Friday, July 5, 2024

How To Hide Your Mermaid Child (Closet Baby Chronicles #5)

Continuing to be off the rails when it comes to ARCs and TBRs (I need a small mob/dark romance break). Here's Anna Winehearts's "How To Hide Your Mermaid Child." Its the fifth novel in her Closet Baby Chronicles. 

["Kidnapped by a dragon, Quinlan's doing his best to pretend that his baby is a dragon shifter.

Behind on rent and three states away from home, Quinlan needs to make it back before his landlord trashes all his things. Especially the expensive supplies for his mermaid baby, Annie.

Except he gets kidnapped.

By a dragon.

A dragon who is determined to make Quinlan his mate.

Somehow, the dragon, Griff, thinks Annie is a baby dragon. In order to convince Griff to fly them home, Quinlan keeps up the pretense. While ignoring the heaps of quilts, baby clothing, and phones that Griff has collected to court his mate.

There is no way Quinlan's falling for his kidnapper. Nope. None at all.

But Griff is an oddball shifter who's growing increasingly excited for Annie's first fireball. He's unexpectedly sweet, desperate for a mate, and as much as Quinlan tries to reject him, Griff is starting to wear down his defenses..."]

I'm not entirely sure how I forgot that Quinlan was kidnapped near the end of the last book. Griff would use that term lightly, more of a homecoming. Then again, Quinlan didn't stay upset about it all that long (or actually try to escape...or ask for help--both of which Hex pointed out oh so helpfully).

Griff is an oddball. He's goofy and weird and silly, but he's happy and he's unabashedly himself. Sure, he might not have hung out with many people (humans or otherwise) for a long while, but he's prepared to do anything for Quinlan. 

Quinlan (like many of the omegas in this series) has been through hell: poor, on the run, family-less, lonely. He doesn't feel like he deserves care or comfort, but Griff is teaching him that he can have a support system (just as Quinlan is teaching Griff that he can branch out).

This series is crack. I mean, yes there is plot in each individual novel as well as through the series as a whole, but my god, these characters and these romances and these babies (and these butlers) are pure crack. 

Also, and I believe I said this before, but we need to stop introducing cute new characters. I want this series wrapped up with a happily ever after (though...I don't necessarily want this series to end so...).

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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Say I Do (Vitale Brothers #3)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (a series I've had on my long-term TBR list...a few times). Here's "Say I Do." Its the third book in Brea Alepoú and Skyler Snow's Vitale Brothers series.

["What do you get when you mix a mobster with the son of the yakuza?

A marriage bathed in blood.

I never expected to be getting married, but when a business opportunity lands in my lap, I know I have to take it. After all, my family means the world to me. I’ll do anything to keep them safe, even if it’s entering a marriage that’s nothing more than convenience so I can pop out an heir.

However, that’s not what happens. The Hayashi’s pull a fast one and I’m left with a snarling godd*mn hellhound on my hands. Harlow is nothing like the demure, sweet woman I signed up for. No, he’s got teeth and he knows how to use them.

There’s no going back.

I’ll either fall in love or bury another lover."]

First wedding (the secret, official one) ends with blood and Harlow at gunpoint (Benito's gun) saying "I do" (which I promptly giggled, and whispered to myself "hot damn, this ones going to be good"). I'm not even sure the second wedding (the one for publicity's sake) got to the "I do" part, but don't worry, there was still blood..and guns. ;)
But it did give us this gem (Benito//Harlow): "'You know how to use that?' // Harlow checked the chamber, spun it, and slapped it back into place. 'Oh yeah.' // My cock jumped at the exact moment my heart skipped a beat. 'Fuck, you're so hot.' // 'I know, baby,' he grinned and gave me a wink."

Seriously, this book was hot as fuck. I mean, they both had issues and bloodlust and barely contained angrer (sooooo much hate sex--this book is half porn) and a mutual thing for pain, but they were both so swept away and overcome with their feelings for each other (damn those feelings, sneaking up on even the strongest and highest of walls).

