Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Goodbye, July!

July seemed like a blip in the timeline of this summer. Then again, June was long as hell. Maybe August will be a nice mix of the two...

2024 Resolutions:

     (1) Don't stop reading
            (b) Complete Monthly Reading Challenge(s)
     (2) Make memories
     (3) Share love of books/writing
     (4) Be kinder to myself

(1) Books read this month: 44 (might get one more in there before midnight though).
    (b) Monthly Reading Challenge(s): Shape = Sun. Got some A-Z stuff recorded. Some serious ARCs. 

(2) July Memories: Lots of babysitting (some decent money). Some lazy af days (muuuuuch needed). A great dinner/evening out with friends. Some job interviews; some job disappointments. BUT my sister was in town for a week so there was a lot of (also much needed) family time, memories made, food eaten, laughter laughed, drinks drunk. 

(3) Posts this month (including this one): 38.

(4)  Another rollercoaster. Again, this month was a blip, so right now, looking back, I can't say for sure one way or the other how this month went. There were some fabulous and exciting and eventful days, but there were some longer, dragging days were my social battery was empty as hell. August, how you want to do this?

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting August reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyejuly #helloaugust #hello2024 #keeplearning #dontstopreading #monthlyreadingchallenge #makememories #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

July's Book Shape Challenge

Here's July's Book Shape Challenge! Mr. Sun! It's been a hot one there...and I sound like my mom.

(I picked all of these books at random, based off the color of their cover; not based on: whether I read them or not--most of which I haven't, sense why they were closest).

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Sunday, July 28, 2024

A Spoonful of Murder (Murder Most Unladylike #6)

For some reason, even though I follow her on Amazon, I had no clue that Robin Stevens had written more books in her Murder Most Unladylike series. Anywho, here is the sixth novel, "A Spoonful of Murder."

["When Hazel Wong's beloved grandfather passes away, Daisy Wells is all too happy to accompany her friend (and Detective Society Vice President) to Hazel's family estate in beautiful, bustling Hong Kong.

But when they arrive they discover something they didn't expect: there's a new member of the Wong family. Daisy and Hazel think baby Teddy is enough to deal with, but as always the girls are never far from a mystery. Tragedy strikes very close to home, and this time Hazel isn't just the detective. She's been framed for murder!

The girls must work together like never before, confronting dangerous gangs, mysterious suspects and sinister private detectives to solve the murder and clear Hazel's name - before it's too late..."]

I love these two, and I loooooove how Hazel has such a journey in this one. She became more independent and confident, and it suits her. It also helped that, for the first time in her life, Daisy wasn't in charge or the important one (which helped Daisy become more humble, in a good way).

Quote of the Day (Ah Lan//Daisy): ""You're only pretending to be detectives,' said Ah Lan, smiling again in the same scornful way. 'This is a game for you.' // 'Tell that we are detectives, and we have solved FIVE MURDER CASES!' snarled Daisy. I looked at her, astonished--apparently, she can tell when the Detective Society is being demeaned in any language."

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Ready To Cash Out

I feel like I had alll of the free time since my currently-borrowed-ARCs weren't due for weeks...weeks have past. Its the end of July. Here's to me speed-reading (which, frankly, I'm great at). Here's K.L. Hier's "Ready To Cash Out."

["Trevanion Usher's mother had always told him that beauty faded but stupid was forever, so he aimed high and set out to be beautiful for as long as he could and only let people think he was stupid.

Since her passing, he's managed to navigate the perils of Perry City, a dangerous metropolis run by the mob and oozing with corruption. His sharp wits, good looks, and absolute lack of shame have served him well, and he's almost ready to escape and start over somewhere with a tropical climate. When his landlord calls in a favor, Trev is suspicious but jumps at the chance to score big in exchange for one night of work.

Naturally, that's when everything goes wrong.

Jupiter Prospero is a member of the city's ruling mob family and he's interested in sharing much more than Trev's company for the evening. He's gorgeous, powerful, and has secrets to reveal—like Trev's relation to a powerful gangster in the city of Strassen Springs.

Trev finds himself trapped as an unwilling pawn in a deadly game between two long feuding criminal families and he'll have to use all of his skills to survive, but does he stand a chance against Jupiter's devastating charms?

Or will he succumb to even darker forces before he has a chance to cash out?"]

I gotta say, I looooove me some mafia dark romances. They're glorious. So much drama and steam and hidden fluff and "touch him and die" and twists and secrets and plotting. Beautiful.

As were Trev and Jupiter. Beautiful. Dramatic. Glorious. Dark. 

Jupiter, I'm pretty sure, was gooooone from the first moment he met Trev. Trev was gone lust-wise at first sight as well, but it took him and his damaged heart to accept that there was more between them than the enemies-with-benefits situation they had going on.  

There were so many bad people and so many bad people that were good (and don't get me started on the good people that were bad OR the crazy people that were once bad but now are (sometimes) good). So many people, so many stories, so many moments to really test your lack-of-trust, but Trev (and Jupiter) eventually got their HEA...eventually. 

And now I have to add the Cold Hard Cash series to my TBR list, because I neeeeeed to know how Jimmy make Cold fall that hard.

Trigger Warnings: violence, kidnapping, murder, temporary character death, and more.

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Friday, July 26, 2024

Runaway Prince (Wedding Disasters #2)

Suddenly, its the end of July slash beginning of August, and I have so many currently-borrowed-ARCs due. Here's to me speed-reading (which, frankly, I'm great at). "Runaway Prince" by D.K. Sutton. Its the second book in her Wedding Disaster's series.

["The royal wedding took years to prepare but only one moment of panic and a cute single dad to undo.

As a European prince, I should want for nothing, right? I have money, power, prestige. But what about love and passion? Acceptance?

Running to America on the eve of my wedding isn’t the responsible thing to do. Just ask my mother, the Queen. She has quite a few thoughts on the subject.

While hiding from my protection detail in a Burger King, I meet Isaac and his son. This protective father interrupts me, calls me a menace, and doesn’t believe I’m a prince. I’m instantly smitten. All of this is new to me. I’ve never been attracted to a guy…or anyone, for that matter.

But Isaac has his own responsibilities and our chance meeting complicates his life in ways I couldn’t have imagined. As we work together to mitigate the damage, I fall even harder for this amazing man.

How can this work when we live in different countries? Will Isaac lose the person he cares about most? Will my country accept a gay future king?

I don’t know what happens next, but I know I can’t face it without Isaac by my side."]

This book was a SMIDGE dramatic, but Adrain (our Prince Charming) is dramatic as is Simon (though, he's five, so he gets a pass)...and Isaac (though, he'd deny it). But it was glorious as all hell. I loooooved it. All of the fluff and the hesitancy and the support and the spice and the judgment and the drama (there really was a lot of drama). 

But Adrain was perfect for Isaac (and Simon). He made Isaac relax and have fun and let go. Isaac made Adrain care, gave him purpose, gave him a family. And then there was our perfect and sweet (and soooo sassy) Simon (and Stella the timer). God, I wanted to cuddle the crap out of him. Not to mention Reggie (god, he needs a HEA).

Speaking of HEAs, there are literally so many different directions this series can go from here (and by so many, I mean three or four, but THREE OR FOUR--I want them all now (please)).

