Friday, September 30, 2022

Goodbye, September!

September snuck up on me, and then it's suddenly already over? Oookay then.


2022 Resolutions:
     (1) Write [almost] every day...or at least think about it
     (2) Don't stop reading
     (3) Make something (e.g. a manuscript)
     (4) Share love of books/writing
     (5) Be kinder to myself

(1) I thought about it a few times, but was too overwhelmed with details and where to start and when and how and all of the questions...and I just didn't..

(2) Books read this month: 30 (might get one more in there before midnight though). 

(3) Yeah, no.

(4) Posts this month (including this one): 33.

(5) Working on body positivity counts right?

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions (now that its time to make brand-new ones)?

Any exciting October reads?
Anything I should check out?

#newyearsresolutions #goodbyeseptember #hellooctober #hello2022 #keeplearning #writeeveryday #dontstopreading #makesomething #shareloveofbooks #bekindertoself #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Uncomplicated (Inked #2)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The second book to read in the Inked series "Uncomplicated."

["Two men with a rocky history, and one with an all-consuming love for both of them.

Sometimes I’m so lonely I swear I can’t breathe. I bring men and women into my bed to chase away the ache, but it never seems to help. I want something real, something lasting, but I’ve never been more afraid of anything in my life. If I have nothing else in my life I can count on, at least I have my best friend, Cas. If I have nothing else in my life that feels solid, at least I have Cas.

Until one sad smile from a beautiful man tilts my world on its axis.

But Finn is Cas’ ex, and that means he’s off limits, right? What if I could have something permanent, if I’m willing to put my heart on the line? Finn and Cas may have a history, but something tells me the three of us could have a future, if we’re willing to let things get a little complicated."]

In case they sound familiar: Cas is the police officer who helped Nox in the third Heathen's book ("From Ashes"). His roommate/lover Beau is the bartender at the bar the whole crew frequents; he was mentioned in pretty much every book so far. Finn made his first appearance near the end of the fourth Heathens book ("Shattered Pieces").

K.M. doesn't traditionally do a lot of angst, because, as she puts it (not an exact quote) "the LGBT+ community has already dealt with so much pain and loss and trauma, my books don't need to be adding to it". But this book was alllll kiiiiiiinds of angst. 

I mean, the angst was worth it, but man..

This was another "it wasn't easy for them" book. They had to work for it. They had to be vulnerable and ask for what they wanted. And even after that, the path wasn't easy. But they (obviously with a guaranteed HEA) made it work.

#hotink #rescueme #goingcommando #fromashes #shatteredpieces #unraveled #inkedinvegas #uncomplicated #flashme #unexpected #heathensinkshortsandbonusscenes #heathensink #inked #heathensinkseries #inkedseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Inked In Vegas (Heathens Ink #5)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The fifth book to read in the Heathens series "Inked In Vegas."

[We’re going to be married in a week. You’re going to be my husband, and we’re going to live happily ever after.” ~Madden

It feels like I’ve been waiting to marry Thane my entire life. And with our big day only a week away, our friends insist on a bachelor party in Vegas.

An outrageous scavenger hunt, an unexpected trip to the altar, and a wild night with an ex-boyfriend. You know we don’t do anything half-assed."]

This book was a fun couples retreat slash "bachelor's" weekend slash let's-just-get-married-while-we're-here. Aka very sweet (and very steamy). Each man from each of the previous Heathens Ink book (plus a few extra) get's their own POV with their own triumphs and troubles (Madden, Adam, Gage, Owen, Royal, Beck, Thane, Nash, Zade, Dani, and Nox). 

This book also came with two bonus chapters: Dani'e Wild Night and Liam's First Ink (both of which are available in "Heathens Ink Shorts and Bonus Scenes" as well).

#hotink #rescueme #goingcommando #fromashes #shatteredpieces #unraveled #inkedinvegas #uncomplicated #flashme #unexpected #heathensinkshortsandbonusscenes #heathensink #inked #heathensinkseries #inkedseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Unraveled (Inked #1)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The first book to read in the Inked series "Unraveled."

["You need someone to take care of you.
You're wound far too tightly.
You need to be...unraveled

I’m completely out of control of my life. My ex is trying to take my daughter away from me... again, my dream of owning my own motorcycle repair shop seems out of reach, and somehow, I find myself a thirty-two-year-old man who can’t afford to have a place without a roommate. So, it’s no huge surprise that the idea of being given complete control over someone’s body and pleasure is a major turn-on. I never had any inkling I might be into guys, until my best friend told me he likes to be tied up. Now I’m losing sleep, imagining him bound and begging for me. I can’t figure out if it’s just the kink or if it’s possible I’m falling for him."]

In case that sound familiar to you: Clay is Beck's best friend (from the fourth Heathens Ink book), and Matt is Clay's "straight" roommate/best friend.

This book was soooo cute! They just...fell into it. Of course, it all started with a drunken confession. ;) Best-friends-to-lovers for the win, y'all. ;)

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Monday, September 26, 2022

Shattered Pieces (Heathens Ink #4)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The forth book to read in the Heathens series "Shattered Pieces," and it's Gage's book (the one secretly in love with Adam's brother).

["“I was sure my heart had withered away years ago, but then you smiled at me, and I felt it beat again.” ~Gage
Years ago, I fell in love with my best friend’s little brother. Then, he took his own life, leaving me shattered and unable to piece my heart back together. I’ve been a zombie for nine long years. Until a crazy, gorgeous man walked into Heathens Ink and injected color back into my world of gray. No matter how hard I try to resist Beck, he just won’t give up on me. I would need steel willpower to withstand his gorgeous long legs in those high heels and his drawer full of lacy lingerie. But is this just a kinky hook up or does it have the possibility for more?

