #hello2022 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Spring Strings

As promised, here's me binge-reading through yet another author. This time, we have Lily Morton's "Spring Strings."

["Malachi Booth is a supermodel. He’s used to moving about the world, sleeping with whoever takes his fancy and watching the money roll in. The last place he expects to find himself is on a run-down farm in Cornwall, but a bad bout of bronchitis means that he’s stuck there. The only compensation for this dismal state of affairs is that the farmer is very good looking, even if he’s the grumpiest person that Malachi has ever met.

Cadan Landry’s farm has been in his family for hundreds of years but that doesn’t make it any easier to make ends meet. As a consequence, Cadan could be called grumpy. Most men would consider a supermodel collapsing at their feet while dressed in the skimpiest pair of briefs ever made to be a sign of good fortune. Cadan just resents the fact that the young man is taking up space in his cow field.

These two men are from different worlds, but can they ever meet in the middle?"]

Enemies to lovers? Mostly, with a little to friends time in there too.
Grumpy meets sunshine? Fuck not. Malachi is not sunshine. He's a razor sharp tongue made with snark and sarcasm. But Cadan is immediately enthralled, having met his match.

This book was sooooo good. There's a little bit of taking care of each other (especially Cadan taking care of Mal in the beginning), but there's a lot of secret sharing and burden taking and open communication (except for those pesky feelings--we don't communicate about those until Abby CRIES).

A definite recommend. 100%.

#springstrings #lilymorton #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, July 30, 2022

The Stopping Place

As promised, here's me binge-reading through yet another author. This time, we have Lily Morton. "The Stopping Place" was originally published in the third Heart2Heart Anthology. This edition has a new scene as well as an epilogue.

["Simeon Frith is recovering from a car accident at his house in Cornwall. He’s a successful man and usually very self-sufficient, but after attempting to open a can of baked beans with a brick, he realises that he needs help. However, he never imagined that putting an advert in the paper for an assistant would result in the gorgeous Ziggy Tuesday sauntering into his life.

The much younger Ziggy is fun and free-spirited, and an attraction quickly grows between them. When they finally sleep together and Ziggy insists that it be completely strings-free, Simeon can’t believe his luck. However, to his horror, he develops unforeseen feelings for the laidback surfer, and he can’t stop them, despite knowing that Ziggy will always leave. It’s what he’s done all his life."]

The think I really like about binge-reading authors is that you get a really quick assessment of their ability, their favorite tropes, their writing style, and their signature. One of Lily's signature's is the pure sweetness and fluffiness and warmth between the main characters. 

And when I got to the part in the story where the title comes into play? God, I cried a little. It was so sweet and happy and perfect.  I loved these two, their dynamic, their secrets, thier love. They were perfectly imperfect for each other and it was beautiful.

#thestoppingplace #lilymorton #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Best Love

As promised, here's me binge-reading through yet another author. This time, we have Lily Morton. "Best Love" was originally published in the Heart2Heart Anthology (og title: “The Tattoo Artist and The Writer”). This edition has a new scene as well as an epilogue.

["Noah and Sage have been best friends since they were seven when Sage climbed over the wall between their childhood homes. They know everything about each other apart from one small thing. Noah is hopelessly in love with Sage and doesn't ever intend to tell him.

However, fate has other plans. A dating website with a glitch in its system leads Sage to challenge Noah. Two days in which they will show each other their best dates. What could possibly go wrong?

At the end of these two days will the men discover that the best love comes with someone who really knows you, or will they fall back into being just good friends?"]

And what a wonderful glitch it was.

This was very sweet (a little too sugary sweet in parts, but it was very flowery romance-y and I've decided to let it slide ;) ) and inevitable. It was easy, the way the fell in love and just kinda wanted the same things (but were too afraid of risking the friendship to go for something more).

#bestlove #lilymorton #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, July 29, 2022

3 Dates

As promised, here's me binge-reading through yet another author. This time, we have Lily Morton. "3 Dates" is exclusively on #ProlificWorks and easily accessible after you sign up for Lily's newsletter.

["Archibald Henry Zhang is my best friend. He’s funny, feisty, and loving. He’s also the only person I’ve ever trusted and the only one who has never let me down. So why, after finding my current boyfriend cheating, am I taking my best friend out on a series of Valentine’s Day dates all over London?

Even more importantly, why am I noticing things about him that I’ve never seen in the ten years of our friendship? Like the fullness of his lips, how gorgeous his eyes are, and – maybe most importantly – the way he’s looking back at me?

Because Archibald Henry Zhang can never be anything other than my best friend. Can he?"]

As soon as Mick's boyfriend cheats on him, half of the people in his life say "he was a prick anyway" and the other half say "Archie is a good one." Mick knows that Archie's a good one. He's well aware. He's just kind of an idiot about all of those not-actually-as-platonic-as-he-thinks feelings. Don't worry; it doesn't take him very long to realize it all. ;)

Very, very, very, very cute! So much fluff and warmth (both the happy kind and the steamy/sexy kind).

#threedates #3dates #lilymorton #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Playground Games

As promised, here's me binge-reading through yet another author. This time, we have Lily Morton. "Playground Games" is exclusively on #ProlificWorks and easily accessible after you sign up for Lily's newsletter.

