Friday, March 31, 2023

Goodbye, March!

March was really freaking long (like February). Like, is it still really March? It feels at least like May. Same goes from February in terms of weather and health (up and down and everywhere). Maybe April will bring us flowers at least.


2023 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a memories)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) *Sigh* Still nothing.

(2) Books read this month: 28 (might get one more in there before midnight though--or a few short stories). 

(3) March Memories: I had a few realy good dinners and adventures with my two friends. My dad and I visited my sister in Florida for a few days during her spring break; we saw dolphins and manatees and lots of doggos. I read a bunch of books and followed a bunch of author fan pages on Facebook and found even more books for my TBR piles. A few things planned for April. All in all, a good month!

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 27.

(5) Nothing... Mostly okay with it. 

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting April reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyemarch #helloapril #hello2023 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Little Souls of Fire (Creature Cafe #10)

Well, I accidentally found a distraction from my distractions... Here's Clio Evan's Creature Cafe series. The tenth book is "Little Souls of Fire."

["Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love.
Even the slimy, demented, horned ones.
Even the psychopathic, hellish, tentacled ones.
Even the one that has hated humans for as long as he can remember…"]

FINALLY, the Barista's book! And the last book in the series. Everything has been leading up to this. All of the love (and fluff and steam). All of the near death experiences. All of the friendship and family and connections. 

The plot twist at the beginning of the book!!! D: I totally fucking saw coming, but still! I gasped all dramatic like, giggled, and then teared up. It was fucking perfect.

The whole damn book was perfect?!? And the character redemption arc?!?! Holy. Shit. That right there is what Draco Malfoy needed (and Lucifer got—that says soooo many things that I’m not touching at the moment).

“He tasted a little like hellfire, a little like smoke, and a lot like mien.” and “The hole that had been in my soul for years started to mend.” D: I’m done. I can’t  I’m dead now.

#littlesliceofhell #littlesipofsin #littlelickoflust #littleshockofhate #littlepieceofsass #littlesongofpain #littletasteofneed #littleriskoffall #littlewingsoffate #littlesoulsoffire #littlekissofsnow #creaturecafe #creaturecafeseries #clioevans  #paranormal #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Little Wings of Fate (Creature Cafe #9)

Well, I accidentally found a distraction from my distractions... Here's Clio Evan's Creature Cafe series. The ninth book is "Little Wings of Fate."

["Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love, including the fanged fallen angel Gabriel.
Gabriel is looking for another mate for his Cam. After all of the terrible things they have been through, he is willing to finally let a human into his life — even though they are definitely not for him, and certainly just for Cam.
The Barista has the perfect person in mind— his tattoo artist, Seth.
Gabe, Cam, and Seth have all walked alone in their lives up until meeting each other. Between curses and broken wings, the three of them find comfort in the arms of desire.
The walls of trust can be built, but will they be strong enough to keep their lives from crumbling when Lucifer returns?"]

This one was one of my favorites. I don't know why. Maybe it was the rightness or the balance. Maybe it was the penultimate of the series. Maybe it was the character growth. It was dramatic and sassy and fun and steamy and fluffy and Lucifer D: Lucifer. Hot. Fucking. Damn.

And I still haven't changed my mind. Lucifer might want the world to burn (figuratively), but I still want him and the Barista (and Trixie) to have their own happily ever after...we'll see what happens in the next and final book I guess...

#littlesliceofhell #littlesipofsin #littlelickoflust #littleshockofhate #littlepieceofsass #littlesongofpain #littletasteofneed #littleriskoffall #littlewingsoffate #littlesoulsoffire #littlekissofsnow #creaturecafe #creaturecafeseries #clioevans  #paranormal #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Little Risk of Fall (Creature Cafe #8)

Well, I accidentally found a distraction from my distractions... Here's Clio Evan's Creature Cafe series. The eighth book is "Little Risk of Fall."

["Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love, including the outgoing orc known as Jasper.
Jasper is ready to find his mate. He can feel it in his *core* that it is time. Despite all of the things happening in the creature world, he is ready for someone who can love him— kilts, tusks, and all.
When the Barista sets up Jasper with a human named Alex, they plan a getaway together. The summer solstice orc games are to take place, the perfect time for Alex and Jasper to discover just how much they want each other.
Still, Lucifer’s reach is far and wide. When Jasper and Alex find themselves at the center of a coven’s plot to bring Lucifer back, they discover that no matter how hard you might fall — monstrous love will be there to catch you."]

There was this part near the end were Alex says something like “I finally realized that me and my desires are worthy” and “there was risk will falling so hard but if you didn’t fall, you couldn’t soar.” And that’s freaking beautiful.

Also, I’d like to point out that as this series gets further along, so does the courting in the relationships. These two took two whole weeks to get to know each other before they dived it. The first book took maybe twenty minutes. Love it, but I’d maybe reverse it if it was my series (start off with longer courtships and end with shorter, a little less shock factor that way, idk).

#littlesliceofhell #littlesipofsin #littlelickoflust #littleshockofhate #littlepieceofsass #littlesongofpain #littletasteofneed #littleriskoffall #littlewingsoffate #littlesoulsoffire #littlekissofsnow #creaturecafe #creaturecafeseries #clioevans  #paranormal #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Little Taste of Need (Creature Cafe #7)

Well, I accidentally found a distraction from my distractions... Here's Clio Evan's Creature Cafe series. The seventh book is "Little Taste of Need."

["Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love, including the sexy Naga princess Naomi.
Naomi wants someone to let her treat them like royalty, someone she can mesmerize.
The Barista introduces Naomi to Ella— a human that is very new to the world of fangs and claws but excited to meet her very own monster.
Ella quickly becomes Naomi's princess, the two of them diving into their relationship. When troubles from the past come around, everyone bands together to stand against their enemies. Even with more and more monsters siding with Lucifer, no one can tear apart two hearts in love."]

This one was really cute! Did I know what a Naga was? No. Did I Google it? No. I just let context clues put things together for me instead. The picture was pretty damn interesting. 

This one actually took it (the relationship) slow. They did their fist Creature Cafe date, but then they didn't go on another date for a week. Granted, that next date was a weekend long and ended with a near-death experience (yes, each book has at least one), but it was a little slower, a little more rational. That could be because there were zero men involved (less testosterone, less rage/lack-of-impulse-control).  

#littlesliceofhell #littlesipofsin #littlelickoflust #littleshockofhate #littlepieceofsass #littlesongofpain #littletasteofneed #littleriskoffall #littlewingsoffate #littlesoulsoffire #littlekissofsnow #creaturecafe #creaturecafeseries #clioevans  #paranormal #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Little Song of Pain (Creature Cafe #6)

Well, I accidentally found a distraction from my distractions... Here's Clio Evan's Creature Cafe series. The sixth book is "Little Song of Pain."

["Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love, including the fiery Phoenix twins known as Icarus and Dalus.
Icarus claims that he wants to find a soulmate for his twin, Dalus— when really he is searching for someone that can take the heat of both of them. Someone who likes to play with fire and will let them kiss the burns.
The Barista introduces the two of them to Melody, a brilliant and sweet human who has known about monsters her entire life and has always wanted to live out her darkest fantasies.
The three of them immediately fall headfirst into a passion that could set the world on fire. Troubles are brewing around them, eager to silence their new song of love. When dark events occur, they find that their new bonds can help them rise from the ashes."]

This one, the twins thing, reminded me of the twins from Vicious Lost Boys series (which final book came out the other day, and I'll be binging soon). It was very poetic and historic and...well...steamy (haha, pun a little intended)

And it happened (the falling in love and mating thing) so much faster than the other books (which is saying something); it almost happened in the first chapter, but the twin thing threw Melody off (just got her name-pun) and they waited a few more chapters (but not many).

Also, Lucifer is kind a huge ass and continuing on his hate-filled-murder-streak, but...idk...I kinda want him and the Barista to figure their shit out and live happily ever after (/..what's that say about me?).

#littlesliceofhell #littlesipofsin #littlelickoflust #littleshockofhate #littlepieceofsass #littlesongofpain #littletasteofneed #littleriskoffall #littlewingsoffate #littlesoulsoffire #littlekissofsnow #creaturecafe #creaturecafeseries #clioevans  #paranormal #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, March 27, 2023

Little PIece of Sass (Creature Cafe #5)

Well, I accidentally found a distraction from my distractions... Here's Clio Evan's Creature Cafe series. The fifth book is "Little Piece of Sass."

["Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love, including the werewolf/werecat couple known as Al and Luna.
Ready to start building their own pack, they’ve asked the Barista to find someone who’s willing to be loved not by one— but both of them.
When the Barista hires Quinn to work in the cafe, she has plans of revenge against the world of creatures. These plans are ruined when Al and Luna become determined to show Quinn that not all monsters are bad— even if they do bite.
This steamy trio finds themselves falling fast, even when Quinn’s troubled past comes after all three of them. Al, Luna, and Quinn are in this together— fighting tooth and claw for their own happy ending."]

The draw was instant for Al and Luna. They new the moment they met Quinn that she was theirs. Between her grief and anger, Quinn...wasn't all that hard to convince. That's love for you. It's easier than anger; it helps you let go (in more ways than one) and live happily ever after. Even if trouble from the past tries to get in the way (and if you know anything about this series, or these characters, no one touches their loved ones/family).

#littlesliceofhell #littlesipofsin #littlelickoflust #littleshockofhate #littlepieceofsass #littlesongofpain #littletasteofneed #littleriskoffall #littlewingsoffate #littlesoulsoffire #littlekissofsnow #creaturecafe #creaturecafeseries #clioevans  #paranormal #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Little Shock of Hate (Creature Cafe #4)

Well, I accidentally found a distraction from my distractions... Here's Clio Evan's Creature Cafe series. The fourth book is "Little Shock of Hate."

["Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love, including the ancient tentacled demon known as Meduso.
After centuries of being alone, Meduso calls on a favor from his old friend the Barista. He can feel that his mate is close, but can’t seem to find him without a little help.
The Barista begrudgingly pairs Meduso up with a human named Noah. After the first date, it’s clear to Meduso that Noah will be his- whether he wants to be or not.
Noah has known about monsters his entire life, but he’s never met one so dark, twisted, and demented.
When danger and betrayal arise, the fragile trust the two have built becomes the only thing that can save them. Even with the fear of giving away their hearts, these two find themselves tumbling headfirst into a passion that will burn everything in their path— even the devil himself."]

Meduso was one of the most fucked up monsters so far. He has some...interesting kinks (and somehow Noah matches them). He's all cold steal and built up walls, but the second he almost let's Noah in, the walls come crashing down and his heart thaws (and grows three sizes, just like the Grinch).