Trigger Warnings: side character with substance abuse issues, grief due to the loss of an adult sibling (not mcs), and more.

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Thursday, July 25, 2024

My Best Friend's Wedding Planner (Wedding Disasters #1)

Suddenly, its the end of July slash beginning of August, and I have so many currently-borrowed-ARCs due. Here's to me speed-reading (which, frankly, I'm great at). "My Best Friend's Wedding Planner" by D.K. Sutton. Its the first book in her Wedding Disaster's series.

Act as the dude of honor for my best friend? On it. Play nice with her scheming groom? Sure. Sabotage the wedding so she doesn’t make the biggest mistake of her life? Someone has to.
The only obstacle is her fierce, over-the-top wedding planner. I can’t get distracted by Zye Roessler’s sass or kissable lips. Not when he’s fixing things faster than I can break them.
We’re both determined. I want to protect my friend. And Zye needs this wedding to save his business. Not that he believes in love or marriage. I mean, neither do I, but I’m not the one making a profit from other’s mistakes.
I have a plan, and it doesn’t include kissing Zye every chance I get.

Miles Gordon is a problem. A gorgeous, muscled, tempting problem. He loves riling me up, but it’s the continuous issues with the wedding that snag my attention.
The dress? The venue? Are these coincidences or a sexy mechanic’s warped sense of loyalty?
I’m used to setbacks: the kids in school ridiculing me for being different, hearing “Shut up, Zye” too many times, my mom dropping me off at my dad’s for the weekend…and never returning.
Despite Miles’s attempts to distract me and the mounting evidence that this marriage is a mistake, this wedding will happen.
My only focus is giving the bride her perfect wedding and saving my business.
No matter how safe and cared for I feel in Miles’s strong arms."]

God, this book had all of the good kinds of angst. There was a little bad angst, but just enough to keep you reading, to keep you wanting more (more popcorn, like when the hell are all of these secrets--because there were a looooot--going to finally spill). But the push-and-pull, the play fights, the sexual tension, the mutual pining. It was fucking gloroius.

I loooooved these two. They were glorious and adorable. Their HEA wasn't the easiest to get to (but all of those secrets, man--most not even theirs), but they did get there (oohhhhhh did they get there ;) ).

The one thing about all of these (awesome as fuck) ARCs, is adding all of these (also awesome as fuck) authors to my to-binge lists. 

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, transphobia, mentions of substance abuse, grief due to abandonment issues, and more.

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Such Charming Liars

#NetGalley approved me for another BIG one, y'all! Here's the ever fabulous Karen M. McManus and her latest thriller/mystery/masterpiece "Such Charming Lairs." This debuts July 30, 2024.

["When mother-daughter grifters set out on their final job, the heist gets deadly and dangerously personal. 

For all of Kat’s life, it’s just been her and her mother, Jamie—except for the forty-eight hours when Jamie was married and Kat had a stepbrother, Liam. That all ended in an epic divorce, and Kat and Liam haven’t spoken since.

Now Jamie is a jewel thief trying to go straight, but she has one last job—at billionaire Ross Sutherland’s birthday party. And Kat has figured out a way to tag along. What Kat doesn’t know, though, is that there are two surprise guests at the dazzling Sutherland compound that weekend. The last two people she wants to run into. Liam and his father—a serial scammer who has his sights set on Ross Sutherland’s youngest daughter.

Kat and Liam are on a collision course to disaster, and when a Sutherland dies, they realize they might actually be in the killer’s crosshairs themselves. Somehow Kat and Liam are the new targets, and they can’t trust anyone—except each other.

Or can they? Because if there’s one thing both Kat and Liam know, it’s how to lie. They learned from the best."]

Intrigue. Romance. Danger. This book had it all. It took me a bit to get pulled-in completely, but when it did? I almost pulled an all-nighter. There were so many twists and turns and secrets and "but what about"s and necklaces (so many necklaces) and close-calls. It was so much and yet, so good!

This is how one of the characters (Augustus) described these two.. Kat: "seems like the kind of chaos I don't have the energy for." And Liam: "is entirely too wholesome for someone like me." And Augustus was not wrong.

Also, I want to protect Augustus. Yes, he's a tad over-the-top and hard-to-read, but he needed protecting as much as Kat and Liam.

Quote of the Day (Augustus//Kat): "'Aren't there laws against that?' // 'Not in Maine,' I pipe up. 'Its a one-party consent state.' Both boys stare at me, and I shrug. 'What? Don't you look up surveillance laws when you visit a new state?' // 'No,' Augustus and Liam say in bemused unison."

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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Father Figure (Sinful Summers #1)

Suddenly, its the end of July, and I have so many currently-borrowed-ARCs due. Here's to me speed-reading (which, frankly, I'm great at). Here's "Father Figure" by Raquel Riley. Its the first book in her Sinful Summers series.

["Scorching summer nights and tropical beaches, steel drums and a luxurious mini yacht… it’s the perfect setting for an indecent proposal… to claim his ex’s son’s first time.

It was only supposed to be one night… and I meant it when I made the deal with my dad’s ex-boyfriend. If I went to college, he would let me tag along Caribbean island hopping on his charter boat for the summer. Cass stuck to his end of the bargain, but not me—I asked for extra terms. One me, him and nothing between us, showing me what it felt like to be loved by a man.

One night, my ass. If I’d known what I was in for before I’d made the deal… I still would’ve done it. Except now I couldn’t stop thinking about him, desiring him, needing him—in my arms, beneath me, by my side. I was a fool for thinking we had a future together, but when I thought about spending the rest of my life with someone, Nicky’s face was the only one I could imagine."]

God, this book was filthy. It was gloroius.

It was low-angst and mostly steam, but there was also so much fluff and charm and adventures and growth and set up for the second book.

I canNOT wait for the second book in this duet to come out. Can I have it now? I'll just have to binge some of Raquel's other books in the mean time. ;)

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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Naga (The Sanctuary: Forest #1)

More ARCs. "The Naga" is the first novel in Stella Rainbow's newest series The Sanctuary: Forest.

["A chance meet brings two fated mates together, but can they overcome their personal hurdles to make their relationship work, when one of them isn't quite as human as the other?

What were the chances of running into my mate the first time I visited the human world? Almost none. And yet, there he was, with sparkling blue eyes, brightly painted nails, a wide smile, and a sassy as fuck mouth.
There was no way I was dropping the ball on this, but it wasn't as easy as asking him out, even though he'd left me his number on my coffee cup. Being a supernatural in the human world was tough, but bringing a human into your world? Yeah, I was going to need some help.

Meeting the sexiest man alive in a coffee shop wasn't something I'd anticipated, but I couldn't just let him disappear into the crowd. When the man actually texted me, I soon figured out he was much more than a handsome face.
Khush was a little grumpy, a little shy, and all kinds of sweet. I had a habit of jumping in feet first into new relationships, but for the first time I felt like it wouldn't end in a disaster. Finding out there was more to Khush's world than I could've ever imagined was just the cherry on top."]

Goodness were these two adorable as hell! Dustin was sweet and sassy and happy. Khush was shy and grumpy (for everyone but his mate). But they had each other, and a found family of supernatural beings (living in a safe haven and supporting each other no matter what)--oh! and an orange cat named Scrappy!