["School trips are hell on the teachers.

Auguste Patterson's happy place on a winter holiday would involve a seat by a fire and alcohol. Which is why he's horrified when the headmaster at the primary school where he teaches demands he accompany a group of young students to France on a ski trip. Gus believes snow should always be viewed from inside a warm building and never encountered while flailing on skis.

The holiday's single perk is the school's PE teacher, Doug Henshaw. Doug is Gus's secret crush, and sharing a room at the ski chalet with him almost makes managing forty school children bearable. But Gus doesn't stand a chance with Doug. A handsome, funny ex-professional football player would never fall for a hopelessly unathletic language teacher. Would he?"]

Okay, this was one of the sweetest, fluffiest things I’ve read in a long time. There’s this whole conversation about how Gus wants to be courted and he’s looking for more than just a hook up. Spoiler Alert: Doug pulls out allll kinds of tricks. 

Then there’s the whole mutual-pining, everyone-knows-the-feelings-are-mutual-but-these-two-oblivious-babies thing. A++.

#playgroundgames #lilymorton #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Oahu Lovers: Bonus Scene

A "Change For You"/"Ready For You" (from her Oahu Lovers series) Bonus Scene by Crystal Lacy, courtesy of #BookFunnel. Must (well, in theory--you do you though, boo) read the full series beforehand (which has been reviewed in my last post--full blurb included).

["Jackson can't deny he's caught feelings for Derek, a regular at his bar who's become a treasured friend since the man walked in for the first time and stole Jackson's heart with his sad eyes and his beautiful smile.
When Derek needs a place to stay for the night, Jackson offers his bed--just to sleep in, of course.
But Derek has other ideas."]

After reading "Change For You," I'm really glad that Derek gets his very own Happily Ever After. Jackson, more of a side character in "Ready For You" (then again, so was Derek), deserves one as well. I mean, everyone does (I do, you do, we all do).

They were hot and perfect and happy. It was like they'd been friends forever. Their connection was soooooo sweet and spicy and eeeeeaaaaasssssyyyyy.

A very, very, very cute ending to the series. :)

#braveforyou #changeforyou #readyforyou #crystallacy #oahulovers #oahuloversseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Ready For You (Oahu Lovers series #3)

Crystal Lacy's Oahu Lovers series: the third book is titled "Ready For You."

["After mistakenly kissing a straight guy, Reggie expects Shohei to run the other way—not continue their fledgling friendship like nothing happened. Now if only Reggie can stop thinking about how Shohei’s lips tasted.

Shohei has never thought of himself as anything other than straight, but he can’t seem to forget the kiss he shared with Reggie. When Reggie volunteers to help him experiment with his newfound curiosity, he doesn’t resist the temptation.

It’s just a little bit of experimenting between friends, right?"]

These two were idiots. I mean, like really hot and really happy idiots. They fell for each other wellllll before their little experimenting started. They just didn't want to admit their feelings to themselves let alone each other at risk of breaking their own hearts. 

Everyone else knew it was More. Everyone told them it was More. They knew it was More. It took an almost break-up for them to talk about the More.

#braveforyou #changeforyou #readyforyou #crystallacy #oahulovers #oahuloversseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, July 25, 2022

Change For You (Oahu Lovers series #2)

Crystal Lacy's Oahu Lovers series: the second book is titled "Change For You."

["Silver fox Stephen Webb doesn’t mean to start a workplace fling with the cute new intern. 

Stephen has a pivotal tax season ahead of him and he doesn't have time for distractions. At least that's what he thinks—until Minoru "Max" Kamigawa walks into his life and disrupts all his plans.

Stephen's been hurt before, and keeping Max at arms-length is the smart choice. But how can he do that when Max keeps taking down all his defenses?"]

This book was very very good. The angst was h i g h.  I was definitely bawling during the oh-my-god-don’t-break-up parts. 

But I don’t know, something was missing, comparing Crystal’s other books to this one. The connections maybe weren’t as strong, or the missing-puzzle-piece feeling. Something. The sex was hot, and the will-they-won’t-they was interesting for sure, but I felt something was lacking. Could just be that I read it all on one sitting though; who knows.

#braveforyou #changeforyou #readyforyou #crystallacy #oahulovers #oahuloversseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Brave For You (Oahu Lovers series #1)

Crystal Lacy's Oahu Lovers series: the first book is titled "Brave For You."

["Can a bi-curious single dad and the repressed pediatrician next door find the means to be brave?

Nate's wife has left him with their infant son and he has no time for anything but dad duty. When he meets the friendly pediatrician who lives three doors down, he only expects friendship—even when it's clear An is up for more.

An unexpected kiss, feelings Nate has never had before, and a friendship neither wants to risk. Are they brave enough to give their love a chance to flourish?"]

These two had such an easy friendship. The attraction was easy too, but Nate (initially) only wanted friendship. So this novel was a little bit of a slow-burn, but it was very, very worth it. Slow-burn, as turtle-y as it seems, doesn't always mean no fire, just a hotter fire when it finally catches.