“We’re both broken, but our jagged edges fit together well” ~ Beck
When you’re half of a whole you never contemplate what life would be like without your matching piece. Since my twin sister, Brianna, died last year, nothing I do seems to quiet my soul. I know there has to be some way for me to feel happy and whole again. And, when I look into the pained eyes of the tattoo artist at Heathens Ink, I feel like I have a purpose. I can’t explain it, but I feel like I have to find a way to put him back together."]

I ugly cried during this book..a lot, a lot, a lot. It Gage needed woken up, and all of a sudden, he found himself smiling and laughing and Happy. He was actually engaging and feeling, and yeah, it was terrifying as fuck, but he was awake again. Beck is drawn to lost souls, so of course he found and was instantly drawn to Gage; and then he did the thing he promised himself he wouldn't, Beck fell for Gage.

But don't worry, there's a happily ever after in this one, too. ;)

Also, it's probably for the best that I didn't read "Broken Shards" (Johnny's story), because I'm sure it would have sent me into a very deep and dark depressive episode. Even reading Gage's story, nine years after the fact, was hard as fuck. Like "maybe sometimes your whole life sounds a little too daunting to a kid who is struggling to find the emotional energy to make it until tomorrow"...shit, man, that's too accurate.

Trigger Warnings: off the page suicide, off the page drug use, depression, anxiety, grieving the lose of a loved one, etc

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From Ashes (Heathens Ink #3)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The third book to read in the Heathens series "From Ashes," and it's Adam's book (the one secretly bi).

["“When the broken man with scarred skin walked into Heathens, asked for a job, and showed me a sketch of a phoenix, it felt like fate.”~ Adam
It started with an anonymous post by someone who didn't want to live anymore. I read it over and over again, unable to get it out of my mind. What if my brother Johnny had posted something like this before he'd taken his own life? Would someone have been able to save him?

I've been living a lie for 16 long years and I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep it up. And when a beautiful, broken man walks into my tattoo shop asking for a second chance at life, I know I'll never be able to turn him away.

“When I was so far down I couldn’t even see the light, a stranger reached in to save me”~ Nox
I didn't have anything to live for, until a kind stranger pulled me back from the brink. With physical and emotional scars I have nowhere to turn now but to that same stranger who saved my life without realizing it. But as my feelings for Adam grow, will I ever be anything other than a surrogate for the brother he couldn’t save? Am I even worthy of his love?"]

This one was not easy. Nox wanted to be loved and safe, but he didn't think he deserved it, especially with someone like Adam. Adam wanted to be happy and open, but he didn't think he'd ever get the chance. Trusting that their hearts were in capable and comforting hands, they had no choice but to fall in love. 

But, like I said, it was not easy, so please mind the triggers below.

Trigger Warnings: domestic violence, drug use, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, attempted murder, murder, stalking, harassment, etc 

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Going Commando (Heathens Ink #2)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The second book to read in the Heathens series "Going Commando," and it's Royal's book (the one secretly in love with his best friend).

["“I never thought I could want anyone as much as I wanted Nash, then I met you”~Royal

“What if I told you, you'd never have to choose?”~Zade

When I was sixteen I was afflicted with a terrible curse...I fell in love with my straight best friend. I never thought I’d move past my feelings for Nash and find someone who could love me in return, until the day a gorgeous marine plopped himself down in my chair and asked me to ink him. I’m falling fast for Zade, but my feelings for Nash are still very real. 

When life starts getting complicated and Nash speaks the words I never thought I’d hear, the only thing I want is for us to find a way to make this work...together."]

I don't know why I always praise books my saying the couple/trouple just made sense, but it's really important to me, and these three just MADE SENSE. It was easy for them. Yeah, there was a bit of angst with...everything, but when they all came together, it was almost meant to be.

Royal was hopelessly in love with his best friend, Nash, but fell almost instantly for Zade, too. Zade instantly had serious feelings for Royal and loved the games and the challenges and the carefree, but he wanted nothing more than for Nash to take care of him, too. Nash realized his feelings for Royal almost too late, but luckily, he had similar feelings for Zade. 

Trigger Warnings: off the page suicide, off the page drug use, transphobia, domestic abuse, etc.

#hotink #rescueme #goingcommando #fromashes #shatteredpieces #unraveled #inkedinvegas #uncomplicated #flashme #unexpected #heathensinkshortsandbonusscenes #heathensink #inked #heathensinkseries #inkedseries #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Rescue Me (Heathens Ink #1)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The first full-lengthen book to read in the Heathens series "Rescue Me," and it's Madden's book (the unlucky in love one).

["I’ll save you as many times as I have to, even if it means saving you from yourself.

My heart pounds erratically as the crowd swells around us, panic thick in the air. This can’t be how I die, not here, not tonight. Through the throng of bodies, I can see him...Thane. Of all the ways I thought tonight would end, this wasn’t even on my list. Pain lances through me and I can tell by the look in his eyes that whatever just happened, it’s bad. My hand reaches for my leg and I find it sticky and wet with my own blood.

Whatever happens, I know Thane will save me.

Screams, and blood, and tragedy haunt my dreams. I'm alive and I owe it all to the gorgeous former marine who refused to leave me for dead. But how can I start a new relationship when I'm not even sure who I am anymore?"]

This book was sooooooo so goood!! Like damn, so fucking good. They just meshed and worked and wanted the same things. 