Each book comes with its own trigger warnings, so make sure you pay attention to those (then again, those are more of a kink preview). This book includes (trigger warnings, not kink previews): attempted murder, drugs, leaked sex tapes, and more. (not by Meduso, thought the consensual-non-consent was a little iffy for me).

#littlesliceofhell #littlesipofsin #littlelickoflust #littleshockofhate #littlepieceofsass #littlesongofpain #littletasteofneed #littleriskoffall #littlewingsoffate #littlesoulsoffire #littlekissofsnow #creaturecafe #creaturecafeseries #clioevans  #paranormal #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Little Lick of Lust (Creature Cafe #3)

Well, I accidentally found a distraction from my distractions... Here's Clio Evan's Creature Cafe series. The third book is "Little Lick of Lust."

["Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love, including the yummy minotaur known as Rum.
Rum thinks it's time to find the one. Someone that can handle his humor, his passion, and his monstrous appearance.
The Barista sets up Rum with a gorgeous, tall, flaming bisexual woman named Penny. After a fumbling first encounter, the two of them hit it off. It doesn't take long for the heat to rise between them, even if the hot minotaur painter wants to take things slow.
Three dates are all it takes for Rum and Penny to find out just how much love can hurt-- and how much it can heal too."]

...they didn't take things slow at all. So it took them two dates to fall in love, and they managed to spread those two dates out over the course of a week (or so), but they were both pretty damn gone before the second date even happened. Said second date turned into a sleepover, which turned into a kidnapping and near-death-experience and moving in together (spoiler alert x3). So yeah, "taking it slow..."

#littlesliceofhell #littlesipofsin #littlelickoflust #littleshockofhate #littlepieceofsass #littlesongofpain #littletasteofneed #littleriskoffall #littlewingsoffate #littlesoulsoffire #littlekissofsnow #creaturecafe #creaturecafeseries #clioevans  #paranormal #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Little Sip of Sin (Creature Cafe #2)

Well, I accidentally found a distraction from my distractions... Here's Clio Evan's Creature Cafe series. The second book is "Little Sip of Sin."

["Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love, including two stunning dragon shifters known as Dell and Dracon.
Dracon and Dell want to find their soul mate and don't mind sharing with each long as they have a connection too. They want someone who won't run from their teeth, claws, scales, and...yes, those things too.
The Barista introduces the two of them to Kat, a sassy human who loves monsters but is reluctant to fall in love with one- let alone two.
It doesn't take long before passion ignites between the three of them. One weekend together is all the dragons think it will take to convince Kat they are all meant to be."]

The way these book are written (how hard they fall, how much steam in included), it's hard to remember that they take place over one to three days. That's it. That's all it takes to fall in love and know it's real, know it's meant to be. 

I mean...Kat got two dragons and a demon cat (who I'm not sure its a just a cat being a cat or an actual demon--then again, does it matter?) out of it. What else will this series bring (besides some fucker trying to take down the Barista)??

Each book comes with its own trigger warnings, so make sure you pay attention to those (then again, those are more of a kink preview). This book includes (trigger warnings, not kink previews): murder, stalking, and more. (not by the main characters, but another character).

#littlesliceofhell #littlesipofsin #littlelickoflust #littleshockofhate #littlepieceofsass #littlesongofpain #littletasteofneed #littleriskoffall #littlewingsoffate #littlesoulsoffire #littlekissofsnow #creaturecafe #creaturecafeseries #clioevans  #paranormal #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Little Slice of Hell (Creature Cafe #1)

Well, I accidentally found a distraction from my distractions... Here's Clio Evan's Creature Cafe series. The first book is "Little Slice of Hell."

["Creatures of all kinds go to the Barista to find love, including the devilishly sexy incubus known as Dante.
Dante wants to find his soul mate— someone that won’t scream when they see his horns, his tail, and his…other thing. Thousands of years of seduction and power, and he still can’t fill the hole in his heart.
When the Barista sets Dante up with a human named Peter, he realizes that he’s never wanted anyone else more. Peter is resistant though, especially when it comes to the L word.
Dante has his work cut out for him if he’s going to finally get his own little slice of hell."]

I literally don't know what made me read this. The cover was enticing as hell (pun not intended), as was the length of the novella (sometimes you just want something short and sweet). The whole idea of a mysterious, unnamed Barista who match makes? Very, very interesting (almost like the Bold Brew series but with monsters). 

These two were...very in-tuned to each other. Short and sweet and soooooo fucking hot. Just like spice level unlike anything else I've read (well, since the Bold Brew series probably). 

I'm now sunk and will be speed/binge reading the read of the eleven book series. Thank you Clio. 

Each book comes with its own trigger warnings, so make sure you pay attention to those (then again, those are more of a kink preview). This book includes (trigger warnings, not kink previews): rape, left for dead, and more. (not by Dante, but another character).

#littlesliceofhell #littlesipofsin #littlelickoflust #littleshockofhate #littlepieceofsass #littlesongofpain #littletasteofneed #littleriskoffall #littlewingsoffate #littlesoulsoffire #littlekissofsnow #creaturecafe #creaturecafeseries #clioevans  #paranormal #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Pretty Obsessed (Pretty Broken #1)

Yet another accidentally-stumbled-upon book/series. At least this one is by the same author as the last? This is J.R. Gray's Pretty Broken series. The first book is titled "Pretty Obsessed."