Harlow is most definitely up there with some of the most fucked up characters I've read, which also makes him one of favorites. I mean, hell, he's great with knives (has them hidden all over his person--no matter how many times he's searched, he always has at least one), he loves lace panties (which Benito lights on fire--in all fairness, he did warn Harlow it would happen), and he has a tendency to stab first, ask questions later. He's fiercely loyal and he just wants to be wanted. But tell him that and you'll get worse than a fork to the thigh. ;)

Trigger Warnings: death, violence, detailed torture, mention of child abuse, blood, mention of past child sexual abuse, violence between MCs, and more.

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Paid In Full (Vitale Brothers #2)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (a series I've had on my long-term TBR list...a few times). Here's "Paid In Full." Its the second book in Brea Alepoú and Skyler Snow's Vitale Brothers series.

["I’m used to my life being insanity. A family of a-holes, being locked up, and a few loose screws? Yeah anyone would go crazy. (Not that I am. I’m different, that’s all). My brothers say I’m the loose canon of the family. The truth is that I’m the life of the party!

The party comes to a screeching halt when I meet Ash. Shy, younger, virgin. He’s everything I’m not attracted to. Give me an experienced partner anyday.

But there’s something about him that makes me want to keep him. Maybe I want to stoke that fire I see in his eyes. Or maybe I’m just lonelier than I thought.

Either way, he’s mine. Nobody, and I mean nobody, will take Ash away from me."]

Enzo might have had a thing for knives, but Gin named his favorite hammer. And somehow, that's cute to me. What's with these morally gray (dark gray) characters being cute as hell?!?! I mean, come one! They're already addictive as fuck, then you add on things that make them fluffy and adorable?! That should be illegal. "I didn't want him gone. Even if I had just threatened to hill him. // I would never. Unless he left me. That's not unreasonable, right?" Like fuuuuuuuuck, how is that cute!!???!!

When Gin first brought Ash into his home, he described him as a little nervous bunny (and then a puppy (and one time a hampster)), but holy hell, I don't think anyone (including Ash) was ready for the claws on that puppy. Or the teeth. But honestly, good for him. Gin needed tamed (and Ash deserved to find himself).

Quote of the Day (Gin//Ash//Gin): "I barked out a laugh. 'You just called me a whore throughout that entire encounter, and now you can't say the word sex?' // His cheeks reddened. 'Fuck off.' // I grinned harder. 'Ah, now you're saying fuck off just like me.' I clicked my tongue. 'I'm a goddamn awesome influence.'"

QotD 2 (Ash): “No surprise, I got the crazy brother.” I mean, Gin is the most batshit out of the brothers, but they’re all fucking crazy. 

Trigger Warnings: death, violence, detailed torture, mention of child abuse, mention of past child sex abuse, past neglect, human trafficking, sex trafficking, and more.

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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Take Me Apart (Vitale Brothers #1)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (a series I've had on my long-term TBR list...a few times). Here's "Take Me Apart." Its the first book in Brea Alepoú and Skyler Snow's Vitale Brothers series.

["I have only one goal in life: Become a detective. It’s there, just out of reach, so close I can taste it. When I find out the Vitale family is about to be investigated again, I do what I do best.

Jump in head first.

There’s just one problem; Enzo Vitale. The man is red hot danger, every word a dare from his lips. And I never was one to turn away from a challenge…

But when things get rough, lies reign and deceit is around every corner. I find myself drawn to the one man I should be running from. The criminal whose hands are bathed in blood.

Am I falling for the enemy?"]

I'm. Fucking. Obsessed. I didn't think anything could come close to the Necessary Evils series with the Mulvaney brothers, but holy. fucking. shit. This series is a definite contender. This series is a set of toxic murder-boyfriend brothers with obsessive/possessive issues--but minus the altruism. They all definitely need therapy for there personal issues, but its okay, because the partners they full-on-claim also have things going on that make them not super stable either, so it works.