Yes, Madden was dark and twisty and a little broken and bruised and pushed Thane away. And yes, Thane was a little too supportive and hero-complex-y. But they made it work, because they cared enough, and even though it was hard, they cared.

Please be mindful of the triggers below!!

Trigger Warnings: mass shooting, near death experiences, drug usage, overdosing, attempted suicide, PTSD, homophobia, etc 

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Hot Ink (Heathens Ink #0.5)

Lots and lots and lots of binge-reading in my near future. Let's start with Heathens Ink (and it's spin-off series Inked). All by K.M. Neuhold. The first available book to read in the Heathens series is the official prequel, titled "Hot Ink" (the unofficial prequel is titled "Broken Shards," and I can't find it anywhere--which could be a good thing, because I'm told its filled with ugly crying and does NOT have a happy ending).

["Meet the men of Heathens Ink. Madden, Adam, Royal, and Gage: Inked skin, damaged psyche’s, and a whole lot of dirty."]

Each man gets their own story and their own happily ever after. This book was only about 10 pages long, but it was a fun and unique introduction to each character, their personalities, and their dreams as well as their struggles.

And this is so I don't get confused myself: Madden is unlucky in love, and its no secret; Adam is secretly bi, and his brother lost his battle with mental illness; Gage was secretly in love with Adam's brother; and Royal is secretly in love with his best friend.

Bring. On. The. Binge. Y'all.

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Sunday, September 25, 2022

Meet Me There

Here's another fabulous book by the one and only K.M. Neuhold: "Meet Me There."

["Two men, dozens of cities, and a connection they just can't seem to shake.

We haven't spoken in fifteen years, and Marlon is the last person I expected to run into in a bar on Bourbon Street.

He's not my gangly internet pen pal anymore, he's all muscles, body hair, and temptation.

Our friendship feels like it never faded, but the heat between us is brand new.

We're both in different cities every few weeks, hustling to build our careers and soaking up all the perks of being young, hot, and untethered. But our paths seem to be crossing more and more often.

“Meet Me There…”, they're my new favorite words. Honestly, I think I'd follow Marlon anywhere. Does he feel it too?"]

This book had all of this (internet best friends, long-distance friendship, best-friends-to-lovers, very low angst, and tons and tons of of happy, fluffy moments) and so much more. It was sooooo perfect. They were so sweet and happy with each other and in love well before they even figured it out. There was a quote in the book that said something like this: "I'm not sure if I've been in love with him for the past few months or if I've been an idiot and it's been forever and I'm just fooling myself," and well, that pretty much sums up the whole book. 

A lot of characters from the Heathens Ink series were in this, and I'm just starting to realize that I, for whatever reason, never got around to reading that series...or the Ballys Boys one...or like a lot of the books that K.M. wrote...huh...getting on that.

#meetmethere #kmneuhold #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

And The Best Man Ran Away With The Groom

Who needs to read a book I've downloaded a few months ago when I can read a book I downloaded a few hours ago? Here's Isla Olsen's "And The Best Man Ran Away With The Groom."

["There are two essential tasks on every best man’s to do list:
1. Throw a killer bucks party
2. Get the groom down the aisle

The first one was a no-brainer. But the second? That’s where everything went completely pear-shaped…

That was the moment that changed my life…

When my best friend bails on his wedding literally minutes before it’s about to start, I can’t help feeling a tad responsible. And even though I haven’t gotten to know Xavier, the would-be-groom, all that well yet, it’s hard not to feel for the guy who’s just had his heart pummelled in front of a hundred and fifty people.

Nice guy that I am, I take it upon myself to try to make amends for my sh*t of a best mate’s actions—starting with transforming the cancelled honeymoon into the perfect Get-Over-Him getaway.

Two weeks in incredible Thailand with nothing but booze, beaches, and delicious food? That’s enough to make anyone forget they’re supposed to be married.

Throw in all the beautiful people and my plan to have Xavier moving on by the end of the trip is well underway.

I just wasn’t expecting him to be moving on to me…"]

This book was really cute!! Xavier was a little grumpy but always honest. Trent was super sunshiny and open to all possibilities. They just...worked together. It made sense. 

Unfortunately, for me, it was missing something. I don't know if it was too easy for them or if their characters didn't feel fully flushed or.. I don't know. It just wasn't 100%/5 stars for me this time. Still recommend though. ;)

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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Frat Wars: Presidential Chaos (Frat Wars series #3)

Saxon James's latest novel "Presidential Chaos" is the latest (and third) installment in her Frat Wars series.

["Two houses. Two Presidents. One hell of a happy ending.

Being President of a frat house means everything is on my shoulders.
Idiot brothers, epic pranks, a list of organizational duties long enough to make my eyes bleed.
None of it fazes me.
But senior year is almost over, and I’m ready to take a step back.
Until the hazing rumors start.
I might not know where they’re coming from, but I know they’re total BS.
Now, instead of dialing back the stress, we’ve broken the number one rule on the row: Don’t get the dean’s attention.
I need to find out who’s driving the lies.
And all evidence points to one person.

I never wanted to become Kappa President.
The appointment was made easier, though, when none other than Zeke Ariston took over Sigma house. I’ve always been … drawn to him.
And maybe a little attracted too.
Pity I’ve never been more than an afterthought to him.
But when rumors start to circulate about hazing, and the sources lead back to my house, it puts me square on Zeke’s radar.
I want to help him get to the bottom of it all.
And with his attention finally on me, I want to tell him how I feel."]

Rivals-to-lovers, shared hoodies, clandestine meetings... Plus some serious Truce Talk that Chad doesn't find nearly as "frat as fuck" as his own book ;). 

