Sunday, June 30, 2024

Goodbye, June!

June was one of those months that was long as hell but also still seems to be at the beginning of. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

2024 Resolutions:

     (1) Don't stop reading
            (b) Complete Monthly Reading Challenge(s)
     (2) Make memories
     (3) Share love of books/writing
     (4) Be kinder to myself

(1) Books read this month: 44 (might get one more in there before midnight though).
    (b) Monthly Reading Challenge(s): Shape = Rainbow. Got some A-Z stuff recorded. Some serious ARCs. 

(2) June Memories: A short two-day trip with my parents. My dad's birthday. My dad's retirement. A few meet ups with an old-coworker (and a baby). A coffee date with my best friend. Some mini adventures. Nothing toooo exciting, but not nothing nothing. 

(3) Posts this month (including this one): 43.

(4)  Some days were awesome. Some were rough as hell. But (if I'm remembering correctly) there were more good than bad this month.

Anyone still holding onto their resolutions?

Any exciting July reads?
Anything I should check out?

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Two Straights Too Many (Heroes of Port Dale #1)

I need a little ARC break, and I figured I might as well be productive about it (getting one step closer to crossing another author off my to-binge list). Here's "Two Straights Too Many." It's the first book in Romeo Alexander's Heroes of Port Dale series.

["Elias: Moving to Daleport City to work at the local fire station was going to be hard. Then I met Cade. Turns out, I’d met my new best friend, and for two years, he’s been by my side through everything. The guys tease us about how close we are, but we’re straight, just good friends. Then Cade and I found ourselves having to pretend to date, pretend to be attracted to one another…And then we stopped pretending.

Cade: As if having a female stalker and a harpy for a mother wasn’t enough, I’m also in a fake relationship with my best friend? Then we ended up kissing…and more. Elias is straight, I’m straight, and we suddenly want to do not so straight things. That’s pretty much where I am now. So tell me… what am I supposed to do?

Elias and Cade, two straight firefighters and best friends, find themselves in a fake relationship that leads both men into territory they’ve never ventured into before. Can their friendship survive? Will they ever want to go back?"]

These two were freaking adorable! I mean, come one. Who doesn't love a best friends to lovers meets a fake dating situation? And add in supportive friends, surprisingly kind villains, and unsurprisingly unkind friends-turned-villains.   

Again, like with some of the bi-awakening books in the Men of Fort Dale series, there was just too much and not enough (yes, at the same time) moments of panic and processing. One MC freaked out too much, while one didn't seem to freak out enough. I feel like condensing some of it would have helped (or more fluffy scenes (or spicy scenes)).

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Their Wicked Ways (Crimson Club #6)

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of "Their Wicked Ways." Its the sixth novel in Willow Dixon's Crimson Club series. It will debut July 10, 2024.

["A year ago I lost everything and moved across the country to try and start over. It wasn’t easy, but I found a job I love, I have friends who’ve become my family, and I’m ready to start exploring my bisexuality.

Just when I think things are finally starting to go my way, I show up to work and find out the new guys on the crew are the super-hot couple I hooked up with last weekend.

F*ck. My. Life.

Now I’m stuck spending my days with the men who not only popped my dude cherry, but the ones I can’t stop thinking about.

The ones I have to try and be friends with after they awakened a part of me I didn’t even know was there.

The ones I can never have again.

Until one night turns into two, then more.

Being with Ezra and Wesley feels right, even if everything I was taught tells me it’s wrong. I can’t deny the pull between us, or how safe and seen they make me feel.

But how can two men who love each other as much as Ez and Wes ever feel the same for me?"]

I loooooove how these books go. Spice right off the bat (heavy spice in chapter two) with rules in chapter three: "This is a one time thing." And then, what do you know? The rules go flying out the window in chapter seven. Such a shame. ;)

These three were so fucking cute. And hot as hell. Holy crap (to both the cuteness and the hotness). So much fluff and soooooo much steam. These three fit together like perfect puzzle pieces, supporting each other and talking things out (really) and genuinely being a safe place to fall. Plus the effortlessness of just being together? It was easy; it was as if they've been doing this for years (minus the one (or three) moments of panic).

Trigger Warnings: anxiety, anxiety/panic attacks, religious trauma, parentification of one MC, mentions of past homophobia and biphobia, brief mentions of infertility, neglectful and emotionally manipulative/abusive parents, and more.

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Friday, June 28, 2024

Salacious Park Avenue Prince (Park Avenue Princes #5)

I knew being bad last week would pay off. ;) Taking an ARC and TBR break to read the Park Avenue Princes series (by Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine) led me to the perfect place this week to be able to accept and read an ARC of book five: "Salacious Park Avenue Prince."

This book has been teased as for the past four previous books. We ALL knew this was coming (and if you didn't, maybe you need to read slower--and that's coming from me), but just because we knew it was coming...I don't think I'm (or any of us) are ready for this (...or so help me, Easy's book).

["Who are we? Like you even need to ask. We’re the seven richer-than-sin legacies causing debauchery at the prestigious Astor University in Manhattan.
Some call us spoiled.
Some call us trouble.
But everyone calls us the Park Avenue Princes.

Travis McKinney
“The Outrageous One”

Or, as some of my fellow Park Avenue Princes like to call me, the Manwhore of Manhattan.
Act like a sex god, dress like a sex god, be a sex god. In my opinion, these are fantastic life goals. I have no idea why my parents think I have no direction.
I’m the fun one. Easygoing. A massive flirt. I get along with just about everyone, except…

Caleb Reeves.
Also known as “the Bane of My Existence”

He’s everything I’m not: Focused, effortlessly sexy but straight, and an ex-Park Avenue Prince. Or the “Pricks,” as he likes to call us now.

Our rivalry is legendary. Putting us within a hundred feet of each other is just asking for trouble. But no one other than the two of us knows why or how it began, and we plan to keep it that way.
The unspoken agreement is that Caleb keeps to his side of the city, I keep to mine, and we avoid each other at all costs.

Which would be great, except we have to see each once a month at family dinner.
Because Caleb isn’t only my arch-nemesis, he also happens to be…my stepbrother."]

You’re telling me THAT is the reason they “hate” each other all these years later?!?!? Seriously!!?!?? Talk about miscommunication trope. I mean, I'm upset, but at the same time *fanning self* talking about pent up sexual tension. 

These two were inevitable. I mean, seriously. Running in the same circles, going to the same school, monthly family dinners. It was only a matter of time before someone snapped. Just glad it was a kiss and not a murder. ;) Seriously though, can you see Travis murdering anyone??? Hell, no (he's pay someone to do it).

East Quote of the Day: "'That's hurtful. I have feelings. I just don't remember where I left them.'" I can't. D: I'd sell a kidney to read his book right now (not kidding).

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

If The Trap Fits

Small break (again) in reading my ARCs to read some novellas. Here's "If The Trap Fits" by Sage Abbott. It was previously published in the Matchmakers charity anthology.

["Ten years ago, Troy left Rosewood with no intention of returning.
Until his great aunt coerces him to visit.
The last person he expects to be set up with is his gorgeous bad boy neighbor.
The guy who bullied Troy in high school and broke his heart.
But Maddix is seeking to make restitution.
Troy may have a big enough heart to forgive him.
But is he open to loving Maddix again?"]