The stakes were angsty as hell (homophobia parents on An's side, and a suddenly disappeared (and potentially reappeared) wife/mom on Nate's side). You (along with An and Nate) forget all about the stakes as soon as the romance dials up from friendship to relationship, until it hits you in the face like a fucking truck with all of the tears and forgetting-to-breathe-anxiety. 

Still, very, very worth it.

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, biphobia, post-partum depression, suicidal thoughts, etc. 

#braveforyou #changeforyou #readyforyou #crystallacy #oahulovers #oahuloversseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Not For Sale

New author, same old binge-reading habits. Crystal Lacy, the new(ish--to me--sorta) author. "Not For Sale", the same old binge-reading habits.

["Mistaken for an escort by his student's guardian ...

Jace wants to prove to himself that he can be adventurous. Which is why he's using one of those apps for the first time ever. And the gorgeous guy who just showed up is enough to make Jace let go of all his inhibitions.

Nothing is more important to Theo than being there for his orphaned nephew, even if it means staying in the closet. Luckily, Theo can afford a discreet escort service whenever he needs to scratch that itch. Except this latest escort is ... not at all what he expected.

A case of mistaken identity results in one scorching night neither man can forget. When they meet again, it's impossible not to want more—but being together means risking Jace's career and Theo's relationship with his family. Can Jace and Theo keep their distance?"]

This book was sooooo angsty and soooo beautiful and so heartbreaking and so worth it. There was some serious homophobia and blackmail, which was part of the angst and the fabulous vengefulness (in favor of Theo and Jace). 

Like honestly, this book was sooooooooo sooooo so good! The dynamic of the two of them, their really quite cute miscommunication-trope first meeting, the way they supported each other, everything. I loved them so much.

#notforsale #crystallacy #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, July 18, 2022

Brother-In-Law Material

New author, same old binge-reading habits. Crystal Lacy, the new(ish--to me--sorta) author. "Brother-In-Law Material", the same old binge-reading habits.

["Can his sister’s fake boyfriend become his real one?

When Kendall O'Hara catches his boyfriend cheating, he runs to his sister--the only person he can rely on in the city. But she's on a business trip, so Kendall finds himself temporary roomies with her super hot and equally kind live-in boyfriend.
Luke Hale's family has made him so jaded regarding relationships that he’s had no problem pretending to be his best friend’s boyfriend. It’s never been a problem, until her sweet, adorable brother arrives.

Kendall’s passion for his food channel is contagious and his openness and vulnerability are intoxicating. They both know the other should be off-limits, but spending time together--cooking, talking, laughing--is so easy and wonderful. Their attraction is undeniable and once Kendall learns that Luke is actually available, all bets are off.

Sizzling chemistry quickly gives way to real feelings. But Kendall’s stay is temporary. Can their friends with benefits arrangement blossom into a forever love or will they both wind up alone again?"]

Sizzling chemistry? yes. Heart-wrenching angst? Also yes.

I love how easy Crystal's characters connect. Like Kendall was a blabbering, awkward but adorable mess 90% of the time. Luke was a rich, put-together, build-like-a-greek god who can cook. But they just worked. So. Damn. Well.

It took them pretty damn long to figure it out, or to accept that forever love was possible for them.

#brotherinlawmaterial #crystallacy #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Holiday Fling: Bonus Scene

A "Holiday Fling" Bonus Scene by Crystal Lacy, courtesy of #BookFunnel. Must (well, in theory--you do you though, boo) read the full novel beforehand (which has been reviewed in my last post--full blurb included).

["When the man Devon hopes will warm his bed sets his sights on someone else, Marco the bartender steps in to the rescue. Can one hot night turn into something more?"]

A little extra fling-y fun. Devon and Marco met in the very first chapters of "Holiday Fling," and I was really curious about what happened to them. I was thrilled to find out they had their very own little bonus short (to read this one, you have to sign up for Crystal's newsletters to get a password that unlocks previously posted short stories locked in a cute little safe on her website).

And this short was short and sweet. A definite happy ending (pun intended) to my previous curiosity. 

#holidayfling #crystallacy #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Holiday Fling

New author, same old binge-reading habits. Crystal Lacy, the new(ish--to me--sorta) author. "Holiday Fling", the same old binge-reading habits.

["All Jake has to do is remember it's a fling.

During my flight to Honolulu, the sexy guy on the next seat drunkenly admits his bi-curiosity. Naturally, I don't hesitate to volunteer as tribute to be his first kiss. He politely declines, but then we run into each other in the hotel bar.

Thus begins a hot holiday fling with Bennett. Bennett's on the rebound and I've never had a serious relationship. This thing between us can only be casual. But just because this is temporary doesn't mean I can't help salvage what's left of Bennett's Christmas.

If only I didn't have to keep reminding myself not to catch feelings."]

Romance and falling in love should be easy. And it was for Jake and Bennett. So. Damn. Easy. They just connected. It was easy to spend time together, get to know each other, take care of each other, fall into bed together, fall in love. 

The relationship is the hard part. Not knowing if it'll work out when you get back home, away from the romance and ambiance and the easiness of Hawaii and falling in love. But being home, being around and out to family, making time around busy work schedules, and the unfair and unforgiving thing that is reality, is the hard part.

I didn't want anything more in a long time more than I wanted Jake and Bennett to work out. They just had to get out of their heads, listen to their hearts, and TALK to each other.