["Emory Ker
Who makes out with a random guy at a club while someone else is giving him head? Not me—that's who. I'd never even hooked up with a stranger. Welp, now I had. If you could call what I'd done hooking up. But it was so much more intimate than a hook-up. I'd tasted his lips as someone else made him come. He'd gasped into my mouth.
Now I was sitting in front of him and he was asking me to kiss him again.

River Wade
We became famous overnight.
One day I was a twenty-four-year-old drummer slinging pizzas to make ends meet and the next, I was a member of the most popular alternative band ever.
Despite being world-famous, there was no connection in it. I'd lost touch with reality. With intimacy. I couldn't find a place to be normal. I'd lived my entire life straight-edged while watching obsession destroy my best friend.
Obsession terrified me.
That is until I met him.
The first taste left me intoxicated.
The rockstar obsessed with the writer—rather funny if you think about it.
After a night with him, he vanishes into thin air, and all the money in the world can't help me find him.
I have to track him down and convince him there might be millions of people who would do anything to get a chance to sleep with me, but I only had eyes for him.
Convince this beautiful boy I'm pretty obsessed."]

This series reminded me a looot of K.M. Neuhold's Replay series. All about a band, each member gets their own book, each member is a little broken, each book is a little (or a lot) dark and twisty, and they're on the verge of breaking up if they don't figure their shit out.

This book was sooooo fucking good! I read it slower, because I kept waiting for the shit to come and for the break-up to happen and for me sob uncontrollably (spoiler alert, that didn't happen).
I mean, who knew how fucking dirty River was with his aversion to relationships and connection (and how good he was at both--how hard he fell), and who knew how fucking soft and cinnamon-rolly Emory was (and how hard he fell). They were utterly perfect for each other, even if they fought so much of it for so long (until they didn't).

Head the trigger warnings. I didn't think this book (or River) was too bad, obsession and toxic-crutch wise, but Iris was...Iris (he needs a warm blanket and some cocoa and all of the cuddles--but he has...some series toxic-crutches).

Trigger Warnings: alcohol/alcoholism, drugs, talk of involuntary treatment, suicide, and more

#prettyobsessed #prettytoxic #prettywreck #prettyfucked #prettyblack #prettybroken #prettybrokenseries #jrgray #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The Forbidden Equation (Love Equations series #3)

Another accidentally-stumbled-upon book. I first found the third book, but let's try to stick to the correct order this time. ;) This is J.R. Gray's Love Equations series, and the third book is titled "The Forbidden Equation." 

["My father's the president and my brother's the golden boy which leaves me the black sheep. The son who never wanted to be here at all. The white house my gilded cage, and the secret service my prison guards.

I'm nearly twenty-one and nothing about my life is normal.

The only thing giving me life and any motivation to get out of bed is the way he looks at me. The stolen glances across the West Wing. Heated gaze in the private dining room.

He's my father's best friend, which isn't even the worst part, he's also the vice president. Utterly off limits and I can't bring myself to care. Can't bring myself to stop encouraging his flirting, dreaming, and hoping he won't be able to resist me forever."]

I wasn't convinced with this until until like 35-40% in (slow burn, man, sloooooooow burn).

These two are poetic disasters. It was like Romeo and Juliet, knowing it romance would burn bright as hell, but also knowing the consequences are dangerous and severe. But when they finally caved to the sexual tension? D: And the romantic connection!?!? D: It was so freaking good and all "mine" and soft and protective and D: SO GOOD

And the perfect descriptions of depression had me on edge, not in a good way. It was sooo accurate, it hurt (legit hurt). I had to put the book down and take a few minutes to breathe and recalibrate. So good, but so painfully accurate; I feel so seen and so sorry that other people feel like this, too. "that was the thing about depression. it wasn't just wanting to die. it was not having the motivation, endless exhaustion, wondering what it was like to not have to do it anymore and this deep sense that i didn't belong, so why even bother."

Trigger Warnings: suicide, depression, and more

#thefriendshipequation #theanimostityequation #theforbiddenequation #jrgray #loveequations #loveequationsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, March 20, 2023

Fairy Cakes In Winter

Small side-quest by reading "Fairy Cakes In Winter" by Lane Hayes.

["A grumpy baker, a quirky ad man, and a recipe for forever…

So this cute guy sits next to me on the plane and proceeds to talk my ear off for hours. Not good. I don’t like talking and I don’t like strangers. But Theo’s sweet, smart, and sexy—the perfect distraction from business woes and personal worries.
Okay, things got overly friendly, but we’re adults and we know the score. I’m too old, he’s too nice, and we live on different continents.
Then, out of the blue, he shows up at my bakery with that pretty smile and a list of wacky marketing ideas—like how to make fairy cakes a thing.
I don’t like fairy cakes.
But I do like Theo, so…maybe?

The new me takes risks. The new me is brave and confident. The new me flirts with hunky, imposing bears on planes while traveling to a foreign country.
It’s going well, thank you.
However, my plans to do some sightseeing, drink tea, and eat my weight in biscuits every day get derailed when I realize there might be a way to help Scott and prove a few things to myself.
Don’t worry. I won’t fall for the grumpy baker. No way. He’s complicated and broody and—
Uh oh…it might be too late. Help!

I was tired and needed something a little shorter than a full-length book. This grumpy vs. sunshine, age-gap story featuring vacation and desserts was just wanted I needed.

Like, this book was sooooo sweet (dessert pun not intended). It was fluffy as fuck and yet soooo freaking spicy. It was a perfect mix of the two, just like Scott and Theo. I was crying at the "goodbye" and sobbing at the reunion (don't be shocked; it's a HEA after all). SO freaking good!!! Adding Lane to my authors-to-binge list.