This story was really cute! Yes there was that bully romance aspect, but the actual on-page bullying was just a short prologue. It was healthy and real to see the aftermath of that ten years later from both perspectives. There were apologies and groveling as well as sweetness and spice. 

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Switch & Burn (Royal Bastards MC: Idaho Springs Chapter #1)

Small break (again) in reading my ARCs to read some novellas. Here's "Switch & Burn" by Bink Cummings. It is the first book in the Royal Bastards MC: Idaho Springs Chapter series.

["For years, I thought I'd never be free.
Until they found me.
For months, I thought I had to fight every day to show I'm strong.
Until they grew tired and sent me away.
Within minutes of arrival, I found home.
With him.
The savior of my story.
VP of the Royal Bastards MC and curator of the club's underground fighting world.
He saw in me what others could not.
I owe him my life...
But hope he'll accept my heart in its place."]

This one was a hard one. It covered soooo many dark topics. So many crushed souls and ruined moments. So many fucking trigger warnings.

This story wasn't so much a love story as a redemption story, a story of exploration, and a story of self. That just so happened to have love. It was about finding yourself, finding a home, and finding a family. It was about acceptance and vengeance. And some serious murder boyfriend moments. ;)

Quote of the Day: "To make it clear to the brotherhood, in case they haven’t gotten the memo, I point my blade at Switch. “Mine,” I declare. // ‘Yours,’ he mouths, trying to tame his smile and failing. // Goddamn love. See what it does to us? Makes me go soft and shit."

Trigger Warnings: graphic violence, physical/emotional/psychological abuse, human-trafficking, sex-trafficking, rape (on-page but non-graphic), PTSD, underground fighting, injuries, internalized homophobia, and more.

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Dateless (Squad Goals #3)

Small break (again) in reading my ARCs to read some novellas. Here's Willow Thoams's "Dateless." It's the third book in her Squad Goals series. 

["The Cheerleader and The Frat Boy

On paper, I have everything going for me.
I am a flier on the FVU cheerleading team. I’m getting a degree so I can become a kindergarten teacher. I have amazing friends and the best brothers.
Yet, with men, I am totally inexperienced.
Kisses…yes. Anything else…nope.
A stupid incident lands me in hot water with the president of the Kappa Frat house. Corey Howe is rightly feared across campus. Students and staff members have been expelled for crossing him. He gives me an ultimatum; do whatever he says, or he goes to the Dean and I lose my scholarship.
It’s hardly surprising what I choose.
Spending so much time with a guy who shows his disdain for me should be a nightmare, but the glimpses I see of the person behind the facade draw me in.
I’m in serious trouble…and I think I like it.

I may have a trust fund, but I hate entitlement.
When I became the president of the Kappa, I swore I would turn it from being an old boy’s club, to a frat where anyone can thrive.
It’s given me a reputation for being an asshole, which I wear like a suit of armor. People don’t bother you if they think you’re going to ruin them.
Luke Green didn’t get the memo.
Instead of ratting him out, I choose an unorthodox approach. Yet despite every chore and task I throw at him, Luke never loses his smile. He does everything with so much enthusiasm I want to throw him over my shoulder and see if he gives the same amount of energy in my bed.
That’s never going to happen…
…until it does."]

I (almost) forgot that "Restless" ended with Corey carrying Luke home (all caveman style) and (hotly) threatening to punish him. I mean, holy wow. 

These two were adorable. Luke was all in pretty much from the start (heart-eyes and everything), but it took Corey a bit to get there (nothing a little jealousy didn't fix).

And of course, this one ended with a teaser for "Breathless," featuring Perry. :D Also, the blurb (for now) on Amazon is "Perry has entered the chat." Looooooove that. 

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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Unhinged Titan (North Shore Titans #3)

Here's E.V. Olsen's latest series North Short Titans. The third novel in this series is "Unhinged Titan." It will debut July 11, 2024.

["Falling for the unhinged Titan was never in the playbook.

Taking the job as assistant coach for Crestwood’s hockey team is supposed to be my fresh start—until I meet Viktor Novotny.

The uncontrollable goalie is a chaotic force, pushing every boundary and testing the limits of my self-control. His ice-blue eyes follow me everywhere, making him impossible to ignore.

He’s not just trouble—he’s the exact kind I need to avoid.

When an explosive confrontation morphs into a pulse-pounding encounter, I cross the line between coach and player, torn between responsibility and forbidden desire.

But Viktor's the most exhilarating gamble I've ever taken, and the harder I fight my feelings, the clearer it becomes . . . He needs me just as fiercely as I crave him, and he'll stop at nothing to claim me as his own."]

God, what is it about the over the top, psychotic, really actually toxic alpha types that's addictive as hell. I mean, there's knight in shining armor (who, honest to god, Viktor claimed to be), then there's morally gray, then there's Viktor. Honestly, I can't get enough of this series (and these Titans, holy fuck). 

Viktor, page 18: "Oh, this is going to be fun. He doesn't realize it yet, but he's already mine. I've decided I want him, and I'll make I consume his every thought--during practice, in the locker room, even in his dreams." I'm not sure if I should be fangirl-smirking with Viktor or warning Beckett of his impending fall (into love, not from grace...hopefully not, probably not, but you never know with Vitkor).

Though Beckett isn't any better. Honestly. The possessiveness? That scene in the club?? The nicknames??? The nicknames!!! Viktor is Chaos. Some of the other nicknames: chaotic demon, chaotic brat, chaotic hurricane, chaotic shit. All said with love and adoration (and well, frustration--we're being honest after all). He's equally as toxically in love with Viktor as Viktor is with him. It's a beautiful balance (balance that Viktor needed and chaos that Beckett needed). 

I should mention, even though it is mentioned below, there is some pet related triggers. Mouse (the cat (who, spoiler alert, Viktor calls his princess)) is okay. She is more than okay, but there was an off-page past moment and an on-page current moment where she almost wasn't (but don't worry, most of the other triggers are because Viktor took care of that asshole...spoiler alert). 

Trigger Warnings: violence, cannibalism, bullying, mention of incest, murder, mention of past animal abuse, pet being put in danger (but is saved), stalking, dubcon, questionable power dynamic, and more.

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Monday, June 24, 2024

Dream Bound (Tasier #1)

While I've delved a lot and familiarized myself a lot with the paranormal sub-genre, I'm still not the hugest fantasy fan. But I gotta say, this series has me intrigued. "Dream Bound" is the first novel in Arian Williams's Tasier series.

Besides the occasional pang of loneliness, I really was content with my orderly existence until, one day, a chance encounter with a psychic turned my life sideways. And before I knew it, I got caught up in a secret organization of individuals with special powers and discovered my hitherto unknown parents. But most surprising of all… who would have thought I’d actually meet a man I've been dreaming about all my life?

My life is really quite complete… with a childhood full of adventures, a membership in a cool secret organization, sometimes annoying but fabulous special abilities, and, of course, the love of my life. Except there is just a slight problem. My love shares his dreams with me, but does not seem to remember me in real life.

Darkness casts shadows over us. Hidden threats try to tear us apart. Will we find a way to be with each other and fight against the darkness?"]

I think we've aaallllll read a soulmate fanfic before (and if you haven't, you're lying to yourself). This had all of the things: the dream jumping and the shared emotions and the inter-mind communication and the on-the-same-wave-length. It was glorious! 