I'm obsessed with Enzo. He's fucking adorable, even though he likes wetwork and torture (and I'm not the only one who things so--Tex is just as obsessed, much to his dismay). And to answer Tex's question, he fell for the enemy that first night. But its okay, because Enzo fell then, too. ;)

QotD Part One: "'From now on, I'm the only one allowed to hurt you or make you cry. Every inch of you belongs to me.' I bit his lip. 'Even your life.' // Tex groaned. 'Yeah. Where do I sign, Satan?'"

QotD Part Two: "A soft smile graced Tex's face, and I was instantly hit with the desire to chain him up. I wanted him to smile at me like that, only me." // "Who knew a man like Enzo Vitale would be jealous of a little old cat?"

Trigger Warnings: death, violence, detailed torture, parental abuse, parental neglect, former drug abuse, mild knife play, autism, and more.

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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Where There's Smoke (Heroes of Port Dale #7)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (getting one step closer to crossing another author off my to-binge list). Here's "Where There's Smoke." It's the seventh (and final) book in Romeo Alexander's Heroes of Port Dale series.

["Matt I’m proud to be a Port Dale firefighter but it isn’t all excitement and sitting around eating homemade meals. It’s also dealing with your work “family” in ways you never expected. I love my real family, and I love my work “family”. Well, most of them. My “brothers” at the fire station are exactly what I need at work, but I wasn’t expecting to be asked out by my homophobic “brother’s” actual brother. I also wasn’t expecting how well it would work out or where it would lead us. I certainly didn’t expect we’d get caught.

Ethan: Tossed out by the Corps on medical grounds, I have no idea what to expect from civilian life. I’ve got my brother Keith, who’s been everything, brother, friend, parent. Yet when I stumble across his fellow firefighter, Matt, I find myself in a whole new world. Matt is sweet, kind, and forgiving, everything my brother is not, especially when it comes to being gay. Matt is hot. He’s everything I need, and I know I can’t hide my true self forever.

For Matt and Ethan there’s fiery instant attraction but can they get over family hurdles? When gay-hating Keith catches them kissing at work, sparks fly! Can the fire between them be rekindled or is it dead forever?"]

This Ethan is NOT the Ethan mentioned in the Men of Fort Dale series (he was a bartender at Pulse (and kinda an ass--I mean, he did help in blackmailing General Winter)). This Ethan is also, apparently, not the Ethan mentioned in book five (though, there were two Ethans in book five--neither one this Ethan). Matt was mentioned in book one, and I was serrrrrrrriously hoping he'd get his own book (cute little shit he is). 

ANYway, these two were cute as hell. I loved how just...enamored they both were from the start (though Ethan hid it better; Matt gets clumsy with a crush). They were so innocent in their love and loving in their lust. 

Also, shout out to Theo for fulfilling the "stranger at a bar talking you through your woes and helping you get clarity" stereotype. Who knew you had it in you ;)

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, violence, and more

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Two Best Men, Only One Bed (Heroes of Port Dale #6)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (getting one step closer to crossing another author off my to-binge list). Here's "Two Best Men, Only One Bed." It's the sixth book in Romeo Alexander's Heroes of Port Dale series.

["Blake: Planning my twin brother’s wedding seemed like a feat on its own. But I’m the only family he’s got left, and really, I couldn’t be happier for him. Turns out, planning a wedding isn’t so hard, especially when the other best man is such a big help. Of course, I wasn’t expecting to have to share a bed with the man or to discover he’s a cuddler and a little handsy. Finding out he wasn’t as straight as I thought was a surprise, but not as surprising as finding out that apparently, neither am I.

Sean: I always dreamt of the day my little brother would get married. Planning the perfect wedding for him and the love of his life is a dream come true. Blake’s help has been invaluable, and I’m glad we’ve been able to grow closer over the past few weeks. It only took an accident, followed by a little courage on his part, to change everything, however. Now, my new friend is becoming so much more, and I’m not sure where we’re headed. How can you have a relationship with a man who’s spent his whole life being straight?