And now I want a fairy cake...

#fairycakesinwinter #lanehayes #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Animosity Equation (Love Equations series #2)

Another accidentally-stumbled-upon book. I first found the third book, but let's try to stick to the correct order this time. ;) This is J.R. Gray's Love Equations series, and the second book is titled "The Animosity Equation."

["Have you ever loathed a person so intensely the sight of them made you contemplate homicide?
First day of college, everyone is settling into their rooms, and in walks Jeff Woods—the blond bastard. He's arrogant and smart and an elite swimmer and worst of all everyone loves him. Only he's insufferable and flirty, and a sex god. He pushes every button I never knew I had, all with an air of indifference, like he doesn't know the affect it has on me.

Did I mention he's the hottest guy I've ever laid eyes on?

I'm just some closeted red-neck from the south who's more comfortable on a horse and in a pair of boots than trying to figure out this Ivy League stuff.

There's no way a guy like him would ever look at me twice.

Hate is the only equation."]

Tropes: enemies-to-lovers, roommates, forced proximity, flirting and teasing and lust galore, and more

We first met Woods in the first novel (he was friends/enemies/teammates with Harden and Vance); here, he's just as flirty and intense, but he has depth.

This book was so good! D: And the hate? It was fun and flirty. They pushed each other's buttons until they exploded. Then they wondered why the other hated them? Like, okay. But the hate-sex?! D: Sooooo goooooood!!

After they got over hating each other, it was 0 to 60 on falling in love (which they both knew would happen), easy and simple and just...natural. They were adorable (and hot).

#thefriendshipequation #theanimostityequation #theforbiddenequation #jrgray #loveequations #loveequationsseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, March 19, 2023

The Friendship Equation (Love Equations series #1)

Another accidentally-stumbled-upon book. I first found the third book, but let's try to stick to the correct order this time. ;) This is J.R. Gray's Love Equations series, and the first book is titled "The Friendship Equation."

["I never thought I’d go to college a virgin, but unless something changes, and fast, that’s what’s going to happen. In comes Harden Hart, my All American boy-next-door best friend with an offer to help in a way I’d never imagined.

The boy who turned everything he touched to gold had a filthy side to him I’d never seen. Oh, and did I mention he’s straight?

We could keep this fun but we had to hide it from both our fathers. We could smile for the cameras, focus on winning the state swimming championship and maintain Harden’s image. Easy enough, right?

Only Harden didn’t want to hide. His addiction to our not-so-private hook-ups put everything at risk with his father’s planned presidential run, and I risked losing my best friend if anyone found out.

But the biggest risk of all—the risk of breaking my own heart by falling for someone who was never mine to begin with.

Maybe love just isn't in the equation."]

Tropes: childhood best-friends-to-lovers, bi awakening/bi-for-you, forbidden romance, sports romance, and more

This book went from 0 to 60 reeeaaallllll quick. Like one second, they're best friends, then they're flirting hard core and foreplay-ing, and then they're head-over-heels in love (spoiler. alert.). But it was beautiful! It was so sweet and so steamy and so fun! There was some angst (not between them--family stuff and coming out and future talk). But, like 99% of the books in this genre, there was a very sweet happily ever after.

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Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Devil Takes (The Devil Takes What's Willing Given #1)

Paranormal usually isn't my thing (and honestly, neither is fantasy), but I've followed Fae Quin on Instagram for her art and fanart for a loooooong time, and finally reading one of her books has been a long time coming. Here's "The Devil Takes" (it's a story loosely based on Persephone and Hades--which I 

["Who needs dating apps when you can stand naked in a graveyard at midnight calling for the Devil to take you away?

I don’t exactly know what I’m doing at college. I feel directionless, an omega adrift in a sea of promising young minds already on track with their five-year goals and life plans. My only goal has ever been to get away from my merciless father and his narrative that I’ll never amount to anything. And maybe he’s right, maybe I traded in my trailer park for stinky gym socks and red solo cups.
But when my frat initiation leads to a sexy chance encounter with a purple-demon-devil-incubus-dude, I can’t help but think that maybe the college life ain’t so bad, after all.

I may be purple but I am not a demon. Or a devil. Or even an incubus.
As the king of the underworld and keeper of the dead, my humanity has been long since forgotten.
That is until a young man in a graveyard calls to me one night. Like a kicked puppy, his sad, soulful eyes lure me in, and I can’t deny him. This sweet, stubborn boy who visits me in his dreams, he stirs up feelings in me that I left behind centuries ago. I want him. I crave him. But I know I cannot keep him…unless I take him…"]

This book had all of the feels. It was sad and angsty and dangerous. It was pining and steam and feeling so sure (and yet so confused). It wasn't the best ending, but it was prefaced as a HFN (happy for now) and not a HEA (happily ever after). I can't wait until the next book comes out.

Trigger Warnings: derogatory/hateful language, abuse, past child abuse, murder, graphic violence, hazing, darker themes, and more

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Friday, March 17, 2023

The Christmas Wishes (Ever After #1.5)

Okay I lied; HERE's the final part of the Ever After series (if you read it out of order like I did). It's "The Christmas Wishes," and it's by T.L. Gehr (and it's the sequel to "The Spindle's Curse," the first book in the series).