Plus they both have magic!!! I mean, seriously, each Tasier member has a If You Could Have A Special Power, What Would It Be ability, and its awesome!!!! (I'm only slightly jealous)

Trey and Joon were cute as hell though. One sunshine and extrovert and confident, one grumpy and introverted and shy. An utterly perfect combination. And as they grow closer together (into their relationship and as a couple), they grow as people (character. development.). I love it.

Like I said before, I'm intrigued. I want to know more. I want to see how this "darkness" goes and how the good wins (good always wins...right?). I also want Eric (with a c) to get his unrequited love requited. :( 

Trigger Warnings: anxiety, anxiety attacks, loneliness, secrets, lying, kidnapping, and more

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June's Book Shape Challenge

Here's June's Book Shape Challenge! Representing the April showers, May flowers, and June...rainbows. But mostly, it's representing Pride Month. Happy Pride, y'all!! #Pride #PrideMonth #Rainbow

(I picked all of these books at random, based off the color of their cover; not based on: whether I read them or not--most of which I haven't, sense why they were closest).

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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Off Sides (Darby U Hockey Boys #3)

Here's Andi Jaxon's "Off Sides." It's the third novel in her Darby U Hockey Boys series.

["The captain of the hockey team has a lot of responsibilities but when it’s just us, all he wants is to be my good boy.

Senior year should have been the same as the previous years: football, hook ups, and homework.
But after the season ended, somehow, Joey Carpenter happened.
He’s weaseled his way under my skin. Into my heart.
The strong, intimidating, hockey player melts so beautifully for me and I’m addicted.
He pretends like he doesn’t need anyone, but I see him.
See what he really needs.
The longing to be cared for is there in his eyes.
I desperately want to give it to him.
If I’m being honest with myself, I need to matter.
I need to save him.
Save him from himself.
Save him from his family.
Will I be able to convince him that he deserves to be loved without conditions or will they leave him ragged and broken?"]

You know how in "Hidden Scars," Preston was the one with all the trauma and the fucked up (in an understanding way) trigger warnings, and Jeremy was his rock through it all? Well, in "Off Sides," both Joey and Nick are a little filled to the brink with trauma and fucked up-ness. You just want to protect them both so much, but Joey won't let Nick, and Nick won't let Joey know how much he needs him in return.

They finally figure out a way to push past their insecurities and anxieties and ask people for help. And some people just kinda barge their way in and give help regardless. 

I looooved how this book happened while the other two were happening, because, yes there were a scene or two with Joey and Nick mentioned, but nothing major. I love how these books shared a timeline, but each couple was so caught up in their own love story (and trauma) that they really didn't notice the other couples/timelines happening.

Also, suuuuuuper craving cinnamon rules right now (but not the way those two eat them ;) ). 

Trigger Warnings: off-page death of parent (cancer), emotional abandonment of a parent, disappearance of a high school girlfriend, substance abuse by a sibling, knife fight (sibling not main character), mental health rep (anxiety, lack of self worth, panic, and panic attack), slap on the face by a parent, and more.

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The Enforcer (Devil's Mayhem MC #2)

Here's R.S. McKenzie's "The Enforcer." It's the second book in her Devils Mayhem MC series. The first one was dark and glorious; this one didn't disappoint.

I’ve been in love with Zeke for years. He’s my best friend—the man of my dreams—but I’m afraid to confess my feelings. What’s more, if I’m with Zeke I could lose everything I’ve worked for. I don't want to have to choose between my family and Zeke or the career I’ve been working towards for the past decade. I had resolved to keep my feelings to myself, but too much alcohol loosened my lips and the truth came tumbling out. I fear my drunken admission will ruin everything.

There’s something coming for the Devil’s Mayhem that has the potential to bring the club to its knees. Is now the best time to consider a future with Shane? He’s my best friend and has been for years, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t taken notice of him. Mixing business and pleasure is a bad idea, right? Especially when someone is after the MC, intent on seeing our downfall."]

One: Drunk Shane?!? Fucking adorable. Booping a MC on the nose? Forcing Zeke to play with his hair?? "They weren't you"??? D: I can't. I'm done. I'm dead. (so is Zeke--metaphorically)

Two: Scorched-earth Zeke?!? Just when I though loved-up, romantic Zeke was cute as hell. Then you get fuck-with-me-and-find-out Zeke?!?!?? Holy hell. I'm done. I'm dead. (so is [Redacted]--literally). 

Three: LOOOOOOVE that we got to see some of Finn and Rax again. I mean, fucking hell. That scene?! I need a fan and some water. 

Four: Prez's story is next?!?!? End me now. I won't be able to handle that. 

Trigger Warnings: violence, murder, torture, and more.

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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Meet Me in the Waves (South Coast #1)

"Meet Me in the Waves" by Aria Brennan is another one of the many, many ARCs that I'm working my way through. This is the first book in Aria's latest duology: South Coast, and it debuts on July 1, 2024.

["No one expects to be abandoned the day before Christmas but that is exactly where I find myself when my mum cancels our summer holiday to be with her new husband. Not wanting to spend the break alone, I jump at my best friend’s offer to join him at his family’s beach house.

The only potential hiccup? Dane’s lazy, beach bum older brother, Nick, will also be there.

Except Nick is like nothing his younger brother has represented. He’s a welcome breath of fresh air, a man who lives life to the fullest and who calls to me in ways nobody else has ever done before. Oh, and did I mention how good he looks on the back of a surfboard?

As far as I know I’m totally straight and it’s easy to mistake attraction for admiration. But then the lightbulb suddenly flicks and I can no longer deny how much I want him.

I’m hooked and falling fast but we both have exes – my manipulative, slightly stalkerish high school sweetheart and his devastatingly beautiful supermodel ex who just so happens to be Nick’s best friend – who aren’t quite so thrilled about letting us have our happily ever after. Besides, this was only meant to be a summer fling. Right?"]

These two were such fully developed characters that they were jumping off the page after two chapters each. And I was fangirl-wiggling the entire time.

Ajay is an adorable hot mess. He's deep in the imposter syndrome, but he's cute, talented, sweet, a bi-disaster waiting to happen. Enter bi-awakening. Nick is hot and he knows it, but he's also kind and caring and wants nothing more than to "corrupt" the big innocent eyes that captured his attention the first moment they met. 

Nick wavers between playboy mode and crushing mode (which, frankly, was really cute), but it doesn't take him long to fall hard. Ajay though? He went from cute and innocent to coy and indulging to corrupted and inspired. All the while finding himself and falling in love. 

Quote of the Day (with a minor--but not really--spoiler alert) (Nick to Ajay): "You know, when I first saw you on the beach that day, you with your gorgeous brown curls and your pretty face and your big, innocent eyes, I wanted to take you and mess you up a little, maybe corrupt you. But instead, I fell in love with you and now I’m the one who’s completely at your mercy."

Followed up with (Ajay (the (cute) little shit) to Nick): "I fell in love with you too, Nicky. But let's not pretend you didn't also thoroughly corrupt me." ;) 

Not to mention all of the times little mix Ajay came out to play and Nick was left speechless ("Where the hell did you come from?").