I swear, Saxon gets better with each book. This one was FUCKING FANTASTIC. Yes, there was angst and drama. But there was so much pining and softness and wait-these-might-be-actual-feelings-here. It was soooo damn good. 

Spoil Alert: there, obviously, is no hazing (obviously, if you've read the rest of the series) or anything close to actual hazing written on the page or done in this book any characters at this fictional college (just in case it was holding you back from reading this)..

#fratwarskingofthieves #kingofthieves #fratwarsmasterofmayhem #masterofmayhem #fratwarspresidentialchaos #presidentialchaos #fratwars #fratwarsseries #saxonjames #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, September 19, 2022

Stroker (Big Bull Mechanics series #2)

A few months ago when I read "Crankshaft" by K.M. Neuhold, I wanted to immediately know what was going on with Gates and Tallahassee. Luckily, the second book (titled: "Stroker") in the Big Bull Mechanics series is all about them.

["Is there an easy way to tell your lifelong best friend that you secretly married his brother eight years ago? Asking for a friend…

When Gates shows up needing a place to crash, I offer him my spare room. Whatever happened between us nearly two decades ago is water under the bridge. I don’t lie awake at night wondering what could have been. Nope, definitely not.

But Gates seems determined to get a rise out of me. He’s tie-dyed all my clothes, removed my bedroom door, and replaced my hand soap with lube. I’m not sure if he’s hoping I’ll kick him out or kill him, but he won’t break me that easily.

When he tells me his Stroker Rod is broken… What kind of mechanic am I if I don’t get hands-on with his problem?

We put our feelings behind us a long time ago, and there’s no way I’ll let Gates break my heart again. No amount of fiddling under the hood will fix everything broken between us. From here on out, it’s purely physical. Right?

Yup, just a couple of guys and their stroker rods."]

THIS booooook! God fucking damn. This was sooooo good. It was the perfect balance of pining and angst, of fluff and steam. 

Am I surprised? No, it's a K.M. original. Of course its fantastic.

And I got to say, this one might even be better than the first book in the series. Then again, I'm a sucker for childhood friends and friends-to-lovers and best-friend's-brother and accidentally-engaged. So many tropes full-filled and no tastefully done.

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Saturday, September 17, 2022

Bat Baz

I love Halloween. In the past, it was just another holiday, but over the last five or so years, it's been sooooo exciting. It's dark and twisty and quirky and fun. It's witches and ghosts and dark alleys and darker people. It's spooks for fun and candy for kids. It's pumpkins and cauldrons and bats. It's just...spooky.

It reminds me of Harry Potter and "Carry On."

And when I saw this vampire bat on Instagram, I knew I had to track it down at Target. It BELONGED on my "Carry On" shelf. Look!!! It's a cute little Baz!!!

It's practically perfect! And it practically has little heart eyes for everyone's favorite Chosen One. It lights up, and it probably prefers catacomb rats over people (and merewolves) any day.

I just wished I would have bought that Dog!Dragon Squishmallow last year to represent Simon. Maybe next Halloween, they're been something even better...?

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Missing Clarissa

A few weeks ago, I was invited to read an ARC version of Ripley Jones's upcoming novel "Missing Clarissa" via her publishing/marketing team as well as through NetGalley. Thank fuck, I finally found time to read it (before it expired from my account and I lost this amazing opportunity--as well as a fantastic mystery).

["In August of 1999, dazzlingly popular cheerleader Clarissa Campbell disappears from a party in the woods outside the rural town of Oreville, Washington and is never seen again. The police question her friends, teachers, and the adults who knew her—who all have something to hide. And thanks to Clarissa’s beauty, the mystery captures the attention of the nation. But with no leads and no body, the case soon grows cold. Despite the efforts of internet sleuths and true-crime aficionados, Clarissa is never found—dead or alive.

Over twenty years later, Oreville high-school juniors and best friends Blair and Cameron start a true crime podcast, determined to unravel the story of what—or who—happened to this rural urban legend. In the process they uncover a nest of dirty small-town secrets, the sordid truth of Clarissa’s relationship with her charismatic boyfriend, and a high school art teacher turned small-town figurehead who had a very good reason for wanting Clarissa dead. Such a good reason, in fact, that they might have to make him the highlight of their next episode…

But does an ugly history with a missing girl make him guilty of murder? Or are two teenage girls about to destroy the life of an innocent man—and help the true killer walk free?"]

Everyone loves a dead girl.

It's a direct quote said multiple times throughout the novel (as well as on the cover itself), but it's so damn true. The coverage a missing white girl gets, let alone a popular and pretty one? Insane. Then the hype that is true crime and podcasts over the last decade? Crazy. Add to it the wave of published novels within the ya mystery/thriller genre over the last five years? W O W.

It was really good! I thought I knew things, I thought I had hunches, I thought some pretty twisted and convoluted theories...I was wrong. I was so wrong. I mean, like, holy. shit. 

This book was really good! There were slow parts, and parts that seemed irrelevant at the time or just redundant, but it was glorious.

I, personally, really liked how the POV switched mid-chapter between Cam and Blair, without any subheaders. I've written like that before, but my professors in grad school didn't find it "refined" and "clear" enough. But like I said, I liked it.

The personal drama between the two and their lives were just all very...juvenile. But, it was a young adult novel, and it's been a loooong while since I read one, so I think it was just that. Double But, there was character growth and a whole arc development between them. They grew as individuals and learned about themselves. They fell into and out of love. It was beautiful. 

Check this book out when it debuts on 7 March 2023!