["Following the traumatic events of The Spindle's Curse, Brian's only wish is to give Philip the best Christmas ever. And what better way than to take him back to his tiny, idyllic, hometown?

While Brian plans a winter getaway worthy of Hallmark, reality intrudes and he's forced to confront his own dark past—a past he'd rather Philip not see.

Meanwhile, Philip has a secret wish of his own."]

This takes place during the second novel (well, as does part of the first novel--but the second part of the second novel takes place days after this novella ends).

This novella was sooooo cute!! D: I mean, there was still a looooot of dark things, but it was more of a recap of the dark things from the main novel as well as a few new drug-related scenes (none for Brain). And, spoiler alert, there was some more steamy sex and fun fluff and a series of almost-proposals (which eventually led to an actual proposal--spoiler alert).

Trigger Warnings: drug use, violence, and more

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Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Spindle's Curse (Ever After #1)

And let's finish off the series with the first book... This one is T.L. Gehr's "The Spindle's Curse" from her Ever After series (it's a Sleeping Beauty Retelling).

["Sleeping Beauty has insomnia and a habit he can’t shake.
Can true love still break his curse?

Brian Rose
I'm drawn to the needle, just like my mother. Even though I haven't seen her since she stormed into my christening 22 years ago, her dark curse twists through my DNA. So now she wants to meet, I can't resist. I'm fresh out of rehab, moving to the big city all on my own. It's hard enough keeping myself sane without developing a giant crush on some rich dude who just happens to be my new boss.

Philip Arrigo
I'm a liar. A dirty liar. I've lied to my parents, my friends, everyone except the beautiful stranger who's just started working at my restaurant. He's the only one I've confessed my dreams to and maybe it's because he had no idea that I'm New York royalty. I don't want to be just another rich asshole living off other people's hard work. I want to make a difference to the world. But I'll start by making a difference to him.

A prick of death. A kiss of life."]

Well, I knew a few spoilers for this book, because I read this series out of order. I know they fall in love, I know there's a kidnapping and a gun, I know the neighbor from the second book makes a lovely appearance, but what I didn't know.... a. lot. Holy. Shit.

I thought the second book was dark. This one…holy. shit. Please head the trigger warnings below. It was very, very worth it, with all of the fluff and the steam and the soft moments and the instant love and the devotion and saving each other, but it’s dark as hell.

Also, let's all be aware that love and a healthy/deep relationship doesn't cure addiction, as it doesn't cure depression/anxiety, but T.L. did a good job of steering clear of that, even if the blurb hints that love is the answer to all curses.

Still very, very, very interested in knowing if/when the Beauty and the Beast retelling will appear... :( 

Trigger Warnings: drug use, needles, gun, kidnapping, homophobia, violence, and more

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Kiss of Life (Ever After #3)

This one is T.L. Gehr's "Kiss of Life" from her Ever After series (the third and final book in the series...even if I still haven't read the first one yet; fight me) (also, it's a Snow White retelling...but gay).

["Zane White has been running since he was 16. Now he's finally got a life he doesn't hate, living in Surrey, teaching preschool by day and partying the nights away. That is until a hookup turns stalker.

But a spiked apple martini is not half as terrifying as falling in love for the first time with the adorkable and caring Doctor Charming.

Sebastian Charming is a South African junior doctor, trying to earn his UK citizenship through working for the NHS. With his demanding job, he has no time for relationships and, as a die-hard romantic, he's never even considered casual sex.
When the two meet, it’s instant sparks, but being together means both need to leave their comfort zones. How adventurous is Sebastian willing to get? And how much commitment is Zane willing to give?"]

I immediately downloaded this book after reading "The Midnight Dance," because I needed to know how Zane's life went/goes and if him and Charle's (his twin brother from the previous book) reconnect. And well...

It was…a lot. Zane has been through so much shit, and his first reaction to anything and anyone is to push away. Sebastian was the exception but barely. I didn’t ugly sob nearly as much, but there were still some serious tears on my part.

Less cringey than the second book but still an amazing read with some awesome characters and a fun Snow White retelling. I just need to figure out why the Beauty and the Beast retelling by this author was never finished.

Trigger Warnings: stalking, dying/death, nightmares, self-hate, mentions of homophobia, mentions of conversion therapy, mentions of suicide, and more

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Sunday, March 12, 2023

Take A Shot

I stumbled across "Take A Shot" (by Samantha Wayland) on Eden Finely's facebook fan page (Absolutely Eden) when a fellow follower asked for the title of a hockey book she read a while back. Her description sounded fabulous, so what do I immediately do? Check the comments for answers and download said book.

["If you want to score, you have to take the shot.

Chris Kimball is good at keeping things to himself, but when he breaks his leg during a hockey game, he quickly realizes his biggest secret might be impossible to keep. It was hard enough being in love with his best friend and teammate, Tim Robineau, but when Tim takes care of him as he recovers, Chris’s feelings only grow stronger.

Tim is aware that some people think he’s dumb, but they’re wrong. He’s just an easy-going guy who enjoys spending time with his team and friends—especially Chris. Tim has dated a lot of women who couldn’t understand that, and figures he’s cursed when it comes to love—but he’s not. He just doesn’t know it.


Short, sweet. Forced proximity. Best-friends-to-lovers. Bi-awakening. What more could you want? Fluff and steam? Oh yes, there's tons of that too ;)

This short story was previously published in the Changing on The Fly Anthology, and it’s connected to Samantha’s Crashing series’s (which I’ll have to check out very soon).