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Friday, June 21, 2024

Insatiable Park Avenue Prince (Park Avenue Princes #2)

I still have SO many ARCS on my list and so many more on my TBRs short-list, but I need a break from being good. I can't remember when I first saw this series, but it keeps popping up (as does a few others, but I'm trying to be mostly good here--this book/series won out). "Insatiable Park Avenue Prince" is the second (yes, I'm skipping around) novel in Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine's Park Avenue Princes series.

["Who are we? Like you even need to ask. We’re the seven richer-than-sin legacies causing debauchery at the prestigious Astor University in Manhattan.
Some call us spoiled.
Some call us trouble.
But everyone calls us the Park Avenue Princes.

Donovan “Van” Truitt
“The Model”

Wrong place. Wrong time. Right guy.

Showing up at a very indecent film shoot was an accident. I was a highly paid model. A professional. I didn’t get down and dirty for the cameras, but one look at the sex god needing a scene partner and I found myself reconsidering.

After all, with a name like Sin, a body out of my rugged lumberjack fantasies, and a head full of dirty-blond hair I wanted to grab, he was almost impossible to resist. But I did—until fate put him back in my sights.

The only problem? He was the new rising star of his industry, and that meant he came with conditions.

The proposition: If I wanted a night of “Sin,” I needed to show up for the cameras.
My terms: Make sure my identity remained a mystery.

It was only supposed to be one time, one scene. But I quickly learned that anything less than everything would never be enough with him.

Who would’ve thought my happy accident would lead to so many happy ending…s?"]

I'm not sure why I felt the need to skip this one. It wasn't as possessive or as scandalous as Daire/Gavin's or Preston's book, but it was still so. damn. good. I mean, come on!?! All the spice and the love and the steam and the heart eyes and the support and the drama. Wow. 

Just when you think inventor of the Van Talks wouldn't be so dramatic (or caught up in so much drama). 

These two were sickeningly sweet in books three and four, but seeing the history and the foundation and the first hand accounts of their love was beautiful. 

#infamous #infamousparkavenueprince #insatiable #insatiableparkavenueprince #scandalous #scandalousparkavenueprince #posessive #posessiveparkavenueprince #salacious #salaciousparkavenueprince #notorious #notoriousparkavenueprince #parkavenueprinces #parkavenueprincesseries #ellafrank #brookeblaine #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Scandalous Park Avenue Prince (Park Avenue Princes #3)

I still have SO many ARCS on my list and so many more on my TBRs short-list, but I need a break from being good. I can't remember when I first saw this series, but it keeps popping up (as does a few others, but I'm trying to be mostly good here--this book/series won out). "Scandalous Park Avenue Prince" is the third (yes, I'm skipping around) novel in Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine's Park Avenue Princes series.

["Who are we? Like you even need to ask. We’re the seven richer-than-sin legacies causing debauchery at the prestigious Astor University in Manhattan.
Some call us spoiled.
Some call us trouble.
But everyone calls us the Park Avenue Princes.

Preston Abernathy
“The Perfect Guy”

When people look at me, I know what they see.
-a model student
-senator’s son with a shining future in politics
-Serena Carrington’s boyfriend
-the studious, polite, dependable Park Avenue Prince

But sometimes looks can be deceiving. Because I’m hiding a secret. A big one. One that could shake the very foundation of the Upper East Side elite.

My secret has dark blond hair and a smile that could charm the pants off anyone—including mine. Charismatic. Powerful. Unbelievably gorgeous, with a body I fantasize about—not that they will ever know. This secret is one I’ll take to the grave.

Because, you see, I am in love with a Carrington, just not the one I’m dating.
And what’s a bigger scandal than falling for your girlfriend’s dad?"]

I loooooove how shocked I was over Preston. He was a fucking delight?! I mean, come ON! This guy pretends to be all perfect and put-together, but get him near Archer, and he's a hot fucking mess (in an adorable way and in a spicy way). I'm really not sure how his heart (and didn't get him into trouble sooner. ;)

And Archer. Oh, sweet, Archer. Much like Preston, Archer was all buttoned-up and touchable, but get him near Preston and he was goo. Hot, delicious, unprofessional goo. His heart was definitely not ready for Preston, but Preston busted that door right open and helped himself in (almost like he asked East to get him drunk (we all make mistakes)).

East. I know this story wasn't about him, but damn. When he finds out about Preston and Archer he says, "Pour us all a shot of that, would you? I feel the sudden need to forget the fact that I've just been out-scandaled by Preston 'Poindexter' Abernathy." I fucking can't wait for his book, y'all; of course, his is the very last one (the one not even close to being out yet).

#infamous #infamousparkavenueprince #insatiable #insatiableparkavenueprince #scandalous #scandalousparkavenueprince #posessive #posessiveparkavenueprince #salacious #salaciousparkavenueprince #notorious #notoriousparkavenueprince #parkavenueprinces #parkavenueprincesseries #ellafrank #brookeblaine #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Possessive Park Avenue Prince (Park Avenue Princes #4)

I still have SO many ARCS on my list and so many more on my TBRs short-list, but I need a break from being good. I can't remember when I first saw this series, but it keeps popping up (as does a few others, but I'm trying to be mostly good here--this book/series won out). "Possessive Park Avenue Prince" is the fourth (yes, I'm skipping around) novel in Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine's Park Avenue Princes series.

["Who are we? Like you even need to ask. We’re the seven richer-than-sin legacies causing debauchery at the prestigious Astor University in Manhattan.
Some call us spoiled.
Some call us trouble.
But everyone calls us the Park Avenue Princes.

Daire Connery
“The Bad Boy”

I’m not a man of many words. But when I do speak, it usually starts with F and ends with you.
Keep to myself. Don’t let anyone in. That’s how I like it.
That’s usually how everyone else likes it too. My scowl keeps them all away—all except him.

We may both be Park Avenue Princes, but we would never work.
We don’t belong in each other’s real worlds.
He’s too soft for mine; mine’s too harsh for his.

But I can’t stop thinking about him. About those pale grey eyes that see right through me. The ballsy way he gives right back whatever I dish out.
I like that. Respect it.
Want more of it…

Which is why when I find out his ex is bullying him, it makes me want to rip that bastard a new one. Makes me lose my goddamn mind.

Because no one touches Gavin Truitt. No one but me."]

My goD!!!!! When I thought the first book was fucking amazing?! This one topped it. BY. FAR.

Daire should have gotten his shit together sooner, but we'll give him the trauma out on this one. He didn't think he deserved someone to care about him, especially someone as bright and bold and beautiful as Gavin (I mean, he called Gavin "a beacon of holy light"--to which Gavin promptly did something that was very...unholy ;) ). 

Gavin didn't hold back; he was no shrinking violet. He stood up for himself. He stood up for Daire. He went toe-to-toe with and for Daire, when no one ever dared (pun not intended). He launched #OperationTortureDaire (in which torture means seduce) to get what he (and Daire) wanted when Daire was too scared to do it himself.

And their friends reactions to Daire falling in love!?! Fucking hilarious. 

It was a little reminiscent of Jamie McGuire's "Beautiful Disaster." But gay. Who knows what other 2000s/early 2010s novels I'll relive in the rest of this series...

Trigger Warnings: bullying (but they get what's coming to them...and more), domestic abuse (off-page), violence, fighting, and more.