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Friday, September 16, 2022

The Sunny Side (The Model Agency #1)

I meant to read this as soon as it came out last week, but I guess now is better than never. ;) This being Lily Morton's latest series The Model Agency. The first book is titled "The Sunny Side."

["Jonas Durand is successful, rich, and controlled. He owns a prestigious modeling agency and has the world at his fingertips, but a turbulent childhood has taught him to be focused and never deviate from a plan.

Dean Jacobs threatens that stance. He’s one of the world’s most sought-after supermodels, but he’s also laidback and lighthearted and free in a way that Jonas has never quite managed.

Dean has always been interested in Jonas and has never made any secret of his admiration, but from the beginning, Jonas put him in a neat little box labelled, “Don’t touch,” turned the key, and never looked back.

However, the universe seems determined to thwart Jonas’s plans. Over the course of one hot summer, the two men come together, and Jonas’s well-ordered life becomes something a whole lot wilder.

Moving from the glamorous worlds of London and Paris Fashion Weeks to the sleepy South of France, Jonas finds himself liberating partridges, chasing his supermodel, and falling in love."]

I remember Dean as being a himbo model with...certain....okay, so he was easy. But he's sooooo much more than that. He's kind and caring and just wants to make everyone happy. He wants to be safe and to feel wanted. He's just wholly misunderstood.

Wellllll, Jonas understands him (and vice versa) more than almost anyone. He wants to be more than just cold and collected. He wants to take care of someone and be taken care of. He wants so much, but he's afraid to want it.

They were perfect. This was perfect. It was a really great mix of sunny and sweet and angsty and adorable. And steamy. ;)

Plus! Jude and Asa along with Cadan and Mal were in here! It was glorious and sassy and just perfect.

#thesunnyside #lilymorton #themodelagency #themodelagencyseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Nox/Lumos Tattoo

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light."

And that's the thing, we can't have light without the darkness. We can't truly appreciate happiness without the sadness, the depression. There are no daydreams without nightmares. There are no rainbows without rain. 

I've always been fascinated by the spells from the Harry Potter universe, how they's so intricate yet simple, how they're derived from Latin, how each one get it's own wand movement.

My best friend and I decided, almost on a whim, to get matching tattoos. It started as a conversation about lumos and different lumos tattoos. We joked about it, and then practically at the same time, we both said "wait, are you serious about this, because I am?" After a yes-I'm-sure conversation, we decided that she would get lumos, and I would get nox.

Nox is dark and twisty and a little badass. It's a little Slytherin, Black Lake, and Malfoy Manor combined. It's sneaking out of the castle to play Quidditch, it's practicing Defense Against The Dark Arts, it's going to bed really late after finishing a good book. It's late night runs to the kitchens, avoiding Mrs. Norris, and hiding the empty pumpkin juice bottles under your bed. It's the library's Restricted Section and Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder and...magic. It's the darkness, the nightmares, and the rain before the light, the daydreams, and the rainbows. 

Thank you for all of that, Suzi (not to mention the years of friendship and late night conversations and Draco Malfoy redemption rants--here's to years more). <3 :*

#hogwarts #harrypotter #philosophersstone #chamberofsecrets #prisonerofazkaban #gobletoffire #orderofthephoenix #halfbloodprince #deathlyhallows #jkrowling #books #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks 

Saturday, September 10, 2022

What even is literary?

What even is literary? What makes a book literary? Who decides what literary means? And why are non-literary books practically shunned?

I first was taught that some more are held with much higher esteem than others when I was in middle school. A classmate was looking for more of a challenge, so our teacher gave her "Great Expectations."

I spend all of high school in advanced academic and advanced placement classes, reading upper-level novels from "The Crucible" to "The Great Gatsby" to "The Lord of the Flies." All of college, both my undergraduate and graduate degrees, were about the same: "Macbeth," "The Canterbury Tales," "Dante's Inferno." 

The higher my education went, the further the idea of "What Is Literary" was drilled into our heads. Yes, we were also taught that it isn't all just old, dead, white men. But Literary was rarely romance. And it was certainly never anything close to steamy. And don't even get anyone academic started on fanfiction.

I first started writing fanfiction in middle school. My friend and I would write in our notebooks in homeroom, study hall, and lunch. We would then pass our stories around to all of our friends. I eventually moved to Quizilla (anyone remember that one?--it was the predecessor to Wattpad). I kept writing fanfiction until college when I was told it was inferior and people who respected literature would never dare write it, let alone read it. 

Coincidentally, I discovered Archive of our Own and while studying for my graduate degree. Having just read the Harry Potter series for the very first time, I was interested in knowing more and discovering how other people interpreted different characters/scenes/relationships. That's when I discovered smut. Ohhhh, dirty, dirty smut.

But let's back up a bit and connect fanfiction to "What Is Literary" a bit, because I'll bet a ton of my professors didn't know exactly where or when fanfiction started and how deeply rooted it is in the literary world, both past and present.

One of the very first instances of fanfiction happened 130ish years ago, following you'll-never-guess-this the Sherlock Holmes stories. The first Sherlock stories were instant hits, so much so, that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle tried killing the detective off multiple times (hence Moriarty and Reichenbach Falls) because he was capital-d Done writing him and wanted to do something else. However all of England mourned and protested so much so, that Doyle was practically forced to bring Sherlock back. One of Doyle's friends, none other than J.M. Barrie (the author of Peter Pan), wrote several Sherlock stories of his own (sadly, none of it was JohnLock material); and thus, fanfiction was born.