There wasn't much angst at all in this book, some past traumas touched on, but nothing major. They fell into each other perfectly and made each other better and fit each other and just Fate did good on that one (and Stella). There was minor spice (well, there wasn't much spice, but that doesn't mean the spice that was there wasn't spicy) and lots (loooooots) of fluff.

I feel like there was more background to this novel, even though this was the first novel of series. Either way, I am now obligated to add Stella to my to-binge list (a real hardship ;) ).

Trigger Warnings: toxic parents, minor notes of transphobia, and more.

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Twincerely Yours (Franklin U 2 #8)

Franklin U (FU) is back, babies!!! :D I fucking looooved this series a year and a half ago when the first installment came out, and now, there's a second installment. Excuse me while I just fangirl for a bit. The eighth and final novel is "Twincerely Yours," and its by Eden Finley. This book comes out July 26, 2024.

My twin brother and I have gotten ourselves into a lot of messes growing up. We would constantly switch places to escape consequences while protecting each other at every cost.
But sleeping with Ben’s professor is a whole new level of mess, because there’s something Jonah doesn’t know. He might have been Ben’s professor last semester, but the person he was lecturing wasn’t Ben. It was me.

From the moment I meet Emmett, I know he looks familiar but I can’t pinpoint where from. It’s not until I see his twin brother in the quad that I put two and two together.
Dating the sibling of one of my ex-students isn’t a huge problem for me, but I can’t help thinking the twins are hiding something.
The more time I spend with Emmett, the more I fall for him, but as my insecurity grows, so does my worry that I’m being played.
When my heart and my gut tell me two different things, I don’t know which to trust. My gut tells me to cut and run, but my heart won’t let me. Even though I’ve been telling myself to hold back, it’s too late. I’m already in too deep."]

I feel like it was yeeeaaars ago that "Stealthy Situation" came out, and we were left with sad and listless and acting-out (a bit) Emmett. Apparently, its only been a few weeks. And who else would write the twins better besides besties Saxon and Eden???!!!??? I mean, seriously. 

God, this book had so many emotions though. There was lust and guilt and infatuation and heartbreak and self-hate and love and fear of the unknown and forever. It was a rollercoaster, and I almost sobbed at one point. But I wouldn't have changed a thing. It was perfect. They were perfect.

And hopefully, we'll have a "Season Three" of Franklin U in the future...please?

#twincerelyyours #edenfinley

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Monday, July 22, 2024

Method Acting (Franklin U 2 #7)

Franklin U (FU) is back, babies!!! :D I fucking looooved this series a year and a half ago when the first installment came out, and now, there's a second installment. Excuse me while I just fangirl for a bit. The seventh novel is "Method Acting," and its by NR Walker.

["Chase Soria
Every budding actor knows acting is a difficult gig. There will be grueling auditions and punishing rejections. If you’re lucky, there’ll be roles that pay the bills and even roles that won’t.
Roles we don’t believe in.
But that’s what acting is—acting as if we do believe in them.
So when the semester’s production project is announced and I’m cast as one of the leads, I’m ecstatic. A lot of responsibility, a lot of work, but I’m up for it. Even when I find out what my role is and who my partner is. Amos, the brooding James Dean wannabe, is my on-screen boyfriend. Which is great, except for the fact he hates me.
I can do this. It’s just acting.
Nothing more.

Amos Beddington
The 90s are back, apparently. 90210 and Friends, but with a reality TV spin, which means cameras following us around as if they’re capturing the everyday lives of Franklin U students.
Me, but not me.
Me, with no more than a character description, no script or screenplay. Method acting, being the character 24/7, not just when the cameras are rolling. With a campus boyfriend.
Method acting is immersive and intense, and it can be confusing if the lines begin to blur. I mean, I’ve dreamed of being with the irritatingly gorgeous and annoyingly popular Chase Soria, and now I have to be his on-screen boyfriend?
I’m a good actor, sure. But how can I be convincing when I’m not sure I can even convince myself?"]

This one took me a while to read. NOT because it was a hard read, but I had soooo much perceived angst going into it that I just kept putting it off. Annnnnd then, when I forced myself to stop being so freaking stubborn, I regretted it, because this book was fucking amazing. Yes, there was angst, but there was so much fluff and good tension and spice and "god, I like him, but he doesn't like me" (from both sides). 

The lines between acting and real life blurred really fucking quickly, and it was both entertaining and angsty-sweet to see it from both points of view. Chase was fucking gone, a mopey (and clingy) little touch-starved puppy; Amos pretended to be strong and aloof, but he continued to catch himself smiling. 

They were adorable as hell. Their classmates thought so, their friends thought so, their fans thought so. I loved them (and the fact that they eventually talked it out).

Also, looooove the call-back to previous drama in the series as well as the hints at up-coming drama in "Twincerely Yours."

#methodacting #nrwalker

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Loving a Demon (Dallying with Demons #4)

I was recently introduced to Amy Padilla and her Dallying with Demons series, and I was lucky enough to receive an ARC for the fourth book. "Loving a Demon" debuts August 6, 2024.

["Arthur was a mess. A single dad, newly divorced, who realized a little late he wasn’t as straight as he thought. When he stumbles into a bar to wallow, he doesn't think he’d be falling in love with a band of paranormals. Much less going on a date with the lead singer.

Hendrix lived and breathed his music. So when he and his band had to start fresh in the human realm, he didn’t blink twice. He’d do what he had to in order to make it big. And when his first real human fan turns out to be his new muse, he’s determined to keep him.

But not everyone is happy for them. And there are some things in life that are more important than love. Right?"]

And the bonus tags (because they're arguable better than the blurb itself): ["rock star demons, paranormal bands, because they’re sexy, that’s why, Arthur is their biggest fan, single dad, no timelines on sexual discovery, Arthur is shy, Hendrix likes to make him blush, lesbian wedding, kids are brutal, not all band members are created equal, all the experimenting, sexually explicit content, Hendrix has a new muse, friends don’t let other friends go to the sex club alone, kids are observant, so much fluff"]

This book was flipping adorable and perfect. Barely any angst. Just the right amount of steam. And more fluff than you'd think (but honestly, Art deserves it--so does Hen). Add in there Sophie? Yeah, this book was fabulous. 

And I only ugly cried once (though I have a feeling I'll ugly cry more in the next one...why are you torturing us (with your talent), Amy?)

Quote of the Day: "I think that every life deserves to be treated equally. Human, paranormal, neurodivergent, queer. All of us should be treated with kindness and support. There's nothing wrong with being different."

I had another favorite quote, but kinda spoils a smidge (just a smidge) of the plot...oh, what the hell (I'll cross off the spoiler: "You're my mate. Did you know that? I figured it out after you left. Feels like you took my soul with you. I'll never find someone better."

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, difficult relationship between ex-spouses (especially in regards to their shared custody agreement), actually really toxic ex in general, and more.

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Once Upon a Crime: Delicious Mysteries and Deadly Murders from the Detective Society

I have always looooooved Robin Steven's A Murder Most Unladylike Mystery series (or the Wells and Wong series). It's a TAD confusing between the two different editions (UK and US), but I'm determined to eventually figure it all out. Either way, I got an email from Amazon the other day saying that Robin Stevens had a new book out: "Once Upon a Crime: Delicious Mysteries and Deadly Murders from the Detective Society." And I was, obviously, hooked.