#holidayfling #crystallacy #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Falling For The Pet Doctor

New author, same old binge-reading habits. Crystal Lacy, the new(ish--to me--sorta) author. "Falling For The Pet Doctor", the same old binge-reading habits.

["When his estranged mother passes away, struggling artist Felix Lu is saddled with a middle-aged parrot after he returns to his hometown of Honolulu, Hawaii to put her affairs in order. Out of his depth and dealing poorly with grief, Felix turns to compassionate veterinarian Tyler for comfort.

Losing the love of his life in an accident has made Tyler Hayworth afraid to risk his heart again. When Felix walks into his life, Tyler tries his best to steer clear of temptation--but lowers his guard when he realizes Felix is only looking for a temporary fix for his loneliness.

Felix is going back to the mainland soon. They can both take what they need from each other without compromising their hearts, right?"]

This book was all about grief, support, and caring for yourself (and your bird--not a euphemism). It was so fluffy and sweet. The connection was there between these two before the spark was. Tyler wanted to take care of Felix and be there for him, something his last partner didn't do after his mother passed and something he felt he wasn't up to do for himself. Felix wanted to be near Tyler and make him laugh, something his friends had been trying to do for a while and something he felt he couldn't do after his husband passed. That was instant (and through Dorian). The spice came after--quickly after, but after.

#fallingforthepetdoctor #crystallacy #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Kissed In Pardise (Valentine's Inc #9)

New author, same old binge-reading habits. Crystal Lacy, the new(ish--to me--sorta) author. "Kissed In Paradise", the same old binge-reading habits.

My impromptu vacation before a job interview in Hawaii gets interesting when my best friend books me a “tour guide” for four days from Valentine’s Inc—a date-for-hire app. The guy he hired? Fei Li, an ex-classmate from high school and the guy who made me realize I was gay in the first place. Now Fei’s determined to give me my money’s worth, and I don’t know how I’ll be able to go through four days of fake-dating with him and keep from sinking deeper into my infatuation. Don’t know if I even want to try.

Past and present collide when a last-minute gig turns out to be my high school crush, the football team captain who once walked in on me with another player in the locker room. I’m determined to prove I’m no longer the angry, nerdy kid I once was—even if being around Cary Jackson makes me feel like a teenager all over again. I’m going to make our four dates rock his world, all without crossing the professional line I’ve set for myself after a disastrous slip in the past. This is all pretend. I’ve got to remember that. No falling for a client."]

This book is the ninth installment of the series Valentine's Inc. Much like the Bold Brew series, each book was written by a different author but all within the same universe. Maybe after I finish reading the rest of Crystal's books, I'll check this series out more.

This book!!!!! It was so sweet and fluffy! 

I kept thinking what if they had gotten together in school, when they both originally had those crushes? But it wouldn’t have worked out. Cary wouldn’t have had that time to process his sexuality and he out and proud. And Fei wouldn’t have had the time to accept himself and become the confident person he was in the book.

The timing seemed hard and awkward, but it was also inevitable and really kinda perfect.

#kissedinparadise #crystallacy #valentinesinc #valentinesincseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

My Best Friend's Secret

New author, same old binge-reading habits. Crystal Lacy, the new(ish--to me--sorta) author. "My Best Friend's Secret", the same old binge-reading habits.

["Yuki has always tried his best to ignore his attraction to Raysen because their friendship is more important than that.

Raysen was there for the lowest point in my life. He saved me, and I'll always love him for that. He's my best friend and has been my roommate for years. Even if I do let my gaze linger on his body for way too long sometimes, I would never risk what we have.

That is, until I have to deliver Raysen's cell phone to him at a house party and stumble upon a scene I will never be able to forget—and temptation I couldn't resist even if I tried to. Only I don't even try to resist. Instead, I jump headfirst into it.

Will we be able to deal with the consequences and keep our friendship intact?"]

The pining was hard to handle, mostly because they were being idiots. Throw in a miscommunication trope, a little bit of "well, he wants me too, but I can't risk our friendship" bullshit, and a friend calling person on said BS, you got this beautiful (but kinky as fuck) story. Honestly, this was wonderful. Not necessarily the "secret" I was suspecting (I figured it was a kink, but didn't think it would be that one--a nice surprise actually), but all around a very fun and cute and Hot novella.

#mybestfriendssecret #crystallacy #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Knotted Up

New author, same old binge-reading habits. Crystal Lacy, the new(ish--to me--sorta) author. "Knotted Up", the same old binge-reading habits (available through #ProlificWorks).

["A chance encounter at a mutual friend's party turns into a weekend full of heat when Paul, who's never been tied before, meets veteran rigger Alex."]

Must like the last short story I read, this book was so damn sweet but sooooo fucking spicy. They just clicked. The actual kink negotiation wasn't fully on the page, but it was there and healthy and consensual and beautiful. The chemistry was amazing, and they just flowed really, really well.

Going through Crystal's books, so far, was definitely a good idea on my part. ;)

#knottedup #crystallacy #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

First Time Seller

New author, same old binge-reading habits. Crystal Lacy, the new(ish--to me--sorta) author. "First Time Seller", the same old binge-reading habits (available through #ProlificWorks).