#infamous #infamousparkavenueprince #insatiable #insatiableparkavenueprince #scandalous #scandalousparkavenueprince #posessive #posessiveparkavenueprince #salacious #salaciousparkavenueprince #notorious #notoriousparkavenueprince #parkavenueprinces #parkavenueprincesseries #ellafrank #brookeblaine #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Infamous Park Avenue Prince (Park Avenue Princes #1)

I still have SO many ARCS on my list and so many more on my TBRs short-list, but I need a break from being good. I can't remember when I first saw this series, but it keeps popping up (as does a few others, but I'm trying to be mostly good here--this book/series won out). "Infamous Park Avenue Prince" is the first novel in Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine's Park Avenue Princes series.

This was a beautiful and filthy version of the 1999 movie "She's All That" mixed with that Simone Elkele's 2000s ya novel "Perfect Chemistry." Both of which I've been previously obsessed with. How could I NOT binge-read this?! Fuck me, and its a dual-POV (those were my fucking WEAKNESS in middle school and high school--still are).

["Who are we? Like you even need to ask. We’re the seven richer-than-sin legacies causing debauchery at the prestigious Astor University in Manhattan.
Some call us spoiled.
Some call us trouble.
But everyone calls us the Park Avenue Princes.

Weston LaRue
“The Playboy”

I’m never one to turn down a bet. Especially not when it comes to retaliating against the dean for pulling a dick move before summer break.
So when the dean’s golden child arrives at Astor for his freshman year, my fellow troublemakers throw down a wager I can’t resist.

The target: the dean’s son, John Thomas Hawthorne, or “JT.”
The bet: corruption in any way I choose.

It should’ve been easy. With his mess of brown curls, pouty lips, and good-boy reputation, JT is the perfect revenge. And even better? He’s straight.

Challenge accepted. I’ll do whatever it takes to prove a point, no matter how reckless it might be.

Game. On."]

Holy. Fuck. This book. My freaking holy mother shit. Wow. This book was fucking fabulous. No wonder it gets so much love on IG. It's so freaking perfect. And honestly, this bet trope used to be HUGE, but I haven't seen it in a while, so it was predictable but it was also refreshing.

JT was a bit of a little shit, but who else was going to put up with West and all of his spoiled, playboy ways. Honestly. JT brought West down to Earth a bit (and the subway), and West taught JT how to let go just a bit and have fun. It was unpredictable for both of them.

And I really want to hate So-And-So for the drama that unfolded during the third-act, because he's also a spoiled shit, but I think there's more going on with him (jealousy, hurt, loneliness, more). Annnnnd, I know for a fact, he's going to get karma (in the form of a HEA so hard it'll knock the wind out of him) in his own book. 

#infamous #infamousparkavenueprince #insatiable #insatiableparkavenueprince #scandalous #scandalousparkavenueprince #posessive #posessiveparkavenueprince #salacious #salaciousparkavenueprince #notorious #notoriousparkavenueprince #parkavenueprinces #parkavenueprincesseries #ellafrank #brookeblaine #books #queerbooks #queererotica #bodicerippers #bookstagram #bookphotography #ilovebooks

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Full Service (Franklin U 2 #5)

Franklin U (FU) is back, babies!!! :D I fucking looooved this series a year and a half ago when the first installment came out, and now, there's a second installment. Excuse me while I just fangirl for a bit. The fifth novel is "Full Service," and its by Cora Rose.

["In all of my years as a professor, never did I imagine I’d end up getting a lap dance from a student. But I did. What’s worse? He’s my new TA. And the icing on top of the cake? I can’t stop thinking about it. Can’t get him off my mind.

I’m Dr. Silas Sinclair. Respectable educator and a man with his head on his shoulders. I don’t break the rules. I don’t cross boundaries. And I certainly don’t stalk students.

Or at least I didn’t until him.

Everly Winslow is bad news waiting to happen. He’s everything I should stay away from, but I can’t. The flirting. The taunting. It’s constant, and it’s too much.

I’m only human and it’s only a matter of time before I crack and give in to my desires. When all is said and done, will I be able to maintain my respectable career or will it all crash and burn?"]

These two!! D: My fucking God. They were both hopeless and helpless and utterly adorable about it all. They were GOOOOOONE from the very beginning, and it was GLORIOUS! 

Mutual stalking and mutual "this will be the last time" and mutual Knowing it's far from the last time. 

I mean, seriously. This novel started with something like "I know that ass." To Silas's one-eyed fish. To sexual tension so freaking THICK that the best of knives couldn't cut it. 

And this ^ is me just having read the first two chapters. Not even lying to you. The first two chapters were adorable and awkward crack. The rest of the novel??!!?? I need a fan. Holy. Shit.

#fullservice #corarose

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Level Up (Franklin U 2 #4)

Franklin U (FU) is back, babies!!! :D I fucking looooved this series a year and a half ago when the first installment came out, and now, there's a second installment. Excuse me while I just fangirl for a bit. The fourth novel is "Level Up," and its by Max Walker. It debuts June 28, 2024!

Moving to San Luco wasn’t my choice. I was expelled from my old school because of a protest I organized that went south. Now, I was attending Franklin University with only a semester left until graduation and not knowing a single soul.
Until I meet Ryan Redpine at a frat party. He’s handsome, muscular, has a great smile, and I quickly find out he’s the son of a CEO hell-bent on destroying the environment.
I push Ryan out of my mind, deciding to keep my sanity and morals in tact.
But fate had other plans. When Ryan ended up as my surprise dorm mate, avoiding him became impossible. And so was avoiding the feelings that started to develop... Maybe getting expelled wasn't the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. Maybe it was actually the best?

Jay entered my life like a lightning bolt.
I’d never met someone I was so attracted to, and someone who clearly didn’t want me. The moment he learned about my dad, he shut me out. Then I get reassigned to his dorm. Cue complications, especially when his bed breaks and we're forced to share.
Things quickly heat up, but Jay's adamant about keeping us under wraps. He's planning this big protest at the beach for an oil drilling project and doesn't want my family name tied to it.
So how do I tell Jay my dad is one of the backers? And how do I make sure I don’t lose him in the process?"]

Jay from the previous book (to Jordan who was also having "guy troubles"): "'My troublesome roommate's a guy. Is yours a jocky gamer stoner who elitist fuck family is hell-bent on destroying the world we live in?'" To which Jordan's sister said that Jay might have deeper...issues with his roommate than his family.

Goodness, these two were sweet as hell. Sure, they were also spicy as fuck (go, you little kinksters, go). But their love and devotion and support really shined through the entire novel (even when Jay was trying his hardest to hate Ryan, which didn’t last long).

#levelup #maxwalker

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Monday, June 17, 2024

Batting style (Franklin U 2 #3)

Franklin U (FU) is back, babies!!! :D I fucking looooved this series a year and a half ago when the first installment came out, and now, there's a second installment. Excuse me while I just fangirl for a bit. The third novel is "Batting Style," and its by Louisa Masters. It debuts June 21, 2024.

There are a few things I know for sure: I’m gay, I want to do costume design for film and television, and a supportive family is what other people have. Oh… and fate’s not my biggest fan. That’s fine, though—who needs fate? I’ve got friends I love, a welcoming community, and a plan. Graduate college? Check. Build up my portfolio? Whenever I can. Impress industry pros? Done. Save the money for my dream internship? Working on it. All I’ve gotta do is stick with the plan, and that internship is mine next year.