["Take one last dive into the pages of Hazel’s casebook and solve six new mini mysteries in this short story companion to the internationally bestselling Murder Most Unladylike series!

Between their high-profile murder mysteries, Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong tackle many other cases, like the Case of the Second Scream on the high seas and the Case of the Uninvited Guest at Uncle Felix and Aunt Lucy’s wedding. They compete with the Junior Pinkertons to solve the Hound of Weston School and humor Hazel’s tagalong little sister in the Case of the Deadly Flat. They even put their code-cracking skills to the test to catch a thief in the Case of the Missing Treasure and find their holiday interrupted by murder in the Case of the Drowned Pearl.

These riveting new mini mysteries are perfect for fans and budding members of the Detective Society."]

I looooove Sherlock Holmes, and I'm constantly excited to see the numerous retellings. Daisy Wells is your Sherlock Holmes: very serious, very down-to-business, too smart for her own good, secretly emotional, and loves a good murder. Hazel Wong is our beloved Dr. Watson: very emotional, the more 'human' of the two, a little bit of an outcast, the writer and dedicated documenter.

These short stories take place in between the full-length novels, so a lot of them talk about a mystery they just solved or start setting up some plot for an upcoming novel. They had a lot of old characters come back (George, Alexander, Aunt Lucy, Uncle Felix, Bridgette, and more).

A definite read (though I recommend reading the full-length novels first).

Quote of the Day: "'I am never ordinary, but I shall be ordinarily brilliant.'"

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Instant Bond: Just Add Billionaire

Here's "Instant Bond: Just Add Billionaire" by LA Lambert. 

Watching a super hot billionaire alpha give my kid the last donut in a coffee shop was the highlight of my day, but I didn't expect it to turn into the highlight of my life. Karter Morrison is one of the most eligible bachelors in the city. I'm a broke single dad with a love of junk food and no sense of fashion. He claims he wants something serious with me, but when my life starts crumbling in front of me, will it break us up or bring us closer together?

As the VP of Marketing for a highly successful beauty brand, work is all that matters to me. Until I run into an adorably sweet and shy omega with his equally cute kid. I know right away that he belongs with me, and nothing is going to stop my relentless pursuit of him. But not everyone is happy to see us together. Bad luck seems to follow him like a dark cloud, making him hesitant to trust anything good. Can I convince him that his life would be better with me in it?"]

Love at first sight. What more could you want? Insta connection? Grump for everyone but his omega? Clicking with the kid? Hot and heavy steam? Just enough angst to keep you reading? Friends cheering them on AND enemies lurking near-by? Plus hints towards fate and fated mates right from the start? Sooooooo much to love about this novel. 

They were utterly perfect for each other. They were puzzle pieces waiting to match back up again. A cute little family filled with so much love and support and words of affirmation. And here I am, constantly jealous of fictional relationships...

Also, I'm going to have to add LA Lamber to my to-binge list.

Quote of the day (Cam//Karter): "'Karter, I...I think I'm falling for you.' // 'If we're using falling analogies, then I'm fairly certain I dove head first off a cliff for you already.'"

Trigger Warnings: very brief attempt at physical assault (not between mcs), and more.

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Tongue Tied (Franklin U 2 #6)

Franklin U (FU) is back, babies!!! :D I fucking looooved this series a year and a half ago when the first installment came out, and now, there's a second installment. Excuse me while I just fangirl for a bit. The sixth novel is "Tongue Tied," and its by Christina Lee.

["Confessing feelings for your best friend takes being tongue-tied to a whole new level.

Dex has always been my best friend, so it’s no surprise that we attend Franklin U together. We’re complete opposites. Dex is charismatic and outgoing. Me? Let’s just say I wish I could infuse some of his confidence into my veins. Making friends is hard enough, but trying to meet guys, even with Dex’s help? I’m useless. Maybe it’s because Dex is all about hooking up, but I want my first time to be straight out of the pages of the romance novels I read.

After a string of mishaps, I swore off helping Austin land guys. But when he asks me to show him the ropes with practice sessions, I get the feeling he’s desperate. Our dates are pretend, so why am I getting so into them? I want to make Austin happy, but the line between friendship and something more is getting really damned blurry. The fluttery feeling, that electric energy every time we touch…it’s addicting. I’m getting overprotective, not only of my time with Austin, but with douchebags who might break his heart.

Eventually, the pretending has to end so Austin can strike out on his own. But how do I tell him I’m not ready to let him go, when every attempt at confessing leaves me tongue-tied?"]

These two were adorable as hell! I mean, seriously! They were so blindsided by their Feelings, by the sheer fact that maybe, possibly, there could be more than just friendship things between the two of them. All of those butterflies and belly swoops and blushes and general awkwardness. It build and build until they were even more confused. Luckily, they have good friends who shook some sense into them. ;)

I don't want this series to end (maybe I'll have to add Christina to my to-binge list...that might help).

#tonguetied #christinalee

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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

His Captor (Omegas After Dark #2)

Ahhhhh! I needed this a few weeks ago, but now is better than never. Here's MM Farmer's "His Captor." Its the second novel in her Omegas After Dark series. It debuts on July 26, 2024.

["Indulging in a Dark Fantasy can lead to deep consequences in reality…
It wasn’t my first time indulging in that particular fantasy. I was on a business trip and looking for something fun. I didn’t plan on going into heat while playing around, or to like the alpha I played with so much.
I also didn’t expect to end up pregnant.
And what I really didn’t expect was for that anonymous alpha I played with to end up being my boss at my new job…

Playing with a cute omega from out of town was supposed to be a test of the new security tech I’d been developing. It wasn’t supposed to end with me cutting ties with my old, crooked business partner and starting a whole new company in Barrington. It also wasn’t supposed to leave me wishing I’d gotten the real name and phone number of my omega playmate.
They say be careful what you wish for. Now, not only is Hayden back in my life with all his charm and feisty spirit, he’s carrying my baby. And I’m his boss.
And because of me, the cute omega I’m falling hard and fast for is in danger from my ex-business partner, who is out for revenge…"]

This one wasn't quite as dark and scary as the first book, and MM is blaming Hayden (which, I mean, after the first book alone, I get it--he's a handful).

I love how fast they fell in love. It was all lust, lust, lust (and crazy ass kinks with scary as tech), but then the love and bond came out of almost nowhere and bunch them in the gut. Then the universe happened (life, apparently, happens), and they were separated (I almost cried. It wasn't all that emotional, but the bond didn't like it, and I almost cried). 

Reunited, with Hayden pregnant as fuck, they eventually figured it out...with real threats of danger lurking around them.

Okay, but seriously?! Either MM needs to stop teasing the next book in this series, or I need to stop reading it? I KNEW Simon's story would be next (it was obvious), but the how and with who!??!?! Sign. Me. Up. NOW.

Trigger Warnings: threats, violence, kidnapping (and not the fun kind Hayden enjoys), gun use and more.

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Teasing the Winger (Green Springs University #3)

Here's "Teasing the Winger" by Laura John. Its the third novel in her Green Springs University (aka GSU) series.

["Falling for a tease is a bad idea, right?