["Lee needs rent money ASAP. His friend, a high class escort, suggests he has sex for cash, which is fine with Lee, since he likes getting laid anyway. Getting paid for it no big deal, right? Then he meets handsome, elegant Hugo, and suddenly Lee’s not sure he wants to keep things strictly business."]

This was literally only 20 pages. It was somehow so damn sweet all the while being pretty much only smut. It wasn't a full-blown happily ever after, but it was close. They worked really, really well together and the chemistry was certainly there. ;) A definite recommend. 

#firsttimeseller #crystallacy #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Remembering You

New author, same old binge-reading habits. Crystal Lacy, the new(ish--to me--sorta) author. "Remembering You", the same old binge-reading habits (available through #BookFunnel).

["“Careful there, Robbie.” 

My sweater obscured part of my sight, and my fogged-up glasses managed to take care of the rest of it, but I’d recognize that voice anywhere, even after eight long years. It was deeper now, a bit more gravelly, but it most definitely belonged to the guy I’d spent most of my early teenage years pining after. My first—and unrequited—love. 

“Troy?” I exclaimed, blinking my confusion as he helped pull my sweater the rest of the way off. 

Troy Jacobs’ gorgeous lips twitched in amusement. “You remember me. Didn’t know if you would.” 

“Oh, I remember you,” I mumbled. Hard to forget your first kiss—or the first guy you ever loved."]

These two were soooo damn cute! The angst wasn't all that terrible, just a precursor to them getting together. Spoiler alert. 

Also, Christmas in Hawaii? Sign. Me. The. Fuck. Up.

Much like the last piece, because it was so short, just shy of 45 pages, I can't gush too much about their love without spoiling anything, even though I want to. So seriously, just go read it (to read this one, you have to sign up for Crystal's newsletters to get a password that unlocks previously posted short stories locked in a cute little safe on her website). 

#rememberingyou #crystallacy #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Had To Be You

New author, same old binge-reading habits. Crystal Lacy, the new(ish--to me--sorta) author. "Had To Be You", the same old binge-reading habits (available through #BookFunnel)

["Nicolas doesn't remember a time when he wasn't in love with his best friend Mason, but Mason has never given any indication he's interested in guys. When Nicolas accompanies Mason back to their home town, sweet nostalgia makes it difficult for him to hide his feelings. What will happen when Mason finally clues in?"]

The levels of pining that Nicholas goes through was borderline heartbreaking. It was so deep and true and beautiful and angsty. And slightly idiotic, but I guess you'll just have to read this to find out why. ;)

Because it was so short, just shy of 50 pages, I can't gush too much about their love without spoiling anything, even though I want to. So seriously, just go read it (to read this one, you have to sign up for Crystal's newsletters to get a password that unlocks previously posted short stories locked in a cute little safe on her website). 

#hadtobeyou #crystallacy #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Friday, July 8, 2022

Sexed By Santa: Bonus Scene

A "Sexted By Santa" Bonus Scene (titled "Santa's Coming") by D.J. Jamison from the Thrust Into Love series, courtesy of #BookFunnel. Must (well, in theory--you do you though, boo) read the full novel beforehand (which has been reviewed in my last post--full blurb included).

["Jaxson finally gets his fantasy wish -- a little Santa kink fun with Christian!"]

A little extra Christmas themed, Santa-centric fun from Christian and Jaxson. This scene was hinted at in the full-length book, but I'm secretly (not so secretly) excited that we actually get to read it.

Check out BookFunnel sometime! Seriously!!

#swipedbymydadsbestfriend #matchedbymyrival #tappedbymyroommate #sextedbysanta #thrustintolove #djjamison #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sexted By Santa (Thrust Into Love series #4)

I don't know how I missed the Thrust Into Love series when I binged D.J. Jamison's books a few months ago. Literally, don't know. But it came up in an email I got recently through D.J. (and #BookFunnel) promoting Pride Month, so here we are. The fourth and final book is titled "Sexted By Santa."

["Christian Kringle: College professor, reluctant Santa, and...fake dating my neighbor?

I'm a grinch and proud of it--but this year, there’s no avoiding the Christmas cheer.

First, I get roped into playing Santa. Shudder. Then, while trying to dodge a setup with my boss's brother, I somehow promise to attend a holiday party with my boyfriend--who doesn't exist.

Next thing I know, my (soon-to-be former) best friend has set up a profile on a hookup app to find me a date. With the username of.... wait for it... SantaWantsYourChimney.

Go ahead and laugh. He sure did, the traitor.

Before I can delete the profile, I match with an easygoing guy with amazing photos. His teasing about Santa kink makes me laugh, and blush, and feel things I haven't since my divorce. For the first time in years, I look forward to dating.

Until we meet, and he turns out to be my neighbor. My very young, very off-limits neighbor who I've clashed with for years. Only now I know just how sexy, charming, and sweetly devoted to his daughter he is.

I should walk away, but I still need that fake boyfriend. The only problem? Jaxson's so convincing I can't tell where the pretense ends and real feelings begin.

Falling for him is easy. Loving his daughter? Effortless. Trusting that I can keep them is the hard part.