#takeashot #samanthawayland #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Never Have I Ever Gone Skinny Dipping

"Never Have I Ever Gone Skinning Dipping" by Riley Hart was
originally published in the fifth volume of the Heart2Heart anthology (alongside Lucy Lennox's "Welcome To Knockwood"--I'm accidentally keeping with the theme here ;) ). 

["Mickey Boring has always felt like his life is…well, boring. He’s a little shy, a little nerdy, a librarian who loves books—not real cool, in his opinion. The only exciting thing about him is the fact that he’s a secret writer of spicy stories who lives out his fantasies in the stories he pens. Oh and he loves writing those things in public—at a coffeehouse to be exact, owned by his crush, Ronan Winters.

When Mickey gets the prompt Never Have I Ever, on a message board, he knows exactly how he wants to end that sentence…Never Have I Ever Gone Skinny-Dipping…to live out a missed opportunity from eight years ago. And he’s determined that Ronan Winters is the man he’s going to get to go with him.

Mickey just has to figure out how to ask him first. No big deal, right?

This book was soooooo cute! D: Mickey was a hot mess, all blushes and stampering words. Ronan was just hot, all--well, just picture a Fabio-type person, all tan and fit and confident and practically perfect. They were a odd match (on the outside--but this match is pretty typical for the genre (and for a good reason)), but they clicked and it was easy (once they let their guards down) and it was fun (once Mickey could figure out how to talk) and it was fate (once Ronan told Mickey who he was--or who he had been).

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Welcome To Knockwood

Lucy Lennox just published her short story "Welcome To Knockwood" (again). It was previously published (as "Never Have I Ever Fallen In Love") in the fifth volume of the Heart2Heart anthology (which I missed--it's theme/prompt was 'never have i ever'). What better way to spend an evening than reading books you just
downloaded (instead of the ones piling up in you TBR pile)?

["This was the stupidest thing I’d ever done. “Take an adventure,” they said. “Do something wild,” they said. Flying in a floatplane to a tiny town in nowhere, Alaska, was definitely wild. At least, for me.

I was a Florida boy, born and raised. But when the website I worked for tasked me with writing an article about something I'd never done before, my stupid mouth had blurted, "I've never been to Alaska!"

But when I land on a pristine blue lake and don't die, I can't help but fall a little bit in love with the breathtaking place.

And... okay... maybe I fall a little bit in love with the grumpy pilot too.

If only I could convince him to set aside his mistrust of outsiders and give me a chance..."]

Short and sweet. Grump and sunshine. Small town shenanigans and meddling friends and finding your place in this big world.

I could have totally handled a whole novel of them. Spacing out their adventures, adding more steam scenes, more puppies and more love and more grumpy brothers (well, some of them weren't grumpy).

Speaking of brothers, I now do remember this story coming out. I figured I'd read it when Lucy finally got around to writing the Knockwood series/Valentine Brothers series. Pete Valentine is the grumpy pilot. His brother, Rocco Valentine, was in "Thick as Thieves" (part of Lucy's Aster Valley series). Sadly, she isn't an octopus and hasn't had time to write it (yet).

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Wednesday, March 8, 2023

The Midnight Dance (Ever After #2)

Who needs to read TBR books when you can read things you just accidentally found? Who needs to start a series at the beginning when you can just read the second one? Who needs more queer Cinderella retellings?

This one is T.L. Gehr's "The Midnight Dance" from her Ever After series (a book I just accidentally found, the second book in the series, and a queer Cinderella retelling).

["Elam Ascher:
It was supposed to be a one-night stand.
I have a year to prove myself to City Ballet, to convince them to make me a permanent member of the corps. I don’t have time for a love affair. But Charles is so lost and lonely and I’ve never had someone care about me like this before. I can’t keep away, no matter how many times I tell myself I should.

Charles White:
It was supposed to be a one-night stand.
I’ve known I was gay for years, but coming to terms with it is another story. I’ve wanted men before, but never like this. I’ve never wanted to wake up in his arms, cook dinner together, find him waiting for me when I get home from work. Elam is younger than me, more confident, more attractive. He can do so much better than me. I want him anyway.
One night dancing together leads to weeks of dancing around each other before Elam’s wicked stepbrother breaks his leg. With Charles’s homophobic family trying to push him into marriage and Elam’s determination to stand on his own two feet (even if one is out of commission), can the lonely pair still find their way to each other?

I'm not sure if this book was good cheesy or bad? second, it's freaking adorable and so fun and clever and cute! Then the next second, I'm cringing a bit. 

It was overall a bit dramatic and filled with miscommunications, but my god, it was so damn good. It was an excellent Cinderella retelling. The trigger warnings are heavily needed though, heavily (these families are monsters).

Did I read the whole thing anyway? You better bet I did. Did I love it anyway? You better bet I did. Did I add the rest of the series to my TBR piles? ...yeah, yeah I did.

Trigger Warnings: homophobia, internalized homophobia, violence, neglect, abuse, bullying, anxiety/panic attacks, mention of conversion therapy, and more

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The New Guy

I stumbled upon Sarina Bowen in the very beginning of my discovery of the queer (mm) romance novels. For some reason, I haven't binged through her things yet, but maybe "The New Guy" will be my reason.