Growing up, all I ever wanted was to play soccer. I know it isn't going to be forever, but while I'm still in college, I am going to give it my all. Just like I’ve always done.

Everything was going according to plan...until the universe decided it would be fun for me to develop feelings for the man I saw as nothing more than an annoyance.

Sasha is the last man I expected to fall for, and when I find out he wants to date me, it leaves me even more confused. Even though I know he’s a good guy, I’m still terrified to trust him with my heart. He isn’t known for being a relationship guy, and that’s the only way I’m built.

We are polar opposites and most likely would never work out. But is he worth the risk?"]

This book had a lot less angst and push-back than I had imagined. There was some hesitation, from both sides, of the Big Feelings and jumping into a relationship, but *gasp* they ended up talking things out. 

They were both so understanding of the other's needs. They were sweet and fluffy and adorable. Plus, the sheer support they got from their friend groups?! 

Of course there was spice, which was also perfect. Laura never stops amazing me with her work.

Trigger Warnings: previous domestic abuse, (minor) gun use, toxic ex, absent parents, and more

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Monday, July 15, 2024

Pinch Hitter (Alpha Tau #4.5)

"Pinch Hitter," by Sarah Honey and Lisa Henry, is a short story set in the Alpha Tau universe, after the events of "The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project (book 4). This is available via #BookFunnel.

["Nash has a date with a guy he met on Grindr, and things couldn't go more wrong.

Sometimes though, even being stood up works out for the best."]

Nash was a great best friend to Tanner in the previous book (and vice versa), and I'm sooooo glad that Nash got a happily ever after too.

This piece, or at least Paul, was eluded to in the previous book's epilogue, and I love that we got to see more.

I loved how fast and sure things were in this short story. I just almost wish it was a full-length novel so I can read more about Nash and Paul. 

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The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project (Alpha Tau #4)

Here's "The Amazing Alpha Tau Romeo and Juliet Project" by Lisa Henry and Sarah Honey. Its the fourth book in their Alpha Tau series.

["When Charlie Mercer meets a cute guy at a party during summer break, sparks fly. But Tanner never calls him. Typical. At least he has his sophomore year at Lassiter and his fraternity brothers at Alpha Tau to distract him—and maybe this will be the year he finally meets someone.

College is meant to be a new chapter in Tanner North's life, except he's still stuck in the shadow of his older brother, Colt. Not only is Tanner going to Lassiter like Colt did, he's also pledging to Kappa Beta Rho because Colt was chapter president there last year. Whatever. Tanner's not interested in getting involved in the dumb frat war that Kappa Beta Rho has going on with Alpha Tau. He's just going to keep his head down and his grades up until he graduates.

It's a solid plan, right up until Tanner realizes that Charlie is a member of Alpha Tau. And it turns out that keeping their hands off each other is harder than they thought."]

This book was littered with misunderstandings and miscommunications and internal anxiety ruling out reason. But they're baby gays (and underclassmen--and men). And there was, eventually, a happily ever after.

I looooved all of the references to Romeo and Juliet: the lines, the scenes, the characters, the motivations, the families, the ending(s). It was gloriously in all of the nerdy-ness. 

Quote of the Day (Tanner//Charlie): "'Roleplay?' My heart raced, and I reached out and touched his lips softly before letting my hand drop. 'I think I'm a kinesthetic learner, Charlie. You should totally keep teaching me like that.' // He leaned closer. 'That's fine for the kissing parts, Tanner, but it's gonna get messy when we get to the murders.' // 'Worth it.'" Worth it. ;)

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Joint Penetration (Hot Under The Collar #3)

Here's "Joint Penetration" by Katherine McIntyre. Its the third and final book in her Hot Under The Collar series.

["Liam Kelly is in love with his best friend. His straight, freshly divorced best friend, who wants to experiment…with him.

The last thing I expected from my wife was a divorce. I’d checked all the boxes off—cozy house near my folks, joined the family business as a contractor, and married right out of high school. Except the more I think about how distant we’ve been, the more our split makes sense. And the more time I spend blowing off steam with my best friend, the more I want to actually…blow him.

Have I been hopelessly in love with Ollie my entire life? Yes, yes, I have. Has he been married for the past decade? Yes, yes, he has. However, when his wife calls it quits, my heart can’t help contriving scenarios where he might not be as straight as he seems. And when those scenarios start coming true—from scorching looks to playful grapples until we go much further—I throw myself into the deep end.
The second we start hooking up, I can’t hold back the feelings I’ve been clutching tight to for over a decade. But if this ends up a rebound for Ollie, a blip before he looks for a new wife, I won’t only be out a best friend but the love of my life."]

You know that meme of a car on the highway heading towards option A, but it suddenly (and dangerously) veers towards the exit, towards option T? That was me and this book. I was all happy, trying to pick out an ARC to read, but then I saw an add for this book (which was on my TBR). The second I saw "twink with an oral fixation," I was veering off course and barreling towards this utter gem.

There was very little angst (Ollie's guilt over telling his family about the divorce, and Liam truly believing he was a stepping stone in Ollie's future). But the heat? Holy. Fucking. Hell. That was high, very high (gloriously high). 

And Ollie's official bi-awakening? Liam's "pretty purple panties" (an official quote). Another official quote from Ollie: "who could have known my best friend would be a powder keg of heat and promise?"

Oh, you want a quote from Liam? Twist my arm. "My heart felt like it might escape my chest. He didn't understand how his hope poisoned me at a deadly pace now that he was single, now that all my fantasies were brimming again like I hadn't stamped them down for years."

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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Fear of Flying

Another day, another ARC, another moment to try something new. Here's K.C. Elle's "Fear of Flying."

["Love is in the air. Probably. Most likely. But will a bit of turbulence get in the way of their love taking flight?

Drew Parker knows he’s never going to get married. Fall in love. Have a family. But that’s okay, really. It’s safer that way—living life out to his family but otherwise in the closet—just as his parents have always told him. Besides, though he’s attracted to men, he’s never felt the urge to actually be intimate with anyone. So, really, it doesn’t matter.

Until Drew meets Zach.

Zach Harrison’s anxiety doesn’t rule his entire life, just mostly his social life. And undeniably his love life. According to his best friend, Jen, it’s the sole reason why he’s never had a date or even been kissed. He’s hoping someday he’ll just run into his Prince Charming and they’ll live happily ever after. But real life’s not that simple.

When Tired-of-Lawyering-All-Weekend Drew meets Absolutely-Terrified-of-Flying Zach, Drew comes to Zach’s rescue, and sparks seem to fly. And when a snowstorm grounds their connecting flight—and every flight in the city—their instant love connection starts to soar.

After spending almost two blissfully perfect days in the same hotel room being in love, it’s clear they’re made for each other. But is “meant to be” enough to help Drew finally get over his fear of flying?"]

God!!! This book was so freaking adorable! Watching them connect on the plane, watching them fall in love at the airpot hotel, watching them discover themselves and their true paths in life. It was glorious and beautiful and so achingly perfect. 

The spice was so fluffy and trusting and sweet! I mean, honestly, this book was a tooth-ache of adorableness, but it was so damn worth it (even with the trigger warnings). As was the hour I spent crying over these two (worth it).