It'll take the magic of love, family, and yes--even Christmas--to teach this old grinch new tricks."]

Took a quick break halfway though this book to read a bunch of novellas/short stories. Partially, because this book was going so well, and they were so happy; and I didn't want that angst to show up again and them to fight/have that miscommunication trope/break up for the sake of whatever. Basically, I was avoiding conflict in life and carrying that to my reading.

Christian was the grumpy with-no-reason-to-be-sunshiny to Jaxson's sunshiny with-no-time-or-energy-to-be-grumpy. They were so quick to fall in love, and it was absolutely breath-taking. 

I was a little right with the angst and the fight/tiny-bit-of-miscommunication trope situation, but they didn't break up. Spoiler alert. I might have slightly cried (borderline bawled) during that section, but it was Nothing compared to the happy tears I definitely shed during the epilogue; that shit was emotional and beautiful and perfect. 

#swipedbymydadsbestfriend #matchedbymyrival #tappedbymyroommate #sextedbysanta #thrustintolove #djjamison #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, July 7, 2022

E-Book Struggles

Literally (one of) the only issue I have with my Kindle Unlimited subscription...

#kindle #kindleunlimited #book #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Text Me Up (Love & Luck series #7.5)

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to share even more novellas/short stories that I found on #ProlificWorks (through their Your Book Boyfriend's Boyfriend giveaway). I didn't go through and read the description to every book (yet), but I did go through and see if I recognized any of the other authors on the list (about a month or so ago I found two--one on purpose and one on accident) and immediately claimed each one.

Here's Isla Olsen's "Text Me Up" (which is part of her Love & Luck series; Isla also wrote the Goode Life series and the Suits & Sevens series).

Due to unfortunate happenstance, my precious phone is currently on its way to Ireland in the not-so-safe hands of Callum Foley—my sister’s boyfriend’s cousin. I’ve only met the guy once and my impression was unsettling at best, so the thought of him accessing my phone with all its private contents fills me with nothing but dread.

But I have Callum’s phone with me, so when he starts teasing me about some of my apps I figure it’s fair game to dive into its contents. What one guy needs with twelve different hook-up apps, I’ll never know.

We agree to overnight the phones as soon as Callum arrives home, but it turns out a lot can happen on a six hour flight to Ireland, and I find that when the time comes, I’m not so eager to give up this connection to him… "]

This book!! D: It was so damn cute! The banter just floooooowed so fucking well, and the flirting was so encouraging and dirty and wonderful. Nate and Callum Clicked, capital C. Cheesy (with another Capital C--I'll let you fill in what that third Capital C could be ;) )as it is, they were meant to be. It was beautiful and easy; and then the miscommunication trope hit, and the angst and the pining rose, and W O W.

Loooooooooved this series. So much. Loved this book. So. Much. And now, I really can't wait until the eighth book ("Sex, Tries, and Videotapes") debuts. 

#textmeup #islaolsen #fakeittilyoumakeit #virtuallyscrewed #crazylittlefling #hopelessbromantics #twomenandababy #cantgetyououtofmybed #comeallyekellys #sextriesandvideotapes #thegoodelife #thegoodelifeseries #suitsandsevens #suitsandsevensseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, July 4, 2022

Room Upgrade (California Crush series #0.5)

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to share even more novellas/short stories that I found on #ProlificWorks (through their Your Book Boyfriend's Boyfriend giveaway). I didn't go through and read the description to every book (yet), but I did go through and see if I recognized any of the other authors on the list (about a month or so ago I found two--one on purpose and one on accident) and immediately claimed each one.

Here's Mia Monroe's "Room Upgrade" (Mia also wrote the Tattoos and Temptations series). "Room Upgrade" is a novella/prequel/introduction to Mia's California Crush series.

["What if I want my vacation fling to be a permanent stayover?

The best way to cope with finding my boyfriend trying to hookup behind my back? Rebound, of course. Our vacation to sunny San Diego was meant to rekindle our relationship. Little did I know, he had already moved on.

Rather than licking my wounds in my hotel room, I decide to take advantage of the hotel’s amenities, including the offer of a nightcap with the gorgeous bartender. I deserve a vacation fling as much as anyone.

Only one night turns into more, and before the weekend is over, I’m wondering if it’s time to make my Room Upgrade permanent."]

This short story was very right-place-right-time meets what-if-soulmates-existed meets carpe-diem meets when-you-know-you-know. It was a little overly cheesy and Hallmark-y, but it worked for them.

And having been throughly introduced to the hotel/resort and the people that work there, I cannot wait to see what the rest of the series holds (besides lots and lots and lots of (queer) potential ;) ).

Gotta say, at first, I didn't remember which tattoo-themed series I read in the past was Tattoos and Temptations. That being said, I not must go make sure that I've read all of Mia's other works; if not, they will be quickly added to the list. ;)

#roomupgrade #miamonroe #californiacrush #californiacrushseries #tattoosandtemptations #tattoosandtemptationsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Kissing Dad's Best Friend

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to share even more novellas/short stories that I found on #ProlificWorks (through their Your Book Boyfriend's Boyfriend giveaway). I didn't go through and read the description to every book (yet), but I did go through and see if I recognized any of the other authors on the list (about a month or so ago I found two--one on purpose and one on accident) and immediately claimed each one.