Some other famous texts that had it's origins in fanfiction: "Fifty Shades of Gray" was Twlight fanfiction; "After" was One Direction fanfiction; "The City of Bones" was Harry Potter fanfiction; and if you want to get technical, "Paradise Lost" was Bible fanfiction (bet my professors didn't think of that when they assigned it was reading material ;) ).

Then there are all of the books that outlived their copyright dates, allowing authors to reimagine or rewrite said texts. For example: "Wicked" was "Wizard of Oz" rewritten; "Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies" was "Price and Prejudice" rewritten; "Circe" was "The Odyssey" rewritten; then there's all of the fairy tales and famous fables rewritten into several classes texts as well as movies. Technically all fanfiction.

In the past few years, my fanfiction obsession went from unpublished stuff online to Rainbow Rowell's "Carry On," discovering in all of my fanfiction reading that low and behold, there was actual published books had queer romantic pairings. I didn't know that there were books out there with main characters that were gay. Like, blindly idiotic of me, yes, but it was like opening up the back of my closet and reaching Narnia. I read so many young adult novels since then within these genre categories. 

Around that time, I was hearing from my grad professors the idea of New Adult literature. It was not quite young adult and not quite adult, but a weird mix of the two, and it leaned into the erotica genre. All in all, we were told to stay clear of it, because it wasn't Literary or respectable, and we would certainly never get published if we even mentioned it. 

A few years after I graduated, I accidentally (much like I discovered "Carry On") stumbled upon the Game Changers series by Rachel Reid. It was more of what I had been leaning into. The queer romances I had loved so much, plus a little bit of that dirty, dirty smut from all of my fanfiction reading.

A lot of fanfiction has a sexual nature. Not all of it, not even close to all of it, but it's important to a lot of fans. Being so comfortable and close to our favorite characters helps make us feel comfortable and safe, and it makes us happy knowing that they get romance and a happily ever after (I totally meant that as in HEA not as in the ya-know, mind-in-the-gutter, sex-joke way).

Growing up, my mom, like oh so many, read those cheap books you can find at the drug store with scantily-clad-dressed damsels-in-distress on it being held by a Fabio figure: bodice rippers. And then, all of a sudden, I found books like that of my own. And they were so much more than I thought erotic was, of what I was told it was. It had deep relationships and real-world problems, it had learning moments and growing moments, it was dark and angsty and happy and bubbly.

Rachel Reid led me to Eden Finely and Lucy Lennox and May Archer and so, so, soooooo many more authors and books and series that are exactly that: gay and steamy and angsty and filled with HEAs. I've read over 500 books within this narrow but constantly growing genre. Another fucking Narnia, but a bigger and brighter one.

Why is it even called dirty smut? What's so fucking dirty about it? And why are people ashamed to read them? These authors certainly aren't ashamed to write them. "Guilty Pleasure"? Why feel guilty about something that makes you happy? I've learned sooooooo much about the LGBT+ community, about people, about myself from these books. They made me indescribably happy. I might sob my eyes out, but I also laugh out loud.

Over the years, fanfiction has become more socially acceptable, well, for the most part. Authors are writing books about fandoms and being a fangirl/fanboy. Fanfiction is getting turned into "legitimate" novels, many of which are also being turned into movies. Cons are more and more common, both in having them and going to them.

Erotica is becoming more than more prominent. I keep finding more and more series/books/authors to read; it's a never-ending pool of texts to discover. All of the themes and pairings, all of the different genders and sexualities and expressions, all of the make-ups and proposals, all of the tropes and cliches and happily ever afters. Even straight erotica has been booming over the years, thanks to books like "The Love Hypothesis."

So again, I'll ask, what even is literary? What makes a book literary? Who decides what literary means? And why are we reading books that make us unhappy just because it's more "socially acceptable?" 

Thank your coming to my TedTalk.

#literary #whatevenisliterary #fanfiction #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

The Billionaire's Valet

Lucy Lennox recently wrote a shorty story titled "The Billionaire's Valet" for the anthology "Dissent." "Dissent" is a charity romance anthology involving 150 authors of romance genres in which all proceeds will be donated to organizations benefiting reproductive rights right the US.

["Iggy has always been a posh party boy, never taking things seriously, including relationships.

But it turns out, there is one man he values above all others. One man who he relies on and whose stoic reliability and care form the backbone of Iggy's life.

Someone he's been in love with half his life.

Jonathan Banks was a career valet to a posh playboy. After twenty years of serving as Iggy's personal servant, he needs a break. Jon can't keep watching Iggy leave him behind to live his big life.

So he leaves. He finally takes the dream safari train trip he's always wanted, but when he boards the luxury sleeper car, he realizes Iggy's followed him to South Africa. Can this be the beginning of a new adventure for them both?"]

Obviously, this story was fabulous; it's written by Lucy. And if you remember Iggy, he's Lio's best friend from "Felix and the Prince" (part of her Forever Wilde series).

This book was short and sweet--with just the perfect amount of steam. Though, there was some chest-aching angst in there, on both sides of the romance. But, with any book, there was one fabulous happily ever after. ;)

Buy it now before it's gone!!

#thebillionairesvalet #lucylennox #dissent #dissentacharityromanceanthology #acharityromanceanthology #felixandtheprince #foreverwilde #foreverwildeseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Snow Way Out (Valentine's Inc Snowed In #7)

Yet another deviation from my TBR piles, but again, this series (Snowed In) is linked to the Valentine's Inc series, much like the Cruises series. The seventh book in this series is titled "Snow Way Out," and it's by Nora Phoenix. 

["He's twice his size and a lot older, but will Mac let Quentin come out on top?

Quentin is searching for…something.
His identity.