I can't believe this utter gem was K.C.'s debut novel (if this is what she can do right off the bat, I can't even imagine what she's going to do when she really gets in the zone).

Text from Jen to Zach: "'I know you're not suggesting I trigger my social anxiety to fix my flying anxiety.'"

Drew about Zach: "Though, god, what he really needed to know was that he wasn't alone in this feeling, this out of control, wildly wonderful and terrifying...whatever it was. Butterflies and blushing and desire and...something more."

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, toxic parenting, anxiety, aerophobia, and more.

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The Noble's Merman

Another day, another ARC, another moment to try something new. Here's S.S. Genesee's "The Noble's Merman."

["A merman who possesses deadly magic.

Mo is a merman, born with a magical gift: the Siren’s Song. It’s a primal, instinctual force that runs through his veins, urging him to kill humans, to see their blood. But clashing with that urge is Mo’s soft and tender side, taking a special interest in humanity and wondering what it’d be like to walk amongst them with legs of his own.

A human noble with a broken heart.
Kent Wilson is the heir to the Earl of Fareham. He’d felt his life was secure until his betrothed abandoned him unexpectedly a year ago, leaving both his future and his heart in tatters. After a fierce argument with his father one day, Kent runs away to the beach. Needing some time alone with his melancholy thoughts, he sings to the sea.

What he doesn’t expect, though, is for a merman to hear him.

Together, the two form a secret relationship—one which propels them into passion, and a love greater than they ever thought possible."]

This book was like The Little Mermaid...almost...sorta. It was a fanfic, but of another book by SS Genesee (which I know kinda need to read).

Mo didn't necessarily like that he was a Siren. He didn't like hurting humans. He loved humans. He wanted to be a human himself. So when he met pretty and perfect Kent, of course he lied about being a Siren. 

When Mo first met Kent, instead of getting butterflies, our sweet merman "felt minnows swirling in his chest." I loooove how SS kept consistent with things that Mo knew and didn't know. It made the book all the more magical.

You wouldn't know Kent was a noble. He wasn't arrogant or spoiled. He was caring and careful and kind. He wanted to help people. He certainly never excepted to fall in love with a men, let alone merman (whom he didn't know was real). 

Trigger Warnings: parental child abuse, violence, blood, drowning, on-page attempted sexual assault (MC and side character), and more

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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Dates & Mistakes (Love Letters #1)

Milana Spencer has a new series (Love Letters)! The first book is titled "Dates & Mistakes."

["What happens when you accidentally go on a blind date with the wrong guy -- worse, a straight guy?

After spending my first year of university sleeping around, I want a real boyfriend. After showing up to a blind date, I meet Leo, who's friendly and sweet, and we spend the day wandering around the city, getting to know each other. It's a perfect first date...

Until I realise Leo isn't my blind date -- he's a random man off the street. I want to die from embarrassment, but Leo laughs it off and insist that we stay friends.

I have to admit, I like being Leo’s friend. He’s funny, kind, gorgeous…and straight. I’m still dedicated to my mission of finding a boyfriend, but with every moment I spend with him, I can’t help but think he’s perfect for me. And sometimes, with his casual touches and lingering looks, I wonder…maybe he wants me too?"]

This book was seriously adorable! I'm obsessed with the idea of the Love Letters, I'm obsessed with Edwin's dream of having all the dogs, I'm obsessed with Leo's outgoing but shy personality, I'm obsessed with their friendship.

I love all of the side characters, too. helping Edwin and Leo through their journeys. I wonder who's novel will be next.

Milana is really finding her own in her writing. This book was much less awkward than some of the previous books of hers I read (awkward in the miscommunication tropes and character arcs). Love that for her. ;)

And that bonus epilogue?! Talk about freaking cute! So much fluff and just the right about of spice.

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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Tristan and Lancelot: A Tale of Two Knights (An Arthurian Love Story)

I think I first saw "Tristan and Lancelot: A Tale of Two Knights (An Arthurian Love Story)" via some fanart one day (not sure if it was fanart-fanart or official-au-art...because I can't find it anymore on my IG). Either way, this FANTASTIC King Arthur/Merlin graphic novel was fabulous. It was written by James Persichetti (his first book) and illustrated by L.S. Biehler (another newcomer to the publishing world).

["When Merlin goes missing and Camelot falls under attack, King Arthur sends his estranged half-sister, Morgan le Fay, and esteemed Knights of the Round Table, Tristan and Lancelot, to find him. As the reluctant trio travels through Albion saving towns from treacherous foes and battling fae, their bonds deepen, and sparks fly between the two knights. Before they can sort through their complicated feelings, an unexpected dark force appears, bringing what just might be the end of Camelot. "]

This graphic novel was cute as hell! I mean, it had everything! Far off places, daring sword fights, princes in disguise!! Well, no, it didn't have any prince is disguise (Arthur was Arthur; Merlin was Merlin). But it did have curses and classic Arthurian characters and fae and in-fighting and found family and queer love (from a few angles, actually). 

I would have LOOOOVED to see a Merlin/Arthur romance, but this timeline didn't match the timeline of BBC's Merlin, so it was weird (plus, Gwen was badass, so I'm not upset she got to keep Arthur here, too).

Tristan was closed off and scared and running from his past and trying to break a curse and trying not to fall in love with any certain knight. Lancelot was brave and strong and outgoing but shy towards the mysterious boy he had a crush on (and harboring a secret of his own). Like any good book, as they grew closer together (from acquaintances to friends to ...), they grew individually, accepting their downfalls and overcoming them. 

And OKAY, the second picture miiiiiight spoil the end (it is the last page after all), but we were promised a tale of two knights and and a love story, so the HEA kiss isn't THAT big of a spoiler if you really think about it. ;)

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The Seduction of James Gray (Moonlight Falls #1)

While I've delved a lot and familiarized myself a lot with the paranormal sub-genre, I'm still not the hugest fantasy fan. But I gotta say, this series has me intrigued. "The Seduction of James Gray" is the first full-lengthened novel in Colette Rivera's Moonlight Falls series.

["Mystery, temptation, and risking it all.

James Gray lives a life free of complications. Even in Moonlight Falls, a town known for supernatural activity, he stays away from the more sinister magical arts, preferring the simple work of a magical electrician.

Sebastian Storm is a man James hasn’t thought about in years until he hears Sebastian inherited the haunted house north of town. Most locals avoid the place. The eccentric Sebastian moves in and requests James’s help with electrical problems. 

Storm House’s shade infestation is the first hitch in the job. The second? Sebastian. He’s doing his best to get James into bed. James doesn’t want any part of Sebastian’s games, no matter how attractive he is, but James begins to wonder if there’s more going on at the haunted property than Sebastian will admit.

Uncovering secrets will only bring trouble, but James can’t help himself. There’s something about Sebastian he can’t shake. What’s the worst that could happen if he lets himself be seduced by the mystery as well as the man?"]

I'm not sure if I knew there was more to Sebastian because of the prequel or because I saw the title of his novel, but that poor boy! D: He deserves sooooo much more than the hand he was dealt. He's loving and kind and sassy and resilient (and cursed). He's also scared of being alone.