Two grooms, and one wedding. Two best men, and only one bed. How will it all add up in the end for Blake and Sean?"]

Okay, I thooouuught there was something of a spark between these two in Eric and Blaine’s book, something fun and snarky and cute, but I assumed I was just looking for something that wasn’t there. Then I read this blurb, and I legit “awwww”ed out loud. 

These two were ridiculously adorable. Their friendship was sweet and supportive (and snarky) as hell. I loved watching the interact, seeing those interactions became deeper, sweeter, and lustier. And, I gotta admit, I looooved the scene(s) where their brother's found out (and the few where they almost found out).

Also, really not sure why I'm SO put-out about it, but the cover has one of the models/MC wearing a nipple ring, and neither Blake nor Sean was mentioned having one. I knooooooow smitten/honry Sean would have mentioned it if Blake had one (Eric would have also had a smart-ass comment about it), and confused but aroused Blake would have found a way to be both jealous and intrigued by it if Sean had one. That's all.

Trigger Warnings: homophobia parents

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Where We Left Off (Heroes of Port Dale #5)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (getting one step closer to crossing another author off my to-binge list). Here's "Where We Left Off." It's the fifth book in Romeo Alexander's Heroes of Port Dale series.

Well, I’m back in Port Dale for the summer, staying with Elliot and Clay. Not my original plan, but that got busted.
I never expected to run into him. He looked good, even better than before. Nate had been more than just my best friend, he was my ‘almost’ first boyfriend. Then he was suddenly removed from my life. I’d thought it was for good but then, as I’ve recently found out, plans change!
Now we’re both back in Port Dale. Can we pick up where we left off? Should we? Well, the answer to that was out of our hands when the trouble started.

My life has always been determined by my father. He made me leave Port Dale, he chose my college, and he brought me back when my grades dropped.
Then I ran into Tyler and, wow, he’s changed…for the better! Getting together again could be a blessing… or a curse if my father ever finds out. Can I keep Tyler a secret from him? Should I? Little did we know, trouble was waiting right around the corner, and it would put all our lives in danger.

Can Tyler and Nate rekindle their old flame, or will Nate’s father win again? Or is there something else in play, something much more deadly?"]

Tyler is from book two (and can I saw how giddy I am that Tyler is friends with Elliott/Clay?!), though Nathaniel (I believe) is new.

These two were cute as hell. And the total opposite of what I had assumed they’d be (take those cliches and ropes and flip them folks—and if you can’t quiiiiite see it, trust me, it’s good). 

Tyler is still adorable as hell, though he’s a beefcake now. He’s fierce and loyal and stubborn and condiment. Enter Nate. Nate is a shell, a broken-down, hiding behind a wall, no emotions allowed, puppet for his father. He’s hesitant and shy and in search of freedom, if only for a few hours. Enter Tyler. 

This novel was fast paced with some mystery and intrigue and danger and fluff all around. 

And yes, Nate, you’re right: Clay is dangerous and suspicious as hell ;) 

Trigger Warnings: violence, kidnapping, injuries, car accidents horrible fathers, and more.

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Unbreak My Heart (Heroes of Port Dale #4)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (getting one step closer to crossing another author off my to-binge list). Here's "Unbreak My Heart." It's the fourth book in Romeo Alexander's Heroes of Port Dale series.

["Eric: At least my old police partner is leaving due to a promotion. Like everyone else in my life, my first and only love, Blaine Edwards, simply left me. Now he’s my new partner and the last person I want to see. But after eight years of nothing, I get to see him every day. I don’t care what he thinks, there’s nothing between us anymore, even if it kills me to say that.

Blaine: After eight years of military service, it’s time to do something new. Police work seems like a good transition, until I run into Eric. Of course, he hates me. Thing is, all it took was one look and I know what I’ve always known, all I ever wanted or will ever want is Eric. I don’t think I’m alone in that either, the trick is getting Eric to see it too.