And then Jordan Marks walks into my life, and my plan turns into a loose guideline. Suddenly I’m learning about baseball and giving away shifts at work so I can watch him play. My goals are the same, but maybe there’s room in them for the world’s sweetest athlete.

I’m pretty sure the gods of baseball don’t care if I wear a suit on game day, but Franklin U and Coach do, so when mine rips, replacing it is an urgent mission. That’s how I meet Blaise Warner and my “I guess I could be bi” musings become full-blown “I wanna learn to handle a bat” demands. Blaise is smart, talented, and has goals… and he’s more than happy to teach me a new batting style.

But as we go from casual to more, the things I never mentioned—like my dads’ connections in the entertainment industry—become heavy secrets. Plus, while our friends know we’re dating, nobody else does. That’s not fair to Blaise, but do I really want to be the latest queer college ball player?

I don’t get a chance to figure it all out before things fall apart, and now we both have to decide what our real priorities are."]

Jordan trying to figure out his sexuality with his sister and almost-brother-in-law (not an exact quote): "but like everyone finds Henry Cavill attractive." Sister and almost-brother-in-law: *crickets*. This reminded me of one of Lucy Lennox's books (not sure which one, but it was a Made Marian) when Aunt Tilly said something about how everyone likes boobs, to which she also got crickets (and also figured out she's a little bi). No one else understood Jordan (they all stared at him (and more crickets)), but Blaise did.

I loved these two. They were so sweet and supportive and loving and caring and spicy and found family. They needed to work on the communication thing, though. Cause, that third-act-break-up? (oh, yes, SPOILER ALERT): I was crying, sobbing, and I didn't appreciate it. 

Also, there was so much backstory with Jordan's family and his dads, and now I need to add Louisa's Joy Universe to my to-binge list.

#battingstyle #louisamasters

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Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Stealthy Situation (Franklin U 2 #2)

Franklin U (FU) is back, babies!!! :D I fucking looooved this series a year and a half ago when the first installment came out, and now, there's a second installment. Excuse me while I just fangirl for a bit. The second novel is "A Stealthy Situation," and its by Saxon James.

My life’s goal? Make plants fun!
I’m gonna be fighting for flora when I’m older and it all starts with auditing stats so I can level up for my masters, and lucky for me, the intriguing guy in my class is a math whizz.
He’s standoffish at first, but after a class where I bet my sitcoms can make him laugh, one bet leads to another and we’re hanging out all the time. Even though I know he’s interested in me, we’re easy friends, until I start to think I might be a little interested in him, too.
The only problem? He seems like a totally different guy in class to when we hang out. I brush it off as him trying to concentrate, but then I spot something I can’t explain away.
A scar. On his palm.
One I’m positive Benny has never had before.

Since we were little, my twin brother and I have always switched things up–literally. It started as funsies, and now we’re college juniors and still taking each other’s classes. I suck at Math, he sucks at English, and we both have a rule not to make friends in class as the other person. Our system is perfect.
Only Emmett has the audacity to get sick right before stats and I have to actually show up for my own class–where I meet my future husband.
Harrison is smart, weirdly into plants, and we instantly hit it off like old friends.
Only of course the gorgeous mountain of a nerd is straight.
Just when I’m telling myself to let my dreams of matching rings go, our text messages become constant, flirtier, deeper than I’ve had with any other guy before. My butterflies have butterflies every time we catch up.
And then I get a text from Emmett: I’m so sorry. I think I messed up."]

"But it works for us. Total opposites. All cinnamon and snark." 

To be clear, the one with plant babies is the cinnamon roll (Harrison), and the one "allergic to feelings" is the snark (Benny). Together, they're fucking perfect, all the chemistry and care, all the sweetness and steam. They're a team. They had to work through some stuff (some really hard shit, actually), but all of it made them stronger than they were before (and more schmoopy).

Like the last "season" of this series, I loooove how these authors interconnect each couple and each timeline (and the previous couples/timelines). It's a seemingly easy detail to add, but it really makes the books that much more magical. 

#astealthysituation #saxonjames

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Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Hookup Mix-Up (Franklin U 2 #1)

Franklin U (FU) is back, babies!!! :D I fucking looooved this series a year and a half ago when the first installment came out, and now, there's a second installment. Excuse me while I just fangirl for a bit. The first novel is "The Hookup Mix-Up," and its by Riley Hart

I moved to San Luco to get to know my brother, and so far, it’s been great. Working as a bartender at Shenanigans, a bar close to Franklin University, there are beautiful men and women everywhere. When a hot guy falls into my arms at a party, I’m down for some naughty fun. Until I realize he’s way too drunk for anything to happen. Thankfully, we agree to meet up the next day.

One near-kiss later, I discover Theo has no idea I’ve been hitting on him. He thinks we’re hanging out as buddies, and to my great regret, says he’s straight. How did I misread this situation when I thought he was giving me all the right signals?

Perry thinks I’m a nine … a nine! Sure, I’m not into dudes, but it’s flattering that someone as attractive as him thinks I’m hot. Despite the confusion, Perry and I click and agree to keep hanging out. The more time I spend with him, the more I realize there’s a part of myself I’ve been ignoring. One that’s super bi and wants Perry as more than a friend.

Trying to study with him makes things hard for me…below the belt. Unfortunately, his abandonment issues have him open to a fling and nothing more, while I’m catching feelings in a big way. Can I be satisfied with a hookup? Or should I find a way to convince him to take a chance on making this something real?"]

Okay, listen: the second-hand embarrassment during their first two interactions? Good. Lord. Theo was completely clueless (in an adorable way), and Perry was in full-on flirt-mode (in a consensual way), and neither of them picked up on the other's...lack of connection to their lack of communication. 

But their friendship?!?!? Friendship goals. And their with-benefits?!?!? Holy. Shit. And that's just the first 50%. The other 50%?!?!? D: It was almost too much fluff and love and spice for me to handle (in a very good way). 

The trust and the support (from each other and their family/friends) and the open communication was so freaking perfect. 

And don't get me started on Perry's nickname/petname for Theo. 

#thehookupmixup #rileyhart

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Anyone But Me

I'm trying to tackle and fight myself into a new path in life. In doing so, I've adding more things to my To Do lists and more things to my TBR lists. BUT that also means more ARCs for me! :D Here's JD Frost's "Anyone But Me." It debuts July 1, 2024.

["Oakley Farrow is your typical high school senior. He stays up late cramming for finals. He has impossible deadlines to meet. He worries about his future as graduation lurks just around the corner.

He has to defend himself from his abusive uncle.

He has to keep his sister safe.

He has to survive the constant torture from his bully, Asher Brooks - the seemingly arrogant and cruel star quarterback.

Okay, so maybe not your 𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 high school senior.

But when things start to change - when Asher notices the bruises marring Oakley’s skin, the ones he didn’t put there, and that evil gleam in his eye morphs into one of concern - one thing is for certain: his life just got a whole lot more complicated."]

Holy. Shit. This book was glorious and dark and all of the tropes but sweet and spicy and found family and true love and all of the plot twists and enemies-to-lovers and happily ever after and character redemption and justice is served. My. Fucking. God.