James is used to people leaving him so he just doesn't let himself get attached to anyone but his two best friends and his brother. He's caring and loves taking care of people and likes feeling wanted, but he's a grump (Sebastian is the sunshine). He doesn't (necessarily) want to add Sebastian to the list of people he cares about, but he doesn't exactly have a choice in that matter (for sooo many reasons ;) ).

Title Reference: "Sebastian gave him a sly smile. 'You wanted me to explain things more plainly, so here: I'm considering seducing you.'"

Though, it is advertised, I'm a little :| about the HFN (the HEA is in the second book...which I want now).

Trigger Warnings: off-page past death of loved ones and associated grief, mentions of a past fatal car accident, character exhibiting signs of an unspecified mental health condition, discussion of taking care of a dying relative in the past, anxiety, on-page panic attack, isolation and imprisonment, discussion of blood-magic rituals and on-page blood-magic, characters cutting/bleeding each other in a semi-erotic situation connected to magic, blood-magic ritual involving an animal (the animal isn’t killed; its blood is taken with care to prevent pain), characters in a stampede-like situation where they are almost crushed, magical violence, and more.

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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Pretty Boy (The Boys of Apartment 13 Book 1)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (getting one of the books off of my long-term TBR list). Here's Brianna Flores's "Pretty Boy." Its the first book in her The Boys of Apartment 13 series.

["Pretty boy Liam Walker is unlucky in love…

My newest obsession is nothing like any of my past hookups.The tattoos? Not exactly my type. A perma-scowl and general leave-me-alone attitude? Yeah, that's the kind of thing I usually stay away from. And, sure, is it surprising that suddenly those things seem to be everything I want? Absolutely. But the most shocking part about all of this is that the person who's got me all out of whack... isn't a girl.
Bash is a six-foot-four-tatted personal trainer who seems to want nothing to do with me and my confused self. Until I'm naked, that is. And it's great when I am, but as soon as I'm dressed, he's more than ready to say goodbye.
But if there's one thing getting a taste of Sebastian Crawford has taught me, it's that one taste just isn't enough.

I don't know how to take Liam and his obvious crush on me, but it's clear that he did not sign up for the kinds of workout sessions I'm used to giving. So, I take him home, giving us both what we so clearly want, and settle on my choice to say goodbye as soon as it's done.
But that goodbye is a little harder than I anticipated, and finding out that our time together was his first time with a guy, period, has me regretting the way I so easily tossed him aside. Liam is more sensitive than I originally believed, and after being cheated on by his last girlfriend only to move on to me, I can't help but feel that he deserves better... better than me.
But if there's one thing getting a taste of pretty boy Liam Walker has taught me, it's that I'm willing to change my emotionally stunted ways."]

I'm not suuuuper sure how to describe this book better than @the.feral.mood.reader did on their post, and since it was what trapped me in the first place, I'm going to just add a screenshot of that trope tree here.

And imma be honest, I completely forgot who Liam was from the SHEER amount of times Bash used princess and sweetheart instead. Stilly tattooed marshmallow. ;)

Quote of the Day (Bash//Liam): "'Jesus,' I mutter quietly. 'You're fucking filthy.' // 'I'm what you made me,' he accuses, still breathing heavily, broad chest moving as his body starts to sink into the couch. // Mine, my entire body sings. I've made him mine."

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, internalized homophobia, eating disorders, body dysmorphia, off-page mentions of self-harm, off-page mentions of past child abuse, abusive and alcoholic parents, off-page death of a parent, overdose, violence, descriptions of intermittent explosive disorder, bi-erasure, depictions of broken bone and blood, 

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Friday, July 5, 2024

Tell Me A Lie

I need a little ARC break,, I'm just off the rails again over here. Here's Brianna Flores's "Tell Me A Lie."

I take one look at Sage's pretty face and know that I could never deny him. When he's promising to be mine as long as I do what he wants, I know that I'll give him anything.
"Just tell me a lie, and I'm yours."
It's the strangest thing a hookup has ever asked for, but if one little lie makes him mine, I'm eager to do it.
And after it's over, I know that it's the best thing I've ever done.

All that I am is a burden that nobody loves.
That's fine. I can deal with it because I have no choice. And now that I'm away from my parents and living with my brother, who doesn't know why I ran away, it's easier to handle.
But being lonely is hard, and one night, when I'm feeling particularly sad, I go looking for love in the last place I should. I know going into a one-night stand expecting intimacy is a borderline delusional wish, but I just need to hear it. Just once, even if it is a lie. It's the most embarrassingly desperate thing I've ever done.
I should be happy when it's over, that he's given me what I was craving. But as I'm leaving, knowing that I'll never see him again, I can't help but feel that it's the last time I'll ever feel loved.
Getting a taste just to never have it again might be the biggest mistake I've ever made."]

The hurt/comfort in this one is real, y'all. And like, not even on purpose. But Lucas is a functioning real-life adult with experiences and support, and Sage is a sheltered, scared, abused anxiety-ridden hot mess. Lucas does XYZ, and we allllll know its because he has Feelings, but Sage takes it to so many imposter-syndrome, taught-self-hate, anxiety-spiral places. I mean, hell, half the people in their lives are aware of Lucas's Feelings (and Sage's Feelings--boy can't hide that level of jealousy). It's heartbreaking at watch read, especially since soooo many of the chapters are in Sage's POV.

But they finally sat down and talked some things out, and they made it work.

I gotta say, most authors do really good at making sure there are quality trigger warnings for their books. I'll be honest, I sometimes combine a few or expand a few (or add additional ones), and I never add the "sexual content" one (we all know why we're here). But I looooove that Brianna added "a dick big enough for my precious size queen" to the list. Love that for Sage. ;)

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, internalized homophobia, allusions to physical abuse, mental/emotional abuse, anxiety, depression, brief mentions of self-harm, mentions of past reparative/conversion therapy, and more.

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Never Say Never (Vitale Brothers #4)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (a series I've had on my long-term TBR list...a few times). Here's "Never Say Never." Its the fourth book in Brea Alepoú and Skyler Snow's Vitale Brothers series.

["I’d do anything for my family. Even go undercover and devote my life to the FBI so they can continue to thrive. Everything I do is for the Vitale name. I just have to focus, complete my job, divert attention and stay out of trouble.

But trouble finds me.

Not just me, but York Washington. He’s my boss, but more than that he’s my friend. When he and his daughters are thrown into danger I have no choice but to step into the light. Finally, I get to go back home.

But home is a strange hellscape I no longer understand.

While a war wages on, I’m caught between who I am and who I was with a man I’ve betrayed. There’s no happily ever after for me."]

These two were a headache. Sure, they never should have worked (but neither should Enzo and Tex), but they each figured out how to grow and how to compromise. They sacrificed things for each other but hurt each other and got hurt because of each other, but at the end of the day love dominates (as does family--especially the Vitale family).

Paulo...about himself: "No one said I was sane in the head...Maybe it was in my genetics to be a menace." You are not wrong. Whatsoever. Each Vitale brother is fucking insane (but also adorable as hell--I mean, should we be surprised, with Gin as his twin, that Paulo names his bats????).

Paulo about York: "If he wasn't a law abiding citizen, he'd make one hell of a mafia boss." Paulo was tooooootally not drooling while thinking this. ;)

Only complain: I wanted more Paulo and Gin page-time, but I understand, after every thing Gin's been through, that he needed time.