Most of all, he’s searching for a man who will let him be in charge, despite the fact that he looks like an elf.
But all that will have to wait because right now, he’s searching for shelter after getting stranded in the middle of nowhere, New York with a massive snow storm about to hit. He finds an unexpected host in Mac, a man the whole town seems to hate. Mac has secrets…but so does Quentin.

Sparks fly between them, but can it lead to more when Mac is twice his size, a lot older, and practically a virgin… and when Mac can’t leave and there’s no way Quentin will stay?"]

I know I've been saying this a loooooot lately, but the way these two just got each other? Yessss, please. It was beautiful. They were so alike in so many ways, but so opposite in so many others; they were a perfect mish mash together, so much better than they could ever be apart.

They each went through A LOT, but it was all mostly before. When they got together, it slowly started getting easier and easer. Of course there were fights and misunderstandings, but it was just...easy and happy and them.

There are a lot of dark things in this book, by listing all of the trigger warnings, I would be giving a lot of spoilers; however, if you want them before you read this book, please, please, don't hesitate to ask, and I'll be more than happy to share.

#snowwayout #noraphoenix

#makesnowmistake #papersnowflakes #snowregrets #snowdaze #snowjob #snowflakekisses #aintsnowmountainhighenough #snowonelikeyou #snowwayinhell #snowedin #snowedinseries #valentinesincsnowedin #valentinesincsnowedinseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Snow One Like You (Valentine's Inc Snowed In #9)

Yet another deviation from my TBR piles, but again, this series (Snowed In) is linked to the Valentine's Inc series, much like the Cruises series. The ninth book in this series is titled "Snow One Like You," and it's by Ashe Winters. 

["Trapped in the mountains by a massive snow storm is bad enough. It can’t possibly get any worse, can it? But oh, yes. Yes it can.

I'm comfortable with my calm, organized, and simple life. I enjoy my job as a date-for-hire with Valentine’s Inc. until the newest edition to the company throws my life into utter chaos.

Spencer is a hurricane I never wanted to experience. And now I’m trapped alone with him in our bosses’ mountain cabin by a surprise snow storm with only a small generator and our own bodies to keep us warm.

I’m not sure if I can survive both the raging blizzard outside and the burning storm growing in my heart the longer I’m forced to spend time with the real Spencer.."]

This book was soooo cute! Like, you could tell that Spencer was being a brat, because he had uncomfortable and unwanted feelings for Angelo. Angelo didn't have feelings per se, but he was attracted to Spencer, even though he didn't want to be.

The moment they finally caved to their desires was super explosive. The feelings also hit really hard during that moment slash after it slash before it if you weren't in denial like Angelo.

The romance aspect all happened after the cabin and the lust-y, steam-y stuff. It was just as sweet and just as worth it.

Overall, a very, very awesome read.

#snowonelikeyou #ashewinters

#makesnowmistake #papersnowflakes #snowregrets #snowdaze #snowjob #snowflakekisses #snowwayout #aintsnowmountainhighenough #snowwayinhell #snowedin #snowedinseries #valentinesincsnowedin #valentinesincsnowedinseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Monday, September 5, 2022

Ain't Snow Mountain High Enough (Valentine's Inc Snowed In #8)

Yet another deviation from my TBR piles, but again, this series (Snowed In) is linked to the Valentine's Inc series, much like the Cruises series. The eighth book in this series is titled "Ain't Snow Mountain High Enough," and it's by Brittany Cournoyer. 

["Rest and relaxation weren’t the only things on Alex’s mind when he agreed to go winterize his friend’s cabin in the mountains. Since he’d been struggling to meet his deadline for his book, he figured a quick weekend getaway was just what he needed to get his creativity flowing again. What Alex hadn’t counted on was coming face-to-face with Rhys—the only man Alex had let close after his world had nearly ended. Only Rhys took his battered heart and disappeared with it.

Fresh air and a few days off were exactly what Rhys needed—whether he knew it or not. After booking Rhys a cabin for the weekend, his best friend packed him a bag and sent him toward the mountains. Lack of GPS and a cabin mix up lead Rhys back to Alex. An unexpected snowstorm traps them together.

With nothing but a few walls between them and Mother Nature preventing them from leaving, will Alex and Rhys take advantage of fate bringing them together again? Or have hearts been broken far beyond repair?"]

I don't think I've said it yet, but I love how every. single. book. in this series starts with "out of all the people in all the world to be stuck in the snow with, it had to be him." It was fucking genius and so cute and very Casablanca. 

Second-chance romances are quickly becoming one of my top tropes, and this one was super cute. Granted, the reason they broke up ended up being a little bland and dramatic, but they found their way back to each other, and I guess that’s all that really matters. ;)

#aintsnowmountainhighenough #brittanycournoyer

#makesnowmistake #papersnowflakes #snowregrets #snowdaze #snowjob #snowflakekisses #snowwayout #snowonelikeyou #snowwayinhell #snowedin #snowedinseries #valentinesincsnowedin #valentinesincsnowedinseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Snow Job (Valentine's Inc Snowed In #5)

Yet another deviation from my TBR piles, but again, this series (Snowed In) is linked to the Valentine's Inc series, much like the Cruises series. The fifth book in this series is titled "Snow Job," and it's by Beth Bolden. 

["There’s nobody Micah hates more than his ex-stepbrother, Jake. And nobody he wants quite as desperately. For nine long years, Micah has begrudgingly tried to move on. How could they ever be together when Jake never spends more than a handful of days in the same country, and never more than one night with the same person?