Trope 1 (here for it): "'Oakley...' His throat bobs on a hard swallow. When he finally tears his gaze away from my ribs, his expression is completely different. His eyes are hard, his jaw clenched. And when he speaks, his voice is angrier than I've ever heard it. 'Who did this to you?' // My entire body erupts in a violence shudder, from... the pain." Suuuuure, Oakley, "the pain." ;)

Trope 2 (here. for. it.): "His forehead settles against ind with a soft thump, our lips still touching 'You wanna know why? he murmurs. It's because I can't stand the thought of anyone hurting you okay?' His throat bobs with an audible click. 'Anyone but me.'"

Now THIS book is all of the things. It will stick with me for a while. These two, their story, their love, their fight for freedom, their happily ever after. It was beautiful. 

This book isn't even out yet, and I want MORE, more of them, more of JD's stuff (but this is her first novel should go read it and review it for her).

Trigger Warnings: physical abuse, emotional abuse, alcohol addiction, mentions of drug abuse, bullying, mentions of attempted suicide, grief, violence, gun violence, threats, offensive language, death (not of either MC), attempted murder (not between MC’s), and more

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Hunt in the Night (Blood and Bonds #3)

I'm trying to tackle and fight myself into a new path in life. In doing so, I've adding more things to my To Do lists and more things to my TBR lists. BUT that also means more ARCs for me! :D Here's S.J. Coles's latest. "Hunt in the Night" is the third novel in the new Blood and Bonds series, and it debuts August 6, 2024.

["Hunting killers is Mason’s job. But falling for a vampire is the scariest thing he’s ever done.

Detective Inspector Mason Walker is good at his job. He has never focused on much else in his life. Women come and go. Friends take time he doesn’t have to spare. The job is constant. He works hard and has built a reputation for determination and integrity.

Now his skills are needed more than ever. The level of violence in York has risen, involving both the haemophile and human communities. These are unexplored waters for Mason, with both political and professional implications, and Mason is afraid to lose his way.

But there’s been a murder—a haemophile—and Mason’s facing the question of not only who committed the dreadful crime but how? Nothing seems to be adding up. And being assigned a haemophile partner, Special Officer Cai Bracken, a freelance detective working for the Met Police, only increases his tension.

What’s really unnerving is that Cai is not only making Mason question his professional convictions, but his personal preferences, too…his most personal preferences.

With so much at stake, can Mason really cope with overhauling his police work and his personal life all at once?"]

This one was a culmination of all the books before it. There was hesitation and trepidation, there was trust and lust, there was secrets and violence, there was love and dedication, there was betrayal and murder, there was a wedding and multiple happily ever afters. 

I love seeing people get a full character arc through a series. 

We never really hated Mason (DI Walker) but seeing him more of a main character here than a side character was nice, and he's sooooo marshmallowy (well...around and because of Cai). Cai was caring, to a breaking point, and just wanted justice (so the exact same person as Mason--just more nervous and drawn back, unsure). 

Cai didn't trust himself, but Mason did enough trusting for him. I fucking love them. 

They're like the British, not-a-comedy, one of them is a vampire, one of them is walking dead (Mason needs some self-care) versions of Jake and Amy from Brooklynn 99. A perfect team, dedicated to the truth and dedicated to each other. 

Trigger Warnings: violence, gore, deaths of secondary characters, and more

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Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Snow Angels (Close Quarters #1)

I've been trying REALLY hard not to fall into the targeted adds and booktoks...I might have failed on this one. This one? Sierra Bennett's "Snow Angels." It's the first in her Close Quarters series.

["I've always been touch-starved, craving the feeling of another body against mine. Now I'm snowed in with my gorgeous best friend… And there's only one bed. 

When I agreed to hike a snowy trail with my best friend during winter break, I never thought we’d end up in a romantic couples cabin and sharing a bed. We’re supposed to stay for one night, but when a storm hits, we’re snowed in together for three days.  

We’ve always been close, ever since our first year at Harper College when we got so drunk we fell asleep on a rooftop together. Three years later, we know each other’s deepest secrets. Except one. 

I’ve always been touch-starved, especially when it comes to him. He makes my heart flutter, but I have to keep my feelings in check. I can’t let him know that his touch ignites me, or I’ll push him away and ruin our three years of friendship forever. Somehow, I have to keep my hands to myself. But sharing a bed is going to test me. "]

This book was "inspired by" Milana Spencer's "A Tent For Two." It was just as cute and sweet and utterly clueless as the original, just set in the snowy mountains as opposed as the Australian beaches. 

Just like with "A Tent For Two," Oliver's crush, confusion over his crush, and Wesley's feelings were all very obvious. Oliver's confusion and trepidation was a little frustrating, but in the end, they figured it out. ;)

Okay, off to TRY to get back on track with my ARCs and my TBRs, and NOT binge-read Sierra's other works...

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My Surly Solider (Men of Fort Dale #6)

I've been meaning to catch up on (binge-read) the rest of Romeo Alexander's works for a while now. I just realized that most of the Men of Fort Dale novels are relatively short, so here's to binge-ing. "My Surly Soldier" is the sixth and final book in the series

["Marco: Life is pretty good...for the most part anyway. A solid career in IT, a good home, and great friends who care about me. It’s a bit lonely. But I’m okay with that. I certainly wasn’t expecting to stumble across a bruised and battered stranger on a dirty street or to discover there was so much more to him than meets the eye. And I definitely didn’t expect to find that Carter, the grumpy, sharp-tongued stranger was the last piece of the puzzle that is my life…But that’s life, right?

Carter: Nothing in my life has been easy. The only way out of my crappy childhood was to enlist. That wasn’t any easier. The military hasn’t exactly been kind to me, even if it did give me a purpose. None of that mattered for shit when they put me on ice, threw me to the wolves and left me out to dry…at Fort Dale. But that’s life, right? At least that’s what I told myself until I met Marco, who honestly doesn’t play by the rules. I thought I knew how the world worked, and everything I thought I knew? Well, Marcus turned it on its head.

Can these two amazing men, who are complete opposites, find happiness? Will Marco be able to blast his way through the grumpy shield Carter uses to defend his heart? Or will Carter’s bad luck strike again?"]

Marco!! I'm so glad you got to have a story of your own after Dean was derailed by True Love (tm)! And I want to say that Carter was mentioned briefly in a previous novel, in passing. 

Carter reminds me of someone, but I can't remember who. Carter was all angry, rough edges. He was judged for his past, or at least what his superiors wrote was his past. He was judged for his actions, without wanting to see why he did them. 

Only Marco saw through his guise, or stayed long enough to see (because when Marco went on a tirade (more than one, actually) about Carter and his character, people slowly started to listen). 

These two might stick with me for a while. I've got a pick of a book-hangover from them, tbh. 

Trigger Warnings: war time action, alcoholism (sorta), violence, attempted rape, and more

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My Kind of Christmas (Men of Fort Dale #5)

I've been meaning to catch up on (binge-read) the rest of Romeo Alexander's works for a while now. I just realized that most of the Men of Fort Dale novels are relatively short, so here's to binge-ing. "My Kind of Christmas" is the fifth book in the series

["Nick: Team Maelstrom is my family as much as the family who raised me. That includes Matt, my partner in crime, and the closest I have to a soulmate. We get each other, and that’s all we’ve ever needed. But there’s a part of me that won’t be silent, the part that wants so much more with Matt. Yeah, I’m in love with my best friend and I had no idea a fun family Christmas would change everything.