Trigger Warnings: gore, blood, death, violence, light stalking, off-page sex trafficking, and more.

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How To Hide Your Mermaid Child (Closet Baby Chronicles #5)

Continuing to be off the rails when it comes to ARCs and TBRs (I need a small mob/dark romance break). Here's Anna Winehearts's "How To Hide Your Mermaid Child." Its the fifth novel in her Closet Baby Chronicles. 

["Kidnapped by a dragon, Quinlan's doing his best to pretend that his baby is a dragon shifter.

Behind on rent and three states away from home, Quinlan needs to make it back before his landlord trashes all his things. Especially the expensive supplies for his mermaid baby, Annie.

Except he gets kidnapped.

By a dragon.

A dragon who is determined to make Quinlan his mate.

Somehow, the dragon, Griff, thinks Annie is a baby dragon. In order to convince Griff to fly them home, Quinlan keeps up the pretense. While ignoring the heaps of quilts, baby clothing, and phones that Griff has collected to court his mate.

There is no way Quinlan's falling for his kidnapper. Nope. None at all.

But Griff is an oddball shifter who's growing increasingly excited for Annie's first fireball. He's unexpectedly sweet, desperate for a mate, and as much as Quinlan tries to reject him, Griff is starting to wear down his defenses..."]

I'm not entirely sure how I forgot that Quinlan was kidnapped near the end of the last book. Griff would use that term lightly, more of a homecoming. Then again, Quinlan didn't stay upset about it all that long (or actually try to escape...or ask for help--both of which Hex pointed out oh so helpfully).

Griff is an oddball. He's goofy and weird and silly, but he's happy and he's unabashedly himself. Sure, he might not have hung out with many people (humans or otherwise) for a long while, but he's prepared to do anything for Quinlan. 

Quinlan (like many of the omegas in this series) has been through hell: poor, on the run, family-less, lonely. He doesn't feel like he deserves care or comfort, but Griff is teaching him that he can have a support system (just as Quinlan is teaching Griff that he can branch out).

This series is crack. I mean, yes there is plot in each individual novel as well as through the series as a whole, but my god, these characters and these romances and these babies (and these butlers) are pure crack. 

Also, and I believe I said this before, but we need to stop introducing cute new characters. I want this series wrapped up with a happily ever after (though...I don't necessarily want this series to end so...).

#howtohideyourdragonbaby #howtohideyourwolfcub #howtohideyourvampirekid #howtohideyourstolenbaby #howtohideyourmermaidchild #howtohideyourphoenixbaby #closetbabychronicles #closetbabychroinclesseries #annawineheart #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Say I Do (Vitale Brothers #3)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (a series I've had on my long-term TBR list...a few times). Here's "Say I Do." Its the third book in Brea Alepoú and Skyler Snow's Vitale Brothers series.

["What do you get when you mix a mobster with the son of the yakuza?

A marriage bathed in blood.

I never expected to be getting married, but when a business opportunity lands in my lap, I know I have to take it. After all, my family means the world to me. I’ll do anything to keep them safe, even if it’s entering a marriage that’s nothing more than convenience so I can pop out an heir.

However, that’s not what happens. The Hayashi’s pull a fast one and I’m left with a snarling godd*mn hellhound on my hands. Harlow is nothing like the demure, sweet woman I signed up for. No, he’s got teeth and he knows how to use them.

There’s no going back.

I’ll either fall in love or bury another lover."]

First wedding (the secret, official one) ends with blood and Harlow at gunpoint (Benito's gun) saying "I do" (which I promptly giggled, and whispered to myself "hot damn, this ones going to be good"). I'm not even sure the second wedding (the one for publicity's sake) got to the "I do" part, but don't worry, there was still blood..and guns. ;)
But it did give us this gem (Benito//Harlow): "'You know how to use that?' // Harlow checked the chamber, spun it, and slapped it back into place. 'Oh yeah.' // My cock jumped at the exact moment my heart skipped a beat. 'Fuck, you're so hot.' // 'I know, baby,' he grinned and gave me a wink."

Seriously, this book was hot as fuck. I mean, they both had issues and bloodlust and barely contained angrer (sooooo much hate sex--this book is half porn) and a mutual thing for pain, but they were both so swept away and overcome with their feelings for each other (damn those feelings, sneaking up on even the strongest and highest of walls).

Harlow is most definitely up there with some of the most fucked up characters I've read, which also makes him one of favorites. I mean, hell, he's great with knives (has them hidden all over his person--no matter how many times he's searched, he always has at least one), he loves lace panties (which Benito lights on fire--in all fairness, he did warn Harlow it would happen), and he has a tendency to stab first, ask questions later. He's fiercely loyal and he just wants to be wanted. But tell him that and you'll get worse than a fork to the thigh. ;)

Trigger Warnings: death, violence, detailed torture, mention of child abuse, blood, mention of past child sexual abuse, violence between MCs, and more.

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Paid In Full (Vitale Brothers #2)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (a series I've had on my long-term TBR list...a few times). Here's "Paid In Full." Its the second book in Brea Alepoú and Skyler Snow's Vitale Brothers series.

["I’m used to my life being insanity. A family of a-holes, being locked up, and a few loose screws? Yeah anyone would go crazy. (Not that I am. I’m different, that’s all). My brothers say I’m the loose canon of the family. The truth is that I’m the life of the party!

The party comes to a screeching halt when I meet Ash. Shy, younger, virgin. He’s everything I’m not attracted to. Give me an experienced partner anyday.

But there’s something about him that makes me want to keep him. Maybe I want to stoke that fire I see in his eyes. Or maybe I’m just lonelier than I thought.

Either way, he’s mine. Nobody, and I mean nobody, will take Ash away from me."]

Enzo might have had a thing for knives, but Gin named his favorite hammer. And somehow, that's cute to me. What's with these morally gray (dark gray) characters being cute as hell?!?! I mean, come one! They're already addictive as fuck, then you add on things that make them fluffy and adorable?! That should be illegal. "I didn't want him gone. Even if I had just threatened to hill him. // I would never. Unless he left me. That's not unreasonable, right?" Like fuuuuuuuuck, how is that cute!!???!!

When Gin first brought Ash into his home, he described him as a little nervous bunny (and then a puppy (and one time a hampster)), but holy hell, I don't think anyone (including Ash) was ready for the claws on that puppy. Or the teeth. But honestly, good for him. Gin needed tamed (and Ash deserved to find himself).

Quote of the Day (Gin//Ash//Gin): "I barked out a laugh. 'You just called me a whore throughout that entire encounter, and now you can't say the word sex?' // His cheeks reddened. 'Fuck off.' // I grinned harder. 'Ah, now you're saying fuck off just like me.' I clicked my tongue. 'I'm a goddamn awesome influence.'"

QotD 2 (Ash): “No surprise, I got the crazy brother.” I mean, Gin is the most batshit out of the brothers, but they’re all fucking crazy. 

Trigger Warnings: death, violence, detailed torture, mention of child abuse, mention of past child sex abuse, past neglect, human trafficking, sex trafficking, and more.

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The Fated Mate Bandit (Trash Pandas #2)

Here's Amy Bellows's new series, Trash Pandas. The second book is "The Fated Mate Bandit." ["I fell in love with Silv...