Misunderstandings drove them apart. Fate has given them a second chance but will they take it? Will a near-fatal explosion and the sudden appearance of old love letters help? Love stands on a knife-edge in this story of two of Port Dale’s finest police officers."]

Second chance romances are always hard. Why didn't they work before? Why would they work now? Is what happened before forgivable? Acceptable? Is what's happening now even worth trusting? Redeeming? 

These two? They were everything and more. They were able to answer all of the above questions (okay, sure, Eric needed some help--or a gentle a cliff) and more. They were able to work through things and come out on the other side stronger than before. They were glorious in their redemption, in their forgiveness (and glorious in their stubbornness). 

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Drawing the Doctor (Heroes of Port Dale #3)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (getting one step closer to crossing another author off my to-binge list). Here's "Drawing the Doctor." It's the third book in Romeo Alexander's Heroes of Port Dale series.

["Theo: I follow my passions, and if I happen to enjoy alcohol and sex, well, I’m an artist, right? No family or friends so I can do what I want, when I want. That is, until an incident lands me in hospital, and I find myself spellbound by the hot as hell doctor. One date turns into two, then three, and more. I don’t know what I want anymore, I’m falling, I’m drowning…it scares the hell out of me…Can he heal me?

Grant:My life has stagnated. I worked hard to become a doctor, and I love what I do. The routine leaves no room for dating, but that’s life, right? That is, until an artist who’s decorated himself as much as his canvases falls into my life. He’s wild, chaotic, a handful, and broken. He drives me crazy, but I’m starting to hope. Can I keep him forever? Can I heal him?

After an embarrassing first encounter in the ER, Theo and Grant are drawn to each other, their feelings deep right from the start. They have nothing in common, opposites in every way. But somehow it works…until it doesn’t. Their feelings are suddenly keeping them apart, and it’s hard to find a way back. Can they heal each other?"]

What a meet-cute. Could you call that a meet-cute? It wasn't a meet-ugly. Maybe a meet-awkward. Definitely not something anyone would forget soon. 

These two were something else. Grant wanted the whole nine-yard, romance and sap and ever after, but he could see that Theo was scared of what was brewing between them. Theo has only ever known momentary, one-night stands and flings and loneliness, but Grant made him think about more. Too bad these two hard to go through heartbreak to get to the happily ever after (spoiler alert); at least I didn't cry (somehow). 

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Hit or Miss, Kill or Kiss (Heroes of Port Dale #2)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (getting one step closer to crossing another author off my to-binge list). Here's "Hit or Miss, Kill or Kiss." It's the second book in Romeo Alexander's Heroes of Port Dale series.

["Clay: I’m an assassin, and I’m not ashamed of it. I’m good at what I do, and the people I kill deserve it. One more contract, one more hunt, one more kill. To be honest, it’s getting old. Until this latest job. Suddenly there’s someone between me and my target. What’s worse is he gets the better of me, twice! He’s a problem I’ve never had before…and maybe even more.

Elliot: After years in the Marines, and playing personal bodyguard, I thought I’d seen it all. An assassin coming after the philanthropist I’m paid to protect was a surprise, but not really a shock. The shock came later. The assassin is a killer with the most beautiful eyes, and damn it, I even trust him...and more.

Clay is paid to kill, Elliot is paid to protect…the same person. The two men stand no chance together. But things aren’t always what they seem. As Fate conspires to change the rules of the game, will she change the inevitable outcome?"]

These two were sooo much! I mean, what's more fascinating than a hired-killer falling for a hired-bodyguard. It's dark and twisty and forbidden and awesome. They both changed their views on life and morality and love. They grew as people because of the other person and their experiences.

The romance almost seemed sudden, but they spent so long getting to know each other that when the spice and fluff happened, it was inevitable. 

Trigger Warnings: foster care system, violence, horrible humans doing horrible things, and more.

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How To Hide Your Mermaid Child (Closet Baby Chronicles #5)

Continuing to be off the rails when it comes to ARCs and TBRs (I need a small mob/dark romance break). Here's Anna Winehearts's &quo...