["My name is Hudson Newgate, but my teammates call me New Guy.
That was my nickname in Chicago, too. And Vancouver. That’s what happens when you keep getting traded. Brooklyn is my last chance, especially after my poor performance last season.
But I can make this work. The new guy knows to keep his head down and shoot the puck. The new guy puts the game first.
What he doesn’t do is hook up with the other new guy—a hot athletic trainer who lives in my building. Gavin needs this job with my team. He’s a single dad with responsibilities.
We can’t be a couple. My arrogant agent–who’s also my father–will lose his mind if I’m dating a dude. And my team needs me to score goals, not whip up a media circus.
Too bad Gavin and I are terrible at resisting each other…"]

This book made me ugly cry. Like sobbing, hard, in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping because its a work night. Tears streaming down my face so hard I couldn't read but just kept reading and crying and reading and the cycle was brutal. As was like 50+ pages of this book. Like fuuuuuuuck reality and trying to protect yourself and jobs and life. 

It was also fluffy as hell. Like all of the clouds and cotton candy at a hockey game and ice cream when you're sick and cheesecake from your favorite restaurant just because. 

It wasn't easy for them, far from it, but it was so damn worth it (so was the ugly crying).

#thenewguy #sarinabowen #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, March 6, 2023


I've been addicted to author fan pages on facebook lately. They have so many relatable means to the genre and their books. They also have toooons of recommendations for new books/series/authors. Between that and Facebook's algorithm giving me even more recommendations, I'm swamped with new books to read. I told myself I would wait until I read most of (most of---not all of, gotta be realistic here) before I started anything new-new...but here we are. ;)

Here's Tal Bauer's "Gravity."

["C’est cela l’amour, et tu es mon rêve...

Hockey is my life. This game pulled me from my tiny Quebec hometown all the way to the NHL, and now? I’m the number one player in the league. Team capitaine for the Montréal Étoiles. I’m shattering records and packing arenas every night, and I’ve promised my team: we’re going to win the Stanley Cup this year.
But I’m keeping big secrets. I'm thinking dangerous thoughts, and dreaming about impossible things. Like how a man’s lips might taste, or how his body might feel in my arms.
I can’t go there. I’ve got to focus. Team. Hockey. Cup. What my heart wants doesn’t matter.
So why am I falling head over heels at the NHL's All-Star Weekend?
I can’t do this. I can’t fall for Hunter Lacey. He’s a hockey player. We’re both in the NHL. He’s on a different team. And, oh yeah, he’s straight.

I’m a middle-of-the-road, nothing-special hockey player. Good enough to be drafted into the NHL, and I’ve been on the roster for the past two years, but I’ll never make the Hall of Fame. I’m just trying to keep my head up and get through each day, until this wild ride comes to an end.
Deep thinking isn’t really my thing. Look inside myself? Lotta beer and burgers there.
I never thought I’d be invited to the All-Star Weekend, but here I am. And there’s my hero: Bryce Michel, league superstar.
Saying hello to Bryce turns into hours spent together on the ice, and then an invite to dinner, and then days at each other's side. I’m in heaven. He’s my hero, and this is the coolest—
Then Bryce’s lips land on mine, and the world turns upside down.

This book was heart-breaking and soul-renewing and earth-shattering and hope-resurrecting. It made me hold my breath, giggle, sob, and smile like an idiot. It much. It was poetry and French lessons and the psychology of hockey and the meaning of family. It was falling in love all over again with this genre, and I couldn't be happier. 

I will most definitely be adding Tal to my author-binge list

#gravity #talbauer #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Meet Me In The Blue (Hemlock Harbor #1)

Why read books I've saved up on my TBR list when I can read a book that came out yesterday? Here's A.M. Johnson's "Meet Me In The Blue," the first book in her latest series Hemlock Harbor.

["Meet me… in the place where the sun kisses the horizon and sinks into blue shades of you and me.
Meet me there… where everything was always perfect. You and me and the damp grass at dawn and the gray dirt in the late evening rain.
Meet me where we were ourselves and not these two people who can’t even say I love you.
Meet me there and maybe we’ll remember…
We’ll remember the us we were before them, before miles, before lost hours, and you’ll ask what color the sky is, and I’ll say blue like your eyes.
And you’ll smile, and I’ll forget I ever missed you.

Luka and Rook have been best friends since they were nine years old.
Five years ago, Luka threw it all away.
When his dad’s health takes a turn for the worst, Luka must come home to say his goodbyes and mend the bridges he burned all those years ago. But coming home is harder than he imagined, and after reuniting with his family, there’s only one person he needs.
His best friend.
The one man he pushed away, the one man, no matter how hard he tried to forget, he can't stop himself from loving.
Even if loving him means breaking his heart all over again."]

This book was fillllled with nostalgia. Between the childhood flashbacks to reconnecting to falling back in love to the loss of Luka's father. The entire book, all of the prose and description and looooove, was pure poetry. 

And sadness. I cried. a. lot. I mean, there was (obviously) a happily ever after, but the build up and cancer and the fighting-you-own-fears things was terrifying and thrilling and incredibly sad. 

But their love? Fucking hell. Their love. It was obvious and transcendent and glorious and easy (and not so easy). It was scraped knees and clubhouses, it was broken hearts and broken promises, it was reacquainting and refalling. It was sunshine and puppy kisses and being yourself and saying what you mean. It was shades of blue (all of the different shades of happiness and sadness in one color, making it's own story--I can do poetry too).

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The Fated Mate Bandit (Trash Pandas #2)

Here's Amy Bellows's new series, Trash Pandas. The second book is "The Fated Mate Bandit." ["I fell in love with Silv...