When his job sends Micah to a remote mountain cabin on snowy Mount Hood, a misunderstanding strands Jake there at the same time. Was it actually coincidence or in fact premeditated? Either way, Micah will need to put his resentment—and his longing—aside for long enough to survive the elements that might be conspiring to kill them.

As the snow levels rise, and their situation grows more dire, Micah and Jake might finally be forced to use the heat between them to survive."]

This book was sooooooo damn good! They clashed so perfectly. I loved how Micah had the first chapter and got to gush/vent/ramble to himself about this feelings for Jake. It was a perfect opening for how their relationship developed. 

I most certainly full-on bawled in the living room during several parts of this book, because it did get hella angsty, but wow, it was so fucking cute! It was fluffy and sweet and spicy and fight-y. It was glorious. So. Damn. Good.

Definitely adding Beth to my needs-to-binge-soon list.

#snowjob #bethbolden

#makesnowmistake #papersnowflakes #snowregrets #snowdaze #snowflakekisses #snowwayout #aintsnowmountainhighenough #snowonelikeyou #snowwayinhell #snowedin #snowedinseries #valentinesincsnowedin #valentinesincsnowedinseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Snowflake Kisses (Valentine's Inc Snowed In #6)

Yet another deviation from my TBR piles, but again, this series (Snowed In) is linked to the Valentine's Inc series, much like the Cruises series. The sixth book in this series is titled "Snowflake Kisses," and it's by Jacki James. 

["Frankie Taylor is a pastry chef in need of a fresh start, and Cap Roberts is a coffee shop owner in need of a pastry chef. Should be a perfect fit.

But the delicious pastries he bakes aren't the only thing about Frankie that makes Cap's mouth water, and as a newly single father, Cap can’t afford to risk not only his heart, but his daughter's as well. Especially since they don't know if Frankie will stay in River Gorge.

With the help of a few meddling friends, one determined little girl, and a few snowflake kisses, the two men will discover a love that is worth the risk."]

This book was fabulous. There wasn't a lot of angst or drama at all, and the drama that was there was entertaining as hell.

Their relationship was natural and developed so. It was easy and fun and they just went with it, letting their feelings guide them (Annie helped, too ;) ). Very cute overall and worth the read.

#snowflakelisses #jackijames

#makesnowmistake #papersnowflakes #snowregrets #snowdaze #snowjob #snowwayout #aintsnowmountainhighenough #snowonelikeyou #snowwayinhell #snowedin #snowedinseries #valentinesincsnowedin #valentinesincsnowedinseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Snow Daze (Valentine's Inc Snowed In #4)

Yet another deviation from my TBR piles, but again, this series (Snowed In) is linked to the Valentine's Inc series, much like the Cruises series. The fourth book in this series is titled "Snow Daze," and it's by Pandora Pine.

["Needing to escape the horrors of war, Beckett “Hyde” McGrath takes a job at a posh resort in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. He’s hoping to put his scarred past behind him and start fresh.

Moose biologist Greer Jefferson checks into the Black Mountain Inn in hopes of working on his thesis and getting up close and personal with his target subjects. What he finds instead is a mountain of a man with a bad attitude and lips to die for.

When the blizzard of the century strikes, and the hotel is evacuated, a certain moose aficionado is left behind with Hyde. Will sparks fly between them, or will Greer be left out in the cold?"]

There were a lot of dark moments in this, but all of the fluff and the steam and the chemistry shined through. In the beginning, it was all hot, angry sex while hiding secrets and protecting yourself. As they got to know each other and shared secrets and accepting a bit of vulnerability, it turned sweeter and softer. A definite recommend.

#snowdaze #pandorapine

#makesnowmistake #papersnowflakes #snowregrets #snowjob #snowflakekisses #snowwayout #aintsnowmountainhighenough #snowonelikeyou #snowwayinhell #snowedin #snowedinseries #valentinesincsnowedin #valentinesincsnowedinseries #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Snow Regrets (Valentine's Inc Snowed In #3)

Yet another deviation from my TBR piles, but again, this series (Snowed In) is linked to the Valentine's Inc series, much like the Cruises series. The third book in this series is titled "Snow Regrets," and it's by M.A. Innes. 

["When Joseph gets trapped with his father’s former coworker in one of the worst snowstorms of the year, he starts to wonder what ancient god he must’ve pissed off. After being kicked out of the house at eighteen and having to make his way on his own, the last thing he wants is to be stuck with the sexy older man.

Forest isn’t looking for a relationship, but when Joseph steps back into his life, grown up and hurting, he can’t walk away. Maybe it’s the Daddy Dom in him, but leaving Joseph confused and angry goes against everything he believes in. But getting Joseph to open up is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to helping him move on from the past.

When a boy is frustrated and confused, can a temporary Daddy step in and help, or will unexpected emotions steer things in a surprising new direction?"]

This book was wonderfully inquisitive and exploratory and welcoming and safe and beautiful. They cared and opened up to each other and shared secrets. They build a life together stuck up in that cabin. It only strengthened and expanded when they made it back to the Real World. 

Joseph was so closed off and hurt and needing something/someone in his corner to help him build trust and confidence back up. Forest was lost and looking for guidance for his future, something/something to look out for and build a life with. They just...worked so well together. It was so perfect. 

Okay, I gotta say, out of all of the kink I've read over the years, I haven't come across age play. Until this book. I learned so much. And like the Daddy kink, it's so much more than sex.

And with that note, I'll definitely be checking out of all M.A.'s stuff in the near future. ;)

#snowregrets #mainnes

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Limitless (Squad Goals #5)

  I SHOULD be taking this time to catch up on incoming ARCs instead of catching up on new TBRs...Should be. Here's Willow Thomas's ...