Here's Crystal Lacy's "Kissing Dad's Best Friend" (Crystal also wrote "Vanilla Steamer", a part of the Bold Brew series).

["Beach Tran doesn't know anything about Gabriel Jenkins the first time they kiss outside a crowded dance club in downtown Honolulu. When they're interrupted on their way to Gabriel's place, Beach hopes he'll be lucky enough to run into the sexy stranger again. After all, Oahu is a small island.

Contractor Gabriel Jenkins is happy to help his best friend's kid out when he has some problems with his bed & breakfast start-up. He doesn't expect to see the hot guy he almost hooked up with a few nights ago when the doors to Felicity's Inn opens.

Neither man can resist the other's charms, even though they know they can't allow themselves to give in to their desires. Can Beach really stop himself at just one kiss--even if the person he wants to kiss is his dad's best friend?"]

Honestly, this novella was fucking amazing. Between the subtle but not-so-subtle representation of hapa people and their culture, and the sweet as fuck friendship Gabe and Beach had in between all of that sexual tension, which eventually erupted (volcano pun totally intended--only slightly regretted). 

I remembered loving "Vanilla Steamer" and I loved's to binge-reading all of Crystal's books in the near future. ;)

#kissingdadsbestfriend #crystallacy #vanillasteamer #boldbrew #boldbrewseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Lumberjack Under the Tree

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to share even more novellas/short stories that I found on #ProlificWorks (through their Your Book Boyfriend's Boyfriend giveaway). I didn't go through and read the description to every book (yet), but I did go through and see if I recognized any of the other authors on the list (about a month or so ago I found two--one on purpose and one on accident) and immediately claimed each one.

Here's Keira Andrews's "Lumberjack Under the Tree" (Keira also wrote a buuuuunch of the books I read during my Christmas/Holiday phase last November/December).

["Will former friends take a second chance on love?

I couldn't admit I loved Blake in high school. He's prickly as a porcupine, and I don't blame him one bit after the way I ghosted him. I want him now more than ever. Will he give us a second chance? I'm willing to beg.

My first love is the last man I expect to show up to help me chop down Christmas trees. I’ve downsized for van life, and I was enjoying the peace and quiet in the middle of nowhere.

Then a blizzard strikes. We’re stuck together in my van, and I won’t give in to temptation. But I can’t stop wanting him even though he broke my heart…"]

Set in the same universe as "Merry Cherry Christmas" and "Santa Daddy", this short and sweet and angsty romance was perfect. Set back on the picturesque Christmas tree farm in Canada (where their rights aren't constantly taken from them) with snow storms and puppy dog kisses and happily ever afters.

Definitely a recommend if you like romance or Christmas or need an escape from the burning hell that America is (Happy Fucking Fourth of July to those of you who still have freedom).

#lumberjackunderthetree #keiraandrews #merrycherrychristmas #santadaddy #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Top Notch Boyfriend

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to share even more novellas/short stories that I found on #ProlificWorks (through their Your Book Boyfriend's Boyfriend giveaway). I didn't go through and read the description to every book (yet), but I did go through and see if I recognized any of the other authors on the list (about a month or so ago I found two--one on purpose and one on accident) and immediately claimed each one.

Here's Lauren Blakely's "Top Notch Boyfriend" (Lauren also wrote The Best Men series as well as the Hopelessly Bromantic series, which I shamelessly haven't gotten to yet).

["After falling too fast too many times, I’ve got a new game plan—play it cool.
Just like I do every Sunday on the football field. I stick to that strategy when I meet a sexy and swoony Brit at a charity event, and I charm the pants off him. (Hey, I’m an equal opportunity guy—he charms mine off too.) Turns out we’ve got more in common than chemistry—the English hottie’s been burned by love too and only wants a rebound fling. And, since I need a date for a weekend in Vegas, I make the wild suggestion that we jet off to the city of sin as . . . fake boyfriends. That’s a winning move in my relationship playbook. Until I’m right back where I started—with my heart in his hands . . .

Nate (and Hunter--the Brit----spoiler alert) decided to be "just chill" and not "fall too far too fast." They both had plans to protect their hearts and try, for once, to not get their hopes up and their hearts broken and attempt a one-night-stand/not-strings-attached romance. Predictably, it didn't work. But we wouldn't have gotten a Happily Ever After if it did, right? ;)

#topnotchboyfriend #laurenblakely #thebestmen #thebestmenseries #hopelesslybromantic #hopelesslybromanticseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Player

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to share even more novellas/short stories that I found on #ProlificWorks (through their Your Book Boyfriend's Boyfriend giveaway). I didn't go through and read the description to every book (yet), but I did go through and see if I recognized any of the other authors on the list (about a month or so ago I found two--one on purpose and one on accident) and immediately claimed each one.

Here's Lily Morton's "The Player" (Lily also wrote "Merry Measure", which I read during my Christmas/Holiday phase last November/December).