Matt: Nick is my best friend, brother in arms, and so much more. We’ve been through a lot together, in and out of the army. I didn’t have a family growing up, so Team Maelstrom and Nick’s family have become mine. I love everything about Christmas and I wasn’t going to pass up the chance of spending a snow-covered Christmas holiday with them. I certainly wasn’t expecting to find out Nick had been in love with me for years, but it was a bigger surprise for him to find out that maybe, it wasn’t all in vain.

Come and celebrate a romantic fun Christmas with decorations galore, snow-covered scenery, meddling sisters and a slightly drunk father…who really should learn to keep his mouth shut!"]

I was REALLY hoping these two would have their own book after they were side characters in "Trust Me, I Hate You." They nearly stole the show then; here, they jump right off the page.

They were so cute and dedicated to each other and communicated through touch and totally in sync. All before Nick's secret was spilled. ;) After, it was that plus spice (and a lot of initial confusion and guilt). 

It was a little like "I'm Straight, Right?" where, in my opinion, both characters kinda lingered on the secret and the length of feelings and what-does-that-mean-for-me and labels. 

But over, suuuuuuch an adorable story.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

At My General's Command (Men of Fort Dale #4)

I've been meaning to catch up on (binge-read) the rest of Romeo Alexander's works for a while now. I just realized that most of the Men of Fort Dale novels are relatively short, so here's to binge-ing. "At My General's Command" is the fourth book in the series

["You know what they say about wine, right? It gets better with age.

Christian: Assistant to the General of Fort Dale isn’t the easiest job, but I love it. Making General Winter’s life easier is worth every bit of hassle. He’s a good man, and I respect him…a lot. Of course, I’m toeing the line because, God, he’s hot too. Sure, he’s a lot older than me, but I know how to behave and our relationship is strictly professional…until I stumble across an email, with a video! Then suddenly, everything is different.

David: I’ve seen everything in my time running Fort Dale. It comes with the territory, being the big man on top. After almost ten years I honestly believe the hardest thing in my life is being tempted by my extremely capable, good looking and very young assistant. No, not going there, that’s a really bad idea! Things get worse when a ghost from my past shows up with blackmail on his mind, and suddenly…Christian is by my side. That’s when everything changes.

A relationship between them is taboo, forbidden. David is twenty years older and he’s Christian’s boss. Worse, he’s the General and it could ruin them both! Could they keep their feelings a secret? No one would find out…would they?"]

These two. My goodness! *heart eyes*

From all the other books in this series, you could really tell how in-sync these two were, how well they worked together. Seeing it from their perspectives was glorious and adorable. 

And then adding in the mutual pining and the mutual attraction and the mutual lust? Oh, boy. These two were electrifying. And terrifyingly halfway in love before it even got serious. I love that for them. :)

Trigger Warnings: anxiety, blackmail, revenge-porn, and more

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Here We Go Again (Men of Fort Dale #3)

I've been meaning to catch up on (binge-read) the rest of Romeo Alexander's works for a while now. I just realized that most of the Men of Fort Dale novels are relatively short, so here's to binge-ing. "Here We Go Again" is the third book in the series

["A second chance to make up for the mistakes of the past. A second chance at love.

Troy: I’ve settled in at Fort Dale with a great job at the clinic on base and I’ve even made a few friends. The nearby city offers all I need to enjoy myself on a night off, if you know what I mean. I was just starting to relax and think everything would work out when he walked into the clinic. Oscar Reyes, the man I fell in love with six years ago and who walked out on me because he couldn’t handle the thought of being out. I never thought I’d see him again, and now he’s here, tossing everything I thought I knew on its head.

Oscar: There aren’t many things in life that throw me off. Despite a bit of a temper, I deal with things quite well. The IED that took my arm, and left me with a permanent limp was hard, but after six months, I’m managing. Well, I was. Until I ran into Troy again. Just seeing him was enough to realize six years wasn’t long enough to kill my feelings. When I walked away, it seemed right at the time and my reasons haven’t changed. This time I’m determined to stand by that decision. Until I went and kissed him.

Oscar and Troy would have sworn six years was enough to make them forget. It wasn’t. When both men find themselves stationed at Fort Dale, staying away from each other suddenly seems impossible. Nothing has changed, including their feelings, it seems. But is it enough?"]

When I first read the blurb, my immediate thought was "my poor sweet sassy Troy!" When I got to know Oscar, my thoughts moved to "and my poor sweet sassy grumpy Oscar!" 

They were meant to be, two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly, two souls finally reunited. It sucks that life through so many wrenches in their lives, but without those, they wouldn't have made it back to each other (and in the right place, time, frame-of-mind to finally be together). 

And as I say "my poor boys" in my head again.. YES, I do realize they are grown (fictional) men who are whole-ass soldiers. They can still be "my poor boys."

Trigger Warnings: war, war-zone, violence, major injuries, PTSD, and more.

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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Trust Me, I Hate You (Men of Fort Dale #2)

I've been meaning to catch up on (binge-read) the rest of Romeo Alexander's works for a while now. I just realized that most of the Men of Fort Dale novels are relatively short, so here's to binge-ing. "Trust Me, I Hate You" is the second book in the series

["Love and hate are not opposites, but sometimes they’re born from the same fire…

Sean: Soldiers die, that’s just how it goes. It’s different when it’s one of your brothers. Team Maelstrom, my team, was broken when we lost one of our own. And now we have to sit around Stateside while the men in charge figure out what to do with us. When they find a replacement, I immediately know it’s not going to work. I can’t deal with this pain in the ass. I want him gone. It looks like I’m stuck with him, but I don’t have to make it easy…

Aidan: I didn’t ask for this, I don’t want this. I’ve been thrown into this dysfunctional team with a team leader who’s out to get me. The guy’s an ass, and he’s driving me crazy. I can hardly think straight when I’m dealing with him. Then everything changes when he pins me to a wall and kisses me…

Before Sean and Aidan can figure out what to do about that kiss, Team Maelstrom is thrown from the frying pan into the freezer. Fear and peril changes people, but will it change these two hot military men enough to keep the team alive? Can they work things out between them and get everyone back home in one piece? And what about the future?"]

These two. My fucking goodness. Sean obviously was grieving and dealing with his own shit (and ego), and Aidan obviously was reeling from his past choices (done by him and to him) and dealing with new challenges (and his ego). Neither of them wanted to back down or admit they were wrong...until the hate sex happened.

Immediately after, they're sent into a training exercise (spoiler alert--though, now it makes sense why the blurb said "into the freezer") where...well, you'll just have to read it and find out, now, won't you? ;)

Either way, these two went from literally fighting it out (in the sparing ring, to the training grounds, to the infirmary (Doc Dean!!)) to laughing it out with the team (plus a spicy, sex marathon, getting take out instead of cooking, never putting pants on, lust bubble).

Trigger Warnings: PTSD, war-zone, death of a team member, attempt at using rank/station to get sex, and more.

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Bad Idea (Brooklyn Kings #1)

I was doing SOOO good at not requesting too many ARCs and getting overwhelmed and reading them at the very last minute..and here we are. Her...