["Frankie Bishop had only been married for a few months when he became a widower, leaving him with a mountain of debts, a business on the edge of ruin, and a parrot called Hank Marvin. Three years later, the business is finally thriving, and Frankie finds himself ready to look for love again. It comes as a complete surprise to discover that he’s developed feelings for Con - his late husband’s best friend and now Frankie’s business partner. Why did he overlook the gorgeous man who's been by his side through everything? Even more importantly, how can he tell Con about his feelings when Con seems to have suddenly found love with another man?"]

It took poor Frankie sooooo damn long to realize his feelings. He went from "he's my best friend" and "he's the one thing that makes me calm and happy" and "my husband cheated on me and died but at least he gave me the best friend I could ever ask for" and "no, Boyfriend can't do that, that's our thing, mine and Con's thing" over and over and over again for 60+ pages before he realized that maybe, just maybe, his feelings for Con weren't just platonic.
Granted, everyone else knew. Literally everyone else, even the parrot. Everyone they worked with, everyone they were friends with, everyone in town. Everyone knew how Frankie felt (and spoiler alert, how Con felt).

Then there was the miscommunication trope, which I agree is frustrating as hell, but it does spike up that angst so damn well. Which, in this case, really made that sexual tension grow and grow and...

#theplayer #lilymorton #merrymeasure #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, July 3, 2022

The Crush

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to share even more novellas/short stories that I found on #ProlificWorks (through their Your Book Boyfriend's Boyfriend giveaway). I didn't go through and read the description to every book (yet), but I did go through and see if I recognized any of the other authors on the list (about a month or so ago I found two--one on purpose and one on accident) and immediately claimed each one.

Here's Briar Prescott's "The Crush" (Briar also wrote the Better With You series).

["Subway rides are the best part of my day. That's when I see him. The hot subway guy. He's the most beautiful man I've ever seen. It's ridiculous to crush so hard on somebody I only see on the subway every other day, but luckily I've never been one to let common sense bring me down.

Too bad I've kissed one too many frogs, so I'm a bit gun-shy about relationships. But there's something about Caleb that draws me to him and makes me want to take a chance.

After all, I want him to be more than just the crush. "]

I love how fucking dramatic Briar makes her characters, in a really fun and quirky and totally adorable kinda way. That's August. And of course, Caleb was fucking smitten.

This story was so cute and so sweet and so fluffy and so fun and yes, so hot. Spoiler Alert: the crush went both ways, both were idiots that didn't want to put themselves out there but still really, really wanted the sunshine and butterflies they got every morning on the train.

Spoiler Alert 2: they got it...and so much more. ;)

#thecrush #briarprescott #betterwithyou #betterwithyouseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Paired With The Jock

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to share even more novellas/short stories that I found on #BookFunnel (through their Your Book Boyfriend's Boyfriend giveaway). I didn't go through and read the description to every book (yet), but I did go through and see if I recognized any of the other authors on the list (about a month or so ago I found two--one on purpose and one on accident) and immediately claimed each one.

Here's Ana Byrd's "Paired with the Jock" (Ana also wrote the #Love Wins series)

["Live in the dorms, my uncle told me. It'll be fun, he said. Well, it sure is fun--for my roommate, who's got another girl over every night. Not that it's surprising. Max is the hottest boy on campus. When he isn't tending to his pet mice, he's off playing sportsball, and it shows. He looks like all those heroes in the gay romance novels I love to read. Except he's not gay.
That's what I got to rememeber.
He's not gay.
Or is he?"]

Suuuuuuuuper cute! Lots of second hand embarrassment, lots of awkward moments. But a lot of sweet ones and protective ones and happily-ever-after ones.

This short story not only tackled love (the romantic and the sexual kind), but also homophobia, bi-erasure, and non-penetrative sex. 

Definitely worth the read.

#pairedwiththejock #anabyrd #lovewins #lovewinsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Goodbye, June!

June was hell. No further comments needed at this point in time. Thank you.


2022 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) Nada here. Had an itch for it. Made the effort to not scratch it. Fight me.

(2) Books read this month: 20 (might get one more in there before midnight though).

(3) See item number one.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 40. 

(5) Well, June was a shit show, so I have nothing but a few extra pounds to show it. The existential crises thing ended though, so that's a plus. I didn't get covid when practically all of my coworkers did, so that's a plus. I made it to July, so that's a plus. Here's to a better month moving forward.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions (now that its time to make brand-new ones)?

Any exciting July reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyejune #hellojuly #hello2022 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tapped By My Roommmate: Bonus Scene

A "Tapped By My Roommate" Bonus Scene by D.J. Jamison from the Thrust Into Love series, courtesy of #BookFunnel. Must (well, in theory--you do you though, boo) read the full novel beforehand (which has been reviewed in my last post--full blurb included).

["Rhett presents Eihan with a Godzilla-style dildo. Let the fun begin!"]

A little extra steam from Parker and Simon. And my steam, I mean a cute-as-hell, laughing-through-sex, what-more-could-you-want sex scene. ;)

Check out BookFunnel sometime! Seriously!!

#swipedbymydadsbestfriend #matchedbymyrival #tappedbymyroommate #sextedbysanta #thrustintolove #djjamison #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Fated Mate Bandit (Trash Pandas #2)

Here's Amy Bellows's new series, Trash Pandas. The second book is "The Fated Mate Bandit." ["I fell in love